• Information
8+ Jahre
Geboren und aufgewachsen in Südafrika, mit 23 Jahren nach London gezogen, wo ich heute wohne...

Ich begann mit dem Programmieren, als ich sechs Jahre alt war, in Basic auf einem alten IBM XT-Rechner (8086-Prozessor).
Mein ganzes Leben lang habe ich in der Technologie- und Kunstbranche gearbeitet und war innovativ. Meine Seele war und ist immer eine kreative, und ich bin am glücklichsten, wenn ich kreiere oder unterhalte...

Ich habe viele verschiedene Karrieren hinter mir, auf der Jagd nach dem Geld, im Kampf um finanzielle Freiheit, aber ich habe mich immer darauf konzentriert, meinen Träumen und meiner Leidenschaft zu folgen ...
Ich habe nie ganz aufgehört, für mich selbst zu programmieren und habe daher zahlreiche kleine Apps für mich und andere in vielen verschiedenen Sprachen geschrieben, wie zum Beispiel:

Maschinensprache (binär)

Meine Trading-Reise begann jedoch vor über 20 Jahren, als mein Vater uns zu Trading-Seminaren schleppte, obwohl ich das damals nicht ganz ernst genug nahm.
Vor sechs Jahren erzählte mir ein Gentleman, mit dem ich im Supermarkt sprach, wie er 5 £ auf einem Metatrader-Konto mit hohem Leverage einnahm, indem er in 60 Tagen auf 1 000 000 £ bei einem Gewinn von 23% pro Tag aufzinste....
Dies weckte mein Interesse, er führte mich in die Metatrader-Plattform ein und meine Handelsreise begann von neuem ... mit dem Ziel vor Augen, die vollständige finanzielle Freiheit zu finden ...

Ich habe dann viele Seminare, Webinare und Schulungen zum Thema Trading besucht und mir kam der Gedanke, dass ein Computer viel besser sein sollte als ein Trader, da er an einem System festhält und nie emotional ist, also warum machen Menschen überhaupt diesen Job? Seine Wiederholung und alles, was sich wiederholen kann, kann ein Computer besser machen, ohne Ihnen das kostbarste Gut wegzunehmen... Zeit!

Also begann ich, meine Traders Toolbox™ EA zu programmieren, zunächst als einfache Heikenashi-Trading-Automatisierung, aber da dies nicht die erwarteten Ergebnisse lieferte, begann ich, das, was ich in meiner Ausbildung gelernt hatte, in den Algorithmus aufzunehmen... es ist heute...

Während ich damit kämpfte, den heiligen Gral der Handelsroboter zu finden, handelte ich auch und stellte dabei fest, dass ich unter anderem das Geldmanagement automatisieren und die Platzierung stoppen musste ... so entwickelte sich der Handelsroboter von einem einfachen Handelsroboter zu einem voll ausgestatteten Handels Werkzeug.

Die Entwicklung geht weiter...das Tool wird immer besser, es ist eine Leistung, auf die ich sehr stolz bin!
Es hat 3-6 Jahre gedauert, um dahin zu kommen, wo es heute ist... und ich dachte, warum teile es nicht mit dir!!! Also habe ich!!!

Kann es Geld verdienen? In der Tat kann es, wenn die richtigen Einstellungen verwendet werden!!
Macht es den Handel einfacher? 1000%

Hier ist mehr darüber:

Traders Toolbox™ für Metatrader 4/5 ist ein All-in-One-Handelstool, das auf gängigen Handelsstrategien basiert, mit dem Ziel, diese Strategien und Berechnungen zu automatisieren.


- 19 Einzelsignale
- Umfassende Bildschirmanzeige
- Auto Charting / Analyse (Grundlagen & Technik)
- One-Click-Trading
- Autonomer Handel
- Erweitertes Geldmanagement
- Mehrere Stop & Trail-Typen
- 3 verschiedene Betriebsarten
- Umfassende konfigurierbare Warnungen

Nun, da Sie meinen Weg kennen und wissen, warum ich Traders Toolbox™ entwickelt habe, sind Sie neugierig?
Warum nicht versuchen? Ich würde mich über Ihr Feedback freuen, wenn Sie es ausprobieren und es mögen, hinterlassen Sie bitte eine Bewertung...
(Mieten - 45 $ / Kaufen - 5000 $ / Demokonten - Kostenlos)

Empfohlener Krypto-/Forex-Broker:











Die Lite-Version ist kostenlos und ich bitte nur darum, wenn Sie die Lite-Version verwenden, spenden Sie bitte alles, was Sie können, als Zeichen der Anerkennung...
Bitte probieren Sie Traders Toolbox™ noch heute aus, hinterlassen Sie eine Bewertung, wenn es Ihnen gefällt, und treten Sie unserem brandneuen sozialen Netzwerk bei, um Ihre Erfahrungen zum Trading und Trading mit Traders Toolbox™ zu teilen

Sozial https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Internet https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

Danke und wir sehen uns online!!!
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached the maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2950 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. Russian Federation
4. South Africa
5. Germany
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. USA
4. Germany
5. Australia
6. South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached the maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2950 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1. Brazil
2. Iran
3. Russian Federation
4. South Africa
5. Germany
6. Thailand

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. USA
4. Germany
5. Australia
6. South Africa

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Boom500 on Deriv.com running Traders toolbox with a TP only strategy... Risky but so far soo good....
( https://deriv.com/?t=yCe4nsGJqd30iKy7VsyUpmNd7ZgqdRLk&utm_source=affiliate_167207&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=MyAffiliates&utm_content=&referrer= )

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have significantly breached maximum downloads in any one month since release and about to breach the max paid downloads in a month and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have just breached maximum downloads in any one month since release by two downloads and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

We have just breached maximum downloads in any one month since release by two downloads and December is not over yet!!! Its a Great way to end the year!!!

Thank you to all our free and paid patrons we hope its brought you as much value as it has us!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world approaching the 3000 milestone quickly!!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download location:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. Austria

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Updates, bug fixes and enhancements dropped…

1 year since release and consistently downloaded…

Approaching two new milestones of most downloads in any month and 3000 all time downloads!!!

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and and already 240 time this december!

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Top 6 paid Download locations:
1. Russian Federation
2. Nigeria
3. Germany
4. Australia
5. USA
6. United Kingdom, South Africa, Mongolia, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal (equal)

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
$100-$2000 in 5 days on USDJPY? See: https://hub.tradersoolbox.uk/ for .set file
(Boom500 Index Demo account Test so far in picture below...)

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2800 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
$100-$2000 in 5 days on USDJPY?

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
$100-$2000 in 5 days on USDJPY?

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped…

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped…

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2560 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Top 6 Downloading locations:

1 Brazil
2 Russian Federation
3 Iran
4 South Africa
5 Germany

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
Crypto Markets have taken a nose dive? How much further will they go? Watch the action unfold with Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2500 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped with Enhanced Action Panel... and some new settings…

New action panel Features:

1. Additional Close Position Options - Close All, Close All Profiting, Close All Losing, Close All Buying (Long) and Close All Selling (Short).
2. Quick and Easy Pending Orders - Put in your Required Entry Price, hit buy or sell everything else is done for you...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2500 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ dropped with Enhanced Action Panel... and some new settings…

New action panel Features:

1. Additional Close Position Options - Close All, Close All Profiting, Close All Losing, Close All Buying (Long) and Close All Selling (Short).
2. Quick and Easy Pending Orders - Put in your Required Entry Price, hit buy or sell everything else is done for you...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2500 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
New Version of Traders Toolbox™ just dropped with Enhanced Action Panel...

New Features:

1. Additional Close Position Options - Close All, Close All Profiting, Close All Losing, Close All Buying (Long) and Close All Selling (Short).
2. Quick and Easy Pending Orders - Put in your Required Entry Price, hit buy or sell everything else is done for you...

Traders Toolbox™ has been downloaded over by over 2350 people around the world and climbing ...

People are recognising it as a must have tool for both automated and manual trading!!!

Traders Toolbox™ for Metatrader 4/5 is an All-in-One trading tool based on common trading strategies with the goal to automate those strategies and calculations.


- 19 Individual Signals
- Comprehensive On Screen Display
- Auto Charting / Analysis (Fundimental & Technical)
- One Click Trading
- Autonomous Trading
- Advanced Money Management
- Multiple Stop & Trail Types
- 3 Distinct Modes of Operation
- Comprehensive Configurable Alerts

Please note MQL may remove lite versions from the store but they are available in our web store here: https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/

Please go ahead and try out Traders Toolbox™ today, leave a review if you like it and Join our brand new social network to share your experiences on Trading and trading with Traders Toolbox™

Social https://hub.traderstoolbox.uk/
Online Store https://store.traderstoolbox.uk/
Web https://www.traderstoolbox.uk/

MQL Store links below...

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Premium MT5 - Recommended

Traders Toolbox Lite(free) MT4

Traders Toolbox Premium MT4

#tradertstoolbox #traderslife #tradingtips #trading #investing #share #money #management #forexstrategy #forexsignals #tradingonline #metatrader #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #stockmarket #forextrader #investingstrategy #fintechstartup #fintechinnovation #algotrading #algorithmictrading #algorithm #crypto #btc #forex #ethereum #blockchain
Jason Kisogloo
Jason Kisogloo
MQL Market Place no longer Supports the download of 32Bit Versions...

If you are running a 32 bit version of Metatrader 5 (32 bit PC)...
You will need to download the Traders Toolbox™ Bundle where we include 32bit compiled version...


Recommended Crypto/Forex Broker: Evolve Markets (Account Base in Bitcoin BTC)
