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Intraday Volume Profile MT5

Intraday Volume Profile analyze short-term information about price and volume, help you visualize the movement of price and volume.
In short-term trading on Forex, usually use 5-, 15-, 30-, 60-minute and etc. intraday charts when trading on a market day. It is possible to use as an additional tool for intraday scalping.

The volume profile provides an excellent visual image of supply / demand for each price for the selected timeframe. Representing the Point of Control ( POC), which indicates the price at which the maximum volume was sold, and the Value Area, the area where 68% of the instrument’s assets are traded.

POC - Profile can be used as a level of support and resistance for intraday trading.
VWAP - Volume Weighted Average Price Weighted Average.

ATTENTION! The indicator requires a current tick history of quotes; the deeper it is, the better the profile will be. Your broker should supply you with a tick history containing volume data (Exchange Futures).
The indicator is designed for the development of trading systems, its use in automated systems is not possible for technical reasons.

The indicator builds 2 types of profile:

  • Volumes - The volume on the tick is the changeable price of the last trade.
  • Prices - Tick price as a result of a buy / sell transaction.

The profile is based on the following intraday timeframes: M5, M15, M30, H1, H4, H12 and D1.

Input parameters:

  • VolumeType - types of profile;
  • DigitsSet - the number of decimal digits determining the accuracy of price of the current chart symbol.
  • Width - width (step of the DigitsSet)
  • ShiftOn(Days to look back) - days to look back (history)
  • Histogramdepth - depth of histogram, if there is little(1.0..more)  / much(less>0.0..1.0) data, this parameter allows you to enhance or weaken the visual presentation profile
  • HistogramFill - filling the histogram with the current profile color
  • IntradayTimeFrame - intraday time frame
  • OffSetTimeFrame - profile offset in time relative to broker quotes server time
  • ShowPOC - show  VPOC trace line
  • ShowVAHighAndLow - show  boundary lines value area high and low
  • ShowMid - average Profile Volume
  • ShowVWAP - volume weighted average price (VWAP)
  • ValueAreaRange - value area range [%]
  • ColorSchemeProfile - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileValueArea - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileVPOC - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileMid - profile color schemes
  • ColorSchemeProfileVWAP - profile color schemes
  • ShowInfo - shows the statistics of the profiles
  • Font - font name
  • FontSize - font size

A brief guide to setting up the indicator for testing in the MT5 Strategy Tester.

Important to remember: Before testing any instrument, you need a history of M1 quotes, the absence of a history will not allow you to get the desired result.
  • The DigitsSet variable can take values ​​from Digit0 to Digit5. It is important to set the value of the DigitsSet variable to one bit less than the bit depth of the instrument itself, in some cases two digits less. (Example: EURUSD has Digits = 5, in this case the variable DigitsSet = Digit4 or less)
  • The Width variable can take a value from x1 to x20. The variable defines the width of the price range and is calculated relative to the value of the DigitsSet variable. The smaller the Width value, the more visually the profile image will be expressed.
  • The ShiftOn/Days to look back  variable can take a value from 0 or more. This is a shift in the history of quotes, if ShiftOn/Days to look back = 0, the profiles of the current day will be built.
  • The IntradayTimeFrame variable can take a value from M5 to D1. This is the time frame within which the profile will be built.
Example! EURUSD has Digits = 5, set the following values:
  1. DigitsSet = Digit4
  2. Width = x1
  3. ShiftOn/Days to look back = 0
  4. IntradayTimeFrame = D1

Important to remember: In the strategy tester, the ShiftOn/Days to look back  variable must have a value of 0, on an online chart this value can be anything (depending on the depth of the M1 quotes history), the higher the value, the longer the profiles will be built.

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Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
5 (1)
Gold Trend - dies ist ein guter technischer Indikator für Aktien. Der Algorithmus des Indikators analysiert die Preisbewegung eines Vermögenswerts und spiegelt die Volatilität und mögliche Einstiegszonen wider. Die besten Indikatorsignale: - Für VERKAUFEN = rotes Histogramm + roter SHORT-Zeiger + gelber Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. - Für KAUFEN = blaues Histogramm + blauer LONG-Zeiger + aquafarbener Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. Vorteile des Indikators: 1. Der Indikator erzeugt S
Quantum Heiken Ashi PRO MT5
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.44 (9)
Wir stellen den   Quantum Heiken Ashi PRO   vor Die Heiken-Ashi-Kerzen wurden entwickelt, um klare Einblicke in Markttrends zu geben und sind bekannt für ihre Fähigkeit, Rauschen herauszufiltern und falsche Signale zu eliminieren. Verabschieden Sie sich von verwirrenden Preisschwankungen und begrüßen Sie eine glattere, zuverlässigere Diagrammdarstellung. Was den Quantum Heiken Ashi PRO wirklich einzigartig macht, ist seine innovative Formel, die traditionelle Candlestick-Daten in leicht lesbare
Advanced Supply Demand MT5
Bernhard Schweigert
4.5 (14)
Derzeit 33% Rabatt! Die beste Lösung für jeden Anfänger oder erfahrenen Händler! Dieser Indikator ist ein einzigartiges, qualitativ hochwertiges und erschwingliches Trading-Tool, da wir eine Reihe von proprietären Funktionen und eine neue Formel integriert haben. Mit diesem Update werden Sie in der Lage sein, doppelte Zeitrahmenzonen anzuzeigen. Sie können nicht nur einen höheren TF (Zeitrahmen) anzeigen, sondern sowohl den Chart-TF als auch den höheren TF: SHOWING NESTED ZONES. Alle Supply Dema
KT Renko Patterns MT5
KT Renko Patterns scans the Renko chart brick by brick to find some famous chart patterns that are frequently used by traders across the various financial markets. Compared to the time-based charts, patterns based trading is easier and more evident on Renko charts due to their uncluttered appearance. KT Renko Patterns features multiple Renko patterns, and many of these patterns are extensively explained in the book titled Profitable Trading with Renko Charts by Prashant Shah. A 100% automated
Golden Spikes Detector
Batsirayi L Marango
3.25 (4)
Golden Spikes Detector This indicator is based on an advanced strategy primarily for trading spikes on Boom and Crash Indices. Complex algorithms were implemented to detect high probability entries only. It alerts on potential Buy and Sell entries. To trade spikes on the Deriv or Binary broker, only take Buy Boom and Sell Cash alerts. It was optimised to be loaded on 5-minute timeframe although multiple timeframe analysis is done in the background. Features ·             Desktop pop up and sound
Zunächst einmal ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass dieses Handelssystem ein Nicht-Repainting-, Nicht-Redrawing- und Nicht-Verzögerungsindikator ist, was es sowohl für manuelles als auch für automatisches Trading ideal macht. Online-Kurs, Handbuch und Vorlagen herunterladen. Das "Smart Trend Trading System MT5" ist eine umfassende Handelslösung, die für neue und erfahrene Trader maßgeschneidert ist. Es kombiniert über 10 Premium-Indikatoren und bietet mehr als 7 robuste Handelsstrategien, was es zu
Volume Horizon is a horizontal volume indicator that allows you to observe the density of market participants' volumes across various price and time intervals. Volume histograms can be constructed based on ascending or descending market waves, as well as individual bars. This tool enables more precise determination of entry or exit points, relying on levels of maximum volumes or volume-weighted average prices (VWAP). What makes Volume Horizon unique? 1. Segmentation into ascending and descendi
EMA Scalper Indicator is an indicator of EMA lines and reversal EMA lines. Each pair of EMA channels area that can be used to make reversal entry. After the EMA lines are widening because of major trend, the area can be used to find profitable entry and exit, especially after EMA reversal. Do the cut loss whenever candle closed outside the area. The A, B, C, D, and E area are colored differently. Solid lines: Normal EMA lines. Dashed lines: Reversal EMA lines.
KT Momentum Arrows MT5
5 (2)
KT Momentum Arrows Indicator is based on a momentary breakout which is calculated using the bands deviation and emerging volatility in a certain direction. A buy signal is generated when the price closes above the upper band and a sell signal is generated when the price closes below the lower band. A magnitude coefficient is used as the input which affects the band deviation and volatility at the same time. The coefficient value should be carefully selected and analyzed based on the instrument a
Kecia Footprint Orderflow
Niccolo Filippo Palombi
5 (1)
IF YOU WANT TO TEST IT : private message me ( MT5 demo testing doesn't work ) * UPDATE * VOLUME PROFILE ADDED Designed to help traders gain a deeper understanding of the market’s true order flow dynamics . By visualizing the “ footprints ” left by candles, this indicator reveals how the delta ( the difference between buying and selling pressure ) changes during the candle formation, as well as how volume fluctuates at different price levels. These insights are essential for traders seeking to id
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
Wir stellen vor       Quantum Trend Sniper Indicator   , der bahnbrechende MQL5-Indikator, der die Art und Weise, wie Sie Trendumkehrungen erkennen und handeln, verändert! Entwickelt von einem Team erfahrener Händler mit über 13 Jahren Handelserfahrung,       Quantum Trend Sniper-Indikator       wurde entwickelt, um Ihre Trading-Reise mit seiner innovativen Methode zur Identifizierung von Trendumkehrungen mit extrem hoher Genauigkeit auf ein neues Niveau zu heben. ***Kaufe Quantum Trend Sniper
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Intraday Volume Profile Forex MT4   Intraday Volume Profile  - This is a visualization tool for understanding the high activity zone and low activity zone, as part of the  D1  senior timeframe. The volume profile provides an excellent visual image of supply / demand at each price for the selected timeframe. Introducing  POC  - Point of Control, which indicates the price at which the maximum volume was sold, as well as Value Area - the area where 68% of the instrument's assets are traded. POC  -
Session Volume Profile  is an advanced graphical representation that displays trading activity during Forex trading sessions at specified price levels. The Forex market can be divided into four main trading sessions: the Australian session, the Asian session, the European session and the favorite trading time - the American (US) session. POC  - profile can be used as a support and resistance level for intraday trading. VWAP  - Volume Weighted Average Price. ATTENTION! For the indicator to wo
Session Volume Profile  is an advanced graphical representation that displays trading activity during Forex trading sessions at specified price levels. The Forex market can be divided into four main trading sessions: the Australian session, the Asian session, the European session and the favorite trading time - the American (US) session. POC  - profile can be used as a support and resistance level for intraday trading. VWAP  - Volume Weighted Average Price. ATTENTION  ! For the indicator to w
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Version 1.2 2019.07.01
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Version 1.1 2019.06.25
1.01 (released 2019-06-25):
- Исправлена ошибка, при изменении таймфрема индикатор удалял себя с чарта.