RSI Sniper MT5
- Experten
- Thusitha Ranjana
- Version: 2.10
- Aktualisiert: 28 Januar 2019
- Aktivierungen: 5
RSI Sniper EA is fully automated EA and handles two strategies at same time with its unique style. This Ea use RSI indicator and martingale strategies in MetaTrader 5 Terminal.
The default settings are just place holders and not necessarily the best. Use the settings that best suites you or your strategy.
- OpenBUY - Set to true to allow buy trades. This setting is true by default.
- OpenSELL - Set to true to allow sell trades. This setting is true by default.
- StartTakeProfit - take profit value for open orders (default value 5 pips(50 point))
- RSIperiod - These are settings for the RSI to be used. Default settings are as the default MetaTrader 4 RSI settings (period 14).
- BuyLevel - RSI level of which if crossed upwards.
- SellLevel - RSI level of which if crossed downwards.
- ManualLots - This is the lot size of the EAs trades. 0.01 is the default setting.
- LotStep - Lot Step Value of The EA (This is use for calculate next lot size of the martingale function).
- MagicNumber - This is the unique identifier for the EAs trades. This number must be different for each chart you've attached the EA only if the chart currency pairs are the same.
- Komment- comments of the order.
- Step1_3,Step4_6,Step7_8,Step9_12,Step13 - this values use to manage martingale functions (default settings recommended)
- RegularSpread - This variable use for filter spread value of the market.
- More trading opportunities for lower time frame.
- minimum 3000$ for One Currency Pair
- use 0.01 Lot Size
- use low spread currency pair (High Spread Filter Included.)
- use 3 or 5 digit brokers.
- Test in Strategy tester by changing Manual Lot And Lot Step parameter before Real Trading.
Meta trader 4 Version available in the market
why stoploss does not work?