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KT Pivot Points MT5

KT Pivot Points automatically plots the daily, weekly, and monthly pivot levels on a chart with the precise calculation based on the latest data. Pivot points is a widely used indicator in technical analysis, particularly in the Forex market.


  • Send alerts when the price touches the pivot level. 
  • It offers complete customization for each kind of pivot level.  
  • Shows daily, weekly, and monthly pivot levels without any fuss.
  • It uses minimum CPU resources for faster calculation.
  • Compatible with other indicators on the chart.

What are Pivot Points

A pivot point or level is found using the average of high, low, and closing price compared to the previous trading day or session. 

Using the calculated pivot points and data, support and resistance levels can be projected in the future, which can be used to anticipate the price movement around these support and resistance levels.

Also, it is generally believed that if the price is trading above the pivot point, it indicates a bullish sentiment, while trading below the pivot point indicates a bearish sentiment.

Pivot Formula

To calculate the pivot levels, we use the data points such as the high, low, and close prices of the previous day, weeks, or even months.

  • P = (H + L + C) / 3
  • R1 = P + (P − L) = 2×P − L
  • S1 = P − (H − P) = 2×P − H
  • R2 = P + (H − L)
  • S2 = P − (H − L)
  • R3 = H + 2×(P − L) = R1 + (H − L)
  • S3 = L − 2×(H − P) = S1 − (H − L)


P = Pivot, H = High, L = Low, C = Close
R = Resistance
S = Support

How to use Pivot Points

Pivot levels can be used as support/resistance levels to spot the reversal, continuation, stop-loss, and profit targets. Day-traders can use daily pivot levels, swing traders can use weekly pivot levels, and long-term investors can use monthly pivot levels.

Positional traders and investors can even utilize annual data to estimate significant levels for upcoming years.

Pivot Strategies

Typically, a trader can go long when the price touches the support level and go short when it touches the resistance level. However, this commonly used strategy is dangerous during strong trending markets.

The pivot levels can be used in a more meaningful way. If the price is below the central pivot level, the market is expected to go south and go north if the price is above the pivot level.

Any indicator or methodology cannot exist without its pitfalls. For example, pivot levels sometimes may fail you as a trader. Still, it's always best to use them as a guiding compass within your trading strategy.

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up down v6 for mt5 is no repaint all timeframe and all pairs indicator. red histogram cros trigger that is up point,and put a red point on histogram. and blue histogram cros trigger that is deep point.and put blue point on histogram. this indicator need to sometimes zoom out .for thise pres + button. if newly comes signal is too high makes before invisible.red and blue points are there.to see the signals. indicator is no repaint and can use all time frame and all pairs. only need minimum 500 bar
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This indicator displays pivot points in the chart, including historical vales, and supports many calculation modes for Pivot Points and S/R levels. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] It plots historical levels for backtesting purposes It allows you to select the reference timeframe It implements different Pivot Point calculation modes It implements different SR calculation modes It implements customizable colors and sizes Calculation Modes The indicato
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Easy Breakout MT5
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (2)
MetaForecast prognostiziert und visualisiert die Zukunft eines beliebigen Marktes basierend auf den Harmonien in den Preisdaten. Obwohl der Markt nicht immer vorhersehbar ist, kann MetaForecast, wenn es ein Muster im Preis gibt, die Zukunft so genau wie möglich voraussagen. Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Produkten kann MetaForecast durch die Analyse von Markttrends genauere Ergebnisse erzeugen. Eingabeparameter Past size (Vergangene Größe) Gibt an, wie viele Balken MetaForecast verwendet, um ein Mod
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
Jetzt 147 US -Dollar (nach ein paar Aktualisierungen auf 499 US -Dollar) - Unbegrenzte Konten (PCs oder MACs) RelicusRoad Benutzerhandbuch + Schulungsvideos + Zugang zur privaten Discord-Gruppe + VIP-Status EINE NEUE ART, DEN MARKT ZU BETRACHTEN RelicusRoad ist der weltweit leistungsstärkste Handelsindikator für Forex, Futures, Kryptowährungen, Aktien und Indizes und gibt Händlern alle Informationen und Tools, die sie benötigen, um profitabel zu bleiben. Wir bieten technische Analysen und Ha
Timeframes Trend Scanner is a trend analyzer or trend screener indicator that helps you know the trend in all timeframes of symbol you're watching. This indicator provides clear & detailed analysis results on a beautiful dashboard, let you able to use this result right away without need to do any additional analysis. Please note that this indicator doesn't work with Strategy Tester. Sorry for that! How it works Step 1: Calculate values of 23 selected & trusted technical indicators (Oscillator &
EXCLUSIVE! JUST  10 COPIES  AVAILABLE!   BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA CAP, CEP, LDH, PSC307 & AO4C to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only ) FREE Trading Education Available Daily via Zoom --- For More Info or Instant Message Click link ---  https://t.me/abcdwave Transform your trading with the "Five Magic Bullets" Indicator, tailored for traders who embrace the power of Elliott Wave Chaos Theory.
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
Gartley Hunter Multi
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. From the smallest to the largest 4. All fou
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
3.5 (2)
Gold Trend - dies ist ein guter technischer Indikator für Aktien. Der Algorithmus des Indikators analysiert die Preisbewegung eines Vermögenswerts und spiegelt die Volatilität und mögliche Einstiegszonen wider. Die besten Indikatorsignale: - Für VERKAUFEN = rotes Histogramm + roter SHORT-Zeiger + gelber Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. - Für KAUFEN = blaues Histogramm + blauer LONG-Zeiger + aquafarbener Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. Vorteile des Indikators: 1. Der Indikator erzeugt S
Trend Line Map Pro MT5
4.09 (11)
Trend Line Map Indicator ist ein Add-On für Trend Screener Indicator. Es arbeitet als Scanner für alle Signale, die vom Trendscreener (Trendliniensignale) erzeugt werden. Es ist ein Trend Line Scanner basierend auf dem Trend Screener Indicator. Wenn Sie keinen Trend Screener Pro Indicator haben, funktioniert die Trend Line Map Pro nicht. It's a Trend Line Scanner based on Trend Screener Indicator. If you don't have Trend Screener Pro Indicator,     the Trend Line Map Pro will not work . Wen
CBT Quantum Maverick Hocheffizientes Binäroptionshandelssystem CBT Quantum Maverick ist ein leistungsstarkes Handelssystem für Binäroptionen, das für Händler entwickelt wurde, die Präzision, Einfachheit und diszipliniertes Handeln suchen. Keine Anpassung erforderlich – das System ist von Anfang an optimiert. Mit etwas Übung sind die Signale leicht zu beherrschen. Hauptmerkmale: Präzise Signale: Handelssignale basierend auf der aktuellen Kerze, die auf die nächste Kerze abzielen, ohne häufige N
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KT Asian Breakout Indicator
Der KT Asian Breakout Indikator analysiert einen wichtigen Teil der asiatischen Handelssitzung, um in beide Richtungen Kauf- und Verkaufssignale basierend auf dem Preis-Ausbruch zu generieren. Ein Kaufsignal wird ausgelöst, wenn der Preis das Sitzungs-Hoch durchbricht, und ein Verkaufssignal tritt auf, wenn der Preis das Sitzungs-Tief durchbricht. Wichtige Hinweise Wenn die Sitzungsbox vertikal zu breit ist, sollte ein neuer Trade vermieden werden, da die meisten Kursbewegungen bereits innerhal
KT Momentum Arrows MT5
5 (2)
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price closes above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price closes below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument a
KT RSI Divergence Robot MT5
KT RSI Divergence robot is a 100% automated expert advisor that trades regular and hidden divergence built between the price and Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. The divergence signals are fetched from our freely available RSI divergence indicator. Not every divergence ends up in a successful price reversal, that's why this ea combines the raw divergences signals with its inbuilt technical analysis module to exploit the price inefficiency that occurs after some selected divergence sig
KT Trend Magic
KT Trend Magic shows the trend depiction on chart using the combination of market momentum and volatility. A smoothing coefficient is used to smooth out the noise from the signal.It can be used to find out the new entries or confirm the trades produced by other EA/Indicators. Usage Drag n drop MTF scanner which scans for the new signals across multiple time-frames. Find new entries in the trend direction. Improve the accuracy of other indicators when used in conjunction. Can be used as a dynami
KT COG Advanced MT4
1 (1)
KT COG is an advanced implementation of the center of gravity indicator presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. It's a leading indicator which can be used to identify the potential reversal points with the minimum lag. The COG oscillator catches the price swings quite effectively. MT5 version of the same indicator is available here KT COG Advanced MT5 Calculation of COG The COG indicator is consist of the two lines. The main l
ACB Breakout Arrows
4.15 (34)
The ACB Breakout Arrows indicator provides a crucial entry signal in the market by detecting a special breakout pattern. The indicator constantly scans the chart for a settling momentum in one direction and provide the accurate entry signal right before the major move.  Get multi-symbol and multi-timeframe scanner from here - Scanner for ACB Breakout Arrows MT4 Key features Stoploss and Take Profit levels are provided by the indicator. Comes with a MTF Scanner dashboard which tracks the breako
ACB Breakout Arrows MT5
5 (1)
The ACB Breakout Arrows indicator provides a crucial entry signal in the market by detecting a special breakout pattern. The indicator constantly scans the chart for a settling momentum in one direction and provide the accurate entry signal right before the major move. Get multi-symbol and multi-timeframe scanner from here - Scanner for ACB Breakout Arrows MT 5 Key features Stoploss   and Take Profit levels are provided by the indicator. Comes with a MTF Scanner dashboard which tracks the brea
ACB Breakout Arrows EA MT5
This is a 100% automated expert advisor based on our custom indicator named  "ACB Breakout Arrows" . The entries are based on a breakout pattern that constantly occurs in a bi-directional manner. The intensity of entry signals can be manipulated using the external input called "Signal Sensitivity". MT4 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35769 Trades Confirmation ACB Breakout Arrows EA provides an ability to filter the entries using our another custom indicator nam
KT Momentum Arrows
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price close above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price close below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument and
KT RSI Divergence Robot MT4
KT RSI Divergence robot is a 100% automated expert advisor that trades regular and hidden divergence built between the price and Relative Strength Index (RSI) oscillator. The divergence signals are fetched from our freely available RSI divergence indicator. Not every divergence ends up in a successful price reversal, that's why this ea combines the raw divergences signals with its inbuilt technical analysis module to exploit the price inefficiency that occurs after some selected divergence sig
KT Psar Arrows MT5
5 (1)
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
KT London Breakout MT5
First thirty minutes are essential for a trading session. The early reaction of traders and market players sets a path for the rest of the day. KT London Breakout EA takes advantage of this phenomenon, and after analyzing the first thirty minutes of London session, it places two bidirectional pending orders. One of pending order is eventually canceled after realizing the market direction with certainty. It has been strictly tested and developed for EUR/JPY using 30-Min Time Frame. You can expe
Use of support and resistance in systematic trading is very subjective. Every trader has their own idea and way to plotting the support and resistance levels on the chart. KT Support and Resistance indicator take out this ambiguity out of the situation and automatically draws support and resistance levels following an algorithmic approach using a unique multi-timeframe analysis. When launched on the chart, It immediately scan the most significant extreme points across all the available timefra
KT Trend Magic MT5
KT Trend Magic shows the trend depiction on chart using the combination of market momentum and volatility. A smoothing coefficient is used to smooth out the noise from the signal.It can be used to find out the new entries or confirm the trades produced by other EA or indicator. Features Drag n drop MTF scanner which scans for the new signals across multiple time-frames. Find new entries in the trend direction. Improve the accuracy of other indicators when used in conjunction. Can be used as a d
KT COG Advanced MT5
KT COG is an advanced implementation of the center of gravity indicator presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. It's a leading indicator which can be used to identify the potential reversal points with the minimum lag. The COG oscillator catches the price swings quite effectively. MT4 version of the same indicator is available here KT COG Advanced MT4 Calculation of COG The COG indicator is consist of the two lines. The main l
KT Stoch Divergence MT4
Divergence is one of the vital signals that depicts the upcoming price reversal in the market. KT Stoch Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergences build between the price and stochastic oscillator. Limitations of KT Stoch Divergence Using the Stochastic divergence as a standalone entry signal can be risky. Every divergence can't be interpreted as a strong reversal signal. For better results, try to combine it with price action and trend direction. Features Marks regular and hidden di
KT CCI Divergence MT4
KT CCI Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergence created between the price and CCI oscillator. Divergence is one of the vital signals that depicts the upcoming price reversal in the market. Manually spotting the divergence between price and CCI can be a hectic and ambiguous task. Limitations of KT CCI Divergence   Using the CCI divergence as a standalone entry signal can be risky. Every divergence can't be interpreted as a strong reversal signal. For better results, try to combine it w
MACD Divergence on MT5
KT MACD Divergence shows the regular and hidden divergences build between the price and oscillator. If your trading strategy anticipates the trend reversal, you can include the MACD regular divergence to speculate the potential turning points. And if your trading strategy based on the trend continuation, MACD hidden divergence would be a good fit. Limitations of KT MACD Divergence Using the macd divergence as a standalone entry signal can be a risky affair. Every divergence can't be interprete
ACB Trade Filter MT4
5 (1)
The ACB Trade Filter indicator provides a solution for filtering out the low probability trading setups in a trading strategy. The indicator uses a sophisticated filtration algorithm based on the market sentiment and trend. Applications Works great with our indicator " ACB Breakout Arrows ". Filter out low probability signals from any indicator. Avoid overtrading and minimize the losses. Trade in the direction of market sentiment and trend. Avoid the choppiness in the market. How to use Only L
KT Pin Bar
KT Pin Bar identifies the pin bar formation which is a type of price action pattern which depicts a sign of reversal or rejection of the trend. When combined with support and resistance, BRN and other significant levels, Pin Bar pattern proved to be a very strong sign of reversal. Basically, a pin bar is characterized by a small body relative to the bar length which is closed either in upper or lower 50% part of its length. They have very large wicks and small candle body. A pin bar candlestic
KT Auto Fibo
KT Auto Fibo draws Fibonacci retracement levels based on the ongoing trend direction. The Highs and Lows are automatically selected using the Maximum and Minimum points available on the chart. You can zoom in/out and scroll to adjust the Fibonacci levels accordingly. Modes Auto:  It draws the Fibonacci levels automatically based on the chart area. Manual: It draws the Fibonacci levels only one time. After that, you can change the anchor points manually. Usage: Helps to predict the future profi
KT Psar Arrows
KT Psar Arrows plots the arrows on chart using the standard Parabolic SAR indicator. A bullish arrow is plotted when the candle's high touch the SAR. A bearish arrow is plotted when the candle's low touch the SAR. The signals are generated in the real-time without waiting for the bar close.  Features A beneficial tool for traders who want to experiment with the trading strategies that include the use of Parabolic Sar indicator.  Can be used to find turning points in the market. Use custom PSAR
KT Ichimoku Trader
1 (1)
KT Ichimoku Trader is a fully automated expert advisor that offers five popular trading strategies based on the Ichimoku indicator. Each strategy has it's own entry and exit method without any interference to other strategies. The Ichimoku system can be applied to all major currency pairs and metals. However, we found that it performs reasonably well mainly on two pairs.   MT5 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35043 Features Trade up to 5 famous trading strategi
KT Volatility Oscillator
KT Volatility oscillator analyze the past and current market data with a mathematical formula to display the result in a form of an oscillator. The growing and deteriorating waves are equivalent to high and low volatility in the asset.  In a nutshell, volatility is simply a measurement of the price fluctuation of an asset over a certain period of time. Without volatility, there would not much movement in the market and traders would not be able to profit from the price movements. Use of Volatil
KT COG Robot
KT COG Robot is a fully automated Expert Advisor based on the KT COG Indicator . The COG indicator was originally presented by John F. Ehlers in the May 2002 edition of Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities magazine. The EA fires a long trade when COG line cross above the signal line and a short trade is fired when the COG line cross below the signal line.  Adaptive Filtration Our adaptive filtration algorithm combines the original COG formula with the major trend direction and market acce
ACB Breakout Arrows EA
This is a 100% automated expert advisor based on our custom indicator named "ACB Breakout Arrows" . The entries are based on a breakout pattern that constantly occurs in a bi-directional manner. The intensity of entry signals can be manipulated using the external input called "Signal Sensitivity". MT5 Version is available here  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/35785 Trades Confirmation ACB Breakout Arrows EA provides an ability to filter the entries using our another custom indicator nam
KT Asian Breakout
4 (1)
KT Asian Breakout carefully analyzes the range-bound market during the Asian session and then fires a long or short trade after doing some preassessment based on its inbuilt technical analysis module. The executed orders are closed within a day before the completion of the next day session. The inbuilt technical analysis module checks for the session range and compares it with the last 20 days price movement. If it finds any erratic price movement within the session, the orders are not executed
KT London Breakout
First thirty minutes are essential for a trading session. The early reaction of traders and market players sets a path for the rest of the day. KT London Breakout EA takes advantage of this phenomenon, and after analyzing the first thirty minutes of London session, it places two bidirectional pending orders. One of pending order is eventually canceled after realizing the market direction with certainty. It has been strictly tested and developed for EUR/JPY using 30-Min Time Frame. You can expe
If you trade Forex, having detailed information about the currency strength and currency pairs correlation can take your trading to new heights. The correlation will help to cut your risk in half, and strength analysis will help to maximize the profits. This indicator provides a hybrid approach for selecting the most appropriate currency pairs using the strength analysis and currency pairs correlation. How to use the Currency Strength Analysis Suppose your trading strategy provides a buying opp
MACD Divergence Seeker
KT MACD Divergence Seeker trades the regular and hidden divergence signals generated by our free indicator named KT MACD Divergence indicator. Trading the standalone divergences can be a risky affair that's why the KT MACD Divergence Seeker combines the standard divergence signals with an advanced analysis module to exploit the price inefficiencies on some FX pairs. What is the Divergence exactly? As a general conception if the price is making higher highs, then macd should also be making hig
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