Zubaira Elyas
Zubaira Elyas
Financial analyst in Mojo Signals
I am a CFA from Singapore's Ng Kok Song CFA Institue I have a successful track record of achieving high returns for clients. With over 10 years of experience as Fundamental cum Technical analyst and strategist, I possess extensive knowledge of Forex, Comex, and KLSE financial markets, including a wide variety of industries and sectors. I am responsible for evaluating and analyzing companies, conducting market research, and interacting with the research team & clients to help them formulate investment plans.

Specialties: Fundamental Analysis
Freunde 2
Zubaira Elyas
Zubaira Elyas

Inflation Hits 31-Year High

The consumer-price index rose at a three-decade high of 6.2% last month, delivering widespread price increases for everything from groceries to cars due to supply shortages and strong consumer demand.

Biden Says His Agenda Will Curb Inflation, Return ‘Normal’ Economy

Consumer prices jumped in October, but one indicator says inflation might be peaking

-Some traders and economists think inflation reflected in the consumer price index might have peaked in October.
-That expectation is based on a recent steep decline in the Baltic Dry Index, a popular measure of global shipping rates used by economists as a leading indicator for inflation.
-“Inflation is still high, and the speed at which supply and demand catch up will vary,” said one economist. “But it looks like, in aggregate, that the worst of the runup in import inflation might be over.”
Zubaira Elyas
Zubaira Elyas
Bearish Reversal Patterns
Zubaira Elyas
Zubaira Elyas
Moving Averages 200EMA
Zubaira Elyas
Zubaira Elyas
# The 3 Biggest Reasons Why Most Traders Fail And How You Can Avoid It

Now I’ll be honest with you all…

* I can’t help you with your money problems.

* I can’t turn you into a millionaire trader.

* I can’t help you turn $1000 into $100,000 in 2 weeks.

You might be wondering…

“So why the heck should I listen to you?”

Well, I could improve your trading results.

This means…

If you’re a losing trader, I could help you stop the bleeding.

If you’re a breakeven trader, I could help you get to profitability.

If you’re a profitable trader, then what are you doing here?

But, don’t take my word for it.


Today’s post isn’t about me.

Rather it’s about you, and how you can avoid the top 3 mistakes that almost all new traders make.

So, let’s get started…

#1: You listen to opinions
In 2009, I started trading in the financial markets.

I was new to this business so I did what most traders do…

Lurked around a stock trading forum with the hopes of gaining some tips and insights.

Every morning, I’ll read the forum to catch up on the things I’ve missed from the night before.

But today was different.

I noticed there’s a new thread in the forum.

In that thread, a guru did some technical analysis on a stock called, China Sports.

He drew an upward trend line on the stock price and was bullish on it.

I thought to myself…

“Wow, he seems to know what he’s doing.”

So, what did I do?

I bought China Sports, of course!

The next day, the stock rallied and I said to myself…

“Damn, trend line works like magic!”

However, over the next few days, the price of the stock declined and started moving lower.

It went back to my entry price and eventually, put me in the red.

I wondered what’s happening to the stock.

So, I quickly went back to the forum and check out the latest analysis on the stock.

Then something caught my attention.

The upward trend line I saw previously was “shifted lower”.

I didn’t think too much about it as the guru was still bullish on the stock—so I held on.

Over the next week, the price of the stock collapsed even more—I was down 30% from my entry price.

And every day, I was at the forum checking out the latest analysis of the guru.

Then I realized one thing…

His upward trend line was “shifting lower” as the days go by.

Eventually, the stock price tanked so much that his upward trendline became almost flat.

I had no choice but to cut my loss and call it quits.

The lesson?

Never trust the opinion of others—it puts you in a position of weakness.

#2: You “play” with indicators without knowing what it means
Here’s the truth:

Indicators are derived from price.

This means the values on your indicator are “created” by applying a mathematical formula from the price on your charts.

You’re probably wondering:

“What’s the problem?”

It’s this…

Indicators are “manipulated” to form bullish or bearish signals.

Let me ask you…

Have you noticed that your RSI indicator shows a bearish signal, but your MACD shows a bullish signal — at the same time?

So, which indicator do you trust?

Well, you’re stuck because now you have conflicting signals.

So, what’s my point?

Stop toying with indicators, it doesn’t give you an objective view of the markets.

Without an objective view of the markets, you can’t make the right trading decisions.

Without the right trading decisions, you’ll find yourself losing consistently in the markets.

Now don’t get me wrong.

I’m not saying indicators are bad and you can’t use them. But they shouldn’t be the basis of your analysis.

#3: You rely on fundamentals to make your trading decisions
Here’s a fact:

The market can go up on bearish news and it can go down on bullish news.

And often, by the time the news is out… it’s probably too late to enter.

Now you might be thinking:

“You should combine both fundamental and technical analysis.”


But what if your technical is bullish and fundamental is bearish.

Now you’re stuck, AGAIN.

So, what now?

Well, here’s a secret for you…

Often, when the fundamentals are bullish, it would be reflected in the price.

This means the market is in an uptrend when the fundamentals are bullish (and in a downtrend when the fundamentals are bearish).

As you can see, NZD/USD is in a downtrend even before the central bank cuts interest rate.
So, does it mean technical analysis is better?

Yes, at least in my opinion.

Because when you’re wrong, you have your stops in place to cut your losses.

But if you rely on fundamentals…

By the time the “bad news” is out, the market had collapsed and you’d lost a huge chunk of capital.

So here’s the deal:

If fundamentals can’t accurately predict what the markets will do and it’s a horrible risk management tool, then what use is there?

Thats all from my side… All these are 3 major mistakes normally made by the traders and they end their trading with a loss. In last I would say please avoid all these major mistakes.
Zubaira Elyas
Zubaira Elyas
Dax is expected to move downside. Sell is suggested on H4 Technical chart. Do use proper risk management
Zubaira Elyas
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