Top 10 Stock Market Investing Tips for Fast Success

Top 10 Stock Market Investing Tips for Fast Success

10 August 2014, 01:02
Lonny Strike

1. Stock market investing vs. trading.
Real stock market professionals understand that you cannot make money fast by investing into dividend paying stocks for the long haul. Stock trading is the only way for fast stock market investing success. Before you begin, you need to find a knowledgeable stock or commodity trading broker. Another option is opening a brokerage account online through a series of reliable brokerage companies.

2. Get educated about the basics of stock market investing.
Without knowing the basics, you simply cannot survive on the stock market for very long and risk losing all of your funds.

3. Understand the difference between fundamental and technical stock analysis.

Technical analysis makes its goal to evaluate stocks focusing purely on their price and volume while fundamental analysis is centered on profound knowledge of economic stock trends, ability to analyze charts and financial data.

4. If you are an emerging penny stock trader, be warned that even due to seemingly low prices on penny stocks, these stocks are super high risk stocks due to the lack of information and performance history.

5. Once you get the basics of stock market investing down to the bone, it’s time to automate the trading mechanism to remove your emotions out of the equation.

6. Do not rely on hot stock picks even if they come from experienced investors like Jim Cramer without your own analysis of the stock market performance because these picks might be perfect for meeting their investment goals and not yours.

7. Do not invest in unknown to you sectors of economy.

8. Go against stock marketing trends just like Warren Buffet does it. When everybody is selling, perhaps you should consider buying.

9. Understand the intrinsic value of a stock market company. You cannot achieve the knowledge of understanding the absolute lowest value of a company’s stock overnight but with time and continuous personal education, you will be able to identify stocks at rock bottom market prices and buy them.

10. Look for stocks with an ”edge”! Various factors can give a certain stock an edge, mainly, special one a kind product development, high competition edge, license requirements or something that the company has that the rest cannot achieve easily or hard for competitors to replicate.