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European investors return on Tuesday following the long bank holiday weekend and while the trading week may be a little shorter it’s likely to be quite eventful, with particular interest being on the Federal Reserve ahead of its April meeting...
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Francis Dogbe, 30 March 2016, 07:16 #Interest Rate, Fed
A laggard in embracing the "fintech", or financial technology, revolution, Japan is set to ease investment restrictions that could free up the flow of capital in an economy sitting on an estimated $US9 trillion in individuals' cash deposits...
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Francis Dogbe, 28 March 2016, 07:39
Every three months, the U.S. Federal Reserve publishes a chart -- known as the "dot plot" -- showing where various officials think the central bank's interest-rate target should be over the next few years. And every three months, investors and the media consistently misinterpret it...
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Francis Dogbe, 24 March 2016, 00:06 #Fed
Almost one year ago to the day the chief economist at the Bank of England, Andrew Haldane, gave a speech about the persistent weakness in underlying inflation and the implications for monetary policy...
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Francis Dogbe, 23 March 2016, 07:21 #Interest Rate
Credit Suisse Group AG founded a venture with Silicon Valley’s Palantir Technologies Inc. that aims to catch rogue employees before they can harm the bank, employing the expertise of a firm seed-funded by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency that’s better known for identifying terrorists...
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Francis Dogbe, 22 March 2016, 22:43
New Zealand’s central bank has initiated a probe into an alleged leak of its surprise decision to cut the official cash rate earlier this month...
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Francis Dogbe, 21 March 2016, 22:44
As brazen heists go, it was a quiet one. Over a single weekend in February, hackers managed to extract tens of millions of dollars from Bangladesh's central bank before anyone noticed. Now the bank is in turmoil, its governor has resigned and much of the cash is missing...
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Francis Dogbe, 21 March 2016, 06:30
Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann continued his campaign to curb the ECB's ambitions. "Instead of suggesting ever more reckless monetary policy experiments, it would make sense to pause," he told the Funke Mediengruppe newspaper...
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Francis Dogbe, 20 March 2016, 07:40 #ECB
1. The Fed is worried about global growth The big change in the statement was inserting a line saying "Global economic developments continue to pose risks...
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Francis Dogbe, 16 March 2016, 22:31 #Fed
Central banks will be in focus this week, with monetary policy decisions due from the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and the U.S. Federal Reserve...
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Francis Dogbe, 14 March 2016, 05:51 #Fed
Fixed exchange rates limit the degrees of freedom for policymakers. The breakdown of Bretton Woods in 1971 removed this constraint on official action, and the results were larger budget deficit and higher inflation. The zero bound on interest rates also posed a constraint on behavior...
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Francis Dogbe, 13 March 2016, 23:05
A spelling mistake in an online bank transfer instruction helped prevent a nearly $1 billion heist last month involving the Bangladesh central bank and the New York Fed, banking officials said...
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Francis Dogbe, 11 March 2016, 06:23
Reports indicate that some of the stolen funds were traced to the Philippines, but given what we know about the "Cyber Axis of Evil," we can only suspect it was Iranians, Chinese, or the criminal/military mastermind Kim Jong-Un who was behind the scam, but whatever the case, someone, somewhere, h...
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Francis Dogbe, 7 March 2016, 22:00
Savers may one day be able to open digital money accounts at central banks such as the Bank of England but policymakers have to be careful that they do not hurt the banking industry in the process, a top BoE policymaker said on Wednesday...
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Francis Dogbe, 3 March 2016, 04:54
USD RECOVERS AFTER MARKET EXPECTS AT LEAST TWO RATE HIKES IN 2016 The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) minutes that will be published on Wednesday, February 17 at 2:00 pm EST have the potential to create market disruption, but it will be limited given the events that unfolded in the three wee...
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Mohammed Abdulwadud Soubra, 17 February 2016, 09:09
The stock market turbulence of the past three months has sent major averages tumbling and investor money to the mattresses...
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Francis Dogbe, 17 February 2016, 06:50
Today I will offer my assessment of the current status and outlook for ending the problem of too big to fail (TBTF) banks.1 I come at this problem from the perspective of a policymaker who was on the front line responding to the 2008 financial crisis...
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Francis Dogbe, 17 February 2016, 06:46
GBP/USD down to 1.4430 from 1.4475 There were no big surprises from McCafferty but he said negative rates are a tool the BOE could use. He also said that he expects the next rate move to be up. The pound was probably ready to roll over anyway as the US dollar catches a broad bid...
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Sherif Hasan, 15 February 2016, 21:05
Despite the rout, strategists are largely bullish. They’re projecting a Stoxx 600 rebound of 23 percent from Friday through the end of the year on signs of an improving economy amid continued European Central Bank stimulus...
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Francis Dogbe, 15 February 2016, 19:49
As early as 2009, Reinhart and Rogoff (2009) pointed out that "recessions surrounding financial crises are usually long compared to normal recessions...
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Francis Dogbe, 14 February 2016, 09:37