An admin panel for your EA? How to code it.

25 June 2023, 20:42
Nardus Van Staden

I will now show you how to code an admin panel in MQL language, very easy and doesn't take up that much time.

Basic code is as follows

// Global variables
int buttonId = 1;  // Unique ID for the button

// Event handler for chart events
void OnChartEvent(const int id, const long &lparam, const double &dparam, const string &sparam)
    if (id == CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK && lparam == buttonId)
        // Button clicked, perform the desired action
        Print("Admin button clicked!");
        // Implement your admin functionality here

// Function to create the admin panel
void CreateAdminPanel()
    // Create a button
    int buttonHandle = EventChartCustom(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, buttonId, "Admin Button");

    // Set the button's properties
    ObjectSetInteger(0, "chart_button_type", buttonHandle, CHART_BUTTON_TYPE_TEXT);
    ObjectSetString(0, "chart_button_text", buttonHandle, "Admin Panel");
    ObjectSetDouble(0, "chart_button_price", buttonHandle, 0);
    ObjectSetInteger(0, "chart_button_color", buttonHandle, clrWhite);

// Expert Advisor initialization function
int OnInit()
    // Create the admin panel


// Expert Advisor deinitialization function
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
    // Remove the admin panel button from the chart
    ObjectDelete(0, "", buttonId);
  1. Global Variables: We declare a global variable buttonId to store the unique ID for the admin button.

  2. OnChartEvent(): This function serves as the event handler for chart events. In this example, we check if the event is a button click ( CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK) and if the clicked object matches our admin button's buttonId . If the conditions are met, we perform the desired admin action. You can customize the action inside the if statement as per your requirements.

  3. CreateAdminPanel(): This function creates the admin panel by creating a button on the chart using the EventChartCustom()function. You can customize the appearance and position of the button by modifying the parameters passed to the EventChartCustom()function and the subsequent ObjectSet*() functions.

  4. OnInit(): This is the EA initialization function where we call CreateAdminPanel()to create the admin panel when the EA is initialized.

  5. OnDeinit(): This is the EA deinitialization function where we remove the admin panel button from the chart using ObjectDelete().

Make sure to integrate this code into your existing EA or adapt it to fit your specific requirements. It provides a basic foundation for creating an admin panel with a button that performs an action when clicked. Its easy to use, you may also edit the code to fit MQL5

For MQL5 do this:

To create an admin panel in MQL5, you would use similar functions like EventChartCustom(), ObjectSet*(), and chart event handlers like OnChartEvent(). However, the specific functions and syntax would be adapted for MQL5.

The basic code will remain the same but the Syntax and Function name will be different