Aggressive Lifting
- Experten
- Aleksandr Khmelevskii
- Version: 1.3
- Aktualisiert: 24 November 2022
- Aktivierungen: 10
2 copies left at 49 USD. Next price is 99 USD
- This is a very aggressive trading strategy, based on a modified MACD indicator. It is used to analyze the anomalous zones of the market + author's methodology to restore the critical movement.
The strategy was developed taking into account the movement of the currency pair USDCHF and the best rates of trade just on it.
- - Leverage of 1:500 or higher (ideally 1:1000 or 1:2000)
- - Minimum deposit 100 units
- - stop out level 10-20%
- MACD Indicator:
- Fast EMA
- Slow EMA
TakeProfit- profit
Recovery_Network_Distance- distance between recovery orders
Lot_Option - lot variant
Lot - lot volume
Magic- magic number
Important!!! The Expert Advisor is very aggressive and uses the maximum load of the deposit.