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Range Bars


The robust charting solution enables creating custom live range bar charts on the MetaTrader 4 trading platform.

You can apply all of the standard and custom indicators and technical studies directly to the range bar charts and you can run EAs directly on these charts as well* (for details see text below the input summary).

To create a range bar chart you need to attach the Range Bar indicator to a standard time frame (1 minute is recommended) and use the indicator's settings to generate a live custom chart that will be displayed on an offline chart of your choice. All of the available settings are described below:

Bar type definition

  • Range bar size  - Defines the since of the range bar
  • Range bar calculation mode - ( pips / ticks/ points / ATR % / % ) 
  • Build history for number of days
  • Build history starting from date

Settings for ATR based bar size calculation

  • Daily ATR period
  • Percentage of ATR to calculate candle size (high to low).

Chart synchronization

  • Reset Open on each trading day.
  • Override start of trading day

Misc settings

  • Display on offline chart (M2, M3, M4, M6, M7, M8, M9 or M10)
  • Apply template to offline chart (name of the template to apply to the range bars chart)
  • Automatically open offline chart (true/false)
  • Re-calculate chart on history updates.
  • Minimum chart update interval (defined in milliseconds).

Alerts and Info

  • Sound signal on new bar (true/false).
  • Only signal reversal bars (true/false).
  • Use Alert Window to display signal (true/false).
  • Sound file to play on bullish bar.
  • Sound file to play on bearish bar.
  • Color of High threshold indicator.
  • Color of Low threshold indicator.
  • Color of an inactive threshold indicator.

* EAs can be used directly on the offline chart, however, a small tweak is required, so you need to have access to your EA source code. Below is an EA skeleton example that is capable of running directly on the offline chart:

#property strict
//| Expert initialization function                                   |
int OnInit()
   // You need to initialize a time to call the OnTimer event.
   // It is used to call OnTick whenever the Bid price changes.
   // The check is made every 250 ms, which should be sufficient.
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   // Remember to destroy timer in the OnDeinit event.

//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
   // This is where all of your EA trading logic resides.
   // I just write to the log in this example...
   Print("OnTick function call - bid = "+(string)Bid);
//| The OnTimer function is used to call OnTick()                    |
//| whenever the Bid price changes.                                  |
void OnTimer()
   static double prevBid = 0; 
   if(Bid != prevBid)
      prevBid = Bid;
Bewertungen 5
Nicolas Dobrovsky
Nicolas Dobrovsky 2024.05.24 19:41 

works great, I recommend it

Richard Black
Richard Black 2021.01.19 06:17 

just trying range bars and works excellent.getting a ea coded to trade on indicator.is quite smart how it changes price feed on 1 chart to another chart to view range bars.

kowtung 2019.05.13 02:18 

Very good indicator, recommend!!


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The Th3Eng PipFinite indicator is based on a very excellent analysis of the right trend direction with perfect custom algorithms. It show the true direction and the best point to start trading. With StopLoss point and Three Take Profit points. Also it show the right pivot of the price and small points to order to replace the dynamic support and resistance channel, Which surrounds the price. And Finally it draws a very helpful Box on the left side on the chart includes (take profits and Stop loss
Trend Oscillator – ist ein erweiterter benutzerdefinierter Crypto_Forex-Indikator, ein effizientes Handelstool! - Es wird eine erweiterte neue Berechnungsmethode verwendet – 20 Optionen für den Parameter „Preis für Berechnung“. - Der sanfteste Oszillator, der je entwickelt wurde. - Grüne Farbe für Aufwärtstrends, Rote Farbe für Abwärtstrends. - Überverkaufte Werte: unter 5, überkaufte Werte: über 95. - Es gibt viele Möglichkeiten, selbst Standardstrategien mit diesem Indikator zu verbessern. -
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The trading statistics indicator notifies the trader of the aggregate income of the trading account for different time intervals. The indicator has wide display settings on the graph. There is a choice of one of the two display languages on the chart- English and Russian. Settings Indicator language (ENG, RUS) - Select the language to display on the chart; To control the magic (-1: any magic) - Entering the Magic for control (-1: any Magic); Angle of indicator tie - Selecting the angle of the c
The indicator allows you to trade binary options. The recommended time frame is М1 and the expiration time is 1,2,3 minutes. The indicator suitable for auto and manual trading. A possible signal is specified as a arrows above/under a candle. You should wait until the candle closes! Arrows are not re-painted Trade sessions: TOKYO section (Half-end) Currency pairs: USD/JPY Working time frame: M1 Expiration time: 1,2,3 minutes. The indicator also shows good results when using the martingale strateg
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4.9 (10)
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Easy Breakout
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5 (1)
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Dustin Vlok
4.73 (89)
Suchen Sie nach einem leistungsstarken Indikator für den Devisenhandel, der Ihnen dabei helfen kann, profitable Handelsmöglichkeiten mit Leichtigkeit zu erkennen? Suchen Sie nicht weiter als das Beast Super Signal. Dieser benutzerfreundliche trendbasierte Indikator überwacht kontinuierlich die Marktbedingungen, sucht nach neuen sich entwickelnden Trends oder springt auf bestehende Trends ein. Das Beast Super Signal gibt ein Kauf- oder Verkaufssignal, wenn alle internen Strategien aufeinander ab
Wir stellen Ihnen ON Trade Waves Patterns Harmonic Elliot Wolfe vor, einen fortschrittlichen Indikator, der entwickelt wurde, um verschiedene Markt-Muster mithilfe sowohl manueller als auch automatischer Methoden zu erkennen. Hier ist, wie er funktioniert: Harmonische Muster: Dieser Indikator kann harmonische Muster erkennen, die auf Ihrem Chart erscheinen. Diese Muster sind für Trader, die die Theorie des harmonischen Handels praktizieren, wie sie in Scott Carney's Buch "Harmonic Trading vol 1
System Trend Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
System Trend Pro - This is the best trend trading indicator!!! The indicator no repaint!!!  The indicator has   MTF   mode, which adds confidence to trading on the trend (   no repaint   ). How to trade? Everything is very simple, we wait for the first signal (big arrow), then wait for the second signal (small arrow) and enter the market in the direction of the arrow. (See screens 1 and 2.) Exit on the opposite signal or take 20-30 pips, close half of it, and keep the rest until the opposite s
M1 Arrow
Oleg Rodin
5 (16)
Eine Intraday-Strategie, die auf zwei Grundprinzipien des Marktes basiert. Der Algorithmus basiert auf der Analyse von Volumina und Preiswellen mit zusätzlichen Filtern. Der intelligente Algorithmus des Indikators gibt nur dann ein Signal, wenn sich zwei Marktfaktoren zu einem vereinen. Der Indikator berechnet Wellen eines bestimmten Bereichs auf dem M1-Diagramm unter Verwendung der Daten des höheren Zeitrahmens. Und um die Welle zu bestätigen, verwendet der Indikator eine Volumenanalyse. Dieser
FX Power MT4 NG
Daniel Stein
4.94 (18)
FX Power: Analysieren Sie die Stärke von Währungen für intelligentere Handelsentscheidungen Übersicht FX Power ist Ihr unverzichtbares Werkzeug, um die tatsächliche Stärke von Währungen und Gold unter allen Marktbedingungen zu verstehen. Indem Sie starke Währungen kaufen und schwache verkaufen, vereinfacht FX Power Ihre Handelsentscheidungen und deckt Chancen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auf. Ob Sie Trends folgen oder extreme Delta-Werte nutzen, um Umkehrungen zu prognostizieren, dieses Tool p
Advanced Supply Demand
Bernhard Schweigert
4.91 (294)
Derzeit 33% Rabatt! Die beste Lösung für jeden Anfänger oder erfahrenen Händler! Dieser Indikator ist ein einzigartiges, qualitativ hochwertiges und erschwingliches Trading-Tool, da wir eine Reihe von proprietären Funktionen und eine neue Formel integriert haben. Mit diesem Update werden Sie in der Lage sein, doppelte Zeitrahmenzonen anzuzeigen. Sie können nicht nur einen höheren TF (Zeitrahmen) anzeigen, sondern sowohl den Chart-TF als auch den höheren TF: SHOWING NESTED ZONES. Alle Supply Dema
MetaBands M4
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (3)
MetaBands verwendet leistungsstarke und einzigartige Algorithmen, um Kanäle zu zeichnen und Trends zu erkennen, sodass es Tradern potenzielle Punkte für den Einstieg und Ausstieg aus Trades bieten kann. Es ist ein Kanalindikator sowie ein leistungsstarker Trendindikator. Es umfasst verschiedene Arten von Kanälen, die einfach durch Verwendung der Eingabeparameter zusammengeführt werden können. MetaBands verwendet alle Arten von Warnmeldungen, um Benutzer über Marktereignisse zu informieren. Funkt
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: Der Kern des Marktes Wichtig: Die MQL5.com-Demo wird im Strategy Tester ausgeführt und spiegelt möglicherweise nicht vollständig die Funktionalität von Enigmera wider. Überprüfen Sie die Beschreibung, Screenshots und das Video für Details. Zögern Sie nicht, mir bei Fragen eine Nachricht zu senden! Der Code des Indikators wurde vollständig neu geschrieben. Version 3.0 fügt neue Funktionen hinzu und behebt Fehler, die seit der Einführung des Indikators aufgetreten sind. Einführung Dies
Apollo BuySell Predictor ist ein professionelles Handelssystem, das mehrere Handelsmodule umfasst. Es bietet einem Trader einzigartige Breakout-Zonen, Fibonacci-basierte Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus, Pivot-Trendlinie, Pullback-Volumensignale und andere hilfreiche Funktionen, die jeder Trader täglich benötigt. Das System funktioniert mit jedem Paar. Empfohlene Zeitrahmen sind M30, H1, H4. Der Indikator kann jedoch auch mit anderen Zeitrahmen arbeiten, mit Ausnahme der Zeitrahmen höher a
Blahtech Supply Demand
Blahtech Limited
4.64 (36)
Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Entdecken Sie das Geheimnis des erfolgreichen Forex -Handels mit unserem benutzerdefinierten MT4 -Indikator! Haben Sie sich jemals gefragt, wie Sie Erfolg auf dem Forex -Markt erzielen können und gleichzeitig Gewinne erzielen und gleichzeitig das Risiko minimieren können? Hier ist die Antwort, nach der Sie gesucht haben! Erlauben Sie uns, unseren proprietären MT4 -Indikator vorzustellen, der Ihren Handelsansatz revolutionieren wird. Einzigartige Vielseitigkeit Unser Indikator ist speziell für
Weitere Produkte dieses Autors
Robust median Renko style indicator for creating custom charts resembling Median Renko, Mean Renko, Turbo Renko and Better Renko candles as well as vanilla Renko with wicks plus Point-O charts. This all in one package provides all of the signals needed by day traders, scalpers, and even long-term traders. Main characteristics The indicator is an overlay on the main chart so it is possible to utilize one-click trading and order manipulation directly on the custom charts. Visual order placement i
Professional renko charting on a custom symbol chart accurate pricing to the tick  accurate timeline (no future date projections ) every renko variation in a single package very responsive charts optional display of live trade levels on the chart An Expert Advisor (EA) used to create custom Renko charts and provide real-time updates. This is an MT4 "offline" chart equivalent which is very simple to use. All historical renkos are constructed using real tick data from the broker's server. You ca
Robust trading panel for use on any symbol (including RangeBars or Renko custom symbols). The tool can be placed anywhere on the chart and offers the following array of features: One-click instant order entry. Pending order entry using horizontal lines on the chart Pending order entry using keys in Entry price (E/P) and optional Stop Loss (S/L) and/or Take Profit (T/P) A choice between fixed trading volume or risk-based volume calculation based on the available account equity, entry price, and t
A professional line break chart which is displayed directly in the chart window thus making it possible to trade directly from the MetaTrader 5 charts. The line break chart can be displayed as the most widely used 3 line break chart or a custom variation such as 2 or 5 line break chart . Wicks can be displayed or hidden on the chart - they give a lot of additional information regarding the underlying price action. The indicator's settings include: Line break number - determines the number of lin
Ultimate Renko
Artur Zas
4.62 (13)
Ultimate Renko is a full implementation of a robust Renko style charting solution for MT4. It enables creating custom live charts resembling Median Renko , Mean Renko , Turbo Renko , and Better Renko candles as well as Vanilla Renko and Renko with wicks , PointO charts, and many more. This all-in-one package provides all of the signals needed by day traders, scalpers, and even long-term traders. You can apply all of the standard and custom indicators and technical studies as well as templates to
Range Bars for MetaTrader 5 is a unique tool for conducting technical analysis directly on the charts, as the indicator is an overlay on the main chart and range bars are calculated using real tick data. The trader can place and modify orders directly on the range bar chart (even with the use of one-click trading). Apart from range candles, the indicator also includes the most commonly used technical studies which are 3 moving averages (Simple, Exponential, Smooth, Linear-weighted, Volume-weight
The professional line break chart generator is used to create live line break charts (i.e. 3 line break ). The chart is plotted using MT4's offline charging facility thus making it possible to trade* directly from the chart as well as attach any of the standard or custom indicators to perform technical analysis. The line break chart can be displayed as the most widely used 3 line break chart or a custom variation such as 2 or 5 line break chart . Wicks can be displayed or hidden on the chart - t
Professional range bar charting on a custom symbol chart accurate pricing to the tick  accurate timeline (no future date projections) very responsive charts An Expert Advisor (EA) is used to create a RangeBar custom chart and provide real-time updates. It is an MT4 "offline" range bars chart equivalent. The simplicity of use - Attach the EA to any time-based chart that you wish to see Range Bars for, input your desired parameters and you are ready to go! You can attach any MT5 compatible indicat
X Tick Chart
Artur Zas
4.75 (8)
The indicator combines the features of both the Tick charts and Volume Bar charts. The mode can be selected in the indicator's settings. Tick charts measure the number of transactions per bar. To give you an example if you have a 233 tick chart, each bar measures 233 transactions per bar and a new bar is plotted after 233 transactions. You can choose any number of ticks per bar but most traders choose Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233...). Volume bar charts are desig
CMI - Profit from trending and ranging markets. The CMI indicator is a two-part system used to trigger both trend and counter-trend trades, that has been introduced by Daniel Fernandez in an article published in Currency Trading Magazine (August 2011 issue). It is a simple, yet effective indicator, which gauges whether the market has behaved in a choppy (non-directional) manner or trending (directional) manner. CMI calculates the difference between the most recent bar's close and the close n bar
A countdown timer for the  Volume bar chart generator  and  Tick chart generator  products, which are available for download from the MQL5 Market: Tick chart generator: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/29215 Volume bar chart generator: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/47197 The counter conveniently displays the number of ticks or transactions (depending on the chart) that need to pass for a new bar to start printing. The user can set the following indicator inputs. Volume type (Tic
Tick chart generator
Artur Zas
4.75 (4)
A utility used to create custom Tick or Volume bar charts and provide real-time updates. This is an MT4 "offline" chart equivalent which is very simple to use. You can attach any MT5 compatible indicator or template to the tick chart and perform your technical analysis. Tick charts measure the number of transactions per bar. You can choose any number of ticks per bar but most traders choose Fibonacci numbers (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233...). The generator uses tick data to plot t
The extreme volume indicator helps identify turning points in the market by pinpointing spots of higher than average volume. Such points usually indicate the start of a trend or a turning point in the market. The indicator averages out volume readings over an extended period of time and calculates a volume threshold level. When this level is breached, it identifies the most likely trend direction using the trend of the candle that breached the volume threshold. The direction indicator (red or gr
The trend scalper candles are used to identify short-term trends based on the readings of the MACD, RSI and ATR indicators. All indicator calculations are visualized by candle colors which are overlapped on the chart. The indicator uses gray , green and red colors to paint individual candles, which gives you a lot of useful and easy to read information. Gray candles Gray candles indicate a range bound period and the information can be used to trade breakouts. Simply mark the high and low of the
Create and trade timeframes in seconds. The bar time duration is freely adjustable from 1 second and up. The chart is accurately constructed using real ticks from the broker's server. Main characteristics The indicator is an overlay on the main chart, making it possible to utilize one-click trading and on-chart order manipulation. History calculated using real tick data. Built-in technical studies: 4 moving averages (Simple, Exponential, Smooth, Linear-weighted, Volume-weighted using tick or rea
Nicolas Dobrovsky
Nicolas Dobrovsky 2024.05.24 19:41 

works great, I recommend it

porko 2023.12.24 14:04 

Does not work and no response from seller.. Unsure if I can even get my money back as MQL dont make it easy

Richard Black
Richard Black 2021.01.19 06:17 

just trying range bars and works excellent.getting a ea coded to trade on indicator.is quite smart how it changes price feed on 1 chart to another chart to view range bars.

kowtung 2019.05.13 02:18 

Very good indicator, recommend!!


Zentrader2015 2018.06.29 12:51 

The Range Bars are awesome! fits perfectly into my strategy and much nicer and easier to trade than renko IMO.

Antwort auf eine Rezension
Version 1.12 2021.07.19
Fixed problem with ATR% bars on charts not fully synchronized with the broker's server.
Version 1.11 2021.05.19
Added new dynamic range bar size algorithm (price % as used on Definedge TradePoint);
Optimized indicator inputs.
Version 1.9 2020.12.03
Maintenance release
Version 1.7 2019.06.04
Added option for overwriting the start time of trading day
Version 1.6 2019.05.27
Added additional synchronization setting “Build history starting from date”. This setting overrides the value set in “Build history for number of days” and lets you precisely define the chart's anchor point in history via date and time of the first processed 1-minute bar.
Version 1.5 2019.04.15
Added more offline timeframes
Version 1.4 2019.01.14
Maintenance release
Fixed template problem where an EA from the template has not been attached.
Version 1.3 2018.12.02
Added optional template loading and optional auto open for range bar chart
Version 1.2 2018.05.28
Maintenance release
Historical charts are now built using data from the chart where the indicator has been attached (for example: M1, M5, M15, etc.)
Version 1.1 2017.11.09
Bug fixes