Germany's DAX Stock Index Forecast 2015

Germany's DAX Stock Index Forecast 2015

13 January 2015, 13:09

The DAX (Deutscher Aktienindex (German stock index)) is a blue chip stock market index consisting of the 30 major German companies trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. Prices are taken from the electronic Xetra trading system. According to Deutsche Börse, the operator of Xetra, DAX measures the performance of the Prime Standard’s 30 largest German companies in terms of order book volume and market capitalization. It is the equivalent of the FT 30 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and because of its small selection it does not necessarily represent the vitality of the economy as whole.

DAX Stock Index Forecast Average of Month

Month Date Forecast
Correct +/-
Correct +/-
0 Dec 2014 9,819.3 +/-0 +/-0
1 Jan 2015 9,550 +/-158 +/-300
2 Feb 2015 9,440 +/-208 +/-396
3 Mar 2015 9,230 +/-245 +/-466
4 Apr 2015 8,980 +/-275 +/-523
5 May 2015 8,800 +/-301 +/-571
6 Jun 2015 8,760 +/-324 +/-615

Germany's DAX Stock Index Past Trend Present Value & Future Projection