Trend Power for MT4 Indicator - User Guide

Trend Power for MT4 Indicator - User Guide

16 August 2020, 12:47
1 571

This article is a User Guide for Trend Power for MT4 Indicator. It describes all its parts and parameters. This indicator best suites for Adam Khoo's forex trading strategies. By default it is configured to use his EMAs and SMAs periods.

Trend power Indicator contains 3 indicative parts:

  1. Trend Indicator;
  2. ZigZag Pattern Indicator;
  3. Correlations Indicator;

Trend Power Indicator Overview

Trend Indicator

Trend Indicator contains two parts:

  1. Trend direction identification - Trend direction is signaled when 2 different MA periods is aligned at Trading timeframe and at Higher timeframe;
  2. Trend Power Identification - Includes 6 indicators, 3 for Trading timeframe and 3 for Higher timeframe, each signaled indicator adds power to trend;

Picture with description of bullish trend direction:

Bullish Trend Indicator Description

Picture with description of bearish trend direction:

Bearish Trend Indicator Description

Picture with description of undefined trend direction or trend power:

Undefined Trend Direction

ZigZag Pattern Indicator

ZigZag pattern indicator is useful for EMA Bounce strategy and Trend Continuation Entry strategy. 

Bullish ZigZag Pattern Bearish ZigZag Pattern

No ZigZat pattern toward the trend

Correlations Indicator

Correlations Indicator is the most important indicator. Than better currency correlation then much better winning odds of the trade. It looks for correlated pairs with base and quote currencies. Pair is defined as correlated if trend direction is the same as current pair and trend power meets the specified criteria at indicator parameters. Trend direction and trend power is defined by moving averages alignment.

Correlations Indicator contains 3 different parts:

  1. Correlation Indicator - Signaled when correlation meets the specified criteria (By default It's at leas 3 correlated pairs, at least 1 correlating with base currency and at least 1 correlating with quote currency);
  2. Correlation Scores - It shows scores of correlation, each score point is one point of trend power at trading timeframe (M15 by default) or higher timeframe (H1 by default) for correlated currency;
  3. Correlations Count - It shows:
    • Total amount of correlated pairs;
    • Total amount of correlated pairs with base currency;
    • Total amount of correlated pairs with quote currency;

Correlations Indicator

No correlationd

Indicator Parameters Description

General Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Latency (Refresh delay in seconds) 0 means every tick
int 1 Latency (Refresh delay in seconds) 0 means every tick. Higher values reduce flickering. Lower values increase responsiveness.
Color mode
ColorMode ColorMode::Light Color scheme for indicator visual objects.
ColorMode::Light - Scheme for light background;
ColorMode::Dark  - Scheme for dark background;
ColorMode::Custom  - custom colouring of indicator visual objects;
Objects scale factor
float 1.0f Scale factor for visual objects of indicator.
Font scale factor
float 1.0f Scale factor for fonts of indicator.
Show alive indicator
bool false If true Alive indicator is shown. Alive indicator is blinking when indicator is working.
Log level
Identify which log level will be printed.
LogLevel::Trace - Print Trace,  Info,  Warning,  Error and  Critical messages;
LogLevel::Info  - Print Info, Warning, Error and Critical messages;
LogLevel::Warning  - Print Warning, Error and Critical messages;
LogLevel::Error  - Print Error and Critical messages;
LogLevel::Critical  - Print Critical messages;
LogLevel::Disabled - Logging is disabled;

Trend Identification Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Trading time frame
Period of trading timeframe.
Higher time frame
PERIOD_H1  Period of higher timeframe.
Period of fast moving average
50 Period of fast moving average for trend identification.
Type of fast moving average
MODE_EMA  Mode of fast moving average.
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMA -  Simple averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_EMA - Exponential averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMMA - Smoothed averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_LWMA - Linear-weighted averaging;

Price mode of fast moving average
Price mode of fast moving average.
PRICE_CLOSE - Close price;
PRICE_OPEN  - Open price;
PRICE_HIGH  - The maximum price for the period;
PRICE_LOW  - The minimum price for the period;
PRICE_MEDIAN  - Median price, (high + low)/2;
PRICE_TYPICAL  - Typical price, (high + low + close)/3;
PRICE_WEIGHTED  - Weighted close price, (high + low + close + close)/4;

Period of slow moving average
int 200 Period of slow moving average for trend identification.
Type of slow moving average
Mode of slow moving average.
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMA - Simple averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_EMA - Exponential averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMMA - Smoothed averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_LWMA - Linear-weighted averaging;

Price mode of slow moving average
Price mode of slow moving average.
PRICE_CLOSE - Close price;
PRICE_OPEN - Open price;
PRICE_HIGH - The maximum price for the period;
PRICE_LOW - The minimum price for the period;
PRICE_MEDIAN - Median price, (high + low)/2;
PRICE_TYPICAL - Typical price, (high + low + close)/3;
PRICE_WEIGHTED - Weighted close price, (high + low + close + close)/4;

Use current price for trend identification
Current price for trend identification (by default it's Price > 50EMA > 200SMA for bullish and opposite for bearish).
CurrentPriceType::BID_PRICE - Use BID price as current market price;
CurrentPriceType::CANDLE_PRICE  - Use candle high price as current market price for uptrend and candle low price as current market price for downtrend;
CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE  - ignore current market price and use formula fast MA ( 50EMA) > slow MA (200SMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish;
Candle extension ratio (used if "Candle price" type is selected)
Candle price extension ratio. Used only if  CurrentPriceType::CANDLE_PRICE is selected for " Use current price for trend identification" property.
Candle high = candle high + ((candle high - candle low) * Candle extension ratio);
Candle low = candle low - ((candle high - candle low) * Candle extension ratio);

Trend Power Identification Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Period of fast trend power moving average int 6 Period of fast  moving average for trend power identification.
Type of fast trend power moving average ENUM_MA_METHOD MODE_EMA  Mode of fast moving average  for trend power identification.
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMA -  Simple averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_EMA - Exponential averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMMA - Smoothed averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_LWMA - Linear-weighted averaging;

Price of fast trend power moving average ENUM_APPLIED_PRICE
Price mode of fast moving average  for trend power identification.
PRICE_CLOSE - Close price;
PRICE_OPEN  - Open price;
PRICE_HIGH  - The maximum price for the period;
PRICE_LOW  - The minimum price for the period;
PRICE_MEDIAN  - Median price, (high + low)/2;
PRICE_TYPICAL  - Typical price, (high + low + close)/3;
PRICE_WEIGHTED  - Weighted close price, (high + low + close + close)/4;

Period mode of slow trend power moving average int
Period of slow moving average for trend power identification.
Type of slow trend power moving average
Mode of slow moving average  for trend power identification.
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMA - Simple averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_EMA - Exponential averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_SMMA - Smoothed averaging;
ENUM_MA_METHOD::MODE_LWMA - Linear-weighted averaging;

Price mode of slow trend power moving average
Price mode of slow moving average  for trend power identification.
PRICE_CLOSE - Close price;
PRICE_OPEN - Open price;
PRICE_HIGH - The maximum price for the period;
PRICE_LOW - The minimum price for the period;
PRICE_MEDIAN - Median price, (high + low)/2;
PRICE_TYPICAL - Typical price, (high + low + close)/3;
PRICE_WEIGHTED - Weighted close price, (high + low + close + close)/4;
Use current price for trend power identification
Current price for trend power identification.
CurrentPriceType::BID_PRICE - Use BID price as current market price;
CurrentPriceType::CANDLE_PRICE  - Use candle high price as current market price for uptrend and candle low price as current market price for downtrend;
CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE  - ignore current market price and use only MAs

Candle extension ratio (used if "Candle price" type is selected)
Candle price extension ratio. Used only if  CurrentPriceType::CANDLE_PRICE is selected for "Use current price for trend power identification" property.
Candle high = candle high + ((candle high - candle low) * Candle extension ratio);
Candle low = candle low - ((candle high - candle low) * Candle extension ratio);

Trend power weight for trading timeframe (from 0 to 3)
0 Trend power weight for trading timeframe (M15 by default). Trend power weight is algorithm for calculation of trend power. Minimum weight is 0. Maximum weight is 3.
0 - Do not calculate trend power;
1 - Price > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if " Use current price for trend power identification" property is  CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
2 - Price > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
3 - Price > Trend power fast MA (6EMA) > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
Min trend power for trading timeframe (from 0 to 3)
0 Min required trend power for trading timeframe to make rectangle of trend indicator signaled.
This property must not be higher than value from "Trend power weight for trading timeframe" property.
Trend power weight for higher timeframe (from 0 to 3) int
1 Trend power weight for higher timeframe (H1  by default). Trend power weight is algorithm for calculation of trend power. Minimum weight is 0. Maximum weight is 3.
0 - Do not calculate trend power;
1 - Price > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
2 - Price > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
3 - Price > Trend power fast MA (6EMA) > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
Min trend power for higher timeframe (from 0 to 3)
1 Min required trend power for higher timeframe to make rectangle of trend indicator signaled.
This property must not be higher than value from "Trend power weight for higher timeframe" property.

Correlation Identification Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Min correlated pairs count
int 3 Min required correlated pairs count to make rectangle of correlation indicator signaled.
Min correlated pairs count with base
Min required correlated pairs count with base currency to make rectangle of correlation indicator signaled.
Min correlated pairs count with quote
1 Min required correlated pairs count with quote currency to make rectangle of correlation indicator signaled.
Min correlated pairs scores
0 Min required  correlated pairs scores to make rectangle of correlation indicator signaled.
Trend power weight for trading timeframe (from 0 to 3)
0 Trend power weight of correlated pairs for trading timeframe (M15 by default). Trend power weight is algorithm for calculation of trend power. Minimum weight is 0. Maximum weight is 3.
0 - Do not calculate trend power;
1 - Price > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if " Use current price for trend power identification" property is  CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
2 - Price > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
3 - Price > Trend power fast MA (6EMA) > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
Min trend power for trading timeframe (from 0 to 3)
0 Min required trend power for trading timeframe to make rectangle of correlation indicator signaled.
This property must not be higher than value from "Trend power weight for trading timeframe" property.
Trend power weight for higher timeframe (from 0 to 3)
1 Trend power weight of correlated pairs for higher timeframe (H1 by default). Trend power weight is algorithm for calculation of trend power. Minimum weight is 0. Maximum weight is 3.
0 - Do not calculate trend power;
1 - Price > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if " Use current price for trend power identification" property is  CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
2 - Price > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
3 - Price > Trend power fast MA (6EMA) > Trend power slow MA (18EMA) > Trend fast MA (50EMA) for bullish and opposite for bearish (if "Use current price for trend power identification" property is CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE then Price condition is ignoring);
Min trend power for higher timeframe (from 0 to 3)
1 Min required trend power for higher timeframe to make rectangle of correlation indicator signaled.
This property must not be higher than value from "Trend power weight for higher timeframe" property.
Correlation type
Type of correlation pair.
CorrelationType::BASE - Searching correlations only with base currency;
CorrelationType::QUOTE  - Searching correlations only with quote currency;
CorrelationType::BOTH  - Searching correlations with base and quote currency;
Correlation source type
Source of pairs from which correlation will be calculated.
CorrelationSourceType::MARKETWATCH - All pairs from market watch list;
CorrelationSourceType::ALL  - All available pairs from current broker;
Use current price for trend power identification
Current price for trend power identification of correlated pairs.
CurrentPriceType::BID_PRICE - Use BID price as current market price;
CurrentPriceType::CANDLE_PRICE  - Use candle high price as current market price for uptrend and candle low price as current market price for downtrend;
CurrentPriceType::IGNORE_PRICE  - ignore current market price and use only MAs
Candle extension ratio (used if "Candle price" type is selected)
double 0.2
Candle price extension ratio. Used only if  CurrentPriceType::CANDLE_PRICE is selected for " Use current price for trend power identification" property.
Candle high = candle high + ((candle high - candle low) * Candle extension ratio);
Candle low = candle low - ((candle high - candle low) * Candle extension ratio);

ZigZag Pattern Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Depth of ZigZag pattern
int 6 Depth.
Deviation of ZigZag pattern
5 Deviation.
Backstep of ZigZag pattern
3 Backstep.
Is start at depth of swing
If true ZigZag pattern is checked at depth of swing (when appears low point for bullish or high point of bearish).
ZigZag pattern is checked as new point is appeared It can be low or high point.
This picture demonstrates how it works. ZigZag pattern will be valid only if this property is set to "true" value.

Trend Power Indicator Layout Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Bullish rect color (Color mode "Custom")
color clrLimeGreen Bullish rectangle color of Trend Power Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bullish rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
Bullish rectangle border color of Trend Power Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bearish rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Bearish rectangle color of Trend Power Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bearish rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
Bearish rectangle border color of Trend Power Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Neutral rect color (Color mode "Custom")
clrWhiteSmoke Neutral rectangle color of Trend Power Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Neutral rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
Neutral rectangle border color of Trend Power Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Anchor point
Anchor point of Trend Power Indicator Layout from which position will be calculated.
Corner of chart window from which position will be calculated.
X distance
2 X position of Trend Power Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.
Y distance
2 Y position of Trend Power Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.

ZigZag Pattern Layout Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Text color (Color mode "Custom")
color clrBlack Text color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if  Color mode is set to  ColorMode:: Custom.
Bullish rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Bullish rectangle color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bullish rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
Bullish rectangle border color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bearish rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Bearish rectangle color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bearish rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
color clrFireBrick
Bearish rectangle border color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Neutral rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Neutral rectangle color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Neutral rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
Neutral rectangle border color of ZigZag Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Anchor point
Anchor point of ZigZag Indicator Layout from which position will be calculated.
Corner of chart window from which position will be calculated.
X distance
X position of ZigZag Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.
Y distance
Y position of ZigZag Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.

Correlation Layout Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Text color (Color mode "Custom")
color clrBlack Text color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if  Color mode is set to  ColorMode:: Custom.
Bullish rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Bullish rectangle color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bullish rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
Bullish rectangle border color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bearish rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Bearish rectangle color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Bearish rect border color (Color mode "Custom") color
Bearish rectangle border color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Neutral rect color (Color mode "Custom")
Neutral rectangle color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Neutral rect border color (Color mode "Custom")
color clrGray
Neutral rectangle border color of Correlation Indicator Layout. Applied only if Color mode is set to ColorMode::Custom.
Anchor point
Anchor point of Correlation Indicator Layout from which position will be calculated.
Corner of chart window from which position will be calculated.
X distance
X position of Correlation Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.
Y distance
Y position of Correlation Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.

Alive Indicator Layout Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Anchor point
ENUM_ANCHOR_POINT ANCHOR_RIGHT_UPPER Anchor point of Alive Indicator Layout from which position will be calculated.
Corner of chart window from which position will be calculated.
X distance
X position of Alive Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.
Y distance
Y position of Alive Indicator Layout from Corner to Anchor point.

Notifications Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Notifications process interval in sec int 30 Interval for processing of notifications conditions (higher value reduce CPU usage).

Trend Power Notification Config

Parameter Name  Type Default Value  Description
Enable trend power alerts bool false Send notification via MetaTrader Alert system.
Enable trend power email notification bool false Send notification via Email.
Enable trend power push notification bool
false Send notification via mobile Push.
Symbols source type for notifications CurrenciesProviderType CHART_SYMBOLS Source of symbols for which indicator will be throw notifications.
CurrenciesProviderType::MARKET_WATCH - Symbols from the market watch list;
CurrenciesProviderType::ALL_SYMBOLS - All available symbols;
CurrenciesProviderType::SPECIFIED_SYMBOLS - List of specified symbols by user;
CurrenciesProviderType::CHART_SYMBOLS - Symbol for current chart;
Symbols specified by user for notifications (EURUSD;USDJPY) string

Specified symbols by user with ";" separator.  Symbols for which indicator will be throw notifications if CurrenciesProviderType::SPECIFIED_SYMBOLS value is selected for property " Symbols source type for notifications "
Notification's execution NotificationExecution NotifyAsSoonAsPossible Notification's execution type.
NotificationExecution::NotifyAsSoonAsPossible - instantly send notification as all conditions are met;
NotificationExecution::NotifyOnceCandleClose - send notification as N-Period candle is closed if all conditions are met;
Candle period for Notification's execution ENUM_TIMEFRAMES PERIOD_CURRENT Candle period for sending notification if NotificationExecution::NotifyOnceCandleClose is selected for " Notification's execution" property.
Min delay for the same notification (sec) int 600 Delay time between sending the same notification if all conditions will be met several times.
Min trend power for trading timeframe int 3 Minimum required trend power for trading timeframe. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
Min trend power for higher timeframe int 3 Minimum required trend power for higher timeframe. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
Min correlations with base currency (from 0 to 3) int 1 Minimum required correlations with base currency. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
Min correlations with quote currency (from 0 to 3) int 1 Minimum required correlations with quote currency. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
Min total correlations int 3 Minimum required total correlations. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
Min correlation scores int 8 Minimum required correlation scores. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
ZigZag pattern bool false Have to been ZigZag pattern. It's a condition which have to be satisfied for notification sending.
Signal Code string [Trend Power] Prefix before message of Trend Power notification.
Use short message form of notification bool false If true then uses short form of message for Trend Power notification, otherwise uses full form of message.
Show notifications arrows on chart bool false If true then shows arrow on a chart when Trend Power message is thrown.

Chart examples

Chart Example 1

Chart Example 2

Chart Example 3

