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Binary scalper 113

This is an advanced trend indicator designed to accurately identify reversals and the beginning of trend movements. With this tool, you will be able to receive high-quality signals for entering and exiting the market, minimizing false entry points and increasing the profitability of transactions. The indicator is suitable for any assets (currency pairs, stocks, indices) and time intervals, from minute to daily charts.

Empfohlene Produkte
Premium-Level ist ein einzigartiger Indikator mit mehr als 80% Genauigkeit der richtigen Vorhersagen! Dieser Indikator wurde von den besten Trading-Spezialisten seit mehr als zwei Monaten getestet! Den Indikator des Autors finden Sie nirgendwo anders! Anhand der Screenshots können Sie sich von der Genauigkeit dieses Tools überzeugen! 1 ist ideal für den Handel mit binären Optionen mit einer Ablaufzeit von 1 Kerze. 2 funktioniert bei allen Währungspaaren, Aktien, Rohstoffen, Kryptowährungen
Der DYJ-BoS-Indikator identifiziert und markiert automatisch die wesentlichen Elemente von Marktstrukturverschiebungen, darunter: Ausbruch aus der Struktur (BoS): Wird erkannt, wenn der Preis eine signifikante Bewegung macht und einen vorherigen Strukturpunkt durchbricht. Es markiert mögliche Aufwärtstrendlinien und Abwärtstrendlinien (UP & DN, d. h. kontinuierliche neue Hochs und neue Tiefs), und sobald der Preis diese Linien durchbricht, markiert es rote (BEAR) und grüne (BULL) Pfeile Ein
Trading Utility for Forex Currency Pairs Only not for Gold  Functions Auto Lot Calculation based on Risk Auto stoploss  Auto TakeProfit Breakeven Auto Close Half % Close in percentage with respect to the PIPs Pending Orders BuyLimit Sell Limit with distances BuyStop Sell Stop    with distances Trading Informations Risk in percentage For Multiple trades Combine Takeprofit and Combine Stoplosses
Neues Kombi-Indikator - 3 in 1 Suchen Sie nach Trading-Tools, die Ihre Marktanalyse und Anlagestrategien verbessern können? Wir haben drei unserer besten Indikatoren zu einer leistungsstarken und praktischen Lösung kombiniert, mit der Sie das Beste aus Ihrem Handel herausholen können. 1. Orderblock-Indikator (ehemals für 32,90$ verkauft) Der Orderblock-Indikator ist ein wesentliches Werkzeug zur Identifizierung von Bereichen von institutionellem Interesse im Markt. Dieser Indikator markiert die
Anpassbarer Fraktal-Indikator für MetaTrader 5 (MT5) Steigern Sie Ihre Handelsstrategie mit diesem fortschrittlichen Fraktal-Indikator, der für Händler entwickelt wurde, die mühelos potenzielle Marktwendepunkte erkennen möchten. Dieses benutzerdefinierte Tool markiert obere und untere Fraktale direkt in Ihrem MT5-Kursdiagramm und bietet klare visuelle Hinweise zur Entscheidungsfindung. Hauptmerkmale: Einstellbare Fraktalperiode: Passen Sie die erforderliche Anzahl von Balken für die Fraktalbil
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
Noize Absorption Index - is the manual trading system that measures the difference of pressure between bears forces and bulls forces. Green line - is a noize free index that showing curent situation. Zero value of index shows totally choppy/flat market.Values above zero level shows how powerfull bullish wave is and values below zero measures bearish forces.Up arrow appears on bearish market when it's ready to reverse, dn arrow appears on weak bullish market, as a result of reverse expectation.
Atomic Analyst MT5
Issam Kassas
4.32 (19)
Zunächst einmal ist es erwähnenswert, dass dieser Handelsindikator nicht neu malt, nicht neu zeichnet und keine Verzögerung aufweist, was ihn sowohl für manuellen als auch für Roboterhandel ideal macht. Benutzerhandbuch: Einstellungen, Eingaben und Strategie. Der Atom-Analyst ist ein PA-Preisaktionsindikator, der die Stärke und das Momentum des Preises nutzt, um einen besseren Vorteil auf dem Markt zu finden. Ausgestattet mit fortschrittlichen Filtern, die helfen, Rauschen und falsche Signale z
Trend Line Map Pro MT5
4.09 (11)
Trend Line Map Indicator ist ein Add-On für Trend Screener Indicator. Es arbeitet als Scanner für alle Signale, die vom Trendscreener (Trendliniensignale) erzeugt werden. Es ist ein Trend Line Scanner basierend auf dem Trend Screener Indicator. Wenn Sie keinen Trend Screener Pro Indicator haben, funktioniert die Trend Line Map Pro nicht. It's a Trend Line Scanner based on Trend Screener Indicator. If you don't have Trend Screener Pro Indicator,     the Trend Line Map Pro will not work . Wen
Supply and Demand Pro
Godbless C Nygu
4 (1)
Join Deriv link on profile>>> GET THIS FULL COPY AND GET ANOTHER FREE INDICATOR ONE OF THE BEST AND USEFULL INDICATORS IN THE WORLD ..This is the one of the best usefull indicators which has chosen to be used by top traders in the world. AUTOMATIC SUPPORT AND RESISTANCE This way of trading is also called Supply and demand, On this way of trading you can see auto colours appear where the market changes direction buying or selling Direction. ALL KIND OF PAIRS METALS AND INDICIES ARE INCLUDED A
Magic Channel Scalper  is a channel indicator for the MetaTrader 5 terminal. This indicator allows finding the most probable trend reversal points. Unlike most channel indicators, Magic Channel Scalper does not redraw. The alert system (alerts, email and push notifications) will help you to simultaneously monitor multiple trading instruments. Attach the indicator to a chart, and the alert will trigger once a signal emerges. With our alerting system, you will never miss a single position opening
Laguerre SuperTrend Clouds   adds an Adaptive Laguerre averaging algorithm and alerts to the widely popular SuperTrend indicator. As the name suggests,   Laguerre SuperTrend Clouds (LSC)   is a trending indicator which works best in trendy (not choppy) markets. The SuperTrend is an extremely popular indicator for intraday and daily trading, and can be used on any timeframe. Incorporating Laguerre's equation to this can facilitate more robust trend detection and smoother filters. The LSC uses the
Zunächst einmal ist es wichtig zu betonen, dass dieses Handelstool ein Nicht-Repaint-, Nicht-Redraw- und Nicht-Verzögerungsindikator ist, was es ideal für professionelles Trading macht. Online-Kurs, Benutzerhandbuch und Demo. Der Smart Price Action Concepts Indikator ist ein sehr leistungsstarkes Werkzeug sowohl für neue als auch erfahrene Händler. Er vereint mehr als 20 nützliche Indikatoren in einem und kombiniert fortgeschrittene Handelsideen wie die Analyse des Inner Circle Traders und Str
FFx Universal Strength Meter PRO is more than a basic strength meter. Instead of limiting the calculation to price, it can be based on any of the 19 integrated strength modes + 9 timeframes. With the FFx USM, you are able to define any period for any combination of timeframes. For example, you can set the dashboard for the last 10 candles for M15-H1-H4… Full flexibility! Very easy to interpret... It gives a great idea about which currency is weak and which is strong, so you can find the best pai
An indicator of patterns #24, #25, #26 and #27 ("Head and Shoulders", "Complex Head and Shoulders") from Encyclopedia of Chart Patterns by Thomas N. Bulkowski. Parameters: Alerts - show alert when an arrow appears   Push - send a push notification when an arrow appears (requires configuration in the terminal) PeriodBars - indicator period K - an additional parameter that influences the accuracy of pattern shape recognition. The smaller the value is, the smoother the row of peaks/valleys should
Denis Trubachev
CrossPoint5   is an indicator that helps novice traders. In addition to the standard "Crosshair" function (Ctrl + F),   CrossPoint5   will show you how to set the StopLoss and TakeProfit levels correctly, taking into account the minimum allowable level, calculate the number of points between two points and convert this into the currency of the account, taking into account the expected lot of the transaction. Sometimes, when opening a deal, a novice trader completely forgets about the spread.
Trading patterns on Forex is considered to be the highest level of trading, since it usually requires years of mastering various patterns (shapes and candle combinations) and the ways they affect the price. Patterns are different combinations of Japanese candles on a chart, shapes of classical technical analysis, as well as any regularities of the market behavior repeating many times under the same conditions. After the patterns appear on a chart, the price starts behaving in a certain way allow
Das 123-Muster ist eines der beliebtesten, leistungsstärksten und flexibelsten Diagrammmuster. Das Muster besteht aus drei Preispunkten: einem Boden, einem Gipfel oder Tal und einem Fibonacci-Retracement zwischen 38,2% und 71,8%. Ein Muster gilt als gültig, wenn der Preis jenseits des letzten Gipfels oder Tals abbricht, in dem der Indikator einen Pfeil zeichnet, einen Alarm auslöst und der Handel platziert werden kann. [ Installationsanleitung | Update-Anleitung | Fehlerbehebung | FAQ | Alle Pr
Dies ist wahrscheinlich der vollständigste Indikator für die automatische Erkennung der harmonischen Preisbildung, den Sie für die MetaTrader-Plattform finden können. Es erkennt 19 verschiedene Muster, nimmt Fibonacci-Projektionen genauso ernst wie Sie, zeigt die potenzielle Umkehrzone (PRZ) an und findet geeignete Stop-Loss- und Take-Profit-Werte. [ Installationsanleitung | Update-Anleitung | Fehlerbehebung | FAQ | Alle Produkte ] Es erkennt 19 verschiedene harmonische Preisbildungen Darges
PZ Trend Trading MT5
3.8 (5)
Trend Trading ist ein Indikator, der so weit wie möglich von den Markttrends profitiert, indem er Pullbacks und Breakouts zeitlich festlegt. Sie findet Handelsmöglichkeiten, indem sie analysiert, was der Preis während etablierter Trends tut. [ Installationsanleitung | Update-Anleitung | Fehlerbehebung | FAQ | Alle Produkte ] Handeln Sie mit Zuversicht und Effizienz an den Finanzmärkten Profitieren Sie von etablierten Trends, ohne ins Wanken zu geraten Profitable Pullbacks, Ausbrüche und vorze
The Gann Box (or Gann Square) is a market analysis method based on the "Mathematical formula for market predictions" article by W.D. Gann. This indicator can plot three models of Squares: 90, 52(104), 144. There are six variants of grids and two variants of arcs. You can plot multiple squares on one chart simultaneously. Parameters Square — selection of a square model: 90 — square of 90 (or square of nine); 52 (104) — square of 52 (or 104); 144 — universal square of 144; 144 (full) — "full" v
This indicator is used to compare the relative strength of the trade on the chart against the other several selected symbols. By comparing the price movement of each traded variety based on the same base day, several trend lines of different directions can be seen, reflecting the strong and weak relationship between the several different traded varieties, so that we can have a clearer understanding of the market trend. For example, you can apply this indicator on a EurUSD chart and compare it w
Rainbow EA MT5
Jamal El Alama
Description : Rainbow EA MT5 is a simple Expert advisor based on   Rainbow MT5 indicator witch is based on Moving average with period 34. The indicator is incorporated in the EA, therefore, it is not required for the EA to operate, but if you wish, you can download it from   my product page . The Expert Advisor settings are as follows : Suitable for Timeframes up to H1 The parameters below can be set according to your trading rules. StopLoss ( Stop Loss in pips) TakeProfit ( Take Profit in pips
Your Trend Friend
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
5 (1)
The trend is your friend! Look at the color of the indicator and trade on that direction. It does not  repaint. After each candle is closed, that's the color of the trend. You can focus on shorter faster trends or major trends, just test what's most suitable for the symbol and timeframe you trade. Simply change the "Length" parameter and the indicator will automatically adapt. You can also change the color, thickness and style of the lines. Download and give it a try! There are big movements w
Mtf Candle – An Advanced Tool for Your Trading Strategy Analyze the market, identify trends, and enhance your strategy! Mtf Candle is an innovative indicator designed for professional traders, offering a clear and structured way to visualize market dynamics. With this tool, technical analysis becomes structured and easily accessible. What Does Mtf Candle Offer? In-depth Bar Analysis – Monitor bars across multiple timeframes and determine whether they indicate an uptrend or downtrend. Precise St
Multi ZigZag
Jose Freitas Alves Neto
# Indicador MultiZigZag Pro para MetaTrader 5 O MultiZigZag Pro é um poderoso indicador técnico para a plataforma MetaTrader 5 que identifica, de forma inteligente e flexível, os principais pontos de inflexão e tendências nos gráficos de preços. ## Características principais: - Algoritmo avançado que filtra ruídos e movimentos irrelevantes do mercado  - Múltiplos timeframes para análise de tendências de curto a longo prazo - Parâmetros de profundidade e desvio personalizáveis para adaptação a
The Moving Average Multicurrency Scanner Dashboard MT5 is a powerful trading tool designed to monitor multiple currency pairs and timeframes using customizable moving averages. It organizes signals in a grid format, displaying each symbol’s status across timeframes from M1 to MN1. Traders can enable or disable specific timeframes to align with their strategies. You can find the MT4 version here     Moving Average Multicurrency Scanner MT4 For detailed documentation click   here Moving Average I
The Supernova Momentums indicator simplifies the visual perception of the price chart and reduces the time for analysis: if there is no signal, the deal is not opened, and if an opposite signal appears, it is recommended to close the current position. This arrow indicator is designed to determine the trend. Supernova Momentums implements a trend trading strategy, filters out market noise, and includes all the necessary features in one tool. Its work is based on automatically determining the cu
Trade history
Andriy Konovalov
5 (2)
The indicator plots charts of profit taken at the Close of candles for closed (or partially closed) long and short positions individually. The indicator allows to filter deals by the current symbol, specified expert ID (magic number) and the presence (absence) of a substring in a deal comment, to set the start time and the periodicity of profit reset (daily, weekly or monthly) to calculate the profit chart. The indicator also displays the floating (not fixed) profit of the opened positions at th
This indicator obeys the popular maxim that: "THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND" It paints a Blue line for BUY and also paints a RED line for SELL. (you can change the colors). It gives alarms and alerts of all kinds. can be used for all currency pairs and timeframes. Yes, as easy and simple as that. Even a newbie can use it to make great and reliable trades. MetaTrader 4 Version    
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Trend Screener Pro MT5
4.85 (78)
Nutzen Sie die Macht des Trendhandels mit Trend Screener Indicator: Ihrer ultimativen Trendhandelslösung, die auf Fuzzy-Logik und einem System mit mehreren Währungen basiert! Steigern Sie Ihren Trendhandel mit Trend Screener, dem revolutionären Trendindikator mit Fuzzy-Logik. Es handelt sich um einen leistungsstarken Trendfolgeindikator, der über 13 Premium-Tools und -Funktionen sowie 3 Handelsstrategien kombiniert und ihn zu einer vielseitigen Wahl macht, um Ihren Metatrader in einen Trendanaly
Golden Trend Indicator MT5
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.88 (16)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
FX Levels MT5
Daniel Stein
5 (3)
FX Levels: Außerordentlich präzise Unterstützungs- und Widerstandszonen für alle Märkte Kurzüberblick Suchen Sie eine verlässliche Methode, um Support- und Resistance-Level in jedem Markt zu identifizieren—egal ob Währungspaare, Indizes, Aktien oder Rohstoffe? FX Levels vereint die traditionelle „Lighthouse“-Methode mit einem modernen dynamischen Ansatz und bietet nahezu universelle Genauigkeit. Durch unsere Erfahrung mit echten Brokern sowie automatischen täglichen und Echtzeit-Updates hilft
FX Volume MT5
Daniel Stein
4.82 (17)
FX Volume: Erleben Sie den echten Marktüberblick aus der Sicht eines Brokers Kurzüberblick Möchten Sie Ihre Handelsstrategie auf das nächste Level bringen? FX Volume liefert Ihnen Echtzeit-Einblicke in die Positionierung von Retail-Tradern und Brokern — lange bevor verzögerte Berichte wie der COT verfügbar sind. Ob Sie nach beständigen Gewinnen streben oder einfach einen tieferen Vorteil am Markt suchen, FX Volume hilft Ihnen, große Ungleichgewichte zu erkennen, Breakouts zu bestätigen und Ihr
FX Power MT5 NG
Daniel Stein
5 (11)
FX Power: Analysieren Sie die Stärke von Währungen für intelligentere Handelsentscheidungen Übersicht FX Power ist Ihr unverzichtbares Werkzeug, um die tatsächliche Stärke von Währungen und Gold unter allen Marktbedingungen zu verstehen. Indem Sie starke Währungen kaufen und schwache verkaufen, vereinfacht FX Power Ihre Handelsentscheidungen und deckt Chancen mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit auf. Ob Sie Trends folgen oder extreme Delta-Werte nutzen, um Umkehrungen zu prognostizieren, dieses Tool p
PUMPING STATION – Ihre Gewinnpumpe im Forex-Handel! Wir präsentieren Ihnen PUMPING STATION , einen revolutionären Forex-Indikator, der Ihr Trading in eine echte Gewinnmaschine verwandelt! Dieser Indikator ist nicht nur ein Assistent, sondern ein vollständiges Handelssystem mit leistungsstarken Algorithmen, die Ihnen helfen, kontinuierlich Gewinne zu erzielen. Beim Kauf dieses Produkts erhalten Sie zusätzlich KOSTENLOS: Exklusive Set-Dateien für eine automatische Einrichtung und maximale Performa
Roman Podpora
4.71 (17)
TPSpro TREND PRO   ist ein Trendindikator, der den Markt automatisch analysiert und Informationen über den Trend und jede seiner Änderungen liefert sowie Signale für den Einstieg in Geschäfte ohne Neuzeichnung gibt! Der Indikator verwendet jede Kerze und analysiert sie separat. bezieht sich auf verschiedene Impulse – Aufwärts- oder Abwärtsimpuls. Exakte Einstiegspunkte in Transaktionen für Währungen, Krypto, Metalle, Aktien, Indizes! Version MT5                   VOLLSTÄNDIGE BESCHREIBUNG DES IN
Support And Resistance Screener ist ein Level-Indikator für MetaTrader, der mehrere Tools innerhalb eines Indikators bietet. Die verfügbaren Werkzeuge sind: 1. Marktstruktur-Screener. 2. Bullische Pullback-Zone. 3. Bärische Pullback-Zone. 4. Tägliche Pivot-Punkte 5. wöchentliche Pivots-Punkte 6. monatliche Pivots-Punkte 7. Starke Unterstützung und Widerstand basierend auf harmonischem Muster und Volumen. 8. Zonen auf Bankebene. ZEITLICH BEGRENZTES ANGEBOT: HV Support and Resistance Indicator ist
IX Power MT5
Daniel Stein
4.86 (7)
IX Power: Markteinblicke für Indizes, Rohstoffe, Kryptowährungen und Forex Überblick IX Power ist ein vielseitiges Tool zur Analyse der Stärke von Indizes, Rohstoffen, Kryptowährungen und Forex-Symbolen. Während FX Power die höchste Präzision für Währungspaare bietet, indem es alle verfügbaren Paardaten einbezieht, konzentriert sich IX Power ausschließlich auf die Marktdaten des zugrunde liegenden Symbols. Dies macht IX Power zu einer hervorragenden Wahl für Nicht-Forex-Märkte und zu einem zuv
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5
Juvenille Emperor Limited
5 (13)
Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5   ist ein einzigartiger 10-in-1-Trend, der zu   100 % nicht neu gezeichnet   werden kann. Multi-Timeframe-Indikator, der für alle Symbole/Instrumente verwendet werden kann:   Forex ,   Rohstoffe ,   Kryptowährungen ,   Indizes ,   Aktien .  Der  Matrix Arrow Indicator MT5  wird den aktuellen Trend in seinen frühen Stadien bestimmen und Informationen und Daten von bis zu 10 Standardindikatoren sammeln, die sind: Durchschnittlicher Richtungsbewegungsindex (ADX) Rohstoff
Gold Stuff mt5
Vasiliy Strukov
4.92 (173)
Gold Stuff mt5-Ein Trendindikator, der speziell für Gold entwickelt wurde, kann auch auf allen Finanzinstrumenten verwendet werden. Der Indikator wird nicht neu gezeichnet und verzögert sich nicht. Empfohlener Zeitrahmen H1. WICHTIG! Kontaktieren Sie mich sofort nach dem Kauf, um Anweisungen und Bonus zu erhalten!     Sie können eine kostenlose Kopie unseres Strong Support- und Trendscanner-Indikators erhalten, bitte senden Sie uns eine persönliche Nachricht. Mich! DATEN Draw Arrow - inkl.a
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.53 (19)
ANWEISUNGEN       Russland       -        ENG    Die Empfehlung basiert auf dem Indikator -   TPSpro   TREND PRO -   Version MT5 Die wichtigsten Elemente in der Branche sind entweder in Zonen oder in der Fabrik enthalten, oder sie führen zu einer Lösung bei einem Kauf oder dem Verkauf eines anderen Instruments. Wenn viele Menschen ihre Rechte nicht auf dem Händlerkonto verschlüsseln, werden die Folgen nicht schnell genug sein. Ich habe es damit abgeschlossen, dass ich diese Folgen nun noch inter
Dieses Dashboard zeigt die   neuesten verfügbaren harmonischen   Muster für die ausgewählten Symbole, so dass Sie Zeit sparen und effizienter sein werden /   MT4-Version . Kostenloser Indikator:   Basic Harmonic Pattern Spalten des Indikators Symbol:   die ausgewählten Symbole werden angezeigt Trend:   bullish oder bearish Pattern :   Art des Musters (Gartley, Schmetterling, Fledermaus, Krabbe, Hai, Cypher oder ABCD) Entry :   Einstiegskurs SL:   Stop-Loss-Kurs TP1:   1. Take-Profit-Kurs TP2
Dies ist ein Indikator für MT5, der genaue Signale für den Einstieg in einen Handel ohne Repainting (Neuzeichnen) liefert. Er kann auf alle Finanzwerte angewendet werden: Forex, Kryptowährungen, Metalle, Aktien, Indizes. Er liefert ziemlich genaue Schätzungen und sagt Ihnen, wann es am besten ist, eine Position zu eröffnen und zu schließen. Sehen Sie sich das Video (6:22) mit einem Beispiel für die Verarbeitung nur eines Signals an, das sich für den Indikator gelohnt hat! Die meisten Händler ver
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Easy Breakout MT5
Mohamed Hassan
5 (3)
After your purchase, feel free to contact me for more details on how to receive a bonus indicator called VFI, which pairs perfectly with Easy Breakout for enhanced confluence!     Easy Breakout MT5   is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely trusted strategies among traders: the   Breakout strategy ! This indicator delivers crystal-clear Buy and Sell signals based on breakouts from key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators
FX Dynamic: Volatilität und Trends mit anpassbarer ATR-Analyse im Blick Übersicht FX Dynamic ist ein leistungsstarkes Tool, das die Berechnungen des Average True Range (ATR) nutzt, um Tradern unübertroffene Einblicke in die tägliche und intraday-Volatilität zu geben. Durch das Festlegen klarer Volatilitätsschwellen — beispielsweise 80%, 100% und 130% — kannst du schnell potenzielle Gewinnchancen erkennen oder Warnungen erhalten, wenn der Markt seine üblichen Spannen überschreitet. FX Dynamic p
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (13)
Wir stellen   Quantum TrendPulse   vor, das ultimative Handelstool, das die Leistung von   SuperTrend   ,   RSI   und   Stochastic   in einem umfassenden Indikator vereint, um Ihr Handelspotenzial zu maximieren. Dieser Indikator wurde für Händler entwickelt, die Präzision und Effizienz suchen, und hilft Ihnen dabei, Markttrends, Momentumverschiebungen und optimale Ein- und Ausstiegspunkte sicher zu erkennen. Hauptmerkmale: SuperTrend-Integration:   Folgen Sie problemlos dem vorherrschenden Markt
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (3)
MetaForecast prognostiziert und visualisiert die Zukunft eines beliebigen Marktes basierend auf den Harmonien in den Preisdaten. Obwohl der Markt nicht immer vorhersehbar ist, kann MetaForecast, wenn es ein Muster im Preis gibt, die Zukunft so genau wie möglich voraussagen. Im Vergleich zu ähnlichen Produkten kann MetaForecast durch die Analyse von Markttrends genauere Ergebnisse erzeugen. Eingabeparameter Past size (Vergangene Größe) Gibt an, wie viele Balken MetaForecast verwendet, um ein Mod
- Lifetime update free -   Real price is 80$   - 25% Discount ( It is 59$ now ) Contact me for instruction, any questions! Related Product:  Gold Trade Expert MT5 - Non-repaint - I just sell my products in Elif Kaya Profile, any other websites are stolen old versions, So no any new updates or support. Introduction The breakout and retest strategy is traded support and resistance levels. it involves price breaking through a previous level.  The break and retest strategy is designed to help trade
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
Jetzt 147 US -Dollar (nach ein paar Aktualisierungen auf 499 US -Dollar) - Unbegrenzte Konten (PCs oder MACs) RelicusRoad Benutzerhandbuch + Schulungsvideos + Zugang zur privaten Discord-Gruppe + VIP-Status EINE NEUE ART, DEN MARKT ZU BETRACHTEN RelicusRoad ist der weltweit leistungsstärkste Handelsindikator für Forex, Futures, Kryptowährungen, Aktien und Indizes und gibt Händlern alle Informationen und Tools, die sie benötigen, um profitabel zu bleiben. Wir bieten technische Analysen und Ha
EXCLUSIVE! JUST  10 COPIES  AVAILABLE!   BONUS AUX VIP Club 2024 : Include EA CAP, CEP, LDH, PSC307 & AO4C to enhance the performance of this tool to its maximum potential  Click Here to Download Files   ( for users only ) FREE Trading Education Available Daily via Zoom --- For More Info or Instant Message Click link ---  https://t.me/abcdwave Transform your trading with the "Five Magic Bullets" Indicator, tailored for traders who embrace the power of Elliott Wave Chaos Theory.
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
Gold Trend 5
Sergei Linskii
3.5 (2)
Gold Trend - dies ist ein guter technischer Indikator für Aktien. Der Algorithmus des Indikators analysiert die Preisbewegung eines Vermögenswerts und spiegelt die Volatilität und mögliche Einstiegszonen wider. Die besten Indikatorsignale: - Für VERKAUFEN = rotes Histogramm + roter SHORT-Zeiger + gelber Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. - Für KAUFEN = blaues Histogramm + blauer LONG-Zeiger + aquafarbener Signalpfeil in dieselbe Richtung. Vorteile des Indikators: 1. Der Indikator erzeugt S
Gartley Hunter Multi
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (9)
Gartley Hunter Multi - An indicator for searching for harmonic patterns simultaneously on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Patterns: Gartley, Butterfly, Shark, Crab. Bat, Alternate Bat, Deep Crab, Cypher 2. Simultaneous search for patterns on dozens of trading instruments and on all possible timeframes 3. Search for patterns of all possible sizes. From the smallest to the largest 4. All fou
CBT Quantum Maverick Hocheffizientes Binäroptionshandelssystem CBT Quantum Maverick ist ein leistungsstarkes Handelssystem für Binäroptionen, das für Händler entwickelt wurde, die Präzision, Einfachheit und diszipliniertes Handeln suchen. Keine Anpassung erforderlich – das System ist von Anfang an optimiert. Mit etwas Übung sind die Signale leicht zu beherrschen. Hauptmerkmale: Präzise Signale: Handelssignale basierend auf der aktuellen Kerze, die auf die nächste Kerze abzielen, ohne häufige N
Gold ATR MTF – das ist ein guter technischer Aktienindikator. Der Algorithmus des Indikators ATR (Average True Range) analysiert die Bewegung des Vermögenspreises und spiegelt die Volatilität wider, indem er die entsprechenden Niveaus in bestimmten Prozentsätzen (%) des Eröffnungspreises des angegebenen Zeitrahmens (D1) zeichnet. Indikatoren (rot und/oder blau D1 H4) der Symbolpreisbewegungsrichtung und Pfeilsignale sind zusätzliche und wesentliche Hilfsmittel für komfortables und profitables I
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 4 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
Timeframes Trend Scanner is a trend analyzer or trend screener indicator that helps you know the trend in all timeframes of symbol you're watching. This indicator provides clear & detailed analysis results on a beautiful dashboard, let you able to use this result right away without need to do any additional analysis. Please note that this indicator doesn't work with Strategy Tester. Sorry for that! How it works Step 1: Calculate values of 23 selected & trusted technical indicators (Oscillator &
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Binary expert
Dmitriy Konogorov
Expert for a binary options on mt4, he have  two built-in a indicators and many different settings. The expert has one a level of martingale, but it is recommended to use it on  the instruments with a yield of 85 percent. it can be used simultaneously on a variety of currency instruments. All settings have already been made, but you can also configure them yourself . Currency for do trading is a Russian ruble. Good trading to everyone.
Ea binary expert
Dmitriy Konogorov
Expert Advisor for trading binary options in EA mt4. He has one step of a martingale with an adjustable coefficient. Displays its indicators on the chart. It can work on several currency pairs at the same time. It is possible to choose a working time frame. Trading greatly depends on the settings of the built-in indicator, so it is advisable to choose the most optimal settings, although you can also trade with the built-in ones. Also has built-in money management. successful bidding to all.
A bot for trading in binary options for mql4. He can do send message in mobile of phone. He can do work in several long time-frame. He can modify main analize. He do displey panel of the bot and modify her you can. He have do display of tick grafic in 15 min and more(time of timeframe). He can modify a small main analize. He can modify a dimension of smal main analize. He can modify the advanced  analize. He can modify a small advanced analize. He can modify a dimension of smal advanc
Dmitriy Konogorov
The original an indicator for technical analysis of the market, currencies, currency pairs, precious metals and oil, and you can also analyze various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The indicator analyzes quotes and, based on their data, displays its icons on the chart for trading analysis. The indicator works very well, does not freeze and does not slow down even a weak processor in the computer, and is also not very demanding on the rest of the hardware resources on the compute
Rsi Aligator
Dmitriy Konogorov
The indicator do have inside two a tehnical its "RSI" and "Aligator" indicators with histogram for technical analysis of the market, currencies, currency pairs, precious metals and oil, and you can also analyze various cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. The indicator analyzes quotes and, based on their data, displays its icons on the chart for trading analysis. The indicator works very well, does not freeze and does not slow down even a weak processor in the computer, and is also no
Dmitriy Konogorov
Expert for do trading a forex on mt4, he have  two built-in a indicators and many different settings. The expert not have  a  martingale, but it is recommended to use it on  the instruments with a timeframe M30. it can be used simultaneously on a variety of currency instruments. All settings have already been made, but you can also configure them yourself . Good trading to everyone. Its have a trading panel of informations.
EA binary pro
Dmitriy Konogorov
3 (2)
This is an Expert Advisor for Binary Options. It analyzes the market and makes a buy or sell decision. the advisor himself do decides. He do displays his solution on the chart in the form of arrows. There are only two types of arrows. It is possible to use martingale steps. For this you need to use Magic number. It is by default already configured. Can send notifications to the phone. Partially do learns from mistakes. Has three movable information panels. You can also specify the size of the
Binary modMACD
Dmitriy Konogorov
This is an Expert Advisor for binary options based on the MACD indicator. It analyzes the market and makes a buy or sell decision. the advisor himself decides. He displays his solution on the chart in the form of arrows. There are only two types of arrows. It is possible to use martingale steps. For this you need to use Magic number. It is already configured by default. You can also specify the size of the rate for it in the current currency. You can simultaneously trade on any currency pair. H
This Expert Advisor is for binary options. It analyzes the market and makes a buy or sell decision. the advisor itself decides, and it is also possible to trade manually through the expert panel. It is possible to disable the work of the advisor through the advisor panel. Many settings can be configured in panels and viewed. He displays his solution on the chart in the form of arrows. There are only two types of arrows. It is possible to use martingale steps. For this you need to use Magic numb
Fibo trade one
Dmitriy Konogorov
Turn off the very first parameter, this is the easy mode of the adviser.     This EA is suitable for trading on the pair and several other currency pairs with special yields. It includes market analysis and algorithmic calculations. It is possible to observe the work of the adviser through its panel. Many settings can be customized. He displays his decision on the graph in the form of arrows. There are only two types of arrows. Uses martingale when necessary. Works fine in the tester. You need
This indicator is suitable for trading on the pair  and many more. There is also an interactive panel for quickly changing settings. The indicator itself uses universal calculations of additional accuracy, but so far they are optimized for some currency pairs. Many settings can be configured on the main menu. He displays his calculations on the graph in the form of icons. There are two types of icons. In the tester, it works fine by default in the settings. You can specify a color for its icons
This indicator is great for trading on the pair  and many more. The indicator itself uses augmented accuracy mathematical strategies, but so far they are optimized for some currency pairs. Many settings can be configured on the working panel. There are two panels on the chart, for visualization and settings. He displays his solution on the graph in the form of icons. There are only two types of icons. In the tester, it works fine by default in the settings. The second panel for counting the res
Ind trend scan
Dmitriy Konogorov
This indicator is great for trading on many currency pairs The indicator itself uses mathematical strategies with augmented precision. Many settings can be configured. There are elements on the chart for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph in the form of icons. There are several types of icons. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. Happy bidding.
Triangles trend
Dmitriy Konogorov
This indicator is great for trading on various trading pairs. The indicator itself uses mathematical linear strategies of augmented accuracy, but for now they are optimized for some currency pairs. Many settings can be configured in the initial settings. There are lines and arrows on the graph for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph in the form of icons. There are only two types of badges. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is already configured by default
Ea double strateg
Dmitriy Konogorov
This expert is suitable for trading on any currency pair, and preferably a timeframe less than 30 minutes. The expert himself uses universal indicator strategies. Many settings can be configured, there is a working panel. There is a panel on the chart for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph on the panel. The volume is calculated for profit. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. Trades according to the indicator strategy. You
Индикатор для отображения свеч размером меньше одной минуты, вплоть до размера в одну секунду, для детализированного просмотра графика . Имеется ряд необходимых настроек для удобной визуализации. Настройка размера хранения истории ценовых данных транслируемых инструментов. Размер видимых свеч. Настройка отображения неподвижности на курсах графика. Возможность отображения на различных торговых инструментах.  Удачной всем торговли.
Grid EA Netting
Dmitriy Konogorov
This is an expert for netting trading. In it, the grid of pending orders is being set. The Expert Advisor decides by calculation. It is possible to customize the work of the advisor by the hour. Many settings can be viewed in the panels. He displays his solution on the chart in the form of lines. There are only two types of lines. It is possible to use Magic number. It is already configured by default. You can also specify the size of the rate for it in the current currency. You can simultaneou
Pattern MA 2
Dmitriy Konogorov
This EA is suitable for trading on the pair  and else several. The EA itself uses universal strategies, but so far they are optimized for some currency pairs. Many settings can be adjusted. There are two panels on the chart, for visualization and settings. He displays his decision on the graph in the form of arrows. There are only two types of arrows. It does not use martingale. It works fine in the tester by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. You can also specify the
This indicator is suitable for trading on the pair  and many others. The indicator itself uses universal calculations of additional accuracy, but so far they are optimized for some currency pairs. Many settings can be configured on the main menu. He displays his calculations on the graph in the form of icons. There are two types of icons. In the tester, it works fine by default in the settings. You can specify a color for its icons. There is a panel. Happy trading.
EA fine
Dmitriy Konogorov
This Expert Advisor is suitable for trading on any currency pair. The expert himself uses complex strategies of the augmented and main grid, using two indicators. Many settings can be configured in the expert settings. There is an information panel on the chart for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph in the form of icons and arrows, as well as lines. There are only different types of icons. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is already configured by defaul
This indicator is great for trading many different pairs. The indicator itself uses mathematical models of augmented accuracy, but for now they are optimized for some currency pairs. Many settings can be configured in the initial settings. There are many icons for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph using various icons. There are several types of icons. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. Happy bidding.
Trend find once
Dmitriy Konogorov
This indicator is great for trading on various trading pairs. The indicator itself uses mathematical linear strategies of augmented accuracy. It has many additional signals and basic signals. Many settings can be configured in the initial settings. There are lines and arrows on the graph for visualization. He displays his decision on a graph in the form of icons, text, and colored lines. There are only two types of main icons. In the tester it works fine by default in the settings. It is alread
This Expert Advisor is suitable for trading on any currency pair. The expert himself uses complex strategies of the augmented and main grid, using three indicators. Many settings can be configured in the expert settings. There are icons on the chart for visualization. He displays his solution on a graph in the form of icons and arrows, as well as lines. There are different types of icons. It works fine in the tester by default in the settings. It is already configured by default. Trades using a
This expert is suitable for trading on any currency pair, and preferably a time frame greater than 30 minutes. The expert himself uses universal trends strategies or against them, your choice. Many settings can be configured on the working panel. There is a panel on the chart for visualization and settings. He displays his decision on the graph in the form of icons and vertical lines. There are only two types of badges. The volume is calculated for profit. In the tester it works fine by default
Multi-functional Pattern Indicator: Your Assistant for Successful Trading Looking for a tool to help you identify the most critical market patterns and improve your trading decisions? Our indicator is a versatile assistant for traders of any level. Automatic Detection and Plotting: The indicator automatically analyzes the chart and highlights patterns, saving you from the hassle of searching for them manually.
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