Oil: Doha Ended in Disappointment – Deutsche Bank

Oil: Doha Ended in Disappointment – Deutsche Bank

18 April 2016, 12:43
Roberto Jacobs

Oil: Doha Ended in Disappointment – Deutsche Bank

Research Team at Deutsche Bank, suggests that all eyes were on oil this morning as the long awaited producers meeting in Doha ended in disappointment last night.

Key Quotes

“Following extended talks, OPEC members and major producers walked away without any agreement on a production freeze. Prior to this, the WSJ had suggested that a draft accord had been circulated calling for a freeze at January levels until the end of October.

Saudi Arabia seems to have taken a harder stance however with the major sticking point the lack of participation from Iran, who failed to even send a representative to the meeting. Following the end of the meeting, the energy minister of Qatar was however cited as saying that OPEC members will continue to consult between themselves as well as non-OPEC members up until June with the bi-annual OPEC meeting set to be held on June 2nd.”
