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White Weis Volume Ticks


White Weis Volume

This indicator shows the sum of the volume in each wave, bulish or bearish, as idealized by David Weis, but it brings an important addition, which is the marking of the bar with the highest volume of the wave (White Bar)!

In coding the indicator, it was sought to optimize the code to require minimal processing during use and not to overload mt5.

The indicator can be used for pre-trading analysis and study, where the trader analyzes possible points of support and resistance based on the waves of greater volume.

The indicator can be used in real time, analyzing two plots, one macro and the other micro (or fractal) and understanding price movements and observing the volume.

The White Weis Volume indicator is a powerful indicator that combines price and volume in one.

The indicator inputs are:

  • Volume Type: Tick Volume or Real Volume Wave size (ticks): Minimum size for the wave to be defined as a high or low wave. (If the price is going in the opposite direction but without reaching this size, the histogram will be painted painted the color magenta (default) or the color definity by the user).
  • Bulish wave color: Color to color the high wave histogram.
  • Bearsish wave color: Color to color the high wave histogram.
  • Undefined wave color: Color to color the histogram in undefined wave.
  • "White Bar" (Higher volume of wave): Color to color the histogram that contains the highest volume of the wave.

For use in EA's we have the possibility of reading the buffers through the iCustom function.

Buffer0 = Volume Histogram
Buffer1 = Histogram colors (0 -> buy, 1-> sale, 2-> undefined).
Buffer3 = White Bar (Max volume).

That's it.

Success and good trades!

Bewertungen 4
Eliseo Rafael
Eliseo Rafael 2024.10.24 00:01 

Fala Ricardo adquiri a pouco tempo indicador white weis volume ticks muito bom, mas parou de funcionar pra mim no mt5 apos a atualização do windows 22h2 o ultima atualização do windos 10 o que devo fazer meu amigo? Desde já agradeço

Lian Feng Bao
Lian Feng Bao 2023.08.28 15:26 

你好 我是来自中国的用户,我的电脑出现了一些问题,所以重新安装了你们的软件5次,因为系统的问题,所以重新安装了几次,这个上面说,安装不能超过5次,需要你们那边控制,能不能帮我把次数增多一些 谢谢 我MQL5账号是baoliandeng2667 我不知道要如何联系到你们 这个指标安装不太会操作,所以误操作了几次

Alexandre Arruda
Alexandre Arruda 2022.03.22 02:04 

Ricardo, sensacional seu indicador. Bem legal mesmo ! Gostaria de uma ajuda sua. Não estou conseguindo pegar o valor quando a barra fica WHITE usando o iCustom. Quando dou o CopyBuffer(handle, 3, 0) ele sempre retorna zerado. Gostaria de plotar uma linha na abertura e fechamento do candle quando ocorrer o White. Se puder me dar um exemplo, ficaria agradecido (mexi no meta há 10 anos, estou voltando agora)!

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5 (9)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
Support And Resistance Screener ist ein Level-Indikator für MetaTrader, der mehrere Tools innerhalb eines Indikators bietet. Die verfügbaren Werkzeuge sind: 1. Marktstruktur-Screener. 2. Bullische Pullback-Zone. 3. Bärische Pullback-Zone. 4. Tägliche Pivot-Punkte 5. wöchentliche Pivots-Punkte 6. monatliche Pivots-Punkte 7. Starke Unterstützung und Widerstand basierend auf harmonischem Muster und Volumen. 8. Zonen auf Bankebene. ZEITLICH BEGRENZTES ANGEBOT: HV Support and Resistance Indicator ist
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
Wir stellen vor       Quantum Trend Sniper Indicator   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Indikator, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie Trendumkehrungen erkennen und handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung,       Quantum Trend Sniper-Indikator       wurde entwickelt, um Ihre Trading-Reise mit seiner innovativen Methode zur Identifizierung von Trendumkehrungen mit extrem hoher Genauigkeit auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. ***Kaufe Quantum Trend Sniper
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
Jetzt 147 US -Dollar (nach ein paar Aktualisierungen auf 499 US -Dollar) - Unbegrenzte Konten (PCs oder MACs) RelicusRoad Benutzerhandbuch + Schulungsvideos + Zugang zur privaten Discord-Gruppe + VIP-Status EINE NEUE ART, DEN MARKT ZU BETRACHTEN RelicusRoad ist der weltweit leistungsstärkste Handelsindikator für Forex, Futures, Kryptowährungen, Aktien und Indizes und gibt Händlern alle Informationen und Tools, die sie benötigen, um profitabel zu bleiben. Wir bieten technische Analysen und Ha
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (13)
Wir stellen   Quantum TrendPulse   vor, das ultimative Handelstool, das die Leistung von   SuperTrend   ,   RSI   und   Stochastic   in einem umfassenden Indikator vereint, um Ihr Handelspotenzial zu maximieren. Dieser Indikator wurde für Händler entwickelt, die Präzision und Effizienz suchen, und hilft Ihnen dabei, Markttrends, Momentumverschiebungen und optimale Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte sicher zu erkennen. Hauptmerkmale: SuperTrend-Integration:   Folgen Sie problemlos dem vorherrschenden Markt
TW Trend Scalper Indicator: Der TW Scalper Shoot bietet Ihnen ein einzigartiges Trading-Erlebnis, indem er die neuesten Trading-Strategien und Technologien der künstlichen Intelligenz nutzt. Dieses Produkt erfüllt die vielfältigen Bedürfnisse von Scalper-Tradern, indem es zwei verschiedene Kategorien von Signalen bereitstellt: Testen Sie dieses außergewöhnliche Produkt noch heute und beginnen Sie Ihre einzigartige Erfahrung, ein Trend-Scalper zu werden. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie ein Produkt
Der Gann Square Indikator ist ein leistungsstolles Marktanalyse-Tool, das auf dem Artikel "Mathematische Formel für Marktvorhersagen" von W.D. Gann basiert. Dieses Tool verwendet mathematische Konzepte und Gann-Theorien für eine präzise Marktanalyse. Es beinhaltet Quadratwerte von 144, 90, 52 und auch das Quadrat von 9. Darüber hinaus integriert es die Methode von  zur Quadratwurzel von 9 und deren Beziehung zu Kanälen und dem Sternmuster. Benutzerhandbuch und Anwendung: Vor der Verwendung diese
ICT, SMC, SMART MONEY CONCEPTS, SMART MONEY, Smart Money Concept, Support and Resistance, Trend Analysis, Price Action, Market Structure, Order Blocks, BOS/CHoCH,   Breaker Blocks ,  Momentum Shift,   Supply&Demand Zone/Order Blocks , Strong Imbalance,   HH/LL/HL/LH,    Fair Value Gap, FVG,  Premium  &   Discount   Zones, Fibonacci Retracement, OTE, Buy Side Liquidity, Sell Side Liquidity, BSL/SSL Taken, Equal Highs & Lows, MTF Dashboard, Multiple Time Frame, BigBar, HTF OB, HTF Market Structure
BookMap HeatMap
Roberto Spadim
1 (2)
This Indicator creates a heatmap based on depth of market of the current symbol or another symbol. Other symbol is useful when you trade futures market and a contract has 'mini' and 'full' split. For example, in Brazil (B3 - BMF&Bovespa), WDO and DOL are future Forex contract of BRL/USD (where 1 DOL = 5 WDO) and big banks work mostly with DOL (where liquidity is important). Please use with M1 timeframe , objects are too small to be displayed at higher timeframes (MT5 limit). The number of level
Berma Bands
Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (3)
Der Berma Bands (BBs)-Indikator ist ein wertvolles Werkzeug für Händler, die Markttrends erkennen und daraus Kapital schlagen möchten. Durch die Analyse der Beziehung zwischen dem Preis und den BBs können Händler erkennen, ob sich ein Markt in einer Trend- oder Schwankungsphase befindet. Besuchen Sie den [ Berma Home Blog ], um mehr zu erfahren. Berma-Bänder bestehen aus drei unterschiedlichen Linien: dem oberen Berma-Band, dem mittleren Berma-Band und dem unteren Berma-Band. Diese Linien werden
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
3.5 (2)
Gold Trend - dies ist ein guter technischer Indikator für Aktien. Der Algorithmus des Indikators analysiert die Preisbewegung eines Vermögenswerts und spiegelt die Volatilität und mögliche Einstiegszonen wider. Die besten Indikatorsignale: - Für VERKAUFEN = rotes Histogramm + roter SHORT-Zeiger + gelber Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. - Für KAUFEN = blaues Histogramm + blauer LONG-Zeiger + aquafarbener Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. Vorteile des Indikators: 1. Der Indikator erzeugt S
Wir stellen vor       Quantum Breakout PRO   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Indikator, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie mit Breakout-Zonen handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung,       Quantum Breakout PRO       ist darauf ausgelegt, Ihre Handelsreise mit seiner innovativen und dynamischen Breakout-Zone-Strategie auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. Der Quantum Breakout Indicator zeigt Ihnen Signalpfeile auf Breakout-Zonen mit 5 Gewinnzielzonen u
Golden Spikes Detector
Batsirayi L Marango
3.25 (4)
Golden Spikes Detector This indicator is based on an advanced strategy primarily for trading spikes on Boom and Crash Indices. Complex algorithms were implemented to detect high probability entries only. It alerts on potential Buy and Sell entries. To trade spikes on the Deriv or Binary broker, only take Buy Boom and Sell Cash alerts. It was optimised to be loaded on 5-minute timeframe although multiple timeframe analysis is done in the background. Features ·             Desktop pop up and sound
Weitere Produkte dieses Autors
Display N Bars
Ricardo Almeida Branco
4.88 (8)
The Display N Bars utility is a simple tool designed to help identify candles. If a trader tries to share knowledge with a colleague but it is difficult to pinpoint exactly the desired candle, just say the corresponding candle number. The candle count is reset every day. Seeking to offer a good customization the inputs are: Display type -> Display only odd, only odd, or both candles? Direction -> Horizontal or Vertical? Display multiples of: (display frequency) -> Display all number
Vwap Standard Deviation
Ricardo Almeida Branco
O indicador Vwap Deviation Bands segue na mesma linha dos outros indicadores da White Trader, que buscam leveza, personalização e qualidade, para entregar o que há de melhor para o trader. Isto, além de combinar preço e volume (informações importantes para o trader) com uma medida estatística do desvio padrão. Este indicador já foi utilizado e testado por outros traders que deram sugestões, inclusive, para chegarmos nesta versão final (embora ainda esteja aceitando sugestões, sempre :)   ). O de
PVA Dragon
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Users of PVRSA / PVA certainly already know the Dragon indicator and its use. The Dragon works as dynamic support and resistance and can be used for scalper or trend follower. In addition to the Dragon we have the WGT (fast) and EMA (slow) averages that can show immediate movement and also trend movement. Stay tuned for the Dragon's inclination! The indicator can be used on any asset/currency pair and can be customized according to the trader's interest. See also my volume analysis indicato
Volume Doji
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Hey guys. This indicator will show you, in the volume histogram, if the candle was a Doji, a bullish candle, or a bearish candle. The construction of this indicator was requested by a trader who uses other indicators from my catalog, and I decided to release it free to help traders who think that the indicator can contribute to their operations. The parameters are: Volume Type: Real Volume or Tick Volume. Color if the candle is bearish: select the color. Color if the candle is high: select
Start Vwap Custom Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (3)
Attention: New update - 4 major practicality improvements! 1) Alarm 2) Midas text value 3) Click panel 4) Can be connected to an EA to operate in semi-automatic mode Attention - This indicator does not work perfectly in backtest due to MT5 peculiarities (Reading hotkeys or panel clicks) . My suggestion is that you test Automatic Vwap Midas which has automatic operation to analyze the calculation and then buy Start if you think the indicator will match your operating.     This indicator is use
White Trader Clock
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Simple countdown indicator for the next candle. Only claim is to be light! The indicator inserts a text object to the right of the current price and calculates how much time is left for the new bar, showing this to the trader. Leave your comment if the indicator helped you in any way! If you have any suggestions, let me know to evaluate the improvements. Success and Good Trades!
Automatic Vwap Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The 3 Automatic Vwap (Midas) Indicator can be used for Price and Volume studyers to map the movement of market drivers. It automatically plots 3 Vwaps, two of which are dynamic and will be updated throughout the day if new highs or new lows emerge. The third Vwap is daily and can help if the trend is up or down. Also, an auxiliary indicator that plots (also dynamic) points of interest with OHLC prices (Open, High and Low of the current day and Close of the previous day) was inserted. Success and
O HL2 C Lines
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (2)
If you consider the extremes of the daily price as important points, this indicator will help in your trades. Now, instead of manually drawing lines that mark daily highs and lows, you can use the O (HL) ² C Lines indicator. Thus, the OHLC Lines indicator automatically plots the lines O (Open for the current day), H (High for the current day), L (Low for the current day) and C (Close for the previous day). Plot also the high and low of the previous day. Thus, we have 4 static lines and tw
PVA Color Candle
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Several techniques use volume as an important point in the trade. Whether to indicate strength, exhaustion, pullback weakness, among others. In chief I quote Richard Wyckoff's theory, which said about the importance of looking price and volume. However, there are several possibilities to filter what is volume that should be noticed. PVRSA/PVA users use an indicator with specific colors, which assist in identifying the volume and type of movement that the price has made. Will the high volume
Several techniques use volume as an important point in the trade. Whether to indicate strength, exhaustion, pullback weakness, among others. In chief I quote Richard Wyckoff's theory, which said about the importance of looking price and volume. However, there are several possibilities to filter what is volume that should be noticed. PVRSA/PVA users use an indicator with specific colors, which assist in identifying the volume and type of movement that the price has made. Will the high volume
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Histogram Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the volume is above av
Color Candle Volume Set
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Do you use volume in your reading of the market? Certainly many traders use it, and do not imagine operating without it. The Color Candle Volume Set indicator allows the user to choose the value that he considers interesting to monitor. When you pass this you will have visual confirmation on the price chart and if you want you will also have the audible alert that is given by the indicator. Of course, there are other ways to try to find a high volume, such as assessing whether the vol
WT Vwap Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The WT Vwap Bands indicator is an indicator that combines price and volume, helping to show whether the price is within the "fair price", overbought or oversold. The indicator code was designed for performance and has already been tested in a real trading account. In addition to the visual inputs (color, thickness and line style), the user can define a% value that depends on the price. The default values work with the most distant band at 1% of the price and then dividing this distance in
Fibo Z
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
With it, you leave pre-configured two expansion settings and one fibo retraction configuration to use via keyboard shortcut and mouse click. That is, the Fibo_Z utility facilitates the use of MT5's native functions. The shortcut keys are: "Z" configuration 1 of the expansion. "X" expansion setting 2 "Z" retraction configuration. "V" clears objects from the screen. It is. Success and good trades!
Want to make the graph cleaner? Don't you use the opening price in your analysis? Want to use a chart model that was used by Richard Wyckoff? Then you need to know the Color HLC Candles and Bars indicator. In the same indicator you can switch to the display of candles or bars. Take a look at the other volume indicators to complement your operating. And don't forget to look at the best Vwap Custom (Midas)! Leave your comment! Success and good trades!
Vwap Freeze
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The previous day's vwap is used by some traders as a support and resistance point, after all it is one of the ways to consider the fair price of that asset or that pair the day before. Possible defenses can occur in this region indicating a reversal, or triggering stops starting a new, more directional movement. It is a matter of analyzing how it will add to your operational. To avoid manually drawing the previous day's vwaps and saving time for your analysis, use the Vwap Freeze indicator, as
Start Display N Bars
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Do you already know Display N Bars? Do you already know the Start tool (from Midas indicators)? In this indicator, we unified the two tools, allowing you to define which candle will start counting, or use the automatic numbering that was already available in the previous version. Description of the utility follows: Display N Bars The Display N Bars utility is a simple tool that aims to help identify candles. If a trader tries to share the knowledge with a colleague but it is difficult t
WT Vwap 5 Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
WT Vwap 5 Bands The WT Vwap Bands indicator is an indicator that combines price and volume, helping to show whether the price is within the "fair price", overbought or oversold. The indicator code was designed for performance and has already been tested in a real trading account. In addition to the visual inputs (color, thickness and line style), the user can define a% value that depends on the price. The default values work with the most distant band at 1% of the price and then dividing
The White's Candle Color indicator (by volume) will color the candles based on the current candle's volume compared to the moving average of the volume. This will allow you to see clearly if the volume (real or tick) is within the normal range, whether it is high or low and bring very important information about the market. I hope that this indicator can help in your operational. Success and good trades!
Haos MT5
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The Haos oscillator coded for the MT5! This oscillator allows to verify overbought / oversold regions in two periods (14 and 96, for example), making it possible to anticipate a reversal. Possibility to activate an audible alert when it reaches a defined level. Possibility to choose the alert sound by placing a .wav song in each asset or timeframe. (save a .wav file to the MQL5 \ Files folder) Possibility to activate / deactivate histogram and levels to make the screen cleaner. Customizable col
Initial Balance MT5
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Initial Balance (Initial Balance / Initial Balance) is a concept related to the study of volume (to learn more, study about Market Profile and Auction Market Theory. You can find some videos in English when searching for "Initial Balance Market Profile"). The IB defines a range in which prices were negotiated in the first hour of trading.The amplitude of the range is important and the break in the range defined by the Initial Balance may have occurred due to the movement of several players
VTC Volatility
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The VTC Volatility indicator was written to support a Brazilian stock market strategy in the WDO (USDBRL), but it can be adapted to other strategies and markets. In the new indicator update, it is now allowed to choose up to 4 levels to determine the range, and thus be more versatile. The Brazilian stock exchange (B3) has the VTC which is a "Structured Exchange Rate Volatility Transaction" (more information on the B3 website). At around 10:00 am, the VTC "Call" comes out and Brazilian broker
Midas is the acronym for Market Interpretation / Data Analysis System is a trade approach started in 1995 by technical analyst Paul Levine and later developed by Andrew Coles, PhD and David Hawkins. Learn more in the book MIDAS Technical Analysis: A VWAP Approach to Trading and Investing in Today's Markets , (I saw that it is possible buy via Amazon). The positive points in relation to the Midas-based indicators are the prediction of movement reversal points, the negative point is the subjectivi
Vwap Bands Auto
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Vwap Bands Auto indicator seeks to automatically map the maximum market frequency ( automatic update of the outermost band ) and has two intermediate bands that also adjust to daily volatility. Another tool from White Trader that combines price and volume, in addition to mapping the daily amplitude. The external band is updated automatically when the daily maximum or minimum breaks the current frequency, and can be an input signal, seeking a return to the daily vwap. Thus, in addition t
Start Midas SD Channel
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
Do you already know the Start Midas indicator? What about the Vwap Standard Deviation indicator? And I need to speak again in the book MIDAS Technical Analysis ... The Start Midas SD Channel indicator combines the two in one, bringing the practicality and efficiency of Midas with the statistical calculation of the standard deviation. All of this with the practicality of the White Trader Start indicators, where you can plot the indicator and move them on the screen using keyboard shortcuts
Start Midas Fibo Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Here we have the Start Midas Fibo Bands , I confess that it is an indicator that excited me enough to operate because I was able to find more defined rules. Well, the indicator has the functions of the other indicators of the Start line , which is a possibility to plot several Midas on the screen, you can move the anchor point using keyboard shortcuts and use the legend to differentiate one anchor from another. The rules that I have analyzed for my possible setup are recommended to the entry, st
Prior Lines
Ricardo Almeida Branco
This indicator shows on the current day some lines of interest, such as maximum, minimum and closing of the previous day, as well as the opening, maximum and minimum price of the current day. It can also show the GAP (closing of the previous day and opening of the current day) and projections of the amplitude of the previous day, according to the value you choose in the multiplier. Oh, I was going to forget. It is also possible to determine the time frame, which is daily by default. If this i
Auto Zig HTF Vwap Midas
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The best Vwap Midas coding for Metatrader 5 you can find in White Trader indicators. The indicator has been optimized not to recalculate (improving performance) and has several visual settings for you to adapt in your own way. TRY IT FOR FREE by clicking the free demo button Where and why to use Vwap Midas (and Auto Zig Vwap Midas) can be used on a variety of indices, currencies, forex, cryptocurrencies, stocks, indices and commodities. Many successful traders use price and volume to get the
Danko Trend Color
Ricardo Almeida Branco
The Danko Trend Color indicator is actually a candle coloring to bring practicality, ease and information to your charts. Danko Trend Color combines PRICE AND VOLUME indicators to define the prevailing trend, so the colors are: Blue (indicates an uptrend) Orange (indicates a downtrend) White (indicates undefined trend) I don't like to promise anything with my indicators, I ask you to download, test it for free (for use in backtesting) and see if the indicator can, in some way, help your oper
Danko DTC Panel
Ricardo Almeida Branco
Do not buy before seeing the Danko Trend Color product, as this panel is a way to view a summary of this indicator on various timeframes. The Danko DTC Panel utility allows you to look at the trend in up to 5 timeframes. When clicking on the timeframe texts, a new window will open with the indicator plotted on the screen so you can see the complete chart. The width of the panel, with the amount of candles you want to see, is customizable, see the images below. Ao clicar nos textos dos timeframe
Eliseo Rafael
Eliseo Rafael 2024.10.24 00:01 

Fala Ricardo adquiri a pouco tempo indicador white weis volume ticks muito bom, mas parou de funcionar pra mim no mt5 apos a atualização do windows 22h2 o ultima atualização do windos 10 o que devo fazer meu amigo? Desde já agradeço

Ricardo Almeida Branco
Antwort vom Entwickler Ricardo Almeida Branco 2024.11.05 13:10
Bom dia. Desculpe a demora em responder... Conseguiu resolver aí? Provavelmente esta atualização contou como se fosse uma nova instalação. A contagem de instalações é feita pelo próprio metatrader e pela metaquotes, talvez você possa entrar em contato com eles. Já teve casos em que eles liberaram ativações extra dependendo de alguma atualização do Windows. Essa ativação inclusive valia para todos os usuários, mesmo para quem não reclamou... Você tinha instalado ele em outras máquinas ou formatado essa sua máquina?
Lian Feng Bao
Lian Feng Bao 2023.08.28 15:26 

你好 我是来自中国的用户,我的电脑出现了一些问题,所以重新安装了你们的软件5次,因为系统的问题,所以重新安装了几次,这个上面说,安装不能超过5次,需要你们那边控制,能不能帮我把次数增多一些 谢谢 我MQL5账号是baoliandeng2667 我不知道要如何联系到你们 这个指标安装不太会操作,所以误操作了几次

Ricardo Almeida Branco
Antwort vom Entwickler Ricardo Almeida Branco 2023.08.29 03:31
Goodnight. Unfortunately I don't have control over the number of installations, this control is performed by metaquotes. I saw that you already managed to send me a private message, I'll read it and answer you there too. I was just sad that you said that my indicator doesn't work well and that this made you lose. Since you didn't specify what the problem was, I understand that you want to discredit (underrate) my service. Even if you yourself said that you have problems locally on your computer. I did not receive negative feedback from other people, it surprises me what could have happened there But I'll talk to you in private and see what we can do to help you. - - - - - - - - - - - 2nd msg - - - - - Well, as I answered you privately, my suggestion would be to contact metaquotes explaining what happened and requesting the release of new licenses. Even once due to a windows update metaqutes released an extra license for all users. Windows, in that situation, would have changed an internal code that identifies each computer and with that customers had to reinstall their products. As a result, metaquotes proactively released more activations. However, please understand what has been happening on your computer before trying to activate another license. I strongly suggest downloading the indicator for free trial before purchase (backtesting). I wish you success in your trades and that you manage to solve the problem with metaquotes
Alexandre Arruda
Alexandre Arruda 2022.03.22 02:04 

Ricardo, sensacional seu indicador. Bem legal mesmo ! Gostaria de uma ajuda sua. Não estou conseguindo pegar o valor quando a barra fica WHITE usando o iCustom. Quando dou o CopyBuffer(handle, 3, 0) ele sempre retorna zerado. Gostaria de plotar uma linha na abertura e fechamento do candle quando ocorrer o White. Se puder me dar um exemplo, ficaria agradecido (mexi no meta há 10 anos, estou voltando agora)!

Ricardo Almeida Branco
Antwort vom Entwickler Ricardo Almeida Branco 2022.03.22 10:42
Bom dia Alexandre. Pode me enviar uma mensagem privada por favor? Estou chegando na escola agora (sou professor) mas mais tarde eu vejo aqui e te respondo. Sucesso e bons trades!
Felipe Alarcon
Felipe Alarcon 2022.03.16 17:24 


Ricardo Almeida Branco
Antwort vom Entwickler Ricardo Almeida Branco 2022.03.16 21:55
Caramba! Muito obrigado pelo feedback! Podendo divulgar para conhecidos, fico muito agradecido!
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