Personalities: 10 most successful traders ever

Personalities: 10 most successful traders ever

21 March 2015, 15:09
Alice F
1 144

Although both of them can be ruined or wealthy, investors and traders differ a lot. The thing is that starting a trade may not require huge investment or bank loan.

Some of the worldwide traders still remain leaders of the best trades of all times, as they managed to go through certain trials.

  1. The art of speculation (Jesse Livermore). This art became even more thriving at Jesse Livermore’s call on the 1929 Crash. Through studies and gambling, this trader started his fame when he predicted both the 1907 and the 1929 stock market crash. From nothing, he succeeded in piling up to $100 million.
  2. Understanding the dynamics (Paul Tudor Jones). Paul Tudor Jones when predicting the Black Monday of 1987 understood a sequence of events that will lead him to success. If the market started to go down, instead of drying up, the selling would actually cascade. This means that an overvalued market is sure to create more selling. Gambling on this technique makes him win about 100 million.
  3. Break of the Bank Of England (George Soros). George Soros made fairly $1 billion by shorting the sterling pound. Although considered as being reckless, this gambling was more than rewarding. He managed BOF to withdraw from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) in the exact date of September 16, 1992.
  4. Bet on Japanese assets (Templeton Shorts). This trader invested $100,000 stake in Japan in 1954 to go out with $55 million in 1999. Right after that, Japan was beginning its three-decade long economic miracle. He nearly put about 60 percent of his fund in Japanese assets which was a full success.
  5. Oil trade (Andrew Hall). The barrel of oil was trading at in $30. Andrew Hall gambled that this price would reach $100 per barrel within five years which actually became true in 2008. Citigroup, his employer made fortune and the trader returned home with $100 million.
  6. Flipping (Paul Rotter). Dwelling on the basis of the market’s psychology, this technique proved to be successful in handling and mastering markets. Rotter Paul is the initiator of this trade when he executed trades on the Eurex exchange mainly in the Bund, in the Bobl and Schatz interest rate futures.
  7. Shorting real estate market (John Paulson). Foreseeing the asset bubble in real estate brought several billions of dollars on Wall Street. Famous for accomplishing the greatest trade ever, John Paulson made $15 billion in 2007 whereas he only planned pocketing $3.7 billion.
  8. Prescient short-seller (Jim Chanos). Jim Chanos got famous at the demise of Enron in October 2001. He profited from selling of commodity, currency and security. Its famous successful shorts include Baldwin-United and lately homebuilders like KB Home (NYSE: KBH).
  9. Gambling on Geopolitical play (Louis Bacon). In 1990, Bacon anticipated the invasion of Saddam Hussein in Kuwait. Right the following year, he gambled that the U.S would defeat Iraq with the oil market recovering. Betting and anticipating a geopolitical event to make the most in trading field.
  10. Investing in distressed assets (David Tepper). Tepper’s track record in distressed investing proves otherwise to be a success. He bet the Bank of America and Citigroup wouldn’t be nationalized and he won a lot. He bought severely depressed shares and saw them quadrupled in value in the end of the year 2009.