Sergii Povzaniuk
Sergii Povzaniuk
  • Owner in Sergii Povzaniuk IT solutions
  • Polen
  • 212
  • Information
3 Jahre
Owner in Sergii Povzaniuk IT solutions

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Sergii Povzaniuk Hat ein Produkt angeboten

This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already

Sergii Povzaniuk Hat ein Produkt angeboten

30.01 USD

This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already

Sergii Povzaniuk Hat ein Produkt angeboten

30.01 USD

This trading tool will help You to place your orders faster , specify its parameters easier and control your risks more clearly. It allows You to use lines on a chart to set the entry price, stop loss, take profit for any order, considering the specified percentage of risk from the deposit or a fixed lot, and place it in one click. It automatically detects a broker’s commission and takes it into account during calculations. It also calculates available for new order funds based on already

Sergii Povzaniuk
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