How much global investment do we need to provide sustainable economic growth? UN replies

How much global investment do we need to provide sustainable economic growth? UN replies

14 October 2014, 11:09
Alice F

The international community will need to invest 102.5 billion dollars in order to ensure sustainable economic growth by 2030, according to the report of the Global Commission prepared on the results of the UN Climate Change Summit held on September 23 in New York.

"The New Climate Economy" report states that "maintaining or strengthening economic growth to 2030 will require a significant increase in investment, including an estimated cumulative US$89 trillion of investment in infrastructure."

"We estimate that the full investment impact of a low-carbon transition in the electricity sector would be a net financial benefit of up to US$1.8 trillion over the period 2015-2035." highlights the report.

After the summit, the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon called on world leaders to provide clear and measurable commitments to finance climate initiatives. Thus, the member states have pledged to donate $ 2.3 billion Green Climate Fund.

For its part, the private sector has also joined the project of sustainable growth. Coalition of institutional investors, AP4, took over payments in the amount of $ 100 billion to reduce its carbon footprint, according to a published report of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

Commercial banks also contributed $ 30 billion for the development of new climate funds and the insurance industry, intending to double its "green" investments by 82 billion by the end of 2015.