Reading a Forex Quote and Understanding the Jargon

Reading a Forex Quote and Understanding the Jargon

14 February 2016, 23:16


 One of the biggest sources of confusion for those new to the forex trading industry is the standard for quoting currency dealing trading. In this section, we'll go over forex trading quotations and how they work in forex trading couple trades.

Reading a Quote
When a forex trading is estimated, it is done associated to another forex trading, so that the value of one is reflected through the value of another. Therefore, if you are trying to determine the return rate between the U.S. money (USD) and the Japanese people yen (JPY), the forex trading quotation would look like this:

USD/JPY = 119.50
This is referred to as a forex trading couple. The forex trading to the left of the reduce is the bottom forex trading, while the currency dealing on the right is known as the quotation or counter forex trading. The platform currency dealing (in this situation, the U.S. dollar) is always equal to one device (in this situation, US$1), and the estimated forex trading (in this situation, the Japanese people yen) is what that one platform device is equal to in the other forex trading. The quotation indicates that US$1 = 119.50 Japanese people yen. In other words, US$1 can buy 119.50 Japanese people yen. The forex trading quotation includes the forex trading abbreviations for the forex trading in question.

Direct Currency Quote vs. Oblique Currency Quote

There are two ways to quotation a currency dealing couple, either directly or indirectly. A primary currency dealing quotation is simply a currency dealing couple in which the household currency dealing is the estimated currency; while an indirect quotation, is a currency dealing couple where the household currency dealing is the bottom currency dealing. So if you were looking at the Canada money as the household currency dealing and U.S. money as the currency dealing, a immediate quotation would be USD/CAD, while an indirect quotation would be CAD/USD. The immediate quotation varies the household currency dealing, and the bottom, or currency dealing, remains fixed at one device. In the indirect quotation, on the other hand, the currency dealing is variable and the household currency dealing is fixed at one device.

For example, if Canada is the household currency dealing, a immediate quotation would be 1.18 USD/CAD and indicates that USD$1 will purchase C$1.18 . The indirect quotation for this would be the inverse (1/1.18), 0.85 CAD/USD, which implies with C$1, you can purchase US$0.85.

In the currency dealing spot industry, most currency dealing trading are traded against the U.S. money, and the U.S. money is frequently the bottom currency dealing in the currency dealing couple. In these cases, it is known as a immediate quotation. This would apply to the above USD/JPY currency dealing couple, which indicates that US$1 is equal to 119.50 Japanese people yen.

However, not all currency dealing trading have the U.S. money as the bottom. The Queen's currency dealing trading - those currency dealing trading that historically have had a tie with Britain, such as the British pound, Australian Dollar and New Zealand money - are all estimated as the bottom currency dealing against the U.S. money. The european, which is relatively new, is estimated the same way as well. In these cases, the U.S. money is the counter currency dealing, and the return rate is referred to as an indirect quotation. This is why the EUR/USD quotation is given as 1.25, for example, because it indicates that one european is very same of 1.25 U.S. money.

Most fx rates are estimated out to four numbers after the decimal place, with the exception of the Japanese people yen (JPY), which is estimated out to two decimal places.

Cross Currency
When a currency dealing quotation is given without the U.S. money as one of its components, this is known as a combination currency dealing. The most common combination currency dealing sets are the EUR/GBP, EUR/CHF and EUR/JPY. These currency dealing sets expand the dealing possibilities in the currency dealing trading industry, but it is important to note that they do not have as much of a following (for example, not as actively traded) as sets that include the U.S. money, which also are known as the majors. (For more on combination currency dealing, see Make The Currency Cross Your Boss.)

Bid and Ask
As with most dealing in the financial markets, when you are dealing a currency dealing couple there is a bid cost (buy) and an ask cost (sell). Again, these are associated to the bottom currency dealing. When buying a currency dealing couple (going long), the ask cost refers to the amount of estimated currency dealing that has to be paid in order to buy one device of the bottom currency dealing, or how much the marketplace will offer one device of the bottom currency dealing for associated to the estimated currency dealing.

The bid prices are used when promoting a currency dealing couple (going short) and reflects how much of the estimated currency dealing will be obtained when promoting one device of the bottom currency dealing, or how much the marketplace will pay for the estimated currency dealing associated to the bottom currency dealing.

The quotation before the reduce is the bid cost, and the two numbers after the reduce represent the ask cost (only the last two numbers of the top dollar are typically quoted). Note that the bid prices are always smaller than the ask cost. Let's look at an example:

USD/CAD = 1.2000/05
Bid = 1.2000
Ask= 1.2005
If you want to buy this currency dealing couple, this indicates that you intend to buy the bottom currency dealing and are therefore looking at the ask cost to see how much (in Canada dollars) the marketplace will charge for U.S. money. According to the ask cost, you can buy one U.S. money with 1.2005 Canada money.

However, in order to promote this currency dealing couple, or offer the bottom currency dealing in return for the estimated currency dealing, you would look at the bid cost. It tells you that the marketplace will buy US$1 platform currency dealing (you will be promoting the marketplace the bottom currency) for an amount equal to 1.2000 Canada money, which is the estimated currency dealing.

Whichever currency dealing is estimated first (the platform currency) is always the one in which the transaction is being conducted. You either buy or offer the bottom currency dealing. Depending on what currency dealing you want to use to promote or buy the bottom with, you refer to the corresponding currency dealing couple spot return rate to determine the cost.

Spreads and Pips
The difference between the bid cost and the ask prices are known as a spread. If we were to look at the following quote: EUR/USD = 1.2500/03, the spread would be 0.0003 or 3 pips, also known as points. Although these movements may seem insignificant, even the smallest point change can result in lots of money being made or lost due to leverage. Again, this is one of the reasons that speculators are so attracted to the currency dealing market; even the tiniest cost movement can result in huge profit.

The pip is the smallest amount an amount can move in any currency dealing quotation. In the situation of the U.S. money, european, British pound or Swiss franc, one pip would be 0.0001. With the Japanese people yen, one pip would be 0.01, because this currency dealing is estimated to two decimal places. So, in a currency dealing quotation of USD/CHF, the pip would be 0.0001 Swiss francs. Most currency dealing trading trade within a range of 100 to 150 pips a day.

Currency dealing Sets in the Sends and Futures dealing Markets

One of the key technological variations between the forex marketplaces is the way currency dealing are estimated. In the forwards or futures marketplaces, currency dealing always is estimated against the U.S. money. This implies that price is done in regards to how many U.S. money is required to buy one device of the other currency. Keep in mind in the identify industry some currency dealing are estimated against the U.S. money, while for others, the U.S. money is being estimated against them. As such, the forwards/futures industry and the identify industry quotations will not always be similar one another.

For example, in the identify industry, the English lb is estimated against the U.S. money as GBP/USD. This is the same way it would be estimated in the forwards and futures marketplaces. Thus, when the English lb fortifies against the U.S. money in the identify industry, it will also increase in the forwards and futures marketplaces. here

On the other side, when looking at the return amount for the U.S. money and the Japanese people yen, the former is estimated against the latter. In the identify industry, the quotation would be 115 for example, which implies that one U.S. money would buy 115 Japanese people yen. In the futures industry, it would be estimated as (1/115) or .0087, which implies that 1 Japanese people yen would buy .0087 U.S. money. As such, a increase in the USD/JPY identify amount would equal a loss of the JPY futures amount because the U.S. money would have increased against the Japanese people yen and therefore one Japanese people yen would buy less U.S. money.

Now that you know a little bit about how currency dealing are estimated, let's shift on to the advantages and threats engaged with forex trading.