Website links (please read)


Hi all, just a thought, now MQL is giving us widgets to put on our web sites, we are looking for exposure to the rest of the world, this exposure can be complimented by creating back links on websites to your own, how about we exchange back links with any users on this forum who have a web sites, I for one am willing to put a back link on my site in exchange for a back link on the other, any one willing just let me know, for example, if I were to put a link on another site it would possibly read as a text "Get some Trading Ideas here" the whole piece would have an anchor link to my site, or we could create a partner link portion on our site where any exchanged link would be the url of the other site, let me know, Rob 

EDIT: let me know your thoughts too. 

Any one who has a website will know the importance of back links, imagine if every user on this forum was involved, there would be over half a million links to each site, that's alot of links
Any one who has a website will know the importance of back links, imagine if every user on this forum was involved, there would be over half a million links to each site, that's alot of links
Advertising is not allowed on this Forum.
Advertising is not allowed on this Forum.
And so all of you who interested with rob's ideas may have to PM each other.
Thanks Raptor, I cannot figure how advertising has anything to do here, its all about links on any of the forum members sites, take into consideration that all widgets from MQL could be on their sites, its all about other members getting exposure to their own sites and thus leading them to their widgets, to their MQL products, I for one do two things on my site, advertise my product and advertise MQL, surely we can as a forum come togeather outside of MQL and help each other, could you define advertising in my post please and I will understand, Rob
And so all of you who interested with rob's ideas may have to PM each other.

Yes agree Phi, i would not like a list here on this post, course not, it would have to be via PM, should have put this in the post, any one interested PM me, what I was looking for was names in agreement then direction of how we could move forward, I think for forum members we can help each other, is this what it's all about, we are doing enough for Meta quotes, think about it, back links could give better rankings, better rankings make us easy to find, also finding MQL, is it not?

Thanks Raptor, I cannot figure how advertising has anything to do here, its all about links on any of the forum members sites, take into consideration that all widgets from MQL could be on their sites, its all about other members getting exposure to their own sites and thus leading them to their widgets, to their MQL products, I for one do two things on my site, advertise my product and advertise MQL, surely we can as a forum come togeather outside of MQL and help each other, could you define advertising in my post please and I will understand, Rob

Who is going to check if other members sites are commercial oriented or not ?   even if not commercially oriented posting links to them could still be considered as advertising.

I think the Wiki definition of Advertising is quite good . . .


"Advertising or advertizing is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to continue or take some new action"


what you are describing as  "its all about other members getting exposure to their own sites and thus leading them to their widgets"  is clearly a form of Advertising.

Advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Advertising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marketing Key concepts Promotional contents Promotional media Advertising or advertizing123 in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to take some action. Most commonly, the desired result is...

Yes agree Phi, i would not like a list here on this post, course not, it would have to be via PM, 

I don't see a problem with using PM. - User Memo - User Memo
  • 2010.02.25
  • MetaQuotes Software Corp.
You have just registered and most likely you have questions such as, "How do I insert a picture to my a message?" "How do I format my MQL5 source code?" "Where are my personal messages kept?" You may have many other questions. In this article, we have prepared some hands-on tips that will help you get accustomed in and take full advantage of its available features.
I don't see a problem with using PM.

See you point Raptor, and pleased you agree with the PM, all said in your post however, what are we doing with widgets, supplied by MQL on our sites? In the PM from MQL :

We have prepared product widgets for you that are similar to the widgets for Trading Signals. Now, you can take a ready-made widget code and place it on third-party web sites or your personal blog in two clicks. This is another opportunity to attract attention to your MQL5 Market products and increase your profit. Moreover, every visitor you attract will increase your rating. Find out more here:

Ok so all we are doing is evolving on this in our own way by including the very people involved, this is the first use of resources available do you not agree, there is just as much exposure for MQL, to be honest, I'm surprised no one has flagged this up sooner 

Add MQL5 Market Product Widgets to Your Blog
Add MQL5 Market Product Widgets to Your Blog
Please note that the widget is linked to the product description in MQL5 Market via a user ID.

Ok so all we are doing is evolving on this in our own way by including the very people involved, this is the first use of resources available do you not agree, there is just as much exposure for MQL, to be honest, I'm surprised no one has flagged this up sooner 

If you have your own website then yes I agree you can promote your Signals nd Markets products ( if you have them ) on your own website and also on sites like Facebook and via twitter,  but you still have to consider what is permitted by Facebook,  twitter and your hosting company.

Just as Metaquotes do not permit advertising on the mql4 and mql5 Forums others may not allow Advertising on their Forums/Sites/Blogs, etc so we all have to check before placing promotional links or messages.


Could we create a sticky along the lines of  "forum members with websites who will link to other members sites" (nick name only) this way we will know who is in agreement and we can PM them ?

Please have a think on this one and at least ask our gods MQL, it's not a bad idea if you think about it, if so, MQL can include they have nothing to do with this and it would be between the users only, any dispute would not be regognised, or am I pushing my luck?