10 Weekend Reads

10 Weekend Reads

5 October 2014, 21:11
Sergey Golubev
  • The Astonishing Story of the Federal Reserve on 9-11 (Daily Kos)
  • The Self-Made Man: The Story of America’s Most Pliable, Pernicious, Irrepressible Myth (Slate)
  • Revisiting the Lehman Brothers Bailout That Never Was  (NYT)
  • Zero Percent Water (Medium)
  • Exodus: Elon Musk argues that we must put a million people on Mars if we are to ensure that humanity has a future (Aeon) see also Larry Ellison Bought an Island in Hawaii. Now What? (NYT)
  • There is much to learn from the paper towel: Making products as simple as possible (Medium)
  • The NSA and Me (The Intercept)
  • Why is Thomas Piketty’s 700-page book a bestseller?  Capital in the Twenty-First Century has swept American discourse. Four experts – Brad DeLong, Tyler Cowen, Stephanie Kelton and Emanuel Derman – take on why that is (The Guardian)
  • The Internet Is Broken, and Shellshock Is Just the Start of Our Woes (Wired)
  • It’s silly to be frightened of being dead. The process of dying is another matter (The Guardian)

What are you reading?