Understanding Pauses

Understanding Pauses

5 October 2022, 16:32
Carlos Moreno Gonzalez

Hello visitor! In this article we're gonna learn more about the types of pauses that DooZER can make. We recommend you take a look at the related article "Internal Features: AutoPause, AutoBreakEven, AutoClose & LockIn", where we discuss a bit pauses when we talk about the AutoPause feature. Happy reading!

Before we start...

Even though there's not any certain name for the two types of pause DooZER can make, for the sake of this article let's divide them into passive and active pauses. Also, with the exception of the manual pause, that is, when the user presses the "Pause EA" button, all other pauses discussed in this article are autopauses, and therefore they're subject to having the corresponding filter active (news filter, NFP filter, etc). Now let's get to it!

Passive pauses

This is the sort of pause where DooZER will not open any new basket after the current one is closed, and also  it will not open any new trade in the current basket. This is the pause we have in case of...:

  • News.
  • Scheduled pause.

As mentioned in the article ""DooZER's Input Parameters In Detail", a scheduled pause scheduled is treated as if it is an extraordinary news, therefore in this category we have only news. It should become clear now why DooZER will not open any new trade for the current basket, because when there are news waiting to happen the last thing you want is opening new trades. So, just to summarize, DooZER will not trade at all during this type of news. It will, however, monitor the basket in case it reaches the desired profit. There are also the AutoBreakEven and AutoClose features explained in the article "Internal Features: AutoPause, AutoBreakEven, AutoClose & LockIn", but when it comes to opening new trades, DooZER won't do that during this type of pause.

Active pauses

The other type of pause is when DooZER will not open any new basket after the current one, but it can open new trades in the current basket in order to close it. This is the sort of pause we have in case of...:

  • Non-Farm Payroll day.
  • Friday, preparing for the weekend.
  • Manual pause by the user by pressing the "Pause EA" button.

These are pauses where, in theory, we have time to manage the basket and close it in profit, then DooZER will pause. There is the sense or urgency to stop there is with the other type of pause, and that's why DooZER will keep opening trades if needed until it closes the current basket, and then it'll pause.

Notice how during this type of pause the status messages starts with "waiting to pause" or "waiting to autopause" to indicate it will pause only after it's closed the current basket.

If you still have questions, please ask them in the “Comments” tab of DooZER.