Odd Lots: How a Professor Made 500 Percent on His Money by Gambling on an Obscure Sport

Odd Lots: How a Professor Made 500 Percent on His Money by Gambling on an Obscure Sport

2 February 2016, 21:13
Francis Dogbe
Every week, hosts Joe Weisenthal and Tracy Alloway take you on a not-so-random walk through hot topics in markets, finance, and economics. This week we talk to Steven Skiena, a professor of computer science at Stony Brook University, who tells us about the time he made 500 percent on his money by gambling on the obscure sport of jai alai. For those who don't know, jai alai is a little bit like racquetball or handball, except the ball is extremely hard and can travel nearly 200 miles per hour. It's a Basque game that's mostly just played in South Florida where it's become a popular venue for gambling. Armed with computers and ...