Pivot Points
Last Updated: Sep 15, 1:00 am +03:00
Symbol S3 S2 S1 P R1 R2 R3 EUR/USD 1.12369 1.12425 1.12443 1.12481 1.12499 1.12537 1.12593 USD/JPY 102.201 102.301 102.347 102.401 102.447 102.501 102.601 GBP/USD 1.32111 1.3222 1.32264 1.32329 1.32373 1.32438 1.32547 USD/CHF 0.97205 0.97261 0.97288 0.97317 0.97344 0.97373 0.97429 EUR/CHF 1.09316 1.09393 1.09418 1.0947 1.09495 1.09547 1.09624 AUD/USD 0.74492 0.74586 0.74618 0.7468 0.74712 0.74774 0.74868 USD/CAD 1.31829 1.31889 1.31909 1.31949 1.31969 1.32009 1.32069 NZD/USD 0.72687 0.72747 0.72775 0.72807 0.72835 0.72867 0.72927 EUR/GBP 0.84872 0.8493 0.84961 0.84988 0.85019 0.85046 0.85104 EUR/JPY 114.965 115.08 115.132 115.195 115.247 115.31 115.425 GBP/JPY 135.244 135.385 135.435 135.526 135.576 135.667 135.808 CHF/JPY 104.995 105.088 105.12 105.181 105.213 105.274 105.367 GBP/CHF 1.28473 1.28625 1.28682 1.28777 1.28834 1.28929 1.29081 USD/SEK 8.42693 8.45133 8.45947 8.47573 8.48387 8.50013 8.52453 USD/NOK 8.20072 8.21297 8.21708 8.22522 8.22933 8.23747 8.24972 EUR/AUD 1.5025 1.50391 1.50445 1.50532 1.50586 1.50673 1.50814 EUR/CAD 1.48165 1.48295 1.48339 1.48425 1.48469 1.48555 1.48685 AUD/CAD 0.98177 0.98349 0.98407 0.98521 0.98579 0.98693 0.98865 AUD/JPY 76.186 76.329 76.379 76.472 76.522 76.615 76.758 CAD/JPY 77.432 77.508 77.547 77.584 77.623 77.66 77.736 XAU/USD 1319.99 1321.16 1321.73 1322.33 1322.9 1323.5 1324.67
Pivot Points are widely used by day traders to quickly determine where forex market sentiment may change between bullish and bearish. Pivot Points are also commonly used to find likely Support and Resistance levels.
- Pivot Points are calculated using the Open, High, Low, and Close prices for the previous period. So, today's Pivot Points use yesterday's Open, High, Low, and Close values.
- The Trading Day begins and ends at 5pm New York Time.

Last Updated: Sep 15, 1:00 am +03:00
Symbol | S3 | S2 | S1 | P | R1 | R2 | R3 |
EUR/USD | 1.12369 | 1.12425 | 1.12443 | 1.12481 | 1.12499 | 1.12537 | 1.12593 |
USD/JPY | 102.201 | 102.301 | 102.347 | 102.401 | 102.447 | 102.501 | 102.601 |
GBP/USD | 1.32111 | 1.3222 | 1.32264 | 1.32329 | 1.32373 | 1.32438 | 1.32547 |
USD/CHF | 0.97205 | 0.97261 | 0.97288 | 0.97317 | 0.97344 | 0.97373 | 0.97429 |
EUR/CHF | 1.09316 | 1.09393 | 1.09418 | 1.0947 | 1.09495 | 1.09547 | 1.09624 |
AUD/USD | 0.74492 | 0.74586 | 0.74618 | 0.7468 | 0.74712 | 0.74774 | 0.74868 |
USD/CAD | 1.31829 | 1.31889 | 1.31909 | 1.31949 | 1.31969 | 1.32009 | 1.32069 |
NZD/USD | 0.72687 | 0.72747 | 0.72775 | 0.72807 | 0.72835 | 0.72867 | 0.72927 |
EUR/GBP | 0.84872 | 0.8493 | 0.84961 | 0.84988 | 0.85019 | 0.85046 | 0.85104 |
EUR/JPY | 114.965 | 115.08 | 115.132 | 115.195 | 115.247 | 115.31 | 115.425 |
GBP/JPY | 135.244 | 135.385 | 135.435 | 135.526 | 135.576 | 135.667 | 135.808 |
CHF/JPY | 104.995 | 105.088 | 105.12 | 105.181 | 105.213 | 105.274 | 105.367 |
GBP/CHF | 1.28473 | 1.28625 | 1.28682 | 1.28777 | 1.28834 | 1.28929 | 1.29081 |
USD/SEK | 8.42693 | 8.45133 | 8.45947 | 8.47573 | 8.48387 | 8.50013 | 8.52453 |
USD/NOK | 8.20072 | 8.21297 | 8.21708 | 8.22522 | 8.22933 | 8.23747 | 8.24972 |
EUR/AUD | 1.5025 | 1.50391 | 1.50445 | 1.50532 | 1.50586 | 1.50673 | 1.50814 |
EUR/CAD | 1.48165 | 1.48295 | 1.48339 | 1.48425 | 1.48469 | 1.48555 | 1.48685 |
AUD/CAD | 0.98177 | 0.98349 | 0.98407 | 0.98521 | 0.98579 | 0.98693 | 0.98865 |
AUD/JPY | 76.186 | 76.329 | 76.379 | 76.472 | 76.522 | 76.615 | 76.758 |
CAD/JPY | 77.432 | 77.508 | 77.547 | 77.584 | 77.623 | 77.66 | 77.736 |
XAU/USD | 1319.99 | 1321.16 | 1321.73 | 1322.33 | 1322.9 | 1323.5 | 1324.67 |
Pivot Points are widely used by day traders to quickly determine where forex market sentiment may change between bullish and bearish. Pivot Points are also commonly used to find likely Support and Resistance levels.
- Pivot Points are calculated using the Open, High, Low, and Close prices for the previous period. So, today's Pivot Points use yesterday's Open, High, Low, and Close values.
- The Trading Day begins and ends at 5pm New York Time.