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Local Trade Copier EA MT5


Erleben Sie außergewöhnlich schnelles Trade Copying mit dem Local Trade Copier EA MT5. Mit seiner einfachen 1-Minuten-Setup können Sie Trades zwischen mehreren MetaTrader-Terminals auf demselben Windows-Computer oder Windows VPS mit blitzschnellen Kopiergeschwindigkeiten von unter 0.5 Sekunden kopieren.

Ob Anfänger oder professioneller Trader - der Local Trade Copier EA MT5 bietet eine Vielzahl von Optionen, um ihn an Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Es ist die ultimative Lösung für alle, die ihr Gewinnpotenzial steigern möchten. Probieren Sie es noch heute aus und überzeugen Sie sich selbst, warum es der schnellste und einfachste Kopierer auf dem Markt ist!

Tipp: Sie können die Demoversion von Local Trade Copier EA MT5 in Ihrem Demokonto herunterladen und ausprobieren: hier

Fügen Sie die heruntergeladene kostenlose Demodatei in Ihren Ordner MT5 >> File >> Open Data Folder >> MQL5 >> Experts ein und starten Sie Ihr Terminal neu. Die kostenlose Demoversion ist jeweils für einen Zeitraum von 4 Stunden voll funktionsfähig, nur auf Demokonten. Um den Testzeitraum zurückzusetzen, gehen Sie zu MT5 >> Tools >> Globale Variablen >> Strg + A >> Löschen. Bitte führen Sie diese Aktion nur auf einem unkritischen Demokonto durch und unterlassen Sie dies bei einem Challenge-Prop-Firmenkonto.

* Sie müssen den Local Trade Copier EA MT4 zum Kopieren von/oder auf MT5-Terminals erwerben purchase


    Hochgeschwindigkeitskopieren: Erzielen Sie Übertragungen in weniger als 0,5 Sekunden zwischen lokalen MT4- und MT5-Terminals *.
    Vielseitige Unterstützung: Unterstützt das Kopieren von MT4>MT4, MT4>MT5, MT5>MT4, MT5>MT5 *.
    Benutzerfreundliche Oberfläche: Einfache Einrichtung in 1 Minute für unkomplizierte Nutzung.
    Kompatibilität: Funktioniert auf Windows-Computern und Windows-VPSs.
    Flexibles Kopieren: Kopiert zwischen Echt->Echt-, Echt->Demo-, Demo->Echt- und Demo->Demo-Konten über alle Broker hinweg.
    Übertragungen mehrerer Konten: Ermöglicht das Kopieren eines oder mehrerer Senderkonten auf ein oder mehrere Empfängerkonten.
    Anpassbare Lotgrößen und Risiken: Bietet eine vielfältige Auswahl von 16 Optionen für Lotgröße und Risikomanagement pro Trade.
    Kopieren eines schreibgeschützten Kontos: Kann von einem schreibgeschützten Investor-Passwort-Übertragungskonto kopieren.
    Umfassende Trade-Multiplikation: Kopiert und multipliziert Trades aus beliebigen Quellen, einschließlich manueller Trades.
    Keine Konflikte: Ermöglicht den manuellen Handel oder die Verwendung von Expert Advisors ohne Konflikte.
    Stabile Einstellungen: Die Einstellungen gehen nicht verloren, wenn die Verbindung unterbrochen wird oder Terminals neu gestartet werden.
    Hohe Genauigkeit, geringer Rechenaufwand: Gewährleistet hochpräzises Kopieren mit minimaler Rechenleistung.
    Kommentaroptionen: Bietet Kommentaroptionen für Sender und Empfänger.
    Handelsfilterung: Filtert kopierte Geschäfte nach magischer Zahl, Symbol, Kommentar, Zahl oder Volumen.
    Tages- und Zeitsteuerung: Ermöglicht Einstellungen für die Tages- und Zeitsteuerung beim Kopieren.
    Flexibles Kopieren von Trades: Kopiert Long/Short, alte/neue Trades, Markt-Trades oder ausstehende Aufträge.
    Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Handhabung: Kopiert oder nicht Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Werte aus ursprünglichen Sendergeschäften.
    Maßgeschneidertes TP/SL-Management: Bietet verschiedene Optionen für das Take-Profit- und Stop-Loss-Management.
    Handelsabschlussoptionen: Bietet Optionen für den synchronisierten Handelsabschluss und den korrekten teilweisen Abschluss bei vom Empfänger kopierten Geschäften.
    Wiedereröffnung von Geschäften: Ermöglicht die Wiedereröffnung geschlossener Empfängergeschäfte, wenn die ursprünglichen Sendergeschäfte noch offen sind.
    Erweitertes Preismanagement: Bietet bessere Preisoptionen, Rückkopie und Original-TP/SL-Level.
    Trade-Splitting: Teilt kopierte Trades automatisch oder in festgelegten kleineren Teilen.
    Risikokontrolle: Implementiert die Kontrolle des maximalen Risikoprozentsatzes pro Symbol, Währung oder Kontoebene.
    Losgrößenverwaltung: Bietet Optionen für die minimale/maximale Losgröße für vom Empfänger kopierte Geschäfte.
    Flexibles Ignorieren der Losgröße: Optionen für die minimale/maximale Sender- oder Empfängerlosgröße können ignoriert werden.
    Kontoschutz: Bietet Notfallmaßnahmen zum Kontoschutz.
    Drawdown-Management: Implementiert maximale tägliche Drawdown- und Gewinneinstellungen mit Pausenoptionen.
    Drawdown-Kontrolle: Kein Kopieren, wenn der Sender- oder Empfänger-Downdown einen bestimmten Prozentsatz überschreitet.
    Benachrichtigungsoptionen: Bietet E-Mail- und Push-Benachrichtigungen für kopierte Trades oder Empfängersaldo, Eigenkapital und Margin-Level.
    Broker-Kompatibilitätsfunktionen: Beinhaltet die automatische Erkennung und Einrichtung von Präfixen und Suffixen sowie die Zuordnung spezieller Symbole.
    Aktivierungen: Bietet 20 Aktivierungen für die Installation auf mehreren Terminals, Computern und VPSs.
    Selbstkopiermodus: Kompatibel mit MQL5 VPS im Selbstkopiermodus.
    Vollständig automatisiert: Funktioniert als 100 % automatisierter Expertenberater.

    Ich würde mich sehr über eine positive Bewertung freuen, wenn Sie mit Ihrem Kauf zufrieden sind. Bitte kontaktieren Sie mich, um eine Lösung zu finden, wenn Sie es nicht sind.

    Überprüfen Sie alle meine Produkte: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/eleanna74/seller

    Kontaktieren Sie mich für Unterstützung: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/eleanna74

    #tags Forex Lokaler Terminalkopierer Kontohandelsduplizierer Multiplikator Repeaterkopierer mt4 mt5 Kontokopierer Sofortige Losgrößenerhöhung Multiplizieren Kopieren von Trades Kopieren von Handelskopierern Schnelles Kopieren von Transaktionen Repeater Kopir Forex Copy Trading Software

    Bewertungen 83
    A V
    A V 2024.12.21 18:46 

    This EA has too many options (that is good!). It is a blank canvas for any copy trading needs. Also, the developer answered almost immediately the few questions I had.

    Borja Mayoral Arauz
    Borja Mayoral Arauz 2024.12.18 14:14 

    I have been testing at least 5 copiers, and this one by far is the best of all, I have been testing it for over a month, works perfectly with several accounts, and is not missing a trade. Also you have all configurations you can wish for. So as a developer yself, congrats to the seller.

    Nigel Lai
    Nigel Lai 2024.12.15 04:28 

    So far, I just bought this trade copier, with the intent of testing out the reverse trading system, for an EA with losing trades. The star ratings are left at 3/5 for now. The main thing I wish was possible, is the trade copier being able to run alongside a trading EA too. Otherwise, I have to use an online service to copy trades for me, while the EA runs on a MT5 chart like EURUSD. And some of these online trade copiers, do not permit the type of trading, that I'm trying to perform reverse trading with, like high frequency trades or scalping.

    Edit as of 17/12/2024:

    The creator of this bot answered promptly and gave me a solution for the use of multiple EAs alongside the Trade Copier EA. Granted I had already figured that out on my own, but I appreciate the help regardless. Now I need to see if the suggestion that the creator has offered me, will work for my current problem.

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    Trade Manager DaneTrades
    Levi Dane Benjamin
    4.74 (23)
    Trade Manager, der Ihnen hilft, Geschäfte schnell ein- und auszusteigen und gleichzeitig Ihr Risiko automatisch zu berechnen. Einschließlich Funktionen, die Ihnen helfen, Over Trading, Revenge Trading und Emotional Trading zu verhindern. Trades können automatisch verwaltet werden und die Kontoleistungskennzahlen können in einem Diagramm visualisiert werden. Diese Funktionen machen dieses Panel ideal für alle manuellen Händler und tragen zur Verbesserung der MetaTrader 5-Plattform bei. Unterstütz
    Telegram To MT5 Receiver
    Levi Dane Benjamin
    4.89 (9)
    Kopieren Sie Signale aus jedem Kanal, dem Sie als Mitglied angehören (einschließlich privater und eingeschränkter), direkt auf Ihren MT5.  Dieses Tool wurde mit dem Benutzer im Hinterkopf entwickelt und bietet viele Funktionen, die Sie benötigen, um die Trades zu verwalten und zu überwachen. Dieses Produkt wird in einer benutzerfreundlichen und optisch ansprechenden grafischen Benutzeroberfläche präsentiert. Passen Sie Ihre Einstellungen an und beginnen Sie innerhalb weniger Minuten mit der Ver
    Yury Kulikov
    4.93 (41)
    Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
    Custom Alerts MT5
    Daniel Stein
    5 (3)
    Bleiben Sie den Marktbewegungen mit Custom Alerts immer einen Schritt voraus: Ihr ultimativer Multi-Market-Scanner Custom Alerts ist ein leistungsstarkes All-in-One-Tool zur Marktbeobachtung, mit dem Sie mühelos vielversprechende Setups für mehrere Märkte identifizieren können. Custom Alerts deckt alle acht Hauptwährungen (USD, CAD, GBP, EUR, CHF, JPY, AUD, NZD), Gold (XAU) und bis zu sieben Schlüsselindizes (einschließlich US30, UK100, WTI und Bitcoin) ab und hält Sie über kritische Veränderun
    Trade Assistant 38 in 1
    Makarii Gubaydullin
    4.89 (18)
    Multifunktionswerkzeug: 65+ Funktionen, einschließlich: Lot-Rechner, Price Action, Risiko/Gewinn-Verhältnis, Trade Manager, Angebot und Nachfrage Zonen Demo version   |   Anwenderhandbuch   |    MT4 Das Dienstprogramm funktioniert nicht im Strategietester: Sie können die Demoversion HIER herunterladen, um das Produkt zu testen. Bei Fragen   kontaktieren   Sie mich / Verbesserungsvorschläge / im Fall eines gefundenen Fehlers Vereinfachen, beschleunigen und automatisieren Sie Ihre Handelsprozesse
    -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set and forget trading w
    VirtualTradePad One Click Trading Panel
    Vladislav Andruschenko
    4.57 (65)
    Trading Panel für den Handel mit 1 Klick. Arbeiten mit Positionen und Aufträgen! Handeln vom Chart oder von der Tastatur. Mit unserem Trading-Panel können Sie Trades mit einem einzigen Klick direkt aus dem Chart ausführen und Handelsoperationen 30-mal schneller durchführen als mit der Standard-MetaTrader-Steuerung. Automatische Berechnungen von Parametern und Funktionen machen den Handel für Händler schneller und komfortabler. Grafische Tipps, Infoetiketten und vollständige Informationen zu Hand
    Unlimited Trade Copier Pro MT5 is a tool to copy trade remotely to multiple MT4, MT5 and cTrader accounts at different computers/locations over internet. This is an ideal solution for you if you are a signal provider and want to copy your trades to other receivers globally on your own rules. One provider can copy trades to multiple receivers and one receiver can get trade from multiple providers as well. The provider can even set the subscription expiry for each receiver, so that receiver will n
    -25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extend
    Market Screener
    Andrey Khatimlianskii
    5 (1)
    Professional tool for professional traders It allows you to browse all available financial instruments and select best ones to trade with lightning speed. Fastest market screening ever Move your mouse over the instruments and instantly see 3 charts with selected timeframes and predefined indicators! Click on the symbol name to hold it. Use UP and DOWN keys to select previous /  next instrument. Ultimate charting Smooth scale, automatic indicator lines width, smart grid and much more. You'll
    Risk Manager for MT5
    Sergey Batudayev
    4.53 (15)
    Expert Advisor Risk Manager für MT5 ist ein sehr wichtiges und meiner Meinung nach notwendiges Programm für jeden Trader. Mit diesem Expert Advisor können Sie das Risiko in Ihrem Handelskonto kontrollieren. Die Risiko- und Gewinnsteuerung kann sowohl monetär als auch prozentual erfolgen. Damit der Expert Advisor funktioniert, hängen Sie ihn einfach an das Währungspaardiagramm an und legen Sie die akzeptablen Risikowerte in der Einzahlungswährung oder in % des aktuellen Guthabens fest. PROMO
    Bots Builder Pro MT5
    Andrey Barinov
    4 (5)
    This is exactly what the name says. Visual strategy builder . One of a kind. Turn your trading strategies and ideas into Expert Advisors without writing single line of code. Generate mql source code files with a few clicks and get your fully functional Expert Advisors, which are ready for live execution, strategy tester and cloud optimization. There are very few options for those who have no programming skills and can not create their trading solutions in the MQL language. Now, with Bots Build
    Kopierer->Bequeme und schnelle Schnittstelleninteraktion, Benutzer können es sofort verwenden       ->>>> Empfohlen zur Verwendung auf Windows-Computern oder VPS Windows Merkmale: Diversifizierte und personalisierte Copy-Trading-Einstellungen: 1. Für unterschiedliche Signalquellen können unterschiedliche Lot-Modi eingestellt werden. 2. Für Forward- und Reverse-Copy-Trading können unterschiedliche Signalquellen eingestellt werden. 3. Signale können mit Kommentaren eingestellt werden. 4. Ob das L
    Take a Break MT5
    Eric Emmrich
    4.78 (18)
    The most advanced news filter and drawdown limiter on MQL market Take a Break has evolved from a once simple news filter to a full-fledged account protection tool. It pauses any other EA during potentially unfavorable market conditions and will continue trading when the noise is over. Typical use cases: Stop trading during news/high volatility (+ close my trades before). Stop trading when Account Equity, Balance or Margin is low. Only trade on specific dates/times, e.g. the Asian session. Stop t
    DrawDown Limiter
    Haidar, Lionel Haj Ali
    5 (18)
    Drawdown Limiter EA You are in the right place if you were searching for Drawdown control, Drawdown limiter, Balance protection, Equity Protection or Daily Drawdown Limit related to Prop Firm, FTMO, or Funded account trading, or if you want to protect your trading account. Have you suffered from controlling your drawdown when trading funded accounts? This EA is meant for you. Prop firms usually set a rule called “Trader Daily Drawdown”, and if it is not respected, you are disqualified.  I am an
    Grid Manual MT5
    Alfiya Fazylova
    4.88 (16)
    Grid Manual ist ein Trading-Panel zum Arbeiten mit einem Raster von Orders. Das Dienstprogramm ist universell, verfügt über flexible Einstellungen und eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche. Es arbeitet mit einem Raster von Aufträgen nicht nur in Richtung Verlust, sondern auch in Richtung steigender Gewinne. Der Händler muss kein Orderraster erstellen und pflegen, all dies wird von "Grid Manual" erledigt. Es genügt, eine Order zu eröffnen und das "Grid Manual" erstellt automatisch ein Orderraster daf
    Der MT5 to Discord Signal Provider ist ein benutzerfreundliches, vollständig anpassbares Werkzeug, das speziell dafür entwickelt wurde, Handelssignale direkt an Discord zu senden. Dieses Tool verwandelt Ihr Handelskonto in einen effizienten Signalanbieter. Passen Sie die Nachrichtenformate Ihrem Stil an! Wählen Sie für eine einfache Verwendung aus vorgefertigten Vorlagen und entscheiden Sie, welche Nachrichtenelemente einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen werden sollen. [ Demo ] [ Handbuch ] [ MT4-Vers
    PZ Equity Guardian EA MT5
    2.25 (4)
    Dieser Expert Advisor überwacht ständig das Eigenkapital Ihres Handelskontos, um kostspielige Inanspruchnahmen zu vermeiden und/oder die Handelsregeln einzuhalten. Wenn bestimmte Regeln verletzt werden, alarmiert der EA, schließt alle Trades und löscht in einigen Fällen alle ausstehenden Orders. Optional können auch alle Diagramme geschlossen werden, um alle im Konto tätigen EAs zu entfernen. Dieser EA ist besonders nützlich für Prop Trading Challenges, wie die FTMO Challenge oder PZ Challenge.
    Designed for automated trading on the Nasdaq (US100, USTEC, NAS100, NDX100, etc.). It will not work on other assets! To correctly   test, it is necessary to configure the TesterTimeShift parameter.  TesterTimeShift   is the time difference in hours between the terminal time and the time in the visual mode of the strategy tester. This is based on research by BIASMACHINE And the related Telegram notification service . It uses statistical patterns identified in the research to find and plac
    RedFox Copier Pro MT5
    Rui Manh Tien
    5 (1)
    Time saving and fast execution Whether you’re traveling or sleeping, always know that Telegram To MT5 performs the trades for you. In other words, Our   Telegram MT5 Signal Trader  will analyze the trading signals you receive on your selected Telegram channels and execute them to your Telegram to MT5 account. Reduce The Risk Telegram To Mt5   defines the whole experience of copying signals from   Telegram signal copier to MT5 platforms. Users not only can follow all instructions from the signa
    Darwin Reports Tool MT5
    Guillaume Duportal
    5 (4)
    Darwin Reports Tool EA Außergewöhnlicher Einführungspreis!    35 USD BESCHREIBUNGEN: Darwin Reports Tool EA ist das neueste Produkt der Darwin-Reihe. Die Produkte von Darwin sind auf MQL5 für ihre Qualität und Leistung bekannt und berühmt. Diesmal ist es kein Expert Advisor, den ich Ihnen anbiete, sondern ein Dienstprogramm, das dazu bestimmt ist, Aufgaben zu automatisieren. Im Wesentlichen geht es darum, Berichte über Ihre Leistung zu erstellen. ERKLÄRUNGEN: Mit diesem Di
    Weitere Produkte dieses Autors
    Local Trade Copier EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (83)
    Erleben Sie außergewöhnlich schnelles Trade Copying mit dem Local Trade Copier EA MT4 . Mit seiner einfachen 1-Minuten-Setup können Sie Trades zwischen mehreren MetaTrader-Terminals auf demselben Windows-Computer oder Windows VPS mit blitzschnellen Kopiergeschwindigkeiten von unter 0.5 Sekunden kopieren. Ob Anfänger oder professioneller Trader - der Local Trade Copier EA MT4 bietet eine Vielzahl von Optionen, um ihn an Ihre spezifischen Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Es ist die ultimative Lösung für
    Heiken Ashi EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    4.94 (16)
    Heiken Ashi EA ΜΤ4   ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor für den Handel mit klassischen oder geglätteten Heiken Ashi-Kerzen mit einem völlig neuen Ansatz.   Heiken Ashi EA MT4   eröffnet einen einzelnen Trade nach dem Schluss der ersten andersfarbigen Kerze und einen entgegengesetzten Trade bei jedem Heiken Ashi-Farbwechsel. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, diesen EA zu verwenden, indem der erste Trade eröffnet wird, nachdem die erste Heiken Ashi-Kerze einer anderen Farbe geschlossen wurde, und
    Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (13)
    Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   ist ein einzigartiger 10-in-1-Trend, der zu   100 % nicht neu gezeichnet   werden kann. Multi-Timeframe-Indikator, der für alle Symbole/Instrumente verwendet werden kann:   Forex ,   Rohstoffe ,   Kryptowährungen ,   Indizes ,   Aktien .  Der  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5  wird den aktuellen Trend in seinen frühen Stadien bestimmen und Informationen und Daten von bis zu 10 Standardindikatoren sammeln, die sind: Durchschnittlicher Richtungsbewegungsindex (ADX) Rohstoff
    Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (3)
    Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 ist ein einzigartiger 10-in-1-Trend, der zu 100 % nicht neu gezeichnet werden kann. Multi-Timeframe-Indikator, der für alle Symbole/Instrumente verwendet werden kann: Forex, Rohstoffe, Kryptowährungen, Indizes, Aktien. Der Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 wird den aktuellen Trend in seinen frühen Stadien bestimmen und Informationen und Daten von bis zu 10 Standardindikatoren sammeln, die sind: Durchschnittlicher Richtungsbewegungsindex (ADX) Rohstoffkanalindex (CCI) Klassis
    Heiken Ashi EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (13)
    Heiken Ashi EA ΜΤ4 ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor für den Handel mit klassischen oder geglätteten Heiken Ashi-Kerzen mit einem völlig neuen Ansatz. Heiken Ashi EA MT4 eröffnet einen einzelnen Trade nach dem Schluss der ersten andersfarbigen Kerze und einen entgegengesetzten Trade bei jedem Heiken Ashi-Farbwechsel. Es besteht die Möglichkeit, diesen EA zu verwenden, indem der erste Trade eröffnet wird, nachdem die erste Heiken Ashi-Kerze einer anderen Farbe geschlossen wurde, und dann e
    Moving Average EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (1)
    Moving Average EA ΜΤ5   ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor, der den Handel mit Moving Average auf eine ganz neue Ebene hebt.   Gleitender Durchschnitt EA MT5   kann entweder einen Kauf-Trade eröffnen, wenn MA nach oben zeigt (blauer MA) oder einen Verkauf-Trade, wenn MA nach unten dreht (roter MA) oder einen neuen Trade in derselben Richtung für jede neue Kerze eröffnen, solange die Steigung anhält Die Richtung des gleitenden Durchschnitts bleibt unverändert. Eine Reihe einzigartiger Einst
    Matrix Arrow EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (5)
    Matrix Arrow EA MT5  ist ein einzigartiger Fachberater, der die  MT5-Signale des Matrix Arrow Indicator  mit einem Handelsfeld auf dem Chart manuell oder 100% automatisch handeln kann. Der  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5  wird den aktuellen Trend in seinen frühen Stadien bestimmen und Informationen und Daten von bis zu 10 Standardindikatoren sammeln, die sind: Durchschnittlicher Richtungsbewegungsindex (ADX) Rohstoffkanalindex (CCI) Klassische Heiken Ashi Kerzen Gleitender Durchschnitt Konvergenzdi
    Price Action Trade Panel EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (4)
    Price Action Trade Panel MT5   berechnet den Saldo der Kauf-/Verkaufskraft jedes Symbols/Instruments basierend auf reinen Price Action-Daten der angegebenen (standardmäßig 8) vergangenen Kerzen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie die bestmögliche Marktstimmung, indem Sie die Preisbewegung von 32 Symbolen/Instrumenten überwachen, die auf dem Indikatorfeld verfügbar sind. Ein Kauf-/Verkaufsstärke-Niveau von über 60% ergibt ein recht solides Niveau für den Kauf/Verkauf des spezifischen Symbols (bei Verw
    Matrix Arrow EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (8)
    Matrix Arrow EA MT4 ist ein einzigartiger Fachberater, der die MT4-Signale des Matrix Arrow Indicator mit einem Handelsfeld auf dem Chart manuell oder 100% automatisch handeln kann. Der Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 wird den aktuellen Trend in seinen frühen Stadien bestimmen und Informationen und Daten von bis zu 10 Standardindikatoren sammeln, die sind: Durchschnittlicher Richtungsbewegungsindex (ADX) Rohstoffkanalindex (CCI) Klassische Heiken Ashi Kerzen Gleitender Durchschnitt Konvergenzdiverge
    Price Action Indicator MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (1)
    Der   Price Action Indicator MT5   berechnet den Saldo der Kauf-/Verkaufskraft jedes Symbols/Instruments basierend auf reinen Price Action-Daten der angegebenen (standardmäßig 8) vergangenen Kerzen. Auf diese Weise erhalten Sie die bestmögliche Marktstimmung, indem Sie die Preisbewegung von 32 Symbolen/Instrumenten überwachen, die auf dem Indikatorfeld verfügbar sind. Ein Kauf-/Verkaufsstärke-Niveau von über 60% ergibt ein recht solides Niveau für den Kauf/Verkauf des spezifischen Symbols (bei
    Basket EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (5)
    Basket EA MT4 ist der beste Gewinnbringer und der ultimative Kontoschutz, alles in einer sehr einfach zu bedienenden Lösung. Die Idee hinter Basket EA ΜΤ4 ist es, den Gewinn und/oder Verlust Ihres gesamten Handelskontos auf Korbebene für alle Ihre offenen Positionen zusammen kontrollieren zu können. Es bietet Korb-Take-Profit-, Stop-Loss-, Break-Even- und Trailing-Stop-Loss-Einstellungen in Prozent des Kontostands oder in Kontowährung (in Geld) für alle verwalteten Positionen. Es ermöglicht die
    Rsi EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (2)
    RSI EA ΜΤ5   ist ein einzigartiger, vollautomatischer Expert Advisor für den Handel mit dem bekannten und äußerst effizienten Relative-Strength-Indikator, der gleichzeitig den Gewinn und/oder Verlust Ihres Handelskontos auf Korbebene für alle Ihre offenen Positionen zusammen kontrollieren kann.   RSI EA MT5   hat 4 verschiedene Strategien für den Handel mit dem Relative Strenght Indicator, offene Trades auf RSI-Extreme auf Live-Bar, offene Trades auf RSI-Extreme auf geschlossene Kerze und offene
    Manual Trade Panel EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (1)
    Manual Trade Panel EA MT5   ist das einfachste und am einfachsten zu bedienende Handelspanel, das Sie für MT5 finden können. Es hat alle Optionen und Funktionen in einer Oberfläche, ohne dass zusätzliche Fenster oder Paneele geöffnet werden müssen. Es ist ein Auftragsverwaltungs-, Risikorechner-, Teilschließungs- und Kontoschutz-Dienstprogramm, alles in einer äußerst benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche! Durch die Verwendung des   Manual Trade Panel EA MT5   können Sie um ein Vielfaches schneller
    Manual Trade Panel EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (5)
    Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 ist das einfachste und am einfachsten zu bedienende Handelspanel, das Sie für MT4 finden können. Es hat alle Optionen und Funktionen in einer Oberfläche, ohne dass zusätzliche Fenster oder Paneele geöffnet werden müssen. Es ist ein Auftragsverwaltungs-, Risikorechner-, Teilschließungs- und Kontoschutz-Dienstprogramm, alles in einer äußerst benutzerfreundlichen Oberfläche! Durch die Verwendung des Manual Trade Panel EA MT4 können Sie um ein Vielfaches schneller und ge
    Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (2)
    Japanische Candlestick-Muster EA ΜΤ5   ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor mit 8 integrierten Strategien, die auf den bekannten japanischen Candlestick-Mustern basieren. Es verfügt über eine einzigartige Anzahl von Einstellungen, die es unter allen Marktbedingungen äußerst vielseitig machen. Dieser EA wird mit neuen Set-Dateien für viele Symbole/Instrumente geliefert, die speziell für ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets-Konten (in New York ansässige GMT+3-Zeitzonenserver) optimiert wurden. Andere Brok
    Japanese Candlestick Patterns EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (1)
    Japanische Candlestick-Muster EA ΜΤ4 ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor mit 8 integrierten Strategien, die auf den bekannten japanischen Candlestick-Mustern basieren. Es verfügt über eine einzigartige Anzahl von Einstellungen, die es unter allen Marktbedingungen äußerst vielseitig machen. Dieser EA wird mit neuen Set-Dateien für viele Symbole/Instrumente geliefert, die speziell für ECN Raw Spread ICMarkets-Konten (in New York ansässige GMT+3-Zeitzonenserver) optimiert wurden. Andere Broker
    Basket EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (5)
    Basket EA MT5   ist der beste Gewinnbringer und der ultimative Kontoschutz, alles in einer sehr einfach zu bedienenden Lösung. Die Idee hinter   Basket EA ΜΤ5   ist es, den Gewinn und/oder Verlust Ihres gesamten Handelskontos auf Korbebene für alle Ihre offenen Positionen zusammen kontrollieren zu können. Es bietet Korb-Take-Profit-, Stop-Loss-, Break-Even- und Trailing-Stop-Loss-Einstellungen in Prozent des Kontostands oder in Kontowährung (in Geld) für alle verwalteten Positionen. Es ermöglic
    Signal Multiplier EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    4.92 (13)
    Warnung:   Aufgrund der jüngsten Änderungen von MetaQuotes ist das Kopieren und Vervielfachen von Signal-Abonnement-Trades nun eingeschränkt. Daher kann der   Signal Multiplier EA MT5   Ihre Signal-Abonnement-Trades nicht mehr vervielfachen !!! Der Signal Multiplier EA MT5 ist nicht nur ein weiterer Losgrößenmultiplikator. Zusätzlich zur Vervielfachung der Losgröße der Trades Ihres Kontos durch Fachberater oder manuelle Eingaben werden Ihre Trades aktiv überwacht. Der EA kann Ihnen E-Mail- und
    Partial Closure EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Teilweise Schließung EA MT5 kann alle Trades auf Ihrem Handelskonto teilweise schließen, manuell um einen bestimmten Prozentsatz der Losgröße und/oder des Handelstickets oder automatisch in Prozent des TP/SL-Levels für einen Prozentsatz der anfänglichen Losgröße 10 Take-Profit- und 10 Stop-Loss-Levels. Es kann alle oder einzelne Trades Ihres Kontos verwalten, indem es Trades mit bestimmten magischen Zahlen oder Symbolen angibt oder ausschließt. Tipp: Laden Sie die kostenlose Demoversion des P
    Colossus EA MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (2)
    Colossus EA ΜΤ5 ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor, der hochwirksame Nachrichten mit der Platzierung von Buy/Sell Stop Pending Orders einige Sekunden vor jeder neuen Kerze handelt, um gewaltsame Aktionen auf beiden Seiten des Preises abzufangen. Colossus EA MT5 storniert diese Stop Pending Orders einige Sekunden nach der Geburt der Kerze, wenn diese nicht ausgelöst wurden. Eine Reihe einzigartiger Einstellungen hilft Ihnen, alle potenziellen Aspekte anzupassen, um von plötzlichen Preisbew
    Das Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT5 ist ein kostenloses Add-On und eine großartige Bereicherung für Ihren Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 . Es zeigt das aktuelle Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 -Signal für 5 benutzerdefinierte Zeitrahmen und für insgesamt 16 veränderbare Symbole/Instrumente. Der Benutzer hat die Möglichkeit, jeden der 10 Standardindikatoren, aus denen der Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5 besteht, zu aktivieren/deaktivieren. Alle der 10 Standardindikatorattribute sind ebenfalls
    Chart Symbol Changer for MT5
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (8)
    Chart Symbol Changer für MT5   ist ein Indikator/Dienstprogramm, das Ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, das aktuelle Chartsymbol, das mit einem Klick auf eine Symbolschaltfläche auf seinem Panel verbunden ist, zu ändern.   Chart Symbol Changer für MT5   bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die 32 Symboltasten nach Ihren persönlichen Vorlieben zu konfigurieren, indem Sie die Paare hinzufügen, die Sie im Auge behalten und am häufigsten handeln möchten. Auf diese Weise verpassen Sie keine Gelegenheit, denn mi
    Moving Average EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    4 (4)
    Moving Average EA ΜΤ4 ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor, der den Handel mit Moving Average auf eine ganz neue Ebene hebt. Gleitender Durchschnitt EA MT4 kann entweder einen Kauf-Trade eröffnen, wenn MA nach oben zeigt (blauer MA) oder einen Verkauf-Trade, wenn MA nach unten dreht (roter MA) oder einen neuen Trade in derselben Richtung für jede neue Kerze eröffnen, solange die Steigung anhält Die Richtung des gleitenden Durchschnitts bleibt unverändert. Eine Reihe einzigartiger Einstellun
    Partial Closure EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (3)
    Teilweise Schließung EA MT4 kann alle Trades auf Ihrem Handelskonto teilweise schließen, manuell um einen bestimmten Prozentsatz der Losgröße und/oder des Handelstickets oder automatisch in Prozent des TP/SL-Levels für einen Prozentsatz der anfänglichen Losgröße 10 Take-Profit- und 10 Stop-Loss-Levels. Es kann alle oder einzelne Trades Ihres Kontos verwalten, indem es Trades mit bestimmten magischen Zahlen oder Symbolen angibt oder ausschließt. Tipp: Laden Sie die kostenlose Demoversion des P
    Rsi EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    4 (4)
    RSI EA ΜΤ4 ist ein einzigartiger, vollautomatischer Expert Advisor für den Handel mit dem bekannten und äußerst effizienten Relative-Strength-Indikator, der gleichzeitig den Gewinn und/oder Verlust Ihres Handelskontos auf Korbebene für alle Ihre offenen Positionen zusammen kontrollieren kann. RSI EA MT4 hat 4 verschiedene Strategien für den Handel mit dem Relative Strenght Indicator, offene Trades auf RSI-Extreme auf Live-Bar, offene Trades auf RSI-Extreme auf geschlossene Kerze und offene Trade
    Das Matrix Arrow Indicator Multi Timeframe Panel MT4 ist ein kostenloses Add-On und eine großartige Bereicherung für Ihren Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 . Es zeigt das aktuelle Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 -Signal für 5 benutzerdefinierte Zeitrahmen und für insgesamt 16 veränderbare Symbole/Instrumente. Der Benutzer hat die Möglichkeit, jeden der 10 Standardindikatoren, aus denen der Matrix Arrow Indicator MT4 besteht, zu aktivieren/deaktivieren. Alle der 10 Standardindikatorattribute sind ebenfalls
    Chart Symbol Changer for MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (7)
    Chart Symbol Changer für MT4 ist ein Indikator/Dienstprogramm, das Ihnen die Möglichkeit bietet, das aktuelle Chartsymbol, das mit einem Klick auf eine Symbolschaltfläche auf seinem Panel verbunden ist, zu ändern. Chart Symbol Changer für MT4 bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die 32 Symboltasten nach Ihren persönlichen Vorlieben zu konfigurieren, indem Sie die Paare hinzufügen, die Sie im Auge behalten und am häufigsten handeln möchten. Auf diese Weise verpassen Sie keine Gelegenheit, denn mit weni
    Signal Multiplier EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    5 (15)
    Warnung: Aufgrund der jüngsten Änderungen von MetaQuotes ist das Kopieren und Vervielfachen von Signal-Abonnement-Trades nun eingeschränkt. Daher kann der Signal Multiplier EA MT4  Ihre Signal-Abonnement-Trades nicht mehr vervielfachen !!! Der   Signal Multiplier EA MT4   ist nicht nur ein weiterer Losgrößenmultiplikator. Zusätzlich zur Vervielfachung der Losgröße der Trades Ihres Kontos durch Fachberater oder manuelle Eingaben werden Ihre Trades aktiv überwacht. Der EA kann Ihnen E-Mail- und
    Currency Strength Indicator for MT4 ist eine innovative Lösung für jeden Anfänger oder erfahrenen Trader! Es hebt das Konzept der Währungsstärke auf eine ganz neue Ebene, da es es mit Price Action kombiniert und auf jedes Symbol/Paar angewendet werden kann, abgesehen von den üblichen 28 Kombinationen der 8 Hauptwährungen. Das bedeutet, dass Sie die Stärke oder Schwäche jedes Paares handeln können, einschließlich aller Währungen, Haupt-, Neben- und Exoten, Rohstoffe und Kryptos (keine Indizes).
    Basket Stage Profit EA MT4
    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Basket Stage Profit EA ΜΤ4 ist die fortschrittlichste Methode, um mit einer Reihe von offenen Orders in 3 verschiedenen Phasen (Zeiträumen) des Basket-Gewinns umzugehen und sie schließlich alle mit jedem Gewinn oder Verlust zum gewünschten Endzeitpunkt zu schließen. Produktinstallation     |    Basket Stage Profit EA MT4 Anleitung zu Einstellungen/Eingaben     |    Aktualisierung eines gekauften Produkts Merkmale Martingale, Grid, Averaging oder andere gefährliche Techniken werden n
    A V
    A V 2024.12.21 18:46 

    This EA has too many options (that is good!). It is a blank canvas for any copy trading needs. Also, the developer answered almost immediately the few questions I had.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.21 19:15
    Thank you very much for your kind words and excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA Andre! Please do not hesitate to contact me for anything else you may need in the future.
    Borja Mayoral Arauz
    Borja Mayoral Arauz 2024.12.18 14:14 

    I have been testing at least 5 copiers, and this one by far is the best of all, I have been testing it for over a month, works perfectly with several accounts, and is not missing a trade. Also you have all configurations you can wish for. So as a developer yself, congrats to the seller.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.18 14:25
    Thank you so much for your kind words, Borja! I’m delighted to hear that your Local Trade Copier EA has outperformed others you’ve tested and that it’s meeting your expectations so well. I really appreciate your recognition of the comprehensive configurations I’ve included, especially coming from a fellow developer. Thank you very much for choosing this product!
    Nigel Lai
    Nigel Lai 2024.12.15 04:28 

    So far, I just bought this trade copier, with the intent of testing out the reverse trading system, for an EA with losing trades. The star ratings are left at 3/5 for now. The main thing I wish was possible, is the trade copier being able to run alongside a trading EA too. Otherwise, I have to use an online service to copy trades for me, while the EA runs on a MT5 chart like EURUSD. And some of these online trade copiers, do not permit the type of trading, that I'm trying to perform reverse trading with, like high frequency trades or scalping.

    Edit as of 17/12/2024:

    The creator of this bot answered promptly and gave me a solution for the use of multiple EAs alongside the Trade Copier EA. Granted I had already figured that out on my own, but I appreciate the help regardless. Now I need to see if the suggestion that the creator has offered me, will work for my current problem.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.16 21:19
    Hello Nigel and thank you for your purchase. Local Trade Copier EA can run alongside your EA, you simply need to open another chart, any chart of any symbol and attach Local Trade Copier EA on it as a transmitter. Then attach it on a chart, any chart of any symbol, in the receiver account too, as a receiver and perform your copying setup, following the quick setup video ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYI4xazOMFo ). If you want to copy the transmitter trades of your other EA in reverse in the receiver side, you need to put in the receiver settings 'Reverse Copying: true' and if you desire the TP/SL distances of the receiver reversed trades to be the same like in the transmitter original trades, you also need to put in the receiver settings 'Keep Original TP/SL Distances: true'. I would be happy to help you with anything else you may need with your purchase. If you see that you can do what you want, I would appreciate if you could update your review too!
    Edit as of 17/12/2024: Thank you very much Nigel for updating your review to 5 stars, I really appreciate it! I have answered your message and questions and I have sent you some advice and tips to help you copy as quickly as possible. I am always here to help you in any way that I can.
    Inrexea Limited
    Yip Sin Hang 2024.12.13 20:44 

    Best of the best copier on mql market

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.13 20:46
    I am really touched by your excellent review and warm hearted comments Yip! I really appreciate it.
    Uncle Bo
    Uncle Bo 2024.12.10 15:15 

    is this a bug?there are existing positions then i restarted the terminal where my transmitter account is, and then all the receiver accounts close all the open positions. thoae accounts are at loss..

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.12.10 15:53
    Hello, there is no bug. After contacting me, you realized that the receiver's copied trades were closed because the original trades on the transmitter side were closed first. This prompted the receiver's Local Trade Copier EA to close the corresponding copied trades, which is the expected behavior.
    CHUN KIU CHEUNG 2024.11.04 18:09 

    The quality of the products is outstanding and exceeded my expectations. Overall, I am very satisfied with this shopping experience and highly recommend it to everyone!

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.11.19 14:10
    I'm delighted you had such a positive experience with your Local Trade Copier EA, Chun! I’m glad I could assist you in resolving the purchasing issues and make the process easier for you. Knowing that the product quality exceeded your expectations means a lot to me. Thank you for recommending it to others, I truly appreciate your support!
    Gabriel Paul Ange Perrin
    Gabriel Paul Ange Perrin 2024.10.31 10:14 

    I never post a comment, but of all the sellers on the platform this is really the best! His product is perfect, and above all the seller helped me with very complex problems that I have never managed to solve myself. Everything works perfectly Thank you!

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.10.31 10:19
    Thank you so much, Gabriel, for taking the time to share your experience with your Local Trade Copier EA! It truly means a lot to hear such positive feedback. If you ever need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
    Rafal Krzysztof Manuszewski
    Rafal Krzysztof Manuszewski 2024.10.15 13:02 

    perfect tool, works perfectly, I recommend it, great. fantastic contact with the developer!

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.10.15 13:15
    Thank you so much, Rafal, for your kind words and excellent review of the Local Trade Copier EA! I’m really happy that you found my support fantastic, and I’m always here if you need anything else.
    IoannisK37 2024.09.27 07:54 

    Installed with 7 different MT5 accounts from 3 different prop firms, so far it works amazing!!!!

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.27 11:35
    Thank you so much, Ioannis, for sharing your experience! It’s fantastic to hear that the Local Trade Copier EA is performing so well across multiple prop firms. I’m glad it's meeting your expectations! If you ever need assistance or have any questions, feel free to reach out. Wishing you continued success with your trading!
    Farid Yandouz
    Farid Yandouz 2024.09.24 16:51 

    As always: very swift support with high customer orientation. We always learn new things from Eleni !!!!

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.24 17:00
    Thank you so much for your kind words! It's always a pleasure to provide support and share new insights with valued customers like you. Your feedback truly motivates me to continue delivering the best service possible!
    Piotr Dabrowski
    Piotr Dabrowski 2024.09.09 11:06 

    Really great. best copier with lots extra's

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.09.09 11:11
    Thank you very much Piotr for your excellent feedback and review for your Local Trade Copier EA! Your evaluation means a lot to me and I really appreciate your approval!
    manasvi.sriram 2024.08.29 16:12 

    Fantastic Product! I own both MT4 and MT% versions. Great product! Most of all, the author's support is A++++. I will never hesitate to purchase from this Author!

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.08.29 16:17
    I greatly appreciate your kind words and your excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA! That is the best reward for my hard work! Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future for anything you may need. Thank you !!!
    Ramiro Del Carpio Penares
    Ramiro Del Carpio Penares 2024.08.26 19:25 

    Der Benutzer hat keinen Kommentar hinterlassen

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.08.26 21:08
    Thank you for the amazing review Ramiro! I'm delighted to hear that you find Local Trade Copier EA to be the best and that it's meeting all your needs with its professional features. Your satisfaction is my top priority, and I appreciate your support!
    hypertrade724 2024.07.26 17:24 

    Unfortunately, sometimes, for no reason, the robot shows that it is active, but it does not work, and Metatrader needs to be closed and opened several times.

    In addition, to manage the capital of the sender's account, we need to open two metatraders, one to control the account of the sender, and the other to copy from the sender's account to the receiver's account.

    Please upgrade the money management features for the sender's account:

    1- The number of transactions that the sender can open at the moment

    2- The number of transactions that the sender can open on each symbol at the same time

    3- The total amount that can be opened on a specific symbol at the moment

    4- The total amount that can be opened on each of the symbols at the moment

    5- Display the maximum balance of the day and the balance at the beginning of the day in the information on the chart, based on which the maximum equity of the day is calculated.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.07.26 17:35
    I am surprised to read your review, because you have not contacted me at all so far. The problem you are describing is a sign of a frozen, stuck or corrupted MT5 terminal or that your PC or VPS is not powerful enough to handle your open transmitter and receiver terminals. Also your requested features for the sender/transmitter account are not possible. No copier can interfere or affect the transmitter account and the number of trades it opens, all copiers can only control the number of trades and all other features in the receiver account only! Please contact me to give you instructions and advice to solve the issue that you are having and how to make the most out of your Local Trade Copier EA and I am sure that you will be happy to update your review afterwards.
    Sante M.
    Sante M. 2024.07.22 16:16 

    Very cool

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.07.22 16:21
    Thank you very much for your excellent 5 star review for your Local Trade Copier EA MT5. I really appreciate it!
    Hisayoshi Sakurai
    Hisayoshi Sakurai 2024.07.08 12:53 

    This copy tool covers all the features I desire, and I am very satisfied with it. The cost-performance is also excellent.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.07.08 13:28
    Thank you very much for your excellent review and feedback for your Local Trade Copier EA Hisayoshi! Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need anything to help you with.
    Daniele Camerano Spelta Rapini
    Daniele Camerano Spelta Rapini 2024.06.15 08:32 

    Great value utility and great support for trading daily activity. Thanks for the very high level of professionalism and dedicated support.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.06.20 14:47
    Thank you so much for your kind words and your excellent reviews Daniele! I’m delighted to hear that you find value in your Local Trade Copier EA and appreciate the support. Providing professional and dedicated assistance to users is my top priority. If you ever have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. Happy trading!
    Darius Liss
    Darius Liss 2024.05.10 20:48 

    User-friendly setup. Takes just one minute. Excellent Support. Offers outstanding customer support. Expect prompt and helpful responses for any questions.

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.05.10 20:53
    Thank you so much for your fantastic review Darius! I am very happy to hear that you found the setup process user-friendly and quick. Providing excellent support is one of my top priorities. If you ever have any further questions or need assistance, don't hesitate to reach out. I am always here to help!
    ccou 2024.04.18 14:22 

    Eleli Anna really understands which features can help the traders, excellent communication 5 stars !

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.04.18 14:26
    Thank you very much for your great review and your kind comments! I am delighted to hear that my work and improvements really help the every day needs of traders. Please contact me if you ever need any help or support.
    DianaForex1097 2024.04.14 19:42 

    A really complete guide. An ea easy and with all possible features. I like it

    Juvenille Emperor Limited
    Antwort vom Entwickler Eleni Anna Branou 2024.04.14 20:00
    Thank you very much for your excellent review for the Local Trade Copier EA MT5. I am really happy to hear that you found this EA easy to use and that it has all desired features. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need any assistance or support.
    Antwort auf eine Rezension
    Version 3.80 2024.04.18
    !!! I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed !!!

    The Local Trade Copier EA for MT4/5 has undergone a major update, featuring numerous fixes, improvements, and additions. It's crucial to implement this update across all your MT4/5 terminals. However, ensure there are no open trades before updating. Wait until all previously copied trades have been closed.

    The copy engine and the recording of copied trades have been completely overhauled in this new version. It's essential to note that this updated version will not be compatible with any older versions of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5.

    To reiterate, update Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 in all your MT4/5 terminals only when there are no open trades on the receiver account side and after all receiver copied trades have been closed.

    1. The 'Transmitter Comment' setting now includes a new option: typing the symbol % will include the magic number of the original Transmitter trade as a comment on the copied trade in the Receiver account.

    2. In the 'Magic Numbers to Copy' and 'Magic Numbers Not to Copy' settings, you now have the option to specify whether to copy or not copy variations of magic numbers that contain a specific number. For example, if you enclose a magic number within parentheses, such as (14), the EA will either copy or not copy any trades containing '14' in their magic number (like 214 or 3146). Additionally, you now have the option to copy or not copy a range of magic numbers using the format 'first-last'. For instance, entering 3245,100-200,0 will determine whether the receiver copies or not trades with the magic number 3245, trades with magic numbers ranging from 100 to 200, and manual trades.

    3. In the 'Comments to Copy' and 'Comments Not to Copy' settings, you now have the option to specify whether to copy or not copy variations of comments containing a specific part.
    For example, if you enclose a comment within parentheses, such as (Expert), in this setting, it will determine whether the receiver copies or not trades containing 'Expert' in their comment (like Expert 12, Expert 20, Expert 35, etc.).

    4. A new 'Transmitter Server Offset Hours' setting is now available, which determines the time difference between the transmitter's Marketwatch time and the receiver's Marketwatch server time in MT4/5. This setting addresses issues that may arise in transmitter and receiver accounts with different Marketwatch server times, particularly when using the 'Copy Current Trades', 'Copy New Trades', 'Copying Expiration in Seconds', and 'Copying Delay in Seconds' settings in the receiver account.

    5. A new 'Min Distance in Points for Same Symbol/Direction Trades/Orders' setting is available that restricts the copying of market trades or pending orders with the same symbol and direction based on their proximity to each other. Its purpose is to prevent the copying of numerous and closely spaced trades/orders involving the same symbol and direction.

    6. A new 'Proportional by Free Margin' lot size type is introduced. With this feature, trades from the transmitter account will be copied onto the receiver account(s), with a lot size proportional to the receiver account(s) free margin only.

    7. A new 'Risk per Trade in % of Free Margin' lot size type is introduced. With this lot size type, each receiver copied trade will risk the desired percentage of the receiver account free margin when the applied SL is hit.

    8. In the 'Copying from Symbol Trade/Order Number' setting, it is now possible to configure separate settings for individual symbols. For example, if you input 2,GBPUSD3,USDJPY4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for all symbols starting from the second trade/order onwards. Specifically, it will copy GBPUSD trades/orders from the third trade/order onwards and USDJPY trades/orders from the fourth trade/order onwards.

    9. In the 'Maximum Risk % per Symbol' setting, you can now configure separate settings for individual symbols. For example, if you input 2,GBPUSD3,USDJPY4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for each symbol with a combined risk of up to 2%. Specifically, it will copy GBPUSD trades/orders with a combined risk of up to 3% and USDJPY trades/orders with a combined risk of up to 4%.

    10. A new 'Maximum Risk % per Currency' setting is now available. This setting enables you to establish a percentage-based limit on the cumulative risk associated with all trades/orders copied for the same currency. If the total risk for that currency reaches this predefined limit, the copying process will temporarily pause. For example, if you input 2 into this setting, the receiver will copy trades/orders for each currency with a combined risk percentage of up to 2%. You can also customize settings for individual currencies. For instance, if you enter 2,EUR3,GBP4 the receiver will copy trades/orders for each currency with a combined risk percentage of up to 2%. Specifically, it will copy EUR trades/orders with a combined risk percentage of up to 3% and GBP trades/orders with a combined risk percentage of up to 4%.

    11. In the 'Synchronized Trade Closure' setting now there are these options available: True: Automatically closes or deletes copied market trades and pending orders on receiver accounts immediately after the corresponding original trades/orders on transmitter accounts are closed or deleted. False: Receiver trades/orders remain open or pending even after their corresponding transmitter trades/orders are closed or deleted. True for Market Trades Only: Receiver market trades will be closed only if the corresponding transmitter positions are also market trades at that time. True for Pending Orders Only: Receiver pending orders will be deleted only if the corresponding transmitter positions are also pending orders at that time. True for Same Trade/Order Type: When a transmitter market trade is closed, the corresponding position in the receiver account will be closed if it's also a market trade. Similarly, when a transmitter pending order is deleted, the corresponding receiver position will be deleted if it's also a pending order. However, if the receiver position differs (e.g., market trade vs. pending order), it will not be affected.

    12. Now, you can close all receiver copied market trades and delete all receiver copied pending orders separately, at different times, using the updated 'Close All Copied Market Trades' and 'Delete All Copied Pending Orders' settings.

    13. In the 'Emergency Trade Management' section, a new 'Maximum Daily Profit' option has been added. This feature allows you to close all receiver copied trades if a desired daily profit, either in percentage of balance (or equity) or in money, is reached. This setting operates similarly to the existing 'Maximum Daily Drawdown' setting.

    In conclusion, it is crucial to implement this update across all your MT4/5 terminals, ensuring that there are no open trades before updating. Wait until all previously copied trades have been closed.

    This new version includes a complete overhaul of the copy engine and the recording of copied trades. It's important to note that this updated version will not be compatible with any older versions of the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5.

    To reiterate, update the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 in all your MT4/5 terminals only when there are no open trades on the receiver account side and after all receiver copied trades have been closed.
    Version 3.70 2023.09.18
    Fix of issues.
    Version 3.60 2023.09.09
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 had a major update with many fixes, improvements and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

    1. ​A new 'Maximum Receiver Account Magic Numbers' setting has been added, that represents the maximum number of different magic numbers that can be present in the receiver account, including trades initiated by other EAs or manual trading. This setting is useful when you have multiple receivers across different charts in the receiver account, each with different magic numbers, but you only want to copy a specified number of them simultaneously.

    2. A new 'Maximum Receiver Account Symbols' setting has been added, that represents the maximum number of different symbols that can be present in the receiver account, including trades initiated by other EAs or manual trading. This setting is useful when you have multiple receivers across different charts in the receiver account, each copying different symbols, but you only want to copy a specified number of them simultaneously.

    3. From now on, if you set Copy Current Trades=false, trades that were opened on the transmitter side outside of the copying hours will not be copied to the receiver account when copying resumes.

    4. A new 'Retry Attempts in Seconds' setting has been added, that when it is set to 0, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will continuously attempt to copy a trade if it is not copied instantly, for any reason (such as the market being closed or insufficient funds). If you specify a larger number of seconds, for example 30, the receiver will attempt to copy the trade every 30 seconds.

    5. From now on, when the 'Keep Original TP/SL Distances' setting is enabled, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will adjust the TP/SL levels based on the differences in open price. For example, if a buy transmitter trade at 1.08700 with a 1.08900 TP and a 1.08500 SL is copied to the receiver side at 1.08720, the TP will be 1.08920, and the SL will be 1.08520. This adjustment applies to both normal and reverse copying.

    6. Three new lot size types have been added. When 'Same Lot Size' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will copy the receiver trades with the same lot size as the original transmitter trades. When 'Multiplier by Balance' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will use the 'Multiplier by Balance' setting for calculating the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades as follows. If the receiver account balance is $10000 and the 'Multiplier by Balance' setting is 1000, the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades will be 10 (10000/1000). When 'Multiplier by Equity' lot size type is selected, Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will use the 'Multiplier by Equity' setting for calculating the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades as follows. If the receiver account equity is $10000 and the 'Multiplier by Equity' setting is 1000, the multiplier that will be used for the receiver copied trades will be 10 (10000/1000).

    7. A new 'Automatic Split of Copied Trades' setting has been added, for automatically splitting receiver copied trades when the lot size about to be copied exceeds the maximal volume allowed for the specific symbol/instrument. For instance, if a 25-lot BTCUSD trade is about to be opened on the receiver side, and the maximal volume for BTCUSD in the receiver account is 10 lots, the receiver Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will split it into two 10-lot BTCUSD trades and one 5-lot BTCUSD trade, in order to comply with the maximal volume limitation.

    8. A new 'Split Copied Trades in Parts of' setting has been added, that allows you to divide your receiver copied trades into smaller parts, each below a specified lot size, in compliance with any restrictions imposed by your broker, typically applicable to prop firms, regarding the maximum lot size for opened trades in your receiver account. For instance, if you input 0.15 into this setting and a 0.7 lot trade is about to be copied into the receiver account, it will be copied as four 0.15 lot trades and one 0.1 lot trade.

    9. A new 'Custom Symbol Fixed Lot Sizes' setting has been added, that allows for different fixed lot sizes to be applied to various symbols, thereby overriding the universal fixed lot size specified in the receiver settings. For example, if a 0.2 fixed lot size is set universally, and you input EURUSD0.15,GBPUSD0.3 in this setting, the copied trades for EURUSD will use a 0.15 fixed lot size, while GBPUSD trades will use a 0.3 fixed lot size. All other symbol trades will be copied with the universal 0.2 fixed lot size setting.

    10. A new 'Copying from Symbol Trade/Order Number' setting has been added, that allows you to copy trades/orders for all symbols, starting from a point later than the first trade/order. For instance, if you enter 4 into this setting, the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will refrain from copying the initial three trades/orders of each symbol from the transmitter account to the receiver account. Instead, it will commence copying from the fourth trade/order onward. In the event that any trade/order with the same symbol as the first three transmitter trades/orders is closed, the counting will reset, and the receiver will resume counting the number of trades/orders, only considering the still open transmitter trades/orders.

    11. A new 'Maximum Risk % per Symbol' setting has been added, that enables you to establish a percentage-based limit on the cumulative risk associated with all trades/orders copied for the same symbol. If the total risk for that symbol reaches this predefined limit, the copying process will temporarily pause. Please note that this setting applies only to receiver copied trades with an applied Stop Loss. If you enter a non-zero value in this setting, it will prevent any trade/order without an applied SL from copying to the receiver account.

    12. A new 'Maximum Account Risk %' setting has been added, that allows you to set a percentage limit on the total risk of all receiver copied trades/orders. Copying will pause if this limit is reached. Please note that this setting applies only to receiver copied trades with an applied Stop Loss. If you enter a non-zero value in this setting, it will prevent any trade/order without an applied SL from copying to the receiver account.

    13. The 'Synchronized Trade Closure' setting will now enable you to specify whether you want to automatically close all copied trades or delete pending orders placed by the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 on receiver accounts immediately after the corresponding original trades on the transmitter accounts are closed or deleted, separately.

    14. A new 'Closure Better Price' setting has been added, with the option to determine whether receiver copied trades should be closed at a better, worse, or the same price compared to the transmitter trades when they close, as per your configuration. Warning: Enabling this option may result in missing the closure of a receiver copied trade completely, if the market moves rapidly against you, potentially leaving an unmanaged trade.

    15. A new 'No Copying if Transmitter Drawdown %>' setting has been added, that allows you to temporarily halt the copying of new trades to the receiver account if the current drawdown in the transmitter account exceeds a specified level. Copying will resume once the drawdown in the transmitter account improves beyond the value set in this setting. For example, if No Copying if Transmitter Drawdown %>=20 the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will cease copying new trades to the receiver account if the transmitter's current drawdown surpasses 20%. Copying will resume when the transmitter's drawdown falls below 20%.

    16. A new 'Copy Only if Transmitter Drawdown % per Symbol>' setting has been added, that allows the user to copy trades for each symbol from the transmitter account to the receiver account only when the combined drawdown of all transmitter trades for that specific symbol exceeds a specified threshold. For example, if Copy Only if Transmitter Drawdown % per Symbol>=2 the receiver account will start copying the transmitter's trades for each symbol only when the combined drawdown of all trades for that symbol in the transmitter account surpasses 2%. Once this condition is met, all transmitter trades for that symbol will be copied. If the combined drawdown for those symbol trades in the transmitter account subsequently falls below 2%, new transmitter trades for that symbol will not be copied until the combined drawdown for those symbol trades rises above 2% again.

    17. The 'Maximum Daily Drawdown' setting can now be calculated based on your receiver account's balance or equity as of 23:59:59 the previous day, allowing you to choose between a percentage or a specific amount, offering greater flexibility.

    ** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
    Version 3.50 2023.04.24
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 had a major update with many changes and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

    1. Copy Long/Short true/false settings are now applied correctly to pending orders too.

    2. Split Copied Trades in Parts setting works smoothly now, overriding maximal volume issues on the receiver accounts.

    3. Maximum Number of Copied Magic Numbers and Maximum Number of Copied Symbols settings have been added, that allow to copy only a certain number of magic numbers or symbols at the same time on the receiver accounts.

    4. Add/Subtract Points in TP/SL Levels settings have been added that can add or subtract certain number of points in the TP/SL levels of the original transmitter trades on the receiver copied trades.

    5. The option not to copy transmitter trades to the receiver side if these don't have an applied stop loss level, has been added.

    6. A Copy Market Trades=true/false setting has been added, allowing the user to copy only pending orders and not market trades.

    7. Copying Delay in Seconds and Closure Delay in Seconds settings have been added, that allow the user to copy and close the transmitter trades to the receiver side with a certain number of seconds delay.

    8. All lot size types that were previously calculated based on the account's balance can now also be calculated based on the account's equity.

    9. A Reopen Closed Copied Trades setting has been added that allows the user to reopen receiver closed copied trades instantly or at the opening price if these are still running in the transmitter side.

    10. Take profit can now be applied on the receiver copied trades based on risk/reward ratio of the copied stop loss.

    11. New automatic partial closure settings have been added, that allow the user to close automatically and partially all receiver copied trades at 3 % take profit and 3 % stop loss levels for 3 % levels of the copied lot size.

    12. Finally, a new Maximum Daily Drawdown % setting has been added that will close all receiver copied trades and pause copying until the next day, when it is reached. This will allow users to work with LTC on prop firms more effectively.

    ** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
    Version 3.40 2023.01.21
    Fix of an issue with lot size rounding.
    Version 3.30 2022.12.19
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 had a major update with many changes and additions and I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed.

    1. The opening/placement of copied trades/orders has been changed, applying TP/SL levels along with the trade opening. This will make trade copying even faster and will allow LTC to be used smoothly with prop firms.

    2. The copy time settings format has been changed, allowing to put time periods that copying will be allowed, excluding specific times. For example if a user wants to pause copying 1 hour before and 1 hour after the NFP announcement on Friday (GMT+2 time) he can put Copy on Friday=00:00:00-14:30:00,16:30:00-23:59:59 and that way LTC will copy up to 14:30, then will pause copying until 16:30 and will copy normally again from 16:30 till midnight.

    3. Take Profit and Stop Loss Multipliers have been added that will give the user the opportunity to increase or decrease the copied TP/SL levels of the original transmitter trades. These multipliers are 1 by default in order to copy the original TP/SL levels, but if the user puts for example Take Profit Multiplier=1.5 and Stop Loss Multiplier=2 the receiver copied trade will increase the applied take profit level by 150% and the applied stop loss level by 200%. In other words a 100 points transmitter TP will be copied as a 150 points receiver TP and a 200 points transmitter SL will be copied as a 400 points receiver SL.

    4. Opposite Logic has been renamed Reverse Copying and a new Keep Original TP/SL Distances has been added that if it is true will apply the original transmitter TP/SL levels in points on the receiver opposite trade, but reversed of course. For example until now if a buy transmitter trade was opened with 100 points TP and 200 points SL, the opposite receiver trade was copied with a 100 points SL and 200 points TP, in order the receiver trade to close at the same time with the original transmitter trade. Now with Keep Original TP/SL Distances=true LTC will apply the original 100 points TP and 200 points SL on the receiver copied trade.

    5. Two new lot size types have been added, Risk per Trade in % of Balance and Risk per Trade in Money. When any of these are selected the lot size of the receiver copied trades will be such that when the original SL is hit the receiver copied trade will lose a predefined by the user % of receiver account balance or a sum in money. These 2 new lot size types will work only if the receiver copied trades have a SL level of course, otherwise they can't be calculated properly.

    6. A new Split Copied Trades in Parts setting has been added, which is 1 be default, giving the opportunity to copy the receiver copied trades in many lot size parts, overcoming brokers limitations in this area. If your broker has a small maximum lot size limit or the market liquidity is thin and you can't open large trades with their original lot size, you can split your receiver copied trades into smaller parts. If for example Split Copied Trades in Parts=3 a 1 lot transmitter trade with a Multiplier=1 lot size type setting in the receiver side, will be copied as three 0.33 0.33 and 0.34 trades.

    7. Two new Ignore Transmitter Lot Size Below and Ignore Transmitter Lot Size Above settings have been added that will allow the user to filter the transmitter original trades by their lot size and to be copied or not on the receiver side.

    8. Partial closure has been re-coded and will work perfectly and smoothly on the receiver copied trades from now on, exactly as it works on the transmitter side. Also partial closure can now be turned off if the user puts Apply Partial Closure=false in the receiver side settings.

    9. Until now the user of LTC could apply its own TP/SL/BE and trailing SL levels in points onto the receiver copied trades. Now new TP/SL/BE and trailing SL levels in money have been added, making it easier to apply your desired TP/SL levels in account currency. These new levels in money will not work with the new Risk per Trade in % of Balance and Risk per Trade in Money lot size type settings, because its not possible to calculate the lot size and stop loss in money at the same time for a given copied trade. One variable of them has to be fixed.

    10. A new Closing Copied Trades in Minutes setting has been added, that will allow the user to close each receiver copied trade after a certain number of minutes.

    11. A No Copy if Transmitter Drawdown %> has been added that will allow the user to copy the transmitter original trades on the receiver side, only if the transmitter account has reach a certain drawdown. For example if No Copy if Transmitter Drawdown %>=5 the receiver account will start copying the transmitter trades only when the transmitter account drawdown exceeds the 5% level. If it does all transmitter trades will be copied, if later the transmitter drawdown goes below 5% new opened transmitter trades will not be copied until the transmitter drawdown goes above 5% again.

    ** I strongly advise you to make this update with no open trades on the receiver account side, when all receiver copied trades have been closed. **
    Version 3.20 2022.11.09
    Fix of an issue with CPU efficiency and other improvements.
    Version 3.10 2022.11.08
    Fix of an issue.
    Version 3.0 2022.11.08
    Fix of an issue.
    Version 2.90 2022.10.31
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 will now enable automatically only the symbols that are about to be copied on the receiver account.
    Version 2.80 2022.10.29
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following improvements:

    1. Comments to Copy and not to Copy settings have been added, to filter the receiver copied trades by the transmitter comment.

    2. A new Lot Size Type option has been added, the Lot Size per 1000 of Balance, that allows you to apply your desired lot size based entirely on the receiver account's balance size.

    3. Total Symbol Copied Trades and Total Account Copied Trades settings have been added, that give the option to limit the receiver copied trades by number.

    4. A Max Drawdown % from Balance High setting has been added, that can close all receiver copied trades and disable copying when a certain drawdown value has been reached from the highest level of receiver account's balance.

    5. A No Copying if Drawdown %> setting has been added that gives the option to suspend copying new trades on the receiver account if the current drawdown exceeds a certain level. Copying will resume when the drawdown level improves above the inserted value in this setting.

    6. Closing of receiver copied trades due to basket or emergency account protection settings will be done following the FIFO rule from now on, making the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 FIFO compatible.
    Version 2.70 2022.08.14
    Hello dear friends,

    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated:

    1. New Basket settings in Money have been added to close all receiver account copied trades, when the desired Basket TP/SL in Money levels have been reached.

    2. An issue with Better Price Difference in Points has been fixed and now Local Trade Copier EA MT5 applies the correct open price and TP/SL levels when Better Price is used, even when Opposite Logic is true or Pending Orders are placed.

    3. Another issue that Local Trade Copier EA MT5 opened the transmitter trades again on the receiver account, if the computer was restarted, has been fixed.

    Please update your Local Trade Copier EA MT5.
    Version 2.60 2022.06.03
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following additions:

    1. A Receiver Comment setting has been added, that gives the user the option to print the desired comment on the receiver account copied trades, overriding any transmitter comment.

    2. Better Price option now allows the input of negative values, giving the use the opportunity to copy transmitter trades onto the receiver account, when a certain level or profit has been reached on the transmitter opened trades.

    3. A Close All Copied Trades on certain day and time option has been added, that allows the user to close all receiver account copied trades at a specific day (or very day) and time.

    4. Prefix and Suffix of the Transmitter Account settings have been added that make the copying from brokers with non dot prefixes and suffixes (like mEURUSD or EURUSDm) much easier. Automatic mapping of dot prefixes and suffixes (like r.EURUSD or EURUSD.r) continues to work as before.

    For more details on these new settings please read carefully the settings/inputs guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745681
    Version 2.50 2022.05.01
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following additions:

    1. An extra option has been added to the Transmitter Comment setting, now the user can type the symbol @ in the transmitter side setup and the trade ID of the transmitter trades will be printed as a comment in the receiver copied trades.

    2. An Allow TP/SL Manual Change true/false setting has been added that when it is true allow the user to modify the TP/SL levels of the copied receiver trades, after the transmitter TP/SL levels have been applied.

    3. Finally Total Symbol Copied Volume and Total Account Copied Volume settings have been added, that give the user the opportunity to set total lot size limits for the receiver copied trades on symbol and account level.

    For more details on these new settings please read carefully the settings/inputs guide: https://www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/745681
    Version 2.40 2022.04.04
    Fix of a Copying Expiration in Seconds issue.
    Version 2.30 2022.03.24
    Addition of a Minimum Volume Step setting to allow the copying of smaller than 0.01 lot sizes, for example binary volatility indexes.
    Version 2.20 2022.03.14
    Fix of a bug with the Self Copier option.
    Version 2.10 2022.03.08
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 has been updated with the following additions:

    1. Magic Numbers to Copy setting has been added to make it easier to copy some magic numbers only, without the need to exclude all others in the Magic Numbers Not to Copy setting.

    2. Symbols to Copy setting has been added to make it easier to copy some symbols only, without the need to exclude all others in the Symbols Not to Copy setting.

    3. Copying Start Time and Copying End Time settings have been added, to allow time control of copying onto the receiver account.

    4. Copy on Monday to Sunday true/false settings have been added to allow control over the days copying is allowed to the receiver account.

    5. Maximum Spread in Points settings has been added to filter the copying of trades onto the receiver account, based on spread.

    6. A Better Price Difference in Points setting has been added to make it possible to open copied receiver trades with a certain number of points improvement in opening price. For example if the transmitter buy open price is 1.08800 and this setting is 50, the receiver copied buy trade will be opened at 1.08750.

    7. Custom Symbol Multipliers setting has been added, to allow different multipliers for various symbols, overriding the universal multiplier applied in the receiver settings. If for example a 2 multiplier has been set and in this setting you put: EURUSD3,GBPUSD4 the EURUSD receiver copied trades will be copied with a 3 multiplier and the GBPUSD trades with a 4 multiplier.

    8. Minimum and Maximum Copying Lot Size settings have been added, to allow control over the minimum and maximum lot size that will be copied onto the receiver account. If for example you have a Maximum Copying Lot Size=5 setting and a receiver trade is about to be copied with a 7.50 lot size, it will be limited and opened as a 5 lots trade.

    9. Ignore Copying Lot Size Below and Above settings have been added, to allow control over the size of trades that the user may not want to copy over the receiver account. So any size below or above these settings will NOT be copied at all.

    10. Finally the option to use Virtual/Hidden TP, SL, BE and trailing SL levels has been added, to allow the user to hide these levels on the receiver account. There is also an option to show these virtual levels on chart, but this is only possible to the chart the Local Trade Copier EA MT5 is attached onto.
    Version 2.0 2022.02.10
    Fix of an issue with updating the open price of pending orders on the receiver account side, that didn't work properly.
    Version 1.90 2022.02.09
    Fix of a bug.
    Version 1.80 2022.02.02
    Fix of a bug with opposite logic.
    Version 1.70 2022.01.26
    Fix of an issue with copying of binary volatility indexes.
    Version 1.60 2022.01.21
    Addition of Proportional Multiplier lot size calculation in Lot Size Types of the Local Trade Copier EA MT5. This new algorithm calculates the lot size of the receiver copied trades based on the balances of the transmitter and receiver account with an extra multiplier that can increase or decrease the final copied lot size. The Proportional Multiplier value has been also added in the settings.
    Version 1.50 2021.12.07
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 was updated with the following improvements:

    1. Partial closure algorithm was updated in order to address some issues and now works smoothly in all cases.

    2. A Use Copying Expiration in Seconds: true/false option was added in order not to get in the way of copying current/already opened trades and missed trades that weren't copied after a network disruption.

    3. Transmitter account apostrophe ' suffix will now be mapped automatically as all other prefixes/suffixes.

    4. When both transmitter and receiver accounts use the same prefix/suffix, mapping will be done automatically, without the need of any special setup in the receiver account side.

    5. 20 extra Special Symbols have been added, so a total of 30 Special Symbols are now available for cases of symbols and instruments that can't be mapped automatically or through the Prefix/Suffix of the Receiver Account setting.
    Version 1.40 2021.10.11
    Fix of an issue.
    Version 1.30 2021.09.17
    Improvements and addition of the option to have the original comment of the transmitter trade copied to the receiver account. Now the Transmitter Comment setting has 3 options: to leave it empty and that way there will be no comment on the receiver side, to write your own comment and that will be printed in the comment section of the receiver copied trade or type # and this will copy the original comment of the transmitter trade to the receiver account.
    Version 1.20 2021.09.02
    Version 1.10 2021.07.28
    Local Trade Copier EA MT5 was updated with the following additions:

    1. Certain symbols can be excluded from copying onto the receiver account (Symbols not to Copy).

    2. Trade, daily and emergency notifications can now work independently.

    3. In the daily and emergency equity notifications, multiple times and equity levels can now be entered, separated by commas (for example 00:00,12:00 or 8000,12000).

    4. Addition of transmitter account comment. Now the comment of each copied trade will come from the transmitter account side and not the receiver.

    5. Addition of the Account Take Profit Equity setting. This is the equity amount of the receiver account over which the Local Trade Copier EA MT4/5 will close all open trades and disable copying. This must be a higher level than current equity.