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Uber Trade Manager


Der UTM Manager ist ein intuitives und benutzerfreundliches Tool, das eine schnelle und effiziente Handelsausführung ermöglicht. Eine der herausragenden Funktionen ist der Modus „Spread ignorieren“, der es Ihnen ermöglicht, zum Preis der Kerzen zu handeln und Spreads vollständig zu ignorieren (ermöglicht z. B. den Handel mit Paaren mit höherem Spread auf LTF, um zu vermeiden, dass Sie aufgrund von Spreads aus dem Handel ausgeschlossen werden). Ein weiterer wichtiger Aspekt des UTM-Managers ist sein einzigartiger lokaler Handelskopierer, der die Flexibilität bietet, unterschiedliche Handelsstrategien und -einstellungen in jedem Broker auszuführen, beispielsweise unterschiedliche TP-, BE- und Risikoregeln.


  • Schnelle und effiziente Handelsausführung: Geben Sie Geschäfte einfach ein, indem Sie auf die Einstiegs- und Stop-Loss-Preise im Diagramm klicken oder die Ein-Klick-Funktion zur festen Stop-Loss-Größe verwenden.
  • Automatische Lotgrößenberechnung: Lots werden auf der Grundlage vordefinierter Risikoeinstellungen berechnet, die neu berechnet werden, wenn Positionen durch Ziehen geändert werden.
  • Fähigkeit, eine oder mehrere Positionen gleichzeitig zu übernehmen.

Take-Profit und Break-Even:

  • Flexible Take-Profit-Einstellungen: Legen Sie flexible Teil-Take-Profit-Levels mit spezifischen Risiko-Ertrags-Verhältnissen (RR) fest.
  • Konfigurierbare automatische Break-Even-Funktion: Verschiebt den Stop-Loss auf den Break-Even-Punkt, wenn ein bestimmtes Gewinnniveau erreicht ist.

Benutzerfreundliches Bedienfeld:

  • Benutzerfreundliche grafische Oberfläche (GUI) zum einfachen Speichern und Laden von Einstellungen.
  • Integrierte Hilfe-Tooltips zur Erläuterung zusätzlicher Funktionen.


  • Positionsanpassung und -anpassung: Der Manager zeichnet alle Positionen auf dem Diagramm und ermöglicht so eine einfache Anpassung und Anpassung durch Ziehen der Linien.

Schaltflächen auf der Karte:

  • Auf dem Chart verfügbare Schaltflächen zum schnellen teilweisen und vollständigen Schließen von XX %-Positionen sind in der Positionseingabezeile verfügbar.
  • Schaltflächen zum Stornieren ausstehender Bestellungen.

Erweiterte Spread-Verarbeitung:

  • Erweiterte Spread-Handhabungsfunktionen: Beinhaltet den Modus „Spread ignorieren“, der den Handel zu Kerzenpreisen ermöglicht, während Spreads ignoriert werden, und den Modus „Spread-Faktor“, der zum Schutz vor Spreads einen festgelegten Spread-Betrag auf Einstiegs- oder Stop-Loss-Preise berücksichtigt.

Unsichtbare Trades:

  • Unsichtbare Geschäfte: Die Kombination aus dem Modus „Spread-Ignorieren“ und „Spread-Ignorieren: Unsichtbar“ ermöglicht Marktaufträge und verbirgt alle Aufträge, einschließlich ausstehender Einstiegs- und Stop-Losses, vor dem Broker.


  • Feste Stop-Loss-Größe: Option zum Festlegen einer festen Stop-Loss-Größe für ein präzises Risikomanagement.
  • Stop-Loss-Schutz: Schützen Sie die Stop-Loss-Größe mit maximalen und minimalen Einstellungen.
  • MA-basierter Schlusskurs: Entspricht der Verwendung eines gleitenden Durchschnitts (MA) als Trailing-Stop-Loss.

Umgehung des Broker-Limits:

  • Maximale Losgrößenbeschränkung des Brokers umgehen: Ermöglicht Ihnen, die maximale Losgrößenbeschränkung des Brokers zu umgehen, z. B. die FTMO-Losgrößenbeschränkung von 50 oder die Beschränkung eines anderen Brokers.

Hotkeys für Schnellaktionen:

  • Hotkeys für schnelle Aktionen: Verwenden Sie Hotkeys, um die Gewinnschwelle bei Positionen zu erreichen, ausstehende Aufträge zu stornieren, den Auftragstyp schnell zu wechseln oder das Risiko um 50 % zu reduzieren.


  • Handelsbenachrichtigungen: Erhalten Sie Töne für Einstieg, Stop-Loss, Take-Profit oder verpassten ausstehenden Stop-Trade (wenn der Trade in die entgegengesetzte Richtung geht).

Einzigartiger Kopierer für den lokalen Handel:

  • Einzigartiger lokaler Handelskopierer: Ermöglicht die individuelle Anpassung der Slaves und die manuelle Feinabstimmung, sodass für jede Instanz unterschiedliche Handelsstrategien möglich sind.


  • Kompatibilität: Kompatibel mit benutzerdefinierten Symboldiagrammen wie dem „Sekundendiagramm“ und getestet für die Verwendung mit Devisen, Metallen und Indizes.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie im UTM-Leitfaden oder schauen Sie sich das YouTube-Video unten an.

Probieren Sie die kostenlose UTM-Version (Usable Trade Manager) aus, wenn die Funktionen des kostenpflichtigen Managers für Ihre Handelsanforderungen nicht erforderlich sind. Oder machen Sie sich ein Bild vom Manager und prüfen Sie, ob er für Sie funktioniert, bevor Sie einen Kauf tätigen (wird vor dem Kauf dringend empfohlen, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie damit zufrieden sind).

Systemempfehlungen: 8 GB RAM und min. 2 CPUs

Wenn Sie auf Probleme oder Probleme stoßen, senden Sie mir eine private Nachricht.


- Der Manager muss aktiv sein, damit Take-Profit-/Teil-Close-Aufträge ausgeführt werden können. Das Gleiche gilt bei Verwendung der Funktion „Spread-Modus ignorieren“ (für die Ausführung von Stop-Loss). ABER wenn Sie TP1 nur mit einem Abschlussprozentsatz von 100 % haben und Sie nicht den Modus „Unsichtbarer Spread ignorieren“ verwenden, gibt der Manager die TP-Ebene an den Broker ein.

- Modus „Spreads ignorieren“: dient dazu, genaue Kerzen-/Bid-Ausführungspreise bereitzustellen, indem Spreads auf dem Chart ignoriert werden. Die Verwendung dieses Modus kann jedoch zu zusätzlichen Kosten/Provisionen führen. Im Falle eines verlustbringenden Verkaufsgeschäfts kann dieser Modus aufgrund des Spreads zu zusätzlichen Kosten führen, die zur Stop-Loss-Größe addiert werden. Dies kann den Gesamtverlust des Handels leicht erhöhen. Ebenso wird bei Kaufeinträgen der „echte“ Einstieg etwas höher sein, da wir zum BID-Preis einsteigen, er wird jedoch zum ASK-Preis ausgeführt. Das ist also der Kompromiss: Entweder haben Sie einen „genauen“ Preis für Kerzen und zahlen etwas mehr Provisionen für Trades, ODER Sie haben ihn nicht (entspricht einer manuellen Marktausführung zum Kerzenpreis).

- Nach der Aktivierung des EA auf einem PC/VPS wird er ausschließlich auf diesem Gerät aktiviert. Sie können dann mehrere MT5-Terminals für den Kopierhandel betreiben, ohne dass zusätzliche Aktivierungen verloren gehen.


- Aktualisieren Sie die UTM-Version nicht, wenn Sie einen aktiven Handel haben, der verwaltet werden muss (nur zur Sicherheit).

- Im Modus „Spread ignorieren“ ist eine stabile Internetverbindung von entscheidender Bedeutung, da die meisten Aufträge über den Markt ausgeführt und nicht direkt beim Broker eingegeben werden. Bei schlechter Verbindung kann es zu Verzögerungen kommen. Bitte stellen Sie bei Verwendung dieses Modus eine zuverlässige Internetverbindung sicher.

Dieses Produkt ist nur für erfahrene Händler bestimmt. Die Nutzung erfolgt auf eigenes Risiko und Sie verstehen, dass alle finanziellen Ergebnisse in Ihrer eigenen Verantwortung liegen.

Bewertungen 18
SamWalden 2024.04.20 14:19 

Been using a while now and really helpful for my trading and also great functionality. Will be purchasing a longer term version when my 3 months expires.

Adam  A
Adam A 2024.03.06 12:33 

Amazing trade manager, super simple and easy to use and very effective as well. No problems with it at all.

J-Rides 2024.01.15 08:43 

I really love this trade manager. Used the free version before and could not live without it, makes all your trade execution seamless. Thanks for a great product.

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Please backtest with the exact balance of your live account before applying to real money. ==> If account balance is too low it may not trade at all! For MT4 version please contact via private message. martingale version is available here . Strategy description - Detect trend based on EMA18-EMA50-SMA200 alignment in three time frames: M15, H1, H4 - Trade in trend direction and exit when above alignment is broken. - The bot is tuned to trade XAUUSD(Gold). - The bot output is break even in rangi
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Georg Vahi
5 (1)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promoti
The product will copy all telegram signal to MT5 ( which you are member) , also it can work as remote copier.  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Price 169$ until Jan 01 2025 Easy to set up, copy order instant, can work with almost signal formats, image signal,  s upport to translate other language to English Work with all type of channel or group, even channel have "Restrict Saving Content", work with  multi channel, multi MT5 Work as remote copier: with signal have ticket number, it will co
Telegram To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
4.89 (9)
Kopieren Sie Signale aus jedem Kanal, dem Sie als Mitglied angehören (einschließlich privater und eingeschränkter), direkt auf Ihren MT5.  Dieses Tool wurde mit dem Benutzer im Hinterkopf entwickelt und bietet viele Funktionen, die Sie benötigen, um die Trades zu verwalten und zu überwachen. Dieses Produkt wird in einer benutzerfreundlichen und optisch ansprechenden grafischen Benutzeroberfläche präsentiert. Passen Sie Ihre Einstellungen an und beginnen Sie innerhalb weniger Minuten mit der Ver
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.12 (26)
Handelskopierer für MT5 ist ein  Handel   Kopierer für die Plattform МetaТrader 5  . Es kopiert Devisengeschäfte  zwischen   alle Konten   MT5  - MT5, MT4  - MT5 für die COPYLOT MT5 Version (oder MT4  - MT4 MT5  - MT4 für die COPYLOT MT4 - Version) Zuverlässiger Kopierer! MT4-Version Gesamte Beschreibung   +DEMO +PDF Wie kauft man Wie installiert man     So erhalten Sie Protokolldateien     So testen und optimieren Sie     Alle Produkte von Expforex Sie können kopieren Trades auch im МТ4
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
Trade copier MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.48 (27)
Trade Copier ist ein professionelles Dienstprogramm zum Kopieren und Synchronisieren von Trades zwischen Handelskonten. Das Kopieren erfolgt vom Konto / Terminal des Lieferanten auf das Konto / Terminal des Empfängers, das auf demselben Computer oder vps installiert ist. Vor dem Kauf können Sie die Demoversion auf einem Demokonto testen. Demoversion hier . Vollständige Anweisungen hier . Hauptfunktionalität und Vorteile: Unterstützt das Kopieren von MT5> MT5, MT4> MT5, MT5> MT4, einschließlich M
Custom Alerts MT5
Daniel Stein
5 (3)
Bleiben Sie den Marktbewegungen mit Custom Alerts immer einen Schritt voraus: Ihr ultimativer Multi-Market-Scanner Custom Alerts ist ein leistungsstarkes All-in-One-Tool zur Marktbeobachtung, mit dem Sie mühelos vielversprechende Setups für mehrere Märkte identifizieren können. Custom Alerts deckt alle acht Hauptwährungen (USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, CHF, JPY, AUD, NZD), Gold (XAU) und bis zu sieben Schlüsselindizes (einschließlich US30, UK100, WTI und Bitcoin) ab und hält Sie über kritische Veränderun
Trade Assistant 38 in 1
Makarii Gubaydullin
4.89 (18)
Multifunktionswerkzeug: 65+ Funktionen, einschließlich: Lot-Rechner, Price Action, Risiko/Gewinn-Verhältnis, Trade Manager, Angebot und Nachfrage Zonen Demo version   |   Anwenderhandbuch   |    MT4 Das Dienstprogramm funktioniert nicht im Strategietester: Sie können die Demoversion HIER herunterladen, um das Produkt zu testen. Bei Fragen   kontaktieren   Sie mich / Verbesserungsvorschläge / im Fall eines gefundenen Fehlers Vereinfachen, beschleunigen und automatisieren Sie Ihre Handelsprozesse
-25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set and forget trading w
VirtualTradePad One Click Trading Panel
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.57 (65)
Trading Panel für den Handel mit 1 Klick. Arbeiten mit Positionen und Aufträgen! Handeln vom Chart oder von der Tastatur. Mit unserem Trading-Panel können Sie Trades mit einem einzigen Klick direkt aus dem Chart ausführen und Handelsoperationen 30-mal schneller durchführen als mit der Standard-MetaTrader-Steuerung. Automatische Berechnungen von Parametern und Funktionen machen den Handel für Händler schneller und komfortabler. Grafische Tipps, Infoetiketten und vollständige Informationen zu Hand
Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
Market Screener
Andrey Khatimlianskii
5 (1)
Professional tool for professional traders It allows you to browse all available financial instruments and select best ones to trade with lightning speed. Fastest market screening ever Move your mouse over the instruments and instantly see 3 charts with selected timeframes and predefined indicators! Click on the symbol name to hold it. Use UP and DOWN keys to select previous /  next instrument. Ultimate charting Smooth scale, automatic indicator lines width, smart grid and much more. You'll
Risk Manager for MT5
Sergey Batudayev
4.53 (15)
Expert Advisor Risk Manager für MT5 ist ein sehr wichtiges und meiner Meinung nach notwendiges Programm für jeden Trader. Mit diesem Expert Advisor können Sie das Risiko in Ihrem Handelskonto kontrollieren. Die Risiko- und Gewinnsteuerung kann sowohl monetär als auch prozentual erfolgen. Damit der Expert Advisor funktioniert, hängen Sie ihn einfach an das Währungspaardiagramm an und legen Sie die akzeptablen Risikowerte in der Einzahlungswährung oder in % des aktuellen Guthabens fest. PROMO
Bots Builder Pro MT5
Andrey Barinov
4 (5)
This is exactly what the name says. Visual strategy builder . One of a kind. Turn your trading strategies and ideas into Expert Advisors without writing single line of code. Generate mql source code files with a few clicks and get your fully functional Expert Advisors, which are ready for live execution, strategy tester and cloud optimization. There are very few options for those who have no programming skills and can not create their trading solutions in the MQL language. Now, with Bots Build
Dienstprogramm zum Ändern des Handelsinstruments für aktuelle, alle oder ausgewählte Charts, Zeitrahmenänderungen und für die gleichzeitige Bewegung in der Geschichte (automatisch oder auf Klick) aller Charts. Die Symbolliste wird aus der „Marktübersicht“ gelesen. Sie können die Farbe, Größe und Position der Schaltflächen ändern. Die Diagrammsynchronisierung erfolgt zum Zeitpunkt des ersten sichtbaren Balkens im aktiven Diagramm, wenn Sie auf die Synchronisierungsschaltfläche klicken oder die Ma
Kopierer->Bequeme und schnelle Schnittstelleninteraktion, Benutzer können es sofort verwenden       ->>>> Empfohlen zur Verwendung auf Windows-Computern oder VPS Windows Merkmale: Diversifizierte und personalisierte Copy-Trading-Einstellungen: 1. Für unterschiedliche Signalquellen können unterschiedliche Lot-Modi eingestellt werden. 2. Für Forward- und Reverse-Copy-Trading können unterschiedliche Signalquellen eingestellt werden. 3. Signale können mit Kommentaren eingestellt werden. 4. Ob das L
Profit or Loss Pad
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.5 (10)
Schließen von Positionen in MetaTrader 5 nach Erreichen des Gesamtgewinns / -verlusts mit der Gewinnverfolgungsfunktion.   CloseIfProfitorLoss mit Trailing Sie können die   virtuellen Stopps (separate Reihenfolge) aktivieren. Berechnung und Abschluss für   BUY- und SELL-Positionen getrennt (Separate BUY SELL)   , Schließen und Berechnen   aller Symbole oder nur des aktuellen Symbols (Alle Symbole)   , Trailing for Profit aktivieren (   Trailing   Profit) Positionen werden basierend auf einem We
The top-selling EAs on the market cost a lot and one day they are suddenly gone. This is because one strategy will not work in the forex market all the time. Our product is unique from all others in the MQL Marketplace because our EA comes with 34+ built-in indicators that allow develop strategies every time.  You build your strategy and keep updating it. If one strategy does not work, simply build another all using only one EA. This is All-In-One EA   in this market place. You can use as trade
Take a Break MT5
Eric Emmrich
4.78 (18)
The most advanced news filter and drawdown limiter on MQL market Take a Break has evolved from a once simple news filter to a full-fledged account protection tool. It pauses any other EA during potentially unfavorable market conditions and will continue trading when the noise is over. Typical use cases: Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close my trades before). Stop trading when Account Equity, Balance or Margin is low. Only trade on specific dates/times, e.g. the Asian session. Stop t
DrawDown Limiter
Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
5 (18)
Drawdown Limiter EA You are in the right place if you were searching for Drawdown control, Drawdown limiter, Balance protection, Equity Protection or Daily Drawdown Limit related to Prop Firm, FTMO, or Funded account trading, or if you want to protect your trading account. Have you suffered from controlling your drawdown when trading funded accounts? This EA is meant for you. Prop firms usually set a rule called “Trader Daily Drawdown”, and if it is not respected, you are disqualified.  I am an
Grid Manual MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.88 (16)
Grid Manual ist ein Trading-Panel zum Arbeiten mit einem Raster von Orders. Das Dienstprogramm ist universell, verfügt über flexible Einstellungen und eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche. Es arbeitet mit einem Raster von Aufträgen nicht nur in Richtung Verlust, sondern auch in Richtung steigender Gewinne. Der Händler muss kein Orderraster erstellen und pflegen, all dies wird von "Grid Manual" erledigt. Es genügt, eine Order zu eröffnen und das "Grid Manual" erstellt automatisch ein Orderraster daf
824HBD Rai
824HBD Rai 2024.10.05 14:05 

Very Slow! It hangs my computer! Upgrade it/make it faster!

MDevaus Oy
Antwort vom Entwickler Meelis Hynninen 2024.12.03 07:28
Did you read the requirements at the beginning of the UTM guide? I have been using it on the slowest VPS with 2 CPUs, and it has worked fine, including on every other Laptop/PC/VPS I have ever used. The main reports of 'slowness' have come from instances where it's been used on a computer with low RAM, such as 4GB, or on Mac ARM (M1) CPUs. It should work without problems on a normal PC if it has enough RAM (as per requirement texts). --- The reason for these issues is the GUI library that this manager uses; it has problems when simulated on Mac M1 CPUs and uses a lot of RAM, leading to abnormally high memory requirements. I’ve included information about these potential issues in the main description and wrote about them in the requirements to ensure everyone notices that these problems might occur. Unfortunately, I have no plans atm to redesign the GUI, as the manager works fine for most users, and there haven't been enough purchases to make it worth re-doing the GUI (almost no buys anymore). --- I've now added an extra warning at the beginning of the product page to avoid future misunderstandings about Mac ARM and low RAM issues. No worries to existing customers—I will continue providing updates, when needed and use it myself too.
SamWalden 2024.04.20 14:19 

Been using a while now and really helpful for my trading and also great functionality. Will be purchasing a longer term version when my 3 months expires.

Adam  A
Adam A 2024.03.06 12:33 

Amazing trade manager, super simple and easy to use and very effective as well. No problems with it at all.

MDevaus Oy
Antwort vom Entwickler Meelis Hynninen 2024.04.19 21:29
Thank you all for the amazing reviews! While I may not respond to every review, please know that I value and review each one carefully. Your positive feedback and purchases are crucial to the manager's success. Thank you all for your support!
Makani Romano
Makani Romano 2024.02.26 15:12 

Der Benutzer hat keinen Kommentar hinterlassen

J-Rides 2024.01.15 08:43 

I really love this trade manager. Used the free version before and could not live without it, makes all your trade execution seamless. Thanks for a great product.

BMinton 2024.01.08 13:40 

Der Benutzer hat keinen Kommentar hinterlassen

cmukka94 2023.11.24 11:06 

Have been using this manager since release, Very easy to use. Loads of useful features, I would highly recommend.. Have used multiple managers in the past and this one ticks all the boxes for me. Thanks

Kitcad 2023.11.23 03:41 

This is simply the easiest Trade manager to use. (I have tried about 5 different ones) All functions work well. So quick to enter trades and change trade type with hot keys. I've been using for a few months and there has been 2-3 improvements in that short time so developer hasnt just built it and left it like many others. You can use on multiple computers which is great as I had laptop hard drive failure and still not have to purchase again!

Vliege2 2023.09.04 21:03 

Totally recommend this manager for several reasons!! It works so smoothly and can do literally almost anything! When i first downloaded it, i had a small problem with it (not a bug in the manager, a personal issue). Contacted the maker and he immediately reacted and literally spoonfeeded me throught the whole process of what was wrong, thanks again Meelis! He is a really nice and smart guy about his stuff. This manager deserves much more credit, 90 usd is a steal in my opinion :D

franoliver1 2023.08.17 13:46 

I've tried several trade managers and this is by far the best for my purposes. It's fast, reliable and has a wealth of useful features. The interface is intuitive and uncluttered. Although it is designed for scalpers, it can be set up to suit practically any trading style or instrument. It does not consume excessive resources, even when running multiple instances on several pairs. The manual is comprehensive and crystal clear. The developer frequently adds new features and improvements and he is very responsive to questions and feature requests. Any bugs that very occasionally crop up are dealt with quickly. It has helped me pass three prop firm evaluations and I'm now using it on a funded account. I wholeheartedly recommend this product.

vince266 2023.08.06 13:32 

Great and really efficent tool. I have used the free UTM tool since months now which is really really great tool and FREE ! and i wanted to have a trade copier. and thanks the developper; Trade with only one click with stable risk without calculating everything. More, you can adjust your spread or dynamicly ignore spread (auto adapt) and only care about the candles. You can even have an invisible mode if you think your broker takes you out!! Then you also have an unlimited trade copier to execute your trade on several accounts. This is great. And the developper is absolutely great, kind, honest and helpful. (it was just a little bit difficult to install several MT5, he immediately modified the manual for me, and all works now. I'm really happy. Thanks a lot.

chichihang 2023.07.11 17:49 

This product is great. I purchased this product after my rent period was end. This tool speeds up my execution on scalping. Also it has a great feature to bypass the broker's lot size limit. And more importantly, the developer always communicate effectively and respond in a timely manner. I highly recommend this product to those who take trading sersiously.

Lewislewisfx 2023.06.07 15:03 

After using the free manager I had to purchase this one. Best one on the market with all the features you need (especially ignore spread) which others don't have. Creator is always responsive. The only people that will complain about this manager are those not reading how to use it correctly.

ganymed 2023.05.09 10:40 

This trade manager offers all I wished for my trading setups: - spread handling - trade copier - automatic TP and BE setups - and much more Money management is the key for successful trading and I would recommend this manager to all traders!

Orlando Zapata
Orlando Zapata 2023.04.12 02:41 

Love this trade manger, tested out the free version first was sold enough too get the paid version. Zero issues installing it and running it on the seconds charts. Would recommend to anyone.

Keven Fx
Keven Fx 2023.03.27 11:30 

JamesWoods. - First try to find another manager that supports custom symbols. Secondly, there is no other manager on the market besides this one who completely ignores the spread! Third you clearly don't know how the manager works! And the guy who created this manager is a trader! We are entering on the 5s and 1s ! If we are able to enter perfectly on the 5s tf without any problem and you cant the problem come form you, NOT THE MANAGER ! Just the fact that you said 'i bought it to trade custom symbols, not sure that worked ' show that you are not even trying! Finally I think that people like you that leave bad review just because your not able to figure out thing ' that are really simple 'should not be trader at this point!😬

JamesWoods 2023.03.27 03:33 

Not what i was expecting, wish i could have my money back. I dont think the guy who made this product is a trader. i bought it to trade custom symbols, not sure that worked, and as trader i use free trader that is miles better, and i paid 30 box for this. To the developer selling this for 30 dollars have a look at Earn Forex Position Sizer which is free, if this is 30 dollars, position sizer would be 1000 dollars.

MDevaus Oy
Antwort vom Entwickler Meelis Hynninen 2023.12.21 08:10
Thanks for your review. I would have hoped for more comments, like why do you think so? You left some of your opinions as "Jaskan Factor" on the UTM YouTube video. After reading all your comments on YouTube and MQL5, it sounds like you may not have understood what you were paying for. For your information, I'm a Trader and Developer, and I created this manager mainly because no other manager had the features that I needed. Bad reviews are welcome, but please be fair in your review and provide more information.
John J
John J 2023.02.28 19:56 

This trade manager is great. Has everything you need if you like to scalp on the seconds time frames.. execution is straight forward and easy. I was having some user error issues with the free version. Seller was answering all questions and literally told me "not to buy" the paid version (I told him I was just going to give it a shot) when i was having user error issues until i worked through them on the free version. Only an honest man would do that. The trade manager is A+. Communication A+ Seller A+....(just want to leave more feedback as i decided to purchase UTM after renting it on 5/29/23) Seller has been very responsive. He has also pushed through multiple upgrades in the time ive had it..always willing to help. He troubleshoots w you when needed. This is also the best trade manager i have purchased, and I have purchased 4 other trade managers for mt5. This is not the fanciest looking trade manager, but this trade manager has many features that others dont.

MDevaus Oy
Antwort vom Entwickler Meelis Hynninen 2023.03.27 06:49
Thank You!!
Antwort auf eine Rezension
Version 2.87 2024.12.17
- "Seconds Chart" now support custom timeframes from 1-99 (example EURUSD_S1 to _S99), while previously did support only up top 30.
Version 2.86 2024.09.18
- NT8 copier fix: cannot be 0 contracts (1 minimum)
- NT8 copier fix: gave error when not in copier mode and master (in normal trading, now fixed)
Version 2.84 2024.09.13
- fix: NT8 Copier preserve copier state when switching TF or Symbol (by dragging) on chart.
- feat: NT8 Copier add SL to NT8 copied accounts AND keep that SL in sync (with MT5 futures master account, to make sure we have SL if for any case our MT5 crashes or whatever)
Version 2.82 2024.08.03
- impr: removed freeze level check for now (not so important, gives problems atm)
- impr: settings selector code improved to make sure we dont crash
Version 2.81 2024.05.25
- Trade Copier: Master Copy to NT8 Futures Support
Version 2.74 2024.05.16
- fix: bug from last release, currency conversion if non USD account (calculateAdjustments)
Version 2.73 2024.05.14
- feat: copier slave: sl size adjustment (for 'use sl size instead of price') eg. if master SL is 10 pips, we can define it to be factor of 10 (100 pips) on slave on symbol.
Version 2.72 2024.05.14
- fix: partialing for netting (not hedging) accounts (futures)
Version 2.71 2024.05.06
- fix: new CheckStopLevel (last release) did not allow to trail SL, fixed.
Version 2.70 2024.05.02
- feat: Futures (exchange) support (experimental)
- fix: rate conversion on CFD's when account base currency is not USD, when CFD base currency is not USD
- impr: added FreezeLevel, StopLevel checks and AdjustPriceToTickSize for orders
Version 2.67 2024.04.04
- fix: bypass broker lot limit: when pending order dragged did not remove old orders
- fix: bypass broker lot limit: lot size amounbt text on stats only did show lot size from one order, now shows across all
- fix: trade management formula: now does not allow negative MOVE_SL value
Version 2.66 2024.02.21
- fix: on chart stats calculate unit costs in to stats (fix for JP225 showing wrong stats)
Version 2.65 2024.01.31
- feat: trailing tp level
- fix: profit stats were a bit wrong on trailed sl
Version 2.64 2024.01.25
- impr: inf lot size protection, to make sure any bug does not enter us with max leverage
- mt5 update: some code file updates for MT5 lib
Version 2.62 2024.01.11
- feat: settings profiles - switch between setting slots 1-4
- imp: new version updates messaging system re-done differently..
Version 2.61 2024.01.10
- fix: min/max/fixed sl size input displayed ATR value if ATR sl conf. unit was chosen.
- feat: add current ATR to infopanel
Version 2.60 2024.01.10
- feat: sl size unit combox: can be dynamic from ATR or fixed pips/points to use in min/max sl size.
- fix: pending spread ignore (queued) trades disappeared on time frame change
Version 2.56 2023.12.15
- fix: riskperunit/unitcost calculations on some CFD's was wrong.. in lot size calculation (had example 100x smaller lot size). all re-done.
Version 2.55 2023.11.30
- hotfix: crashhh
Version 2.54 2023.11.30
- fix: infopanel not loading insights related on first init
Version 2.53 2023.11.30
- hotfix: symbol lock not always released on TF change on chart (bug from last update), also improved copier and other locks to align better with last update.. (make sure they all reset on TF change)
Version 2.52 2023.11.28
- fix: "not drawing lines/managing trades", happened if symbol on chart changed to something else (then managed), and later on when opening MT5 it does not load managed trade back even if switching symbol back from market watch (now more robust, when symbol changed on market watch all starts from fresh context)
Version 2.51 2023.11.16
- fix: 'ma close level' was missing from GUI
- impr: improvements to 'abnormal spreads multiplier'
Version 2.50 2023.11.13
- hotfix: bug in last release symbol matching
Version 2.49 2023.11.10
- feat: copier choose to match raw or standard symbols in slave
Version 2.48 2023.11.09
- fix: partialing button settings out of gui (accidentally from last release)
Version 2.47 2023.11.09
- feat: trade copier: use sl size instead of price (to conquer price differences between brokers, e.g in indices).
Version 2.46 2023.11.07
- fix: update risk formula live (since last update got disabled, updated only after trade closed, now updates live)
Version 2.45 2023.11.03
- feat: enable insights checkbox (insights can be disabled)
Version 2.44 2023.11.02
- feat: abnormal spreads multiplier (cancel trade if abnormal spreads, new risk checkbox)
- impr: insights deposit not found text changes/fixes
Version 2.43 2023.10.25
- feat: checkbox: Remove Pending Stop Orders on SL Hit
Version 2.42 2023.10.23
- fix: TP 5,6 re-calculated RR on SL drag (bug from one of latest release where we added TP 5,6 back)
Version 2.41 2023.10.19
- more specific message why "trading is not allowed on account", if it is
Version 2.40 2023.09.29
- fix: master sometimes might dropout if symbol switched from market watch
Version 2.39 2023.09.21
- impr: reverted 6 TP levels back like it was in older versions (we had 4 now)
Version 2.38 2023.09.20
- impr: restore old hotkey-be functionality back (be'ing trough hotkey not anymore working trough "trade formula", more simpler now, it's just BE' always)
- impr: 'add rr to be' added back.. (trough hotkey)
Version 2.37 2023.09.19
- fix: possible fix a bug when using hotkeys to auto-be
Version 2.36 2023.09.14
- fix: load last save settings on shutdown.. before saving last manager position x/y/minimized state settings (so if we did changed something on other UTM instances, we load those "latest" changes back before we save position data, since else if we did change some settings on other instances we save back old "this" manage settings on shutdown.
Version 2.35 2023.09.14
- fix: copier on symbol change by dragging symbol from market watch, restart master/slaves to load with new symbol
- impr: small improvement to make sure we generate/remove always lines on trade close (even without the manager)
Version 2.34 2023.09.09
- fix: remove lines when switching symbol by dragging. from marketwatch (did show old symbol lines still)
Version 2.33 2023.09.07
- impr: save manager window last position
- fix: when dragging symbol to chart (from marketwatch) it changes now symbol (did not before)
Version 2.32 2023.09.07
- fix: insights double added last trade on UTM restart
- fix: insights with multiple manager instances, if one updated insights others did no update, now all are in sync (after max 3-5s)
- impr: Insights now loads all data from beginning on each manager restart (just to be sure for now, altough it looks good now, still extra insurance)
Version 2.31 2023.09.06
- impr/fix: Slave Auto Symbol Matching logic (first match exact symbol, then try find RAW spread symbol and finally standard)
Version 2.30 2023.09.05
- fix: leverage calculation crash fix.. when symbols like "EURUSD" does not exist on broker (and possibly also when base currency is not USD)
- impr: add ROI to main tab info panel
- impr: save gui minimized state
Version 2.29 2023.09.04
- fix: DrawDown formula allow 'DRAWDOWN ABOVE 0: 50' (DD Boost) formula
- impr: Risk/Trade formulas allow ';' at the end of formulas
- impr: Some DD Code future proofings modifications
Version 2.28 2023.08.31
- fix: insights current drawdown calculator (not always calculating latest trade)
- fix: slave real stop loss size was printed wrong
- fix: symbol mapping label in copier
Version 2.27 2023.08.30
- feat: slave copier deprecated, failsafe and virtual stoploss checkboxes, now can select what type of stoploss you want with more options, also mode where we enter SL to the broker
- feat: slave copier enter master tp to the broker checkbox
- fix: insights duplicated stats if multiple instances running (users should now reset insights to reload all again)
Version 2.26 2023.08.30
- fix: tp line how much in rr by price was wrong if SL was moved
- impr: can remove from chart partialing button (by disabling it)
- fix: partial button when set to 0 does not do anything (closed trade before)
Version 2.25 2023.08.29
- fix: copier slave without failsafe SL, still had it (now does not if disabled)
Version 2.24 2023.08.29
- impr: insights update all open manager instances when all positons closed (before updated only the 'current manager')
- feat: copier slave failsafe SL checkbox & virtual stoploss checkbox
Version 2.23 2023.08.28
- fix: profits in RR on entry line left side was wrong
Version 2.22 2023.08.28
- fix: remove spamming equity level to experts, if Equity Stop activated (forgot a print)
Version 2.21 2023.08.28
- impr/fix: trade management formula cannot be empty + default formula added
Version 2.20 2023.08.28
- impr: Ignore Spread 'original order price' tp/be calculations also now work in market order mode
- impr: deal close message improvement, close reason and close price added
- feat: new risk limits, equity stop and maximum lot size added to risk management tab
- deprecated: 'add rr to be' & 'be at rr', since trade management formula replaced those
- feat: trade management formula added
- impr: GUI refinemets, re-ordered all, new tabs to make more logical and space, including new view in memory save mode
- impr: making sure cannot be duplicated (same id), queued trade (spread ignore)
Version 2.13 2023.08.23
- impr/fix?: insights load adjustments(deposits) on flow before all else to avoid maybe possible problems
- fix: tp profit calculations to work across all diff brokers+symbols (had one CFD on one broker that had problems, now should work all)
Version 2.12 2023.08.23
- feat: editable chart line text font size in settings
- fix: entry line RR text on right show RR without comms (did include comms before but winnings still with comms)
- fix: insights trade holding time counter was 0 (from last updates)
- impr: insights total unknown trades added and profits in money
Version 2.11 2023.08.22
- fix: insights "Current Drawdown" was Max Drawdown, now showing both in insights
- fix: insights trades without SL were skipped, we should skip them only from W/L/BE and Profit RR calculations, but were skipped from all.
Version 2.10 2023.08.22
- fix: TP trailing + Entry profit stats on the lines
Version 2.1 2023.08.22
- fix: copier slave did not execute if symbol was not in market watch (now adds to market watch before)
- fix: copier slave did not show symbol lot/leverage stats on risks
Version 2.0 2023.08.22
- fix: showing sl risk/profit text correctly + Profit RR on TP level was negative on a sell position
Version 1.99 2023.08.21
- feat: TP Profits (only on first line visible, not on lines after for now)
- fix: comm calculations across stats on chart..
Version 1.98 2023.08.21
- feat: now shows how much we have taken profits on chart..
- fix: comms on chart
- fix: risk formula boost does not stop if last was BE (only loss stops it)
- fix: margin lot/leverage on memory save mode
Version 1.97 2023.08.21
- feat: adaptive risk formula
- fix: memory save mode crash
- fix: insights win threshold button does not permantently save
- impr: show riks and drawdown in memory save mode
- many code refactors
Version 1.95 2023.08.18
- impr: insights tries to find SL automatically if not found from first deal order..
Version 1.94 2023.08.18
- hotfix: zero divided error on insights
Version 1.93 2023.08.18
feat: trade insights tab (overrall statistics)
feat: can define custom account balance (so chart risk/profit/comms are correct, if not all money in broker)
impr: small speed fix on trade close (getting statistics if a lot of trades)
Version 1.92 2023.08.15
- feat: trade statistics added, saved to db and rn printed to experts at the 'open of trade' and 'close of trade'
- imrp: entry line texts update, now shows comms and net profit only..
Version 1.91 2023.08.14
feat: risk calculations in pending order mode
impr: execution mode show changes, shows 'what we are exeuting'
impr: allow position sl drag to spread zone WITH Spread Ignore
Version 1.90 2023.08.11
feat: effectice symbol leverage show in risk
feat: max availale margin lot size show in risk
feat: risk/profit calculations in lines
feat: trade copier symbol mapping
feat: trade copier slave receiving speed
impr: copier transactions
fix: allow ignore spread pending mode to click on spread zone
fix: market sl size from spreads
Version 1.86 2023.08.09
fix: 1.85 should had removed EMA Spread from market orders, but appareantly did not had that code
feat: Spread Factor Mode: got Auto mode from EMA Smoothed Spreads
Version 1.85 2023.08.08
- fix: remove spread SMA smoothing for lot calculation from market orders (this was intented for spread ignore only)
Version 1.84 2023.08.08
feat: spread SMA smooth for lot calculation and spread chart label (Spread SMA label now)
impr: sl size / pip value calculation accross diff symbols to support, crypto/indices/forex/metals and different price digit lengths
Version 1.83 2023.08.07
- fix: spread ignore lot size calc on buy orders (factor spread in lot size calculation)
Version 1.82 2023.08.07
- fix: lot size calculator add spreads to market buy only (instead of pending and market)
Version 1.81 2023.08.07
- fix: "invalid trade" error on copier on some cases (maybe market order too), cause entryPrice is defined as 0.
Version 1.80 2023.08.07
- impr: Trade Copier: Deprecated Autonomous/Mirror modes, Mirror mode is new default. No more needed to have chart open on slave instances (one random chart is enough). Many things re-done in copier. Slave trade counter re-done.
- feat: Close All Open Positions: Hotkey added.
- impr: When to play TP/SL sound improvements.
- impr: Many code refactors, to simplify code
- impr: Lot size calculator factor spread in buy positions (so sl size is bigger, we get bit more accurate lot size, when spread is high)
Version 1.72 2023.07.14
-re-release: adjust lot size correctly on CFD's with custom contract size (fixed bug with prev release)
Version 1.71 2023.07.12
- revert: fix adjust lot size by CFD contract size (not working on some, needs more testing)
Version 1.70 2023.07.11
- fix: copier slave report db lock (less locked errors)
- fix: possibly calculating tp/be points correct on certain non-ignore mode situations
- fix: adjust lot size correctly on CFD's with custom contract size
Version 1.69 2023.07.06
- fix: copier mirror mode lot calculation was wrong
Version 1.68 2023.07.06
- fix: handle copier db connections better / +had slave report db leak
Version 1.67 2023.07.05
- impr: a lot of debugging logs for prices and trade factory (trade creation)
Version 1.66 2023.07.04
- fix: labels on non execution mode, to stick in place
Version 1.65 2023.07.04
- fix: copier trade counter was broken (from last release)
- fix: sync some texts back if out of place
Version 1.64 2023.07.03
- refactors/improvements: to make trade copier more robust
- feature: new trade copier mirror mode added (old mode renamed to "Autonomous")
- impr: other small refactors
Version 1.63 2023.06.30
- fix: pending trade sl out sound did not work
- impr: code refactor
- some other small things (debugging text and memory save mode size and so on..)
Version 1.62 2023.06.27
- fix: MA Close - Follows last closed candle MA instead of current MA Price (+compares to last candle close price)
Version 1.61 2023.06.27
impr: trade copier auto switch slave terminal timeframe
feat: risk off hotkey
deprecated: auto risk reducer (too subjective, maybe will release pair specific later)
Version 1.60 2023.06.26
- feat: auto risk reducer
- feat: MA based trade close (equal to MA trailing sl)
- depr: depracate add Pips to BE (now RR only)
- feat: memory save mode
- fix: cancel button event on trade copier with splitted trades
Version 1.50 2023.06.09
fix: .cash symbol db crash (. symbol fix)
Version 1.49 2023.06.08
fix: cancel button on splitted trade and to copy trader
Version 1.48 2023.06.08
impr: added sound when auto-be
impr: added cancel button for pending orders
impr: Added possibility to add RR to BE
feat: Lock RR on pending dragging (from entry line)
Version 1.47 2023.06.07
impr: rr level calculation text, when dragged to profit side changes to "inversed TP"
fix: error when SL was dragged to same price that it was before (no more error on that)
impr: new sounds, sounds when trade get's entered, sound when pending stop order SL was hit (went to other direction)
impr: RR in profit text to entry
Version 1.46 2023.06.01
- fix: RR level calculation text (after SL have been dragged was wrong)
- fix: ignore spread use original entry for be (seems like was broken at some point)
Version 1.45 2023.05.24
impr: show RR text in TP levels
fix: move also spread ignore order line texts a bit more right (same as in prev release for normal orders)
Version 1.44 2023.05.15
fix: spread factor tp level calculation was wrong
fix: allow mt5 trendline drawing (without UTM throwing error)
Version 1.43 2023.05.11
fix: tp sound on tp1 100% only mode (had sl sound)
impr: move position texts a bit more right (so not blocking last candle)
impr: reduced logged messages (enabled on debugging mode only)
Version 1.42 2023.05.09
fix: spread factor, factored extra spreads on pending dragging modification
impr: if TP1 only and 100% (and no "spread ignore invisible" mode) enter TP to the broker
impr: support custom renko charts (named as EURUSD_5PIPS, EURUSD_5PIPS and so on..)
impr: debugging logs checkbox
fix: update partialing button text realtime
fix: 50% partialing on mini lots (0.1 steps) with 0.2 closed position instead of partial 0.1
impr: copier master lock refresh one more time on init if locked
Version 1.41 2023.05.04
impr: customize partialing button % (edit)
impr: trade copier master lock (impossible to get stuck to master)
Version 1.40 2023.04.25
- fix: splitted trade Auto BE'ing (not always working)
- impr: support for min/max sl size limits for market orders (not market has all fixed + min + max)
Version 1.39 2023.04.14
fix: sl size indicator in market was not accurate enough (now is)
impr: fixed sl size now supports market orders
impr: fixed sl size texts in chart when it has been enabled
Version 1.38 2023.04.13
- fix: Fixed SL size was always static 1.0
Version 1.37 2023.04.12
- impr: broker max lot size bypass / splitted trades > now all splitted will act as a one big trade, line draggings + all else will modify also all splitted trades, even with trade copier.
Version 1.36 2023.03.31
This update should finish Partiasl50%/Close buttons and splitted_trades/broker_lot_bypass to work with trade copier 100%
- impr: trade copier > broker max lot size bypass / splitted trades: move all slave splitted lines (if master has 1 trade and slave has 5 splitted, if u move master sl, it will move all 5 splitted sl's and all other lines)
- impr: tradecopier: send over partial50%/Close button events (did not before)
- impr: broker max lot size bypass / splitted trades: draw Partial50%/Close buttons only on "main" trade, on button press it will partial or close all splitted (so they are like one big trade)
- fix lot size reduction message (tell of what amount we reduced, had bug)
Version 1.35 2023.03.31
- allow trades that are executed without UTM (it wont draw/manage it)
Version 1.34 2023.03.24
fix: market order deviation/slippage limit/prices
fix: text color update when changed
impr: default colors from chart
Version 1.33 2023.03.23
Impr: Text added - "Press KEY to enter execution mode"
Impr: seconds chart custom symbol parsing
Impr: Validate that already used Hotkey cannot be selected
Version 1.32 2023.03.17
- Buttons added for position entry line (50% partial and close position)
Version 1.31 2023.03.13
- fix: .i symbol support was broken (e.g EURUSD.i)
Version 1.30 2023.03.10
impr: market order has now spread handling modes (ignore and factor mode support)
impr: hotkey to change order type on fly
impr: on pending order line dragging re-enters position (this enables now lot size re-calculation on dragging)
impr: trade with magic does not exist message + disable this and remove lines when manager off
impr: copier, auto set slave order type (not needed anymore to set manually)
fix: copier, double trades when multiple managers (copier multi symbol bug fix)
Version 1.25 2023.03.04
- limit execution mode speed (used 100% single cpu core before, potentially avoid crashes)
Version 1.24 2023.02.21
- fix when position closed, manager had state open (and we had unnecessary close sounds) - no closes always all positions
Version 1.23 2023.02.17
- fix: ea stays open while switching timeframe (non custom symbols)
- fix: splitted trade line dragging on copier
Version 1.22 2023.02.17
- forgot in 1.21 to disable lot calculation on ignore spread line dragging (should not calculate now in all cases)
Version 1.21 2023.02.17
- broker max lot size per trade bypass (e.g ftmo)
Version 1.20 2023.02.16
- add pips to BE advanced options
- fix copier where user "events" was copied over to all symbols (not specific we trade)
Version 1.19 2023.02.13
- fixed calc lotsize on "ignore spread" order sl line drag
- fix play sl sound with "ignore spread" mode
Version 1.18 2023.02.13
- added SL size text to order/position lines (know since when dragging)
- added sounds on SL or TP point
Version 1.17 2023.02.10
- bugfix on "ignore spread invisible" entry line dragging lot size was calculated to maximum
Version 1.16 2023.02.10
- checkbox to disable alerts on "auto lot reduction"
- fixed possibly bug where lot size was infinite, because mt5 SYMBOL_TRADE_TICK_VALUE seems to have problems sometimes it's 0 on first call
- lot size will be auto calculated when dragging queued (ignore pending invisible) orders
Version 1.15 2023.02.06
- auto be only on rr levels
Version 1.14 2023.02.03
- improved "global currency lock" cannot get stuck anymore
- fix tp point calculation after order dragging (was not calculated again)
- fix trade copier line dragging not updating
Version 1.13 2023.01.31
- update line text to "keep up" with time (and not fall behind)
Version 1.12 2023.01.31
- small "safety" update, removing unnecessary position db close save (that could possibly introduce a bug later)
Version 1.11 2023.01.31
- Fixed where not all "ignore spread" states were saved to db (on restart did not remember BE on invisible mode)
Version 1.1 2023.01.30
- scaling fix: with 100% some things were too big or small