WEEKLY DIGEST 2014, October 05 - 12 for High Frequency Trading Review

MQL5 review
High Frequency Trading: The Technology of the Future? The Video
Former CFTC Commissioner Bart Chilton discusses the high frequency trading environment with Mark Crumpton on "Bottom Line."
Welcome To A 'New' New Normal Earnings Season
Good review on zerohedge portal
The ongoing exchange of briefs between the New York Attorney General and Barclays in a lawsuit over the HFT sharks in a dark pool throws light on a number of ancillary subjects, including for example the NYAG’s continuing desire (a desire that the incumbent of that office shares with a number of his recent precursors) to expand the scope of the Martin Act.
High Frequency Trading Firms Talk Relevance and Need
Many investors have grown to hate the world of high frequency trading firms. Other investors accept them, and some even praise them. A group called the Modern Markets Initiative, or the MMI, has introduced the “Principles for Effective Modern Markets.” The MMI is an electronic markets advocacy organization and the principles are meant to be “a framework designed to guide the critical, ongoing review of (our) financial marketplace and its impact on investors.”