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rafat darwish, 8 December 2014, 13:50 #Trading
A lot of people have been 'burnt' from scam operations on the Internet. Their sites may look so perfectly legitimate that you doubt whether they would have gone through all that trouble building a trading platform just to steal your money. Beware...
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Frank Breinling, 7 December 2014, 10:06 #Trading, forex
Dear Clients and Partners! We’re pleased to inform you that from now on each client of RoboForex financial group has an opportunity to withdraw funds via Bank Transfer regardless the way these funds were deposited...
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Roman Myravyev, 25 November 2014, 10:00
Revenue Up 6%, Topping Expectations (By DANIEL HUANG) E*Trade Financial Corp. reported its third-quarter earnings Tuesday, announcing an 83% growth in profits as new customers and assets offset slower trading activity. E*Trade reported profits of $86 million, up from $47 million a year ago...
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TipMyPip, 22 October 2014, 11:51
The main challenge that an online forex broker faces is how to detect fraudulent customer behavior in real-time without damaging its approval ratio for genuine customers, and providing the right balance between ease of use for the customer and security for the merchant...
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TipMyPip, 22 October 2014, 08:26 #forex
Investors who quickly read their brokerage statements and just glance at the bottom line have reason to look more closely, even at portfolios that are less active: There’s a risk that cyber thieves could hack into your account and wire money to their own accounts, or make unauthorized trades to m...
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Ronnie Mansolillo, 9 October 2014, 16:14
The Highest Forex cashback Rebate at the best Forex brokers The Highest Forex Rebate at the best Forex brokers Are Here to Help you increase your profit in Forex market, When you as a Client open a Forex trading account through our link, we earn a commission from your Forex broker for any trade y...
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saifulislam5, 2 October 2014, 20:15
The European arm of prop trading firm Sun Holdings moved away from the lack of volatility in UK markets last year, and instead expanded its reach to Asian markets and betting on European interest rates. The result has been profits tripling, headcount increasing and pay surging...
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Ronnie Mansolillo, 29 September 2014, 16:00
Situation The early days of the Retail Online Trading Industry are, or more accurately should be, a thing of the past. Why? Because the latest Business and Technology transformations have eventually made the impossible possible. With daily volumes estimated at USD 300+ Billion, Retail Forex (i.e...
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Daniel Stein, 24 September 2014, 14:30 #forex
hello all, i have a strange story but i will make it short and please i need advice, i got confrim in a company and when i did made deposit i had diffclty been arpoved and had my acount blocked ever since and from that time i was asking for help before i lose my money , and non answered me and fr...
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[Deleted], 28 August 2014, 14:18
KCG Holdings Inc. published trade volumes for the month of June on Tuesday.In terms of market making, KCG posted an average of $23.5 billion in transaction volumes, which is 8.2 billion shares and 3.4 million transactions per day in US stocks, a notable decline from the volumes recorded in May...
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Sergey Golubev, 16 July 2014, 09:37
I'm thinking of opening Account with Admiral Markets, what do you think of their service...
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Happy Mans World, 10 July 2014, 00:18