My Friend EA2
- Experten
- Samir Arman
- Version: 2.0
- Aktualisiert: 25 Juli 2021
- Aktivierungen: 5
Hello all
There have been updates and changes in the way open deals work
It is different from the first expert, My Friend EA
In opening deals only, and the rest of the conditions are as they were in the past:
This expert is a type of oscillator
It works on a set of indicators with the profit tracking method
With the work of cooling deals with the closure of all together
It is preferred to work on the M5 timing
Max Spread = 0.3
Broker link from here
Lot1: Manual Lot Size
Auto_Lot: Set true to automatically calculate optimal Lot Size based on risk preferences, Set False if you want to use manual lot size.
Max_Risk: Max Risk as percentage of Equity * the greater this percentage is the greater the lot size if auto lot is used.
TrailingStop: Pursuing profit.
Step: Control of the opening distance of cooling deals.
Max_SPREAD: Spread volume control does not open positions when the spread is greater than the figure in the box.
Time_Start: Beginning of expert work on.
Time_End: The work is finished at the same
Magic_Number: EA Magic Number.
Time Frame:
M5 M15
Minimum recommended amount and leverage:
Min Recommended Leverage: 1: 400 or More.
Min Recommended Deposit: 1000 USD or Equivalent amount.
Lot 0.01