Bitcoin slips after hitting 2-week high earlier Monday

Bitcoin slips after hitting 2-week high earlier Monday

2 March 2015, 14:02

On Monday Bitcoin prices slid into the red territory, after hitting a two-week high earlier in the session.

Bitcoin (BTC/USD) touched $267.00 on Bitfinex, the most since February 15, before turning lower to trade at $216.00 during U.S. morning hours, down $1.96, or 0.75%.

On Slovenia-based BitStamp, the price of a bitcoin ticked up $1.81, or 0.7%, to trade at $258.79, while prices on Bulgaria-based BTC-e inched up 66 cents, or 0.26%, to trade at $252.66.

The CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index, which averages prices from the major exchanges, has indicated prices of the crypto-currency eased down 34 cents, or 0.13%, to trade at $258.40.

In the meantime, euro-denominated Bitcoin prices (BTC/EUR) advanced €4.14, or 1.85%, to trade at €228.40 on U.S.-based Kraken Exchange, a level not seen since January 28.

Yuan-denominated Bitcoin prices on Shanghai-based BTC China retreated 2.76 yuan, or 0.17%, to trade at 1,626.71 yuan, prices on Beijing-based Huobi declined 9.12 yuan, or 0.56%, to trade at 1,626.95, while prices on OKCoin slumped 8.48 yuan, or 0.52%, to trade at 1,626.76 yuan.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency which can be used to purchase goods and services from stores and online retailers. It is not backed by a government or central bank to regulate or issue it.

In recent months, bitcoin’s market cap has been on a steady decline, even though the virtual currency has been getting more popular with merchants and retailers, including PayPal, Expedia, and Dell.