Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 89

Eleni Anna Branou:

There are no legal problems, some brokers offer them and some not.

Thank you.

my signal got warning Too much growth in the last month indicates a high risk on january, this february still got it. How long this warning will be disappear ?

wiyono muliadi

my signal got warning Too much growth in the last month indicates a high risk on january, this february still got it. How long this warning will be disappear ?

If a drawdown occurs, that warning disappears immediately.

Hodaka Satoh:

If a drawdown occurs, that warning disappears immediately

how many drawdown ? i have 11% drawdown. But warning still appear


wiyono muliadi:

how many drawdown ? i have 11% drawdown. But warning still appear

About 50% of monthly growth seems to be standard,  from my experience.

In this regard, the support team has not made a clear response.
Hodaka Satoh:

About 50% of monthly growth seems to be standard,  from my experience.

In this regard, the support team has not made a clear response.

thank you

Dear Moderator,

In point 24 (, there is only example for growth plus. I didn't see example for growth minus.

If plus 14.71%, then growth ratio is 1.1471
If no trade, then growth ratio is 1

What if minus -5.29%, then how much growth ratio ?

If i set -1.0529, the calculation on end YTD is wrong

Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
  • 2013.02.20
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Ardhi Wicaksono:
Dear Moderator,


Moderators of the Signal service are the developers on the service desk.

for information.


Hi if I suspend a paid signal, can I subscribe to a new signal?

I don't want to cancel/unsubscribe from the current subscription.


Hi if I suspend a paid signal, can I subscribe to a new signal?

I don't want to cancel/unsubscribe from the current subscription.

One subscription per account at the time.
If you keep current subscriptuon so you will not be able to subscribe to the second one duirng this time.

  • 2017.04.12
Please, How can I can disable a copy trade signal on my Meta trader in my VPS without unsubscribing. Thanks...