Max Keiser: Economic transableism - Video

Max Keiser: Economic transableism - Video

21 June 2015, 17:11
Alice F

Rationality in economies and minds of people who rule economies is the topic of a fresh Keiser Report. An armless man being trapped in a body of an armful person. He cut off his arm in order to become physically disabled, because he felt like one. Hosts Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert use colorful metaphors in order to describe the U.S. and U.K. economies which cut their heads off, as they did not feel as full economies, although wages were rising and markets signalling growth. 

When, however, markets indicated the opposite and when wages were declining, the economies decided that it was normal and continued their stance.

The hosts discuss why it is counterfeit to say that that there is no demand for credit - another lie from Mark Carney and Janet Yellen, as well as how Deutsche Banks and JPMorgans destroy the economy in their desire for free money.