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Fertiges Handelssystem, das dem Händler Kauf- und Verkaufssignale gibt. Es reicht aus, den Indikator auf dem Chart zu platzieren, er analysiert automatisch die Marktsituation, bestimmt die Richtung des Trends, berechnet Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus, analysiert die Preisbewegungsdynamik und zeigt dem Trader auf dem Chart in Form von Pfeilen die Momente, in denen Aufträge geöffnet werden müssen und in welche Richtung.

Handelsstrategien mit ScalpingCircles: Der Handel mit diesen Signalen ist sehr einfach. Fügen Sie einem Währungspaar einen Indikator hinzu und sehen Sie sich am unteren Rand des Diagramms an, wie viel Gewinn es prognostiziert. Wenn der Gewinn gering ist oder der Indikator einen Verlust vorhersagt, können wir das Währungspaar oder den Zeitrahmen ändern. Wenn die Höhe des Gewinns zu uns passt, warten Sie auf ein Signal von der Anzeige. Wenn Sie die Anzeigeeinstellungen öffnen und im Parameter SIGNAL = true angeben, sendet die Anzeige Signale an unser Telefon und an unsere E-Mail. Nachdem der Indikator uns ein Kaufsignal gegeben hat (blauer Pfeil), eröffnen wir eine Kauforder und setzen ein Bestellvolumen von 0,05. Take Profit setzt 100 Punkte. Trailing Stop setzt 50 Punkte. Stop Loss hat 120 Punkte gesetzt. Nachdem uns der Indikator ein Verkaufssignal (roter Pfeil) gegeben hat, eröffnen wir einen Verkaufsauftrag und setzen ein Auftragsvolumen von 0,05. Take Profit setzt 100 Punkte. Trailing Stop setzt 50 Punkte. Stop Loss hat 120 Punkte gesetzt. Wir können auch in der Handelsstrategie Martingale mit einem kontrollierten Verlustniveau verwenden. Wenn die Order mit einem Stop-Loss-Verlust geschlossen wird, wird die nächste Order mit dem doppelten Volumen der vorherigen Order geöffnet. Wenn die Serie der verlierenden Trades 3 ist, wird die nächste vierte Order ab dem Startvolumen von 0,05 geöffnet. Diese Handelsstrategie ermöglicht es Ihnen, Verluste zu kontrollieren und Gewinne mit minimalem Risiko zu maximieren.

Vorteile des ScalpingCircles Indikators:
  • Zeichnet keine Signale neu
  • zeigt viele profitable Signale
  • sendet an das Telefon und E-Mail-Signale

  • spread- gibt den Spread-Level Ihres Brokers an, damit der Indikator ihn bei der Berechnung der Rentabilität von Signalen berücksichtigen kann.
  • Period-enindikator.
  • upper_bound - obere Grenze der Amplitude der Dynamik.
  • bottom_bound - die untere Grenze der Amplitude der Dynamik.
  • Bars - Die Anzahl der Balken, auf denen der Indikator angezeigt und die Rentabilität berechnet wird.
  • Signals - übertragung an E-Mail und Telefon.
  • Inform-Display potenziellen Gewinn auf dem Chart.

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The   True Magic Oscillator   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change.         Features and Recommendations Works wit
Der Crypto_Forex-Indikator „Auto FIBO Pro“ ist ein großartiges Hilfsmittel beim Handel! - Der Indikator berechnet automatisch Fibo-Level und lokale Trendlinien (rote Farbe) und platziert sie im Diagramm. - Fibonacci-Level zeigen Schlüsselbereiche an, in denen der Preis umkehren kann. - Die wichtigsten Level sind 23,6 %, 38,2 %, 50 % und 61,8 %. - Sie können ihn für Reversal Scalping oder für Zone Grid Trading verwenden. - Es gibt auch viele Möglichkeiten, Ihr aktuelles System mit dem Auto FIBO
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Parfait Mujinga Ndalika
Super Reversal Pattern Indicator Unlock the power of advanced pattern recognition with our Super Reversal Pattern Indicator. Designed for traders seeking precision and reliability, this indicator identifies one of the most effective reversal patterns in technical analysis, offering a significant edge in your trading strategy. Key Features: Non-Repainting Accuracy: Enjoy the confidence of non-repainting technology. Once a Super Reversal Pattern is detected, it remains static, providing consiste
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Sergey Ermolov
4.28 (36)
MT5-Version  |  FAQ Der   Owl Smart Levels Indikator   ist ein komplettes Handelssystem innerhalb eines Indikators, der so beliebte Marktanalysetools wie die   fortschrittlichen Fraktale von Bill Williams , Valable ZigZag, das die   richtige Wellenstruktur   des Marktes aufbaut, und   Fibonacci-Levels , die die genauen Einstiegslevels markieren, enthält in den Markt und Orte, um Gewinne mitzunehmen. Detaillierte Strategiebeschreibung Anleitung zur Verwendung des Indikators Berater-Assistent im
Trend PA
Mikhail Nazarenko
5 (3)
The Trend PA indicator uses   Price Action   and its own filtering algorithm to determine the trend. This approach helps to accurately determine entry points and the current trend on any timeframe. The indicator uses its own algorithm for analyzing price changes and Price Action. Which gives you the advantage of recognizing, without delay, a new nascent trend with fewer false positives. Trend filtering conditions can be selected in the settings individually for your trading style. The indicator
„Adjustable Fractals“ – ist eine erweiterte Version des Fraktalindikators, ein sehr nützliches Handelstool! – Wie wir wissen, hat der Standard-Fraktalindikator mt4 überhaupt keine Einstellungen – das ist für Händler sehr unpraktisch. – Adjustable Fractals hat dieses Problem gelöst – es hat alle notwendigen Einstellungen: - Einstellbarer Zeitraum des Indikators (empfohlene Werte – über 7). - Einstellbarer Abstand von Hochs/Tiefs des Preises. - Einstellbares Design fraktaler Pfeile. // Tolle Ha
Discover the power of precision and efficiency in your trading with the " Super Auto Fibonacci " MT4 indicator. This cutting-edge tool is meticulously designed to enhance your technical analysis, providing you with invaluable insights to make informed trading decisions. Key Features: Automated Fibonacci Analysis: Say goodbye to the hassle of manual Fibonacci retracement and extension drawing. "Super Auto Fibonacci" instantly identifies and plots Fibonacci levels on your MT4 chart, saving you tim
Nice Stable Arrow
Muhammed Emin Ugur
Nice Stable Arrow   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change. Signals are sent at the beginning of new candles.
Nadiya Mirosh
The Before indicator predicts the most likely short-term price movement based on complex mathematical calculations. Most of the standard indicators commonly used in trading strategies are based on fairly simple calculations. This does not mean that there were no outstanding mathematicians in the world at the time of their creation. It is just that computers did not yet exist in those days, or their power was not enough for the sequential implementation of complex mathematical operations. Nowad
Sivakumar Subbaiya
4.07 (14)
Trend Plus   Trendplus  Indicator   Time Frame: Suitable for any time frame.  Purpose: Trend Prediction. Blue and red candle indicate the buy and sell call respectively. Buy: When the blue candle is formed buy call is initiated. close the buy trades when the next red candle will formed.   Sell: When the Red candle is formed Sell call is initiated. close the Sell trades when the next blue candle will formed.   Happy trade!!
Trend Ray
Andriy Sydoruk
The indicator shows the potential trend direction by cyclical-wave dependence. Thus, all the rays of the intersection will be optimal rays, in the direction of which the price is expected to move, taking into account the indicator period. Rays can be used as a direction for potential market movement. But we must not forget that the approach must be comprehensive, the indicator signals require additional information to enter the market.
Fx Perfect Signal indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals.  It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators.  The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.  Thanks to the alert features you can get the signals
This indicator works on MT4 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle . A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with Alert  like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? 1 minute candle 1 minute expire
The indicator shows you buy/sell signals and does not repaint. It works well with almost all pairs, while the best ones are GBPUSD, XAUUSD and EURUSD. The product works better on H1 and H4. You can change the parameters in the inputs tab to get the best signals and the best trade results on each pair. You can enable/disable alerts when signal appears. The indicator is easy to use. Parameters barstrip & Sensitive: amount of bars to process the highest and lowest prices (relates to the internal l
Signal Tower   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change. The indicator has a pips counter. You can see how many
Crypto_Forex-Indikator „Force Index mit dynamischen Überverkauft-/Überkauft-Zonen“ für MT4, kein Neuzeichnen. - Force Index ist einer der Top-Indikatoren, der Preis- und Volumendaten in einem einzigen Wert kombiniert. - Er eignet sich hervorragend für Verkaufstransaktionen aus dynamischen Überkauft-Zonen und Kauftransaktionen aus dynamischen Überverkauft-Zonen. - Dieser Indikator eignet sich hervorragend für Momentum-Trading in Trendrichtung. - Dynamische Überkauft-Zone – über der gelben Linie
Alpha Trend Zeichen ist seit langem ein sehr beliebtes Handelstool in unserem Unternehmen. Es kann unser Handelssystem überprüfen und Handelssignale klar anzeigen, und die Signale werden nicht driften. Hauptfunktionen: Anhand der Marktanzeige aktiver Bereiche können Indikatoren intuitiv bestimmen, ob der aktuelle Markttrend zu einem Trendmarkt oder zu einem volatilen Markt gehört. Und betreten Sie den Markt gemäß den Indikatorpfeilen, mit grünen Pfeilen für Kauf und roten Pfeilen für Verkauf
Trend Scanner
Vladimir Kalendzhyan
4.33 (6)
By purchasing this indicator, you have the right to receive a free copy of one of   my other indicator's or advisor’s!  (All future updates are included. No limits) . To get it , please contact me by  mql5 message ! The Trend Scanner trend line indicator displays the trend direction and its changes. The indicator works on all currency pairs and  timeframes. The indicator simultaneously displays multiple readings on the price chart: the support and resistance lines of the currency pair, the exist
This   Rattling Signal Point   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change. When the signal comes the arrows are put back on
You can proof how good this indicator is by comparing this indicator with other support resistance indicators in MQL5.com market. The Automated Support Resistance Screener is a powerful support and resistance custom indicator that can help traders determine the level of support and resistance values simple, easily and accurately. MT4 doesn't provide any support and resistance indicator, making ASRS an essential tool for traders and t his indicator is built using the MQL4 programming language an
„Adjustable Fractals Pro“ – ist eine erweiterte Version des Fractal-Indikators, ein sehr nützliches Handelstool! – Wie wir wissen, hat der Standard-Fraktal-MT4-Indikator überhaupt keine Einstellungen – das ist für Händler sehr unpraktisch. – Adjustable Fractals Pro hat dieses Problem gelöst – es hat alle notwendigen Einstellungen: – Einstellbarer Indikatorzeitraum (empfohlene Werte – über 7). – Einstellbarer Abstand von Preishochs/-tiefs. – Einstellbares Design der Fractal-Pfeile. – Es hat ein
This Special Strong Arrows indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change. When the signal comes the arrows are put back one ca
Sivakumar Subbaiya
1 (1)
Megatrends  Indicator   Time Frame: Suitable for any time frame.  Purpose: Trend Prediction. Blue and red color indicate the buy and sell call respectively. Buy: When the blue line is originating it is opened buy call. Sell: When the Red line is origination it is opened sell call Happy trade!! this indicator is suitable for all time frame, but our recommended time frame to use 1hour and 4 hours, suitable for any chart.
[ZhiBiCCI] Indikatoren sind für alle Zyklusanwendungen und auch für alle Marktsorten geeignet. [ZhiBiCCI] Die grüne durchgezogene Linie ist eine Umkehrung der bullischen Divergenz. Die grüne gestrichelte Linie ist eine klassische bullische Divergenz. [ZhiBiCCI] Die durchgehende Linie zum Rot ist eine umgekehrte bearishe Divergenz. Die rote gepunktete Linie ist eine klassische bearishe Divergenz. [ZhiBiCCI] kann in den Parametern (Alert, Mail senden, Benachrichtigung senden) eingestellt werden
Credible Cross System   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. The indicator works based on instant price movements. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not c
Signal Undefeated   indicator is designed for trend and signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals.  It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators.  You can only trade with this indicator. The generated signals are displayed on the graphical screen.  Thanks to the alert features you can g
Pro Magic Signal   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals.  It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators.  The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.  Thanks to the alert features you can get the signals
Big Trend Signal   indicator is designed for trend and signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals.  It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators.  You can only trade with this indicator. The generated signals are displayed on the graphical screen.  Thanks to the alert features you can ge
目前全额购买折扣 中 ! 任何交易者的最佳伙伴! 该指标具有独有的支撑阻力计算方案,是独一无二的交易系统    。 指标特性  想象一下,如果您能提前精确的判断出重要的交易支撑阻力区域以及点位,   您的交易将如何改善?基于独特的计算方式,我们可以看到波段走势中清晰的支撑和阻力。将过去重要的支撑阻力区域经过独特的计算,将关键位置在图表中显示. 本指标支持周期设置,可以设置其他周期.   大周期重要支撑阻力,以及小周期辅助判断可以在同一图表中完成. 基本显示 显示支撑阻力的价格标签。 显示实时的支撑和阻力。 显示历史的支撑和阻力. 基本设置 设置支撑阻力计算的周期。 警报设置 接近报警 碰触报警 报警弹窗 报警邮件发送 发送推送警报 颜色设定 可以设置不用的实时支撑阻力颜色 可以设置不用的历史支撑阻力颜色 可以设置价格标签颜色 可以点击价格标签或者点击显示区域改变区域填充方式 任何问题,相互交流
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Scalper Inside PRO
Alexey Minkov
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!SPECIAL SALE! An exclusive indicator that utilizes an innovative algorithm to swiftly and accurately determine the market trend. The indicator automatically calculates opening, closing, and profit levels, providing detailed trading statistics. With these features, you can choose the most appropriate trading instrument for the current market conditions. Additionally, you can easily integrate your own arrow indicators into Scalper Inside Pro to quickly evaluate their statistics and profitability
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Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.9 (10)
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System Trend Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
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System Trend Pro - This is the best trend trading indicator!!! The indicator no repaint!!!  The indicator has   MTF   mode, which adds confidence to trading on the trend (   no repaint   ). How to trade? Everything is very simple, we wait for the first signal (big arrow), then wait for the second signal (small arrow) and enter the market in the direction of the arrow. (See screens 1 and 2.) Exit on the opposite signal or take 20-30 pips, close half of it, and keep the rest until the opposite s
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PRO Renko System ist ein hochpräzises Handelssystem, das speziell für den Handel mit RENKO-Charts entwickelt wurde. Dies ist ein universelles System, das auf verschiedene Handelsinstrumente angewendet werden kann. Das System neutralisiert effektiv so genannte Marktgeräusche, die Ihnen Zugang zu genauen Umkehrsignalen geben. Der Indikator ist sehr einfach zu bedienen und hat nur einen Parameter, der für die Signalerzeugung verantwortlich ist. Sie können das Tool einfach an jedes Handelsinstrum
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Beast Super Signal
Dustin Vlok
4.73 (89)
Suchen Sie nach einem leistungsstarken Indikator für den Devisenhandel, der Ihnen dabei helfen kann, profitable Handelsmöglichkeiten mit Leichtigkeit zu erkennen? Suchen Sie nicht weiter als das Beast Super Signal. Dieser benutzerfreundliche trendbasierte Indikator überwacht kontinuierlich die Marktbedingungen, sucht nach neuen sich entwickelnden Trends oder springt auf bestehende Trends ein. Das Beast Super Signal gibt ein Kauf- oder Verkaufssignal, wenn alle internen Strategien aufeinander ab
Wir stellen Ihnen ON Trade Waves Patterns Harmonic Elliot Wolfe vor, einen fortschrittlichen Indikator, der entwickelt wurde, um verschiedene Markt-Muster mithilfe sowohl manueller als auch automatischer Methoden zu erkennen. Hier ist, wie er funktioniert: Harmonische Muster: Dieser Indikator kann harmonische Muster erkennen, die auf Ihrem Chart erscheinen. Diese Muster sind für Trader, die die Theorie des harmonischen Handels praktizieren, wie sie in Scott Carney's Buch "Harmonic Trading vol 1
Currency Strength Exotics
Bernhard Schweigert
4.87 (31)
Stärke von 8 Währungen plus EIN EXOTISCHES Paar oder Rohstoffe oder Indexe! Jedes Produkt kann als 9. Linie hinzugefügt werden. Fügen Sie Rohstoffe, Indexes oder exotische Währungen hinzu (Gold, Silber, Öl, DAX, US30, MXN, TRY, CNH ...). Eine neue noch nie dagewesene TRADING STRATEGIE  !!! Dieser Indikator ist einzigartig, weil wir eine Reihe von proprietäre Funktionen und neue Formeln eingebaut haben. Es funktioniert für alle Zeitrahmen. Basierend auf neuen zugrunde liegenden Algorithmen ist e
Advanced Supply Demand
Bernhard Schweigert
4.91 (294)
Derzeit 33% Rabatt! Die beste Lösung für jeden Anfänger oder erfahrenen Händler! Dieser Indikator ist ein einzigartiges, qualitativ hochwertiges und erschwingliches Trading-Tool, da wir eine Reihe von proprietären Funktionen und eine neue Formel integriert haben. Mit diesem Update werden Sie in der Lage sein, doppelte Zeitrahmenzonen anzuzeigen. Sie können nicht nur einen höheren TF (Zeitrahmen) anzeigen, sondern sowohl den Chart-TF als auch den höheren TF: SHOWING NESTED ZONES. Alle Supply Dema
Gold Trend   - dies ist ein guter technischer Indikator für Aktien. Der Algorithmus des Indikators analysiert die Preisbewegung eines Vermögenswerts und spiegelt die Volatilität und mögliche Einstiegszonen wider. Die besten Indikatorsignale: - Für VERKAUFEN = rotes Histogramm + roter SHORT-Zeiger + gelber Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. - Für KAUFEN = blaues Histogramm + blauer LONG-Zeiger + aquafarbener Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. Vorteile des Indikators: 1. Der Indikator erzeugt
Easy Breakout
Mohamed Hassan
5 (9)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!   Easy Breakout is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it levera
MTF Supply Demand Zones
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
4.83 (23)
Automatisierte Angebots- und Nachfragezonen der nächsten Generation. Neuer und innovativer Algorithmus, der bei jedem Diagramm funktioniert. Alle Zonen werden dynamisch entsprechend der Preisbewegung des Marktes erstellt. ZWEI ARTEN VON WARNUNGEN --> 1) WENN DER PREIS EINE ZONE ERREICHT 2) WENN EINE NEUE ZONE BILDET WIRD Sie erhalten keinen weiteren nutzlosen Indikator. Sie erhalten eine vollständige Handelsstrategie mit nachgewiesenen Ergebnissen.     Neue Eigenschaften:     Warnungen, w
Blahtech Supply Demand
Blahtech Limited
4.64 (36)
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: Der Kern des Marktes Wichtig: Die MQL5.com-Demo wird im Strategy Tester ausgeführt und spiegelt möglicherweise nicht vollständig die Funktionalität von Enigmera wider. Überprüfen Sie die Beschreibung, Screenshots und das Video für Details. Zögern Sie nicht, mir bei Fragen eine Nachricht zu senden! Der Code des Indikators wurde vollständig neu geschrieben. Version 3.0 fügt neue Funktionen hinzu und behebt Fehler, die seit der Einführung des Indikators aufgetreten sind. Einführung Dies
Automated Trendlines
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (16)
Trendlinien sind das wichtigste Werkzeug der technischen Analyse im Devisenhandel. Leider zeichnen die meisten Händler sie nicht richtig. Der automatische Trendlinien-Indikator ist ein professionelles Tool für ernsthafte Trader, das Ihnen hilft, die Trendbewegung der Märkte zu visualisieren. Es gibt zwei Arten von Trendlinien Bullische Trendlinien und Bärische Trendlinien. Im Aufwärtstrend wird die Forex-Trendlinie durch die niedrigsten Swing-Punkte der Preisbewegung gezogen. Wenn man mindest
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 5 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
KT Asian Breakout Indicator
Der KT Asian Breakout Indikator analysiert einen wichtigen Teil der asiatischen Handelssitzung, um in beide Richtungen Kauf- und Verkaufssignale basierend auf dem Preis-Ausbruch zu generieren. Ein Kaufsignal wird ausgelöst, wenn der Preis das Sitzungs-Hoch durchbricht, und ein Verkaufssignal tritt auf, wenn der Preis das Sitzungs-Tief durchbricht. Wichtige Hinweise Wenn die Sitzungsbox vertikal zu breit ist, sollte ein neuer Trade vermieden werden, da die meisten Kursbewegungen bereits innerhal
Smart Set up Levels
Mohit Dhariwal
5 (1)
Smart Set up leve l is a very powerful indicator based on the concept of order blocks and set up entries with proper fvg and breakouts to make a very nice level to enter like a pro trader. Very easy to use interface and friendly to enter on buy and sell signals. Works Best on M15 Time frame on Gold, Bitcoin and Fx pairs. Daily 4-5 trades on each pair  Works great on gold like a pro on M15 It is non repainting nor lagging It is very powerful indicator giving precise entries and prop acts can be c
Cycle Sniper
Elmira Memish
4.39 (36)
NEW YEAR SALE PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME!!! Please contact us after your purchase and we will send you the complimentary indicators to complete the system Cycle Sniper is not a holy grail but when you use it in a system which is explained in the videos, you will feel the difference. If you are not willing to focus on the charts designed with Cycle Sniper and other free tools we provide, we recommend not buying this indicator. We recommend watching the videos about the indiactor and system before pu
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper  or  System Trend Pro absolutely free(of your choice).(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indi
PipFinite Trend PRO
Karlo Wilson Vendiola
4.88 (2246)
Breakthrough Solution For Trend Trading And Filtering With All Important Features Built Inside One Tool! Trend PRO's smart algorithm detects the trend, filters out market noise and gives entry signals with exit levels. The new features with enhanced rules for statistical calculation improved the overall performance of this indicator. Important Information Revealed Maximize the potential of Trend Pro, please visit www.mql5.com/en/blogs/post/713938 The Powerful Expert Advisor Version Automatin
Gold Pro Scalper
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
Gold Pro Scalper Precise entry points for currencies, crypto, metals, stocks, indices! You can get this indicator for free - Quantum Entry PRO Indicator 100% does not repaint!!! If a signal appeared, it does not disappear! Unlike indicators with redrawing, which lead to loss of deposit, because they can show a signal, and then remove it. Trading with this indicator is very easy. Wait for a signal from the indicator and enter the deal, according to the arrow  (Blue arrow - Buy, Red - Sell).
Royal Scalping Indicator M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
4.17 (6)
Royal Scalping Indicator is an advanced price adaptive indicator designed to generate high-quality trading signals. Built-in multi-timeframe and multi-currency capabilities make it even more powerful to have configurations based on different symbols and timeframes. This indicator is perfect for scalp trades as well as swing trades. Royal Scalping is not just an indicator, but a trading strategy itself. Features Price Adaptive Trend Detector Algorithm Multi-Timeframe and Multi-Currency Trend Low
MetaBands M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (3)
MetaBands verwendet leistungsstarke und einzigartige Algorithmen, um Kanäle zu zeichnen und Trends zu erkennen, sodass es Tradern potenzielle Punkte für den Einstieg und Ausstieg aus Trades bieten kann. Es ist ein Kanalindikator sowie ein leistungsstarker Trendindikator. Es umfasst verschiedene Arten von Kanälen, die einfach durch Verwendung der Eingabeparameter zusammengeführt werden können. MetaBands verwendet alle Arten von Warnmeldungen, um Benutzer über Marktereignisse zu informieren. Funkt
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Forex Gump
Andrey Kozak
2.4 (5)
Forex Gump is a fully finished semi-automatic trading system. In the form of arrows, signals are displayed on the screen for opening and closing deals. All you need is to follow the instructions of the indicator. When the indicator shows a blue arrow, you need to open a buy order. When the indicator shows a red arrow, you need to open a sell order. Close orders when the indicator draws a yellow cross. In order to get the most effective result, we recommend using the timeframes H1, H4, D1. There
Andrey Kozak
5 (3)
XPointer is a completely ready trading system. It shows the trader when to open and close a trade. It works on all currency pairs and all time frames. Very easy to use and does not require additional indicators for its operation. Even a beginner trader can start working with XPointer. But it will also be useful for professional traders to confirm the opening of orders. Features of the XPointer indicator It does not redraw its values. It works on all currency pairs and all time frames. It has al
Andrey Kozak
3.25 (4)
ForexGumpUltra is a new and more advanced indicator of the ForexGump series. This indicator easily determines the price direction on any currency pair and any timeframe. The indicator draws its signals on the zero bar and does not redraw them (see the video). In the 34th second of the video it can be seen that this indicator uses new filters to determine the changes in price movement direction without delay, despite the market noise present at the moment (see the video on the 34th second). Once
Forex Gump Pro
Andrey Kozak
4 (5)
Attention! Friends, since there have been many scammers on the Internet recently selling indicators called ForexGump, we decided to warn you that only on our page is the LICENSE AUTHOR'S VERSION of the INDICATOR sold! We do not sell this indicator on other sites at a price lower than this! All indicators are sold cheaper - fakes! And even more often sold demo versions that stop working in a week! Therefore, in order not to risk your money, buy this indicator only on this site! Forex Gump Pro is
Andrey Kozak
The Quantum Expert Advisor is designed for trading EURUSD H1 . The trading algorithm lies in placing pending orders at the peaks of currency fluctuations, after a preliminary analysis of the market conditions. Trading is fully automated. Lot size is calculated automatically based on the lot percentage. Parameters MaxRisk - percentage of the deposit, used for the automatic calculation of the lot. LongWave - long wave of price fluctuation. ShortWave - short wave of price fluctuation. Level contro
XL arrow
Andrey Kozak
XL Arrow is a signal indicator that displays market entry points. The red arrow and the DOWN signal at the right corner indicate it is time to sell, while the blue arrow and the UP signal indicate it is time to buy. Settings PeriodSlower - indicator slowing period. PeriodFaster - indicator acceleration period. Recommendations trading pairs: EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDJPY timeframes: M5 - H4
Andrey Kozak
The BoxetFx Expert Advisor analyzes the market using multiple trading strategies. Once the optimal signals for opening trades are obtained, the EA automatically determines the order volume as a percentage pf the deposit. Next, a pending order is placed in the direction of the expected price movement. When the deal reaches an optimal profit or loss level, it is automatically closed. Multiple analytical centers of information processing allow the EA to diversify the possible risks of the trader by
Andrey Kozak
The Medok indicator shows the market entry and exit points on the chart using arrows and resistance lines. The indicator is very easy to use. Buy when a blue arrow appears and sell when a red arrow appears. After an order is opened, it is recommended to close a buy position when the price reaches the lower resistance level or to close a sell position when the price reaches the upper resistance level. Recommended values for EURUSD H1 Periods - 2; Acceleration - 0.02. Recommended values for EURU
TOP Xios
Andrey Kozak
TOP Xios is a ready-made trading system, which provides the trader with signals for opening and closing deals. The information panel in the right corner of the screen shows the total number of signals, the number of points in profit or loss and the percentage of valid and false signals. Working with this indicator is very simple. As soon as a blue arrow appears, open a buy deal and wait for a red cross to appear, which indicates the necessity to close the deal. When a red arrow appears, open a s
Buy Market Scanner is a ready-made trading system, which shows the moments when it is necessary to open or close deals. Buy arrows appear on the zero bar without delay and redrawing. The same applies to signals for closing orders. They appear on the zero bar and are not redrawn. The number of profit or loss in points for a certain time period is displayed in the top right corner of the indicator. The indicator works best on the EURUSD currency pair with the H1 timeframe. Operation Principles In
Andrey Kozak
The DayWay indicator shows the current trend direction on the chart as a colored line. The best timeframes for operation are M5 and higher. Works on all currency pairs. Suitable for any scalping strategies. Quite easy to use. Recommendations on usage When a blue line appears, wait for a candle to close and open a buy order. When a red line appears, wait for the current candle to close and open a sell order. Parameters Periods - period of the indicator.
Leo Trend is a signal indicator that shows the market entry points, as well as the trend direction and flat on the chart in the form of arrows and lines. Leo Trend will be useful both for beginners creating a trading strategy, and for professionals to integrate into ready-made trading systems. Leo Trend works without redrawing and without significant delays. The operation of the indicator is demonstrated in the video. In addition, you can test this indicator in the strategy tester free of charge
Andrey Kozak
NIZMA is a ready-made trading system, that is the most efficient on the EURUSD, AUDUSD and GBPUSD currency pairs. The best timeframes are M5 and higher. The system shows the market entry points in the form of arrows, and also displays the information on the strength and direction of the trend. The signals are easy to interpret. It is suitable for both novice and professional traders. With the properly selected settings, it gives the minimum number of false signals. In tests, this number did not
Andrey Kozak
Lobster is a ready-made trading system with a flexible market analysis algorithm. It performs most of the work for a trader. All you have to do is open and close orders following the indicator signals. The indicator will be very useful for both beginners and professionals. It is able to work with other indicators and independently. Features No signal repainting; Any pair; Any timeframe; Flexible market analysis system. How to trade When the blue arrow appears, open a buy order; When the blue c
Andrey Kozak
Gets is a smart trading system with complex market analysis mechanism. The operation principle of Gets is based on neural networks and diversified collection of information from various market analyzers. Then the system analyzes the statistical databases to create a general idea of the current market situation and the further price movement. The information is displayed on the screen in a simple and intuitive way - in the form of buy and sell arrows. Also, the information on the current trend st
Scalper Zoom is a new trading system designed to facilitate the process of Forex trading both for beginners and professionals. The Scalper Zoom indicator uses an adaptive method of operation and analyzes the market using multiple trading algorithms, while selecting the most efficient one for the given currency pair and timeframe. Working with this indicator is very simple. When a red vertical line appears, open a sell order. Close it when a blue vertical line appears. Follow the opposite steps f
Andrey Kozak
Brabux is a ready-made mechanical trading system. It works on all currency pairs and timeframes automatically adjusting to them. It also selects the most efficient trading parameters for receiving a necessary profit. In the indicator parameters, specify the trading period used for calculations and the least acceptable profit in points. Next, the system automatically selects the necessary trading parameters. Trading data is displayed on the info panel. After setting the indicator on the chart and
Andrey Kozak
CoolLine is a signal indicator displaying on a chart points for opening and closing trade positions. The indicator signals are not redrawn. It draws arrows on the zero bar Open[0]. It works on all currency pairs and all time frames. Indicator Advantages Precisely shows the opening and closing points on the chart Does not redraw signals Works on all currency pairs and timeframes Very easy to use; suitable even for beginners Has a very flexible system of settings Can send push and email notificat
Market Scanner Elite is a new generation of indicators of the Market Scanner series. The Elite version features an improved market analysis algorithm, with a better identification of the entry points and filtering of the false signals. The logic of market analysis and calculation of effective entry points applied in this product are significantly different from those applied in Market Scanner . This indicator cannot be called a big brother, as it is a completely new product with innovative analy
The Master Figures indicator analyzed the market for the most common chart patterns. The first pattern is called Pin bar . This pattern can rightly be considered one of the most widespread. This pattern looks like a candle with a small body and large tail (wick). Once you see it on the chart, open a position against the wick. It is better to use the resistance lines for closing. Master Figures shows this pattern in the form of circles. A position should be opened when a new candle appears after
Market Trend - a comprehensive system for determining the trend direction. Analyzes the market using a formula which considers the values of multiple technical indicators and other trading strategies. IT determines not only the current trend direction, but also its movement strength. The indicator is intuitive and very easy to use. The information on the current trend direction and its movement strength are displayed on the chart. If the indicator shows "UP!" then an uptrend is currently present
Aggressive intraday scalper is a mechanical system for intraday scalping, which displays trade opening and closing signals as arrows on the chart. When a signal emerges, the indicator sends email and push notifications. So, you don't have to stay by the monitor analyzing the market and waiting for a signal. Aggressive intraday scalper will do it for you. The system has been developed for those traders who do not have their own trading system and who would love to quickly start trading using the
Jerus Line Scalper is an indicator for scalping on EURUSD, GBPUSD, AUDUSD, USDJPY and USDCAD pairs. Recommended pairs: M5, M15, M30 and H1. The trading strategy is as follows: as soon as the arrow appears, open an order in the direction of the arrow and set take profit to +10 points. Set stop loss at the indicator's stop line. Stop line is displayed in red or blue depending on the indicator signal. Also, the Martingale system can be applied in the system. If a trade is closed at a loss, the next
DotaScalping is a semi-automated trading system for scalping. The indicator shows recommended moments for opening Buy/Sell trades as dots on the chart. Signals are generated based on the algorithm for price amplitude smoothing. The indicator tries to accurately calculate the moments of the maximum peak price values ​​and produces signals based on the smoothed correlation. The indicator determines the High and Low price values and generates signals based on the trend direction. The indicator is v
Attention! Friends, since there have been many scammers on the Internet recently selling indicators called ForexGump, we decided to warn you that only on our page is the LICENSE AUTHOR'S VERSION of the INDICATOR sold! We do not sell this indicator on other sites at a price lower than this! All indicators are sold cheaper - fakes! And even more often sold demo versions that stop working in a week! Therefore, in order not to risk your money, buy this indicator only on this site! Forex Gump Scalpin
Bomb Scalper is a ready-made mechanical trading system that analyzes the market using 12 market signals, as well as candle patterns, providing signals for opening and closing trades. On the screenshot below, you can see how the system draws the blue arrow for buying and the red one for selling. Order close signal is shown as the yellow arrow. Besides, during a closing signal, the indicator calculates potential profit/loss. How the indicator works After launching, Bomb Scalper navigates through
Andrey Kozak
Stiker is a robot capable of trading in automatic or semi-automatic mode . If auto=true in the robot settings, the robot automatically opens and closes orders on its own when a signal appears. If auto=false, the robot analyzes the market and shows signals on the screen, while a trader manually confirms opening or closing orders by clicking the Open Buy and Close Order buttons. This is done to enable traders make trading decisions themselves. This reduces the trading risk. Striker is a smart syst
Wenn Sie Ihre Handelsstrategie noch nicht haben, können Sie unsere vorgefertigte Handelsstrategie nutzen, die für das Währungspaar EURUSD H1 am effektivsten ist. Der Indikator "Ready Made Scalping System" analysiert automatisch den Markt und zeigt dem Händler an, wann er Aufträge öffnen und schließen muss. Sie müssen nur seinen Anweisungen folgen. Wenn der Pfeil erscheint - öffne die Reihenfolge, wenn ein Quadrat mit einem Häkchen erscheint - schließe den Haftbefehl. Zur Bequemlichkeit des Händ
Andrey Kozak
Amok is a fully automatic trading system that was developed for trading on the EURUSD currency pair, H1 timeframe on micro accounts. Nevertheless, as practice shows, this trading system works well in other currency pairs. Principle of work of the trading robot Amok In the algorithm of the robot, there are more than 7 different trading strategies. This was done to ensure that the robot could work more stably in different market conditions. The program part of the robot uses 12 different indicato
Andrey Kozak
5 (1)
ForexGumpXL ist eine neue Generation in der Forex Gump Indikator Linie. Genauer, schneller, weniger kompliziert in den Einstellungen dreht sich alles um den neuen ForexGumpXL-Indikator. In der neuen Version des Indikators haben wir einen wirklich neuen Arbeitsalgorithmus angewendet. Nun analysiert er nicht nur den Markt auf eine Preisumkehr, sondern mit Hilfe eines Anpassungsalgorithmus kann die Bestimmung der aktuellen Volatilität des Marktindikators mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit falsche Preisum
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