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Draw and Sync Objects


Draw and Sync Objects Multiple Charts

1. Draw objects by key press. (You must: 1. Press Function key => 2. Click where you want to draw => 3. Draw it => 4. Press ESC to complete).

(If you don't want to draw after pressing function key, you must press ESC to cancel).

2. Developing : Sync selected objects to multiple charts by button.

3. Developing: Hide objects that do not belong to the current symbol (Objects drawn with this indicator will belong to the symbol they are plotted on. When your chart changes to a different symbol, they will be in progress. hidden).

Function list of keys:

Ctrl + Shift: draw Rectangle.

D: draw Trend Line.

T: draw Text.

F: draw Fibonacci Retracement

S: Toggle Scale Fix.

Q: Zoom In.

W: Zoom Out.

Version 1.10:  When the rectangle has been deleted, the lines of rectangle will be deleted.

Version 1.20: When the rectangle drawn by indicator has been changed, the lines of it will be changed.

Version 1.30: Add function to key U for extend all Rectangles drawn by this indicator to last bar.

Version 1.40: Add 5 colors input for select the color rectangle after creating it.

Version 1.50:

- Hide objects belong other symbols have been drawn by this indicator.

- Sync selected objects when you click Sync Objects button:

+ Enable sync button in input.

+ Set indexes of chart you want to sync (First chart index is 1. Next chart index is 2, ...)

Version 1.60:

- Add 5 charts to sync objects (now 10 charts). 

- Fix: chart has same index with current chart will be ignored when you sync objects.

- Press U key: now extends rectangles to last bar + 1 (if hourly chart, it will be extended to next hour).

- Fix: sync fill color of rectangle.

Version 1.70: fix sync lines of rectangles

Version 1.80: add some colors and remove fill color buttons when you click rectangles.

Version 1.90: add some input to edit sync objects button properties.

Version 2.0:

- Add 5 charts to sync objects (total:  20 charts).

- ESC Key: deselect all objects.

- G Key: enable select rectangles by clicking their fill (you need press G whenever you want to select rectangle by clicking its fill, one click one rectangle and disable by click anywhere on chart).

- E Key: show colors buttons, remove BG fill button, delete rectangle button, mark new name button for rectangle.

+ Delete rectangle button: when you click it, rectangle will be deleted and the chart shows you a button to sync deleting rectangle. That button named "Sync Rectangle" (the rectangles of other sync charts will be deleted when you click this button).

+ Mark new name button: when you don't want to sync a rectangle, you can mark it as new. This indicator will understand it is a new rectangle. And it will not be synchronized with old rectangles in other charts. (You can click sync objects button with this new rectangle, other charts will create new rectangles).

Version 2.10: add key inputs to draw rectangle, trendline, text and fibonacci retracement.

Bewertungen 9
Ru Qiong
Ru Qiong 2024.01.11 18:35 

Cảm ơn anh Sang nhiều lắm vì đã chia sẻ indi miễn phí.

Rad Ashoor
Rad Ashoor 2023.09.06 14:55 

Hello, today I received an error (invalid license).

Alid 2023.05.17 13:19 

Very good, but please fix this for the next update: [Automatic update option, to edit (or delete) objects without pressing the sync button in any of the charts Immediately]. Thank you

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Support And Resistance Screener ist ein Level-Indikator für MetaTrader, der mehrere Tools innerhalb eines Indikators bietet. Die verfügbaren Werkzeuge sind: 1. Marktstruktur-Screener. 2. Bullische Pullback-Zone. 3. Bärische Pullback-Zone. 4. Tägliche Pivot-Punkte 5. wöchentliche Pivots-Punkte 6. monatliche Pivots-Punkte 7. Starke Unterstützung und Widerstand basierend auf harmonischem Muster und Volumen. 8. Zonen auf Bankebene. ZEITLICH BEGRENZTES ANGEBOT: HV Support and Resistance Indicator ist
Wir stellen vor       Quantum Breakout PRO   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Indikator, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie mit Breakout-Zonen handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung,       Quantum Breakout PRO       ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihre Handelsreise mit seiner innovativen und dynamischen Breakout-Zone-Strategie auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. Der Quantum Breakout Indicator zeigt Ihnen Signalpfeile auf Breakout-Zonen mit 5 Gewinnzielzonen u
Zunächst einmal ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass dieses Handelstool ein Nicht-Repaint-, Nicht-Redraw- und Nicht-Verzögerungsindikator ist, was es ideal für professionelles Trading macht. Online-Kurs, Benutzerhandbuch und Demo. Der Smart Price Action Concepts Indikator ist ein sehr leistungsstarkes Werkzeug sowohl für neue als auch erfahrene Händler. Er vereint mehr als 20 nützliche Indikatoren in einem und kombiniert fortgeschrittene Handelsideen wie die Analyse des Inner Circle Traders und Str
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
Jetzt 147 US -Dollar (nach ein paar Aktualisierungen auf 499 US -Dollar) - Unbegrenzte Konten (PCs oder MACs) RelicusRoad Benutzerhandbuch + Schulungsvideos + Zugang zur privaten Discord-Gruppe + VIP-Status EINE NEUE ART, DEN MARKT ZU BETRACHTEN RelicusRoad ist der weltweit leistungsstärkste Handelsindikator für Forex, Futures, Kryptowährungen, Aktien und Indizes und gibt Händlern alle Informationen und Tools, die sie benötigen, um profitabel zu bleiben. Wir bieten technische Analysen und Ha
Shiv Raj Kumawat
WHY IS OUR FXACCCURATE LS MT5 THE PROFITABLE ? PROTECT YOUR CAPITAL WITH RISK MANAGEMENT Gives entry, stop and target levels from time to time. It finds Trading opportunities by analyzing what the price is doing during established trends. POWERFUL INDICATOR FOR A RELIABLE STRATEGIES We have made these indicators with a lot of years of hard work. It is made at a very advanced level. Established trends provide dozens of trading opportunities, but most trend indicators completely ignore them! The
Black Dragon indicator mt5
Ramil Minniakhmetov
4.83 (58)
Der Trenderkennungsindikator ergänzt jede Strategie und kann auch als unabhängiges Werkzeug verwendet werden. Vorteile Einfach zu bedienen, überfrachtet das Diagramm nicht mit unnötigen Informationen; Kann als Filter für jede Strategie verwendet werden; Verfügt über eingebaute dynamische Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsebenen, die sowohl zur Gewinnmitnahme als auch zum Setzen von Stop-Loss verwendet werden können; Der Indikator ändert seine Farbe nicht, nachdem die Kerze geschlossen wurde;  F
TW Trend Scalper Indicator: Der TW Scalper Shoot bietet Ihnen ein einzigartiges Trading-Erlebnis, indem er die neuesten Trading-Strategien und Technologien der künstlichen Intelligenz nutzt. Dieses Produkt erfüllt die vielfältigen Bedürfnisse von Scalper-Tradern, indem es zwei verschiedene Kategorien von Signalen bereitstellt: Testen Sie dieses außergewöhnliche Produkt noch heute und beginnen Sie Ihre einzigartige Erfahrung, ein Trend-Scalper zu werden. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie ein Produkt
Der Gann Square Indikator ist ein leistungsstolles Marktanalyse-Tool, das auf dem Artikel "Mathematische Formel für Marktvorhersagen" von W.D. Gann basiert. Dieses Tool verwendet mathematische Konzepte und Gann-Theorien für eine präzise Marktanalyse. Es beinhaltet Quadratwerte von 144, 90, 52 und auch das Quadrat von 9. Darüber hinaus integriert es die Methode von  zur Quadratwurzel von 9 und deren Beziehung zu Kanälen und dem Sternmuster. Benutzerhandbuch und Anwendung: Vor der Verwendung diese
Easy Breakout MT5
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
1 (2)
This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
Berma Bands
Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (3)
Der Berma Bands (BBs)-Indikator ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug für Händler, die Markttrends erkennen und daraus Kapital schlagen möchten. Durch die Analyse der Beziehung zwischen dem Preis und den BBs können Händler erkennen, ob sich ein Markt in einer Trend- oder Schwankungsphase befindet. Besuchen Sie den [ Berma Home Blog ], um mehr zu erfahren. Berma-Bänder bestehen aus drei unterschiedlichen Linien: dem oberen Berma-Band, dem mittleren Berma-Band und dem unteren Berma-Band. Diese Linien werden
Royal Scalping Indicator M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (6)
Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low
ICT, SMC, SMART MONEY CONCEPTS, SMART MONEY, Smart Money Concept, Support and Resistance, Trend Analysis, Price Action, Market Structure, Order Blocks, BOS/CHoCH,   Breaker Blocks ,  Momentum Shift,   Supply&Demand Zone/Order Blocks , Strong Imbalance,   HH/LL/HL/LH,    Fair Value Gap, FVG,  Premium  &   Discount   Zones, Fibonacci Retracement, OTE, Buy Side Liquidity, Sell Side Liquidity, BSL/SSL Taken, Equal Highs & Lows, MTF Dashboard, Multiple Time Frame, BigBar, HTF OB, HTF Market Structure
Weitere Produkte dieses Autors
Candle Time Remaining
Nguyen Thanh Sang
5 (2)
This indicator show candle time remaining. The remaining time of the candle is calculated every 200 milliseconds. 1. You can set x (horizontal), y (vertical) of text. 2. You can set font, color, size of text. 3. You can remove the text without having to remove the indicator from the chart. The remaining time of the candle depends on the timeframe of the chart with the indicator.
Alert System
Nguyen Thanh Sang
5 (1)
Alert System You use function keys to create horizontal lines for alerts. 1. Allow set horizontal line properties (line color, line style, line width, ...) for alerts. 2. Allow add text to horizotanl line. You can hide or show text when you need. You can change text and its price, but time of text will be set in input named "text_time" (0 is current time, you should test this input with -1, -2, -3 or lower). 3. It has 2 types of alert: above and bellow. You can set key to create them. If price i
Draw and Sync Objects MT4
Nguyen Thanh Sang
4.67 (6)
Draw and Sync Objects Multiple Charts 1. Draw objects by key press. ( You must: 1.  Press Function key =>   2.   Click where you want to draw =>   3.   Draw it =>   4.   Press ESC to complete). (If you don't want to draw after pressing function key, you must press ESC to cancel). 2.   Developing  : Sync selected objects to multiple charts by button. 3. Developing: Hide objects that do not belong to the current symbol (Objects drawn with this indicator will belong to the symbol they are plotted
Round Number By Pips
Nguyen Thanh Sang
5 (2)
Indicator draws Round Number lines by distance of pips. 1. You can enable / disable indicator to show / hide the lines. 2. You can set distance of pips between the lines. 3. You can edit the number of lines.  4. You can edit properties of lines by inputs (style (DASH, DOT, SOLID, ...) , width (1 for DASH, DOT, 2 is not for DASH, DOT, it only SOLID), color). When indicator is deleted from the chart, the lines will be removed.
Switch symbols and timeframe by arrow buttons 1. You can switch multiple symbols of one or all charts. 2. You can set list of symbols to switch between them or get them from Market Watch. 3. You can change timeframe of one or all charts. List of timeframes here [M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN1]. Switch symbol of all charts: indicator check current symbol of the chart to get index of it in list and change for next or previous. Key functions: - Right arrow key: switch to next symbol. - Left
Synchronize objects from one chart to multiple charts. Synchronize objects from one chart to multiple charts. 1. Allows automatic synchronization of new and edited objects to other charts. 2. Allows synchronization of all objects on the chart to other charts at the current time. 3. Allows setting the charts to synchronize based on the position of the chart in the MT4 window. Version 1.2: Allow set list of object names that you don't want to sync (Separated by commas ",") Allow set 5 types of o
Tokyo Session Box
Nguyen Thanh Sang
3 (1)
Tokyo Session Box Indicator : Draw a box of Tokyo session. Inputs tutorial: 1. Automatic: true/false. To calculate box automatic base GMT. 2. Broker time zone: if Automatic is False, you have to define broker time zone (ex: 2 ) 3. Button ON/OFF properties: x, y, corner, color, background fill, width, height, font name, font size.   This button will toggle showing or hiding Tokyo session box.
List of buttons to switch between symbols on multiple charts 1. Set x, y coordinates (horizontal, vertical) for list of buttons. 2. Show/hide buttons by clicking button or keypress. 3. The number of columns of the button list. 4. The color of the buttons and the color of the current symbol button. 5. The button list is separated by commas. If the list is empty, the indicator takes the list of symbols in the Market Watch. 6. Set the keypress to show and hide the list of buttons. 7. Multiple Char
Switch symbols and timeframe by arrow buttons 1. You can switch multiple symbols of one or all charts. 2. You can set list of symbols to switch between them or get them from Market Watch. 3. You can change timeframe of one or all charts. List of timeframes here [M1, M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, D1, W1, MN1]. Switch symbol of all charts: indicator check current symbol of the chart to get index of it in list and change for next or previous. Key functions: - Right arrow key: switch to next symbol. - Left
Ru Qiong
Ru Qiong 2024.01.11 18:35 

Cảm ơn anh Sang nhiều lắm vì đã chia sẻ indi miễn phí.

Rad Ashoor
Rad Ashoor 2023.09.06 14:55 

Hello, today I received an error (invalid license).

alvist98 2023.06.19 14:34 

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Alid 2023.05.17 13:19 

Very good, but please fix this for the next update: [Automatic update option, to edit (or delete) objects without pressing the sync button in any of the charts Immediately]. Thank you

maxhash 2023.02.08 14:30 

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petrzagurskii 2022.07.08 01:53 

Супер! Спасибо!

castro2689 2022.06.22 03:27 

I have been testing the "Draw and Sync Objects" tool on MT5. And it's great for chart analysis.

hossein shariati
hossein shariati 2022.05.03 12:14 

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Mary Gomes
Mary Gomes 2022.03.10 02:32 

This is the indicator i have been looking for

Antwort auf eine Rezension
Version 2.10 2022.03.19
Version 2.10: add key inputs to draw rectangle, trendline, text and fibonacci retracement.
Version 2.0 2022.03.12
Version 2.0:
- Add 5 charts to sync objects (total: 20 charts).
- ESC Key: deselect all objects.
- G Key: enable select rectangles by clicking their fill (you need press G whenever you want to select rectangle by clicking its fill, one click one rectangle and disable by click anywhere on chart).
- E Key: show colors buttons, remove BG fill button, delete rectangle button, mark new name button for rectangle.
+ Delete rectangle button: when you click it, rectangle will be deleted and the chart shows you a button to sync deleting rectangle. That button named "Sync Rectangle" (the rectangles of other sync charts will be deleted when you click this button).
+ Mark new name button: when you don't want to sync a rectangle, you can mark it as new. This indicator will understand it is a new rectangle. And it will not be synchronized with old rectangles in other charts. (You can click sync objects button with this new rectangle, other charts will create new rectangles).

Version 1.90 2022.03.10
Version 1.90: add some input to edit sync objects button properties.
Version 1.80 2022.03.08
Version 1.80: add some colors and remove fill color buttons when you click rectangles
Version 1.70 2022.03.08
Version 1.70: fix sync lines of rectangles
Version 1.60 2022.03.08
Version 1.60:
- Add 5 charts to sync objects (now 10 charts).
- Fix: chart has same index with current chart will be ignored when you sync objects.
- Press U key: now extends rectangles to last bar + 1 (if hourly chart, it will be extended to next hour).
- Fix: sync fill color of rectangle.
Version 1.50 2022.03.07
Version 1.50:
- Hide objects belong other symbols have been drawn by this indicator.
- Sync selected objects when you click Sync Objects button:
+ Enable sync button in input.
+ Set indexes of chart you want to sync (First chart index is 1. Next chart index is 2, ...)
Version 1.40 2022.03.07
Add 5 colors input for select the color rectangle after creating it.
Version 1.30 2022.03.05
Add function to key U for extend all Rectangles drawn by this indicator to last bar
Version 1.20 2022.03.05
When the rectangle drawn by indicator has been changed, the lines of it will be changed
Version 1.10 2022.03.05
When the rectangle has been deleted, the lines of rectangle will be deleted.