Why should i sell my so nice tradingsystem?

8 March 2016, 21:35
Adebayo Gildas TOSSOU

I love mql5.com website because you can find everything about or related to trading. Let assume that i devoloped a robust trading system with a good consistent and positive pnl. I can not see why, i should sell it. If my trading System is good enough for making money, so no need to sell it. If pnl is consistent and positive, no need client. If i have a good discipline, follow my system should be simple.But if all of that, is not true, i mean pnl is not good, not consistent etc..., no one will buy it. As matter of fact, i think, selling tradingSystem could have a bad wave on TradingSystem Building or TradingSystem following, because you will be disturb by question about your tradingsystem. You will have to explain everything around your method etc....


In the case of , you have a good discipline for selling and building your trading system, for few money or not, anyone can take a look on your system and by working on it, he will be able to find your secret.Let assume that you have a successful trading system, on mql5.com, the most suscribers you can hope to have will be around 200 or 250. Selling  your trading system at a flat price of USD20, this will mean that  global revenue around USD 4000 and 5000 monthly. Is this is enough for telling to public your secret or your so nice and robust system is not good enough for generating USD 5000 per month.

Come on.... I can't  definitively accept the fact to sell signals or tradingsystem.

If someone could make me change mind, please let me know!!!