Shinji Tanaka / Profil
Shinji Tanaka
hat das Produkt des Autors MetaQuotes Ltd. geteilt
The trade strategy is based on three moving averages. To determine the trend, it uses three exponentially smoothed moving averages: FastEMA, MediumEMA and SlowEMA. Trade signals: Buy signal: FastEMA>MediumEMA>SlowEMA (upward trend). Sell signal: FastEMA<MediumEMA<SlowEMA (downward trend). Input parameters: Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_FastPeriod = 8; Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_MediumPeriod = 38; Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_SlowPeriod = 48; Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_StopLoss = 400; Inp_Signal_ThreeEMA_TakeProfit =