Version 1.71
Optional update.
On some brokers, duplication of positions sometimes occurred, if you encounter this, then try this update.
Version 1.7
Fixed a bug in the calculation of "Multiplier_of_Min_minutes_pause" and "Multiplier_of_Min_pips_between_positions" parameters.
This update does not affect sets and profiles, the settings remain the same.
How to update in order not to reset the settings of Expert Advisors on open charts.
1) Save your current profile (tab "file" -> "profiles").
2) Switch to another profile (for example, the default profile).
3) Update the experts in the terminal (via the market).
4) Open your profile (saved in step 1).
This can be done even if you have open positions.
Version 1.6
The following has been added to the EA parameters.
1) Close_positions_at_percentage_of_loss - percentage of floating loss from the balance at which all positions are closing; 0 - disabled;
2) Time not to close deals. The time at which only real TP and SL are valid.
Use_Not_Closing_Time - enable/disable the function;
Period_Not_Closing_after_GAP_in_minute - the number of minutes since the opening of the week, during which the EA will not close deals.
3) Do not open deals on new currency pairs if there are 2 deals or more for some pair (you can set any number of deals): Total_deals_for_one_symbol_so_as_not_to_open_new_symbol = 2.
Version 1.5
◾the "Use_Hide_TP_SL" parameter is split into two parameters: "Use_Hide_TP" and "Use_Hide_SL".
◾Use_MM_2 - lot calculation as a percentage of deposit based on StopLoss (Max_SL parameter).
◾Risk_Percentage - percentage of deposit for lot value calculation.
◾Lot_calculation_based_on - lot calculation based on balance or equity.
◾Lot_calculation_with_rounding - use rounding when calculating a trading lot (more aggressive lot calculation, to accelerate the increase in balance).
◾Hold_position_at_opening_hour - do not close the position at the opening hour.
◾Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_one_symbol - the maximum number of open positions for the current symbol with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
◾Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_all_symbols - the maximum number of open positions for all symbols with magic numbers from "Line_Magics"; valid for values greater than 0; this parameter limits the opening of the first position and does not limit the opening of averaging positions.
◾Line_Magics - line of magic numbers of positions; if empty, then the number of open positions is calculated for all (any) magic numbers.
1) Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_one_symbol = 1 and Line_Magics contains magic numbers of this Expert and another Expert. Another Expert opens a GBPUSD position, then this Expert will not open a GBPUSD position until it is closed.
2) Total_first_deals_of_line_magics_for_all_symbols = 1 and a GBPCAD trade was opened (with magic number from Line_Magics), then GBPUSD will not open while GBPCAD is open. And these parameters will not affect the averaging positions of GBPCAD.
Version 1.4
The program file was compiled with a new terminal build to avoid potential errors.
Version 1.3
1) Martin and grid parameters added: Use_Grid_mode, Multiplier_of_trade_Lot, Min_minuts_pause_between_positions, Multiplier_of_Min_minuts_pause, Min_pips_between_positions, Multiplier_of_Min_pips_between_positions.
2) Added Oscillator filter: use_Oscillator_filter, Entrance_level, Exit_level.
3) Added skipping options for holidays and selected dates.
Version 1.2
Use_Hide_TP_SL - if "true", then virtual (hidden) TP and SL are used, instead of real ones.
Version 1.1
Minor bugs fixed.
Good EA!