CrossMA Martingale MT5
- Experten
- Erwin Rustandi
- Version: 2.0
- Aktualisiert: 24 März 2020
Expert Advisor of Cross two moving averages accompanied by stop loss, take profit, martingale and multi timeframes on each moving averages.
can change all the parameters contained in the moving averages
Please use as appropriate, hopefully can be useful and assist you in the transaction
Don't forget to give a review if this product helps you
MA Method
0 = simple
1 = exponential
2 = smoothed
3 = LW
hi, i have gone through testing of this robot. idea behind the robot is good, very much disciplined entries with martingale it will destroy your account. it keeps the previous lot in its log and martingale the next position with increment. let say if you have loss in last 5 orders then it will open a 6th trade with bigger lot, then account will be washed in minutes. however, it is very disciplined in its logic. i recommend to not to use this robot.