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DYJ Mathematical model trader

DYJ Mathematical model trader is a system analysis software that allows indicator trading.

It can directly analyze the overall profit and maximum floating loss of indicator trading.

And draw beautiful performance histograms and curves.

In this way, you can compare the different performances of indicators in each chart period,

which is convenient for you to quickly respond to market trend changes

and optimize the best trading plan.

It requires an improved indicator signal source software, as shown in screenshot 1

Currently, these signal source indicators include WPRMACDSTOCHASTICRSI, SMTMA

You can run the DYJ signal source software and underlying indicator software at once through the DYJ Mathematical Model Trader software.

If you need to automatically open and close positions according to the signal source, please download the practical software DYJ Follow Me or a better DYJ Game Device with game strategy

If you strictly follow the model synchronization, the total profit of the final result is consistent or close to the total profit of the model.
Due to some discrepancies, handling fees, inventory fees, platform server delays, slippage, VPS network speed, etc., there may be some small errors!

But as long as there are many major trends and the trend maintains for a long enough time, with few minor trends and oscillations, it is enough to cover the above error!

However, throughout the entire process, you need to have a good mindset and self-discipline!

Therefore, we need to strictly select the lowest point spread and handling fee for the platform ECN account, as well as choose the platform server speed and the fastest local network speed!


  • After downloading the software to your computer, please change the file name to a shorter one, such as DYJ MathTrader. Otherwise, sometimes the MT5 system restricts the length of internal combination names to no more than 63, which may cause the software to not run properly!
  • It is prohibited to use multiple TIMEFRMES to operate the same signal source and FollowMe software.
  • It is recommended to run the signal source and tracking software on the first MT5 terminal(exp:XAUUSD M1), and run the evaluation software and signal source on the same account on another MT5 terminal(exp:XAUUSD M5) for evaluation, in order to minimize tracking delay as much as possible.
  • In addition, the version of MT5 requires Version: 5.00 build 4380 7 Jun 2024
  • Please click on the link to enter the comment section and download different indicator parameter templates. Link



  • InpUseLanguage = English -- English or Chinese
  • InpDirectoryName="Markets"  -- MarketsDirectory(MT5)
  • InpFileName = "DYJ WPRS" -- InpIndicatorsName : After purchasing the indicator, it is usually automatically downloaded to the Markets directory
  • signal_source_name="WPR" -- Currently supported signal sources: WPR,MACD,STOCHASTIC,RSI,POWERSIGNAL
  • InpIndicatorsParamsList="28" -- Different indicator names have different parameter lists, separated by English commas
WPR:28 -- Period

MACD1:12,26,9,0.03,0.02,4 -- Period(12,26,9),OpenLevel=0.03($),CrossDiffValue=0.02($), SignalMode=4(MacdSampling) 

MACD2:55,89,9,0.03,0.02,4 -- Period(55,89,9),OpenLevel=0.03($),CrossDiffValue=0.02($), SignalMode=4(MacdSampling)

STOCHASTIC: 5,3,3,20,80,2 -- Period(5,3,3),Oversold=20,Overbought=80,SignalMode=2(CrossMainAndSignal)

RSI:14,30,70,1 -- Period(14),Oversold=30,Overbought=70,SignalMode=1
SMTMA: 1,30,100 --  1:MATYPE 0 to 9, 30:Smoothing depth , 100:Smoothing parameter 
  • InpSimulatedVolume             = 1 -- SimulatedVolume
  • InpStartDate                         = "19700101" -- StartDate:If it is 19700101(minimum).
  • InpEndDate                           = "19700101" -- EndDate:If it is 19700101(infinite).
  • InpWindowsXSize   = 1030 -- WindowsXSize
  • InpWindowsYSize   = 450 -- WindowsYSize

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Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
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Fatemeh Ameri
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Samuel Bandi Roccatello
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Trade copier MT5
Alfiya Fazylova
4.48 (27)
Trade Copier ist ein professionelles Dienstprogramm zum Kopieren und Synchronisieren von Trades zwischen Handelskonten. Das Kopieren erfolgt vom Konto / Terminal des Lieferanten auf das Konto / Terminal des Empfängers, das auf demselben Computer oder vps installiert ist. Vor dem Kauf können Sie die Demoversion auf einem Demokonto testen. Demoversion hier . Vollständige Anweisungen hier . Hauptfunktionalität und Vorteile: Unterstützt das Kopieren von MT5> MT5, MT4> MT5, MT5> MT4, einschließlich M
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
Sehen Sie sich sofort Ihren Verlauf geschlossener Trades nach Tag und Woche, Ihre aktuell offenen Trades und Ihr Forex-Engagement auf einem Diagramm an! Verwenden Sie die Heatmap, um profitable Trades zu identifizieren und wo Ihr aktueller Drawdown innerhalb Ihres Handelsportfolios liegt. Schaltflächen zum schnellen Schließen Verwenden Sie die Schaltflächen zum schnellen Schließen, um jeden Trade mit einem einzelnen Symbol zu schließen, einzelne Trades vollständig zu schließen oder teilweise G
1 (1)
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VirtualTradePad One Click Trading Panel
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.55 (67)
Trading Panel für den Handel mit 1 Klick. Arbeiten mit Positionen und Aufträgen! Handeln vom Chart oder von der Tastatur. Mit unserem Trading-Panel können Sie Trades mit einem einzigen Klick direkt aus dem Chart ausführen und Handelsoperationen 30-mal schneller durchführen als mit der Standard-MetaTrader-Steuerung. Automatische Berechnungen von Parametern und Funktionen machen den Handel für Händler schneller und komfortabler. Grafische Tipps, Infoetiketten und vollständige Informationen zu Hand
Discord To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Kopieren Sie Signale aus jedem Kanal, dem Sie als Mitglied angehören ( ohne die Notwendigkeit eines Bot-Tokens oder Administratorberechtigungen  direkt auf Ihren MT5. Es wurde mit dem Benutzer im Sinn entworfen und bietet viele Funktionen, die Sie benötigen Dieses Produkt wird in einer benutzerfreundlichen und visuell ansprechenden grafischen Benutzeroberfläche präsentiert. Passen Sie Ihre Einstellungen an und beginnen Sie innerhalb von Minuten mit der Nutzung des Produkts! Benutzerhandbuch +
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
Trader Evolution
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (5)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
Risk Manager Pro MT5
Roman Zhitnik
5 (3)
The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close   - minimum account equity triggering loss prevention measures Check day limit to cl
Kopierer->Bequeme und schnelle Schnittstelleninteraktion, Benutzer können es sofort verwenden       ->>>> Empfohlen zur Verwendung auf Windows-Computern oder VPS Windows Merkmale: Diversifizierte und personalisierte Copy-Trading-Einstellungen: 1. Für unterschiedliche Signalquellen können unterschiedliche Lot-Modi eingestellt werden. 2. Für Forward- und Reverse-Copy-Trading können unterschiedliche Signalquellen eingestellt werden. 3. Signale können mit Kommentaren eingestellt werden. 4. Ob das L
RSI Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the RSI divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->   cli
Der MT5 to Discord Signal Provider ist ein benutzerfreundliches, vollständig anpassbares Werkzeug, das speziell dafür entwickelt wurde, Handelssignale direkt an Discord zu senden. Dieses Tool verwandelt Ihr Handelskonto in einen effizienten Signalanbieter. Passen Sie die Nachrichtenformate Ihrem Stil an! Wählen Sie für eine einfache Verwendung aus vorgefertigten Vorlagen und entscheiden Sie, welche Nachrichtenelemente einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen werden sollen. [ Demo ] [ Handbuch ] [ MT4-Vers
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
Risk Manager for MT5
Sergey Batudayev
4.53 (15)
Expert Advisor Risk Manager für MT5 ist ein sehr wichtiges und meiner Meinung nach notwendiges Programm für jeden Trader. Mit diesem Expert Advisor können Sie das Risiko in Ihrem Handelskonto kontrollieren. Die Risiko- und Gewinnsteuerung kann sowohl monetär als auch prozentual erfolgen. Damit der Expert Advisor funktioniert, hängen Sie ihn einfach an das Währungspaardiagramm an und legen Sie die akzeptablen Risikowerte in der Einzahlungswährung oder in % des aktuellen Guthabens fest. PROMO B
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This indicator shows the crossing between three moving averages (slower, middle and faster ones). When fast MA crosses up middle MA and middle MA crosses up slow MA, the bullish alert is issued. When fast MA crosses down middle MA and middle MA crosses down slow MA, the bearish alert is issued. Signals to close buy positions are generated if fast MA crosses middle MA downwards, signals to close sell positions are generated if fast MA crosses middle MA upwards. Inputs Fast MA Setup MAPeriod1 = 5
This QuickClose help you to close all orders having profit immediately with only ONE CLICK, its work is very fast. You can choose which symbol you want or close all symbols so it will helpful for you in your trading to manage trading faster. This EA can quick close all Buy and Sell Orders by a selected symbol or total. This SymbolButton is designed for closing orders. There is available Manual and Automatic closing functions. Automatic closing function will close the orders according the paramet
Professional traders know that a reversal in market price is the best entry points to trade. The trend changes K line state changes the most obvious. The SoarSignal is good to identify these changes, because we have incorporated the KDJ indicators. It is the closest to the K line state of the indicators. The two lines of KDJ Winner move within a range of 0 and 100. Values above 80 are considered to be in overbought territory and indicate that a reversal in price is possible. Values below 20 are
Daying Cao
5 (1)
This StrongCurrency is a complete trading system based on a variety of technical indicators, moving averages and pivots. Each of those elements can be assessed in defined rules and coefficients (depending on the indicator) providing limitless optimization scenarios for the StrongCurrency. In order to work the StrongCurrency creates a trend strength and entry point signal list display by evaluating these data, that takes data from all symbols. It extrapolates all the information in order to get t
Daying Cao
5 (1)
Dieses PowerSignal ist ein komplettes Handelssystem, das auf ATR von technischen Indikatoren basiert. Diese Indikatoren zeichnen den aktuellen Status jedes POWERTRENDs in jedem analysierten Zeitrahmen und Währungspaar auf. Das PowerSignal erstellt durch Auswertung dieser Daten eine Trendstärken- und Einstiegspunkt-Signallistenanzeige. Wenn es bei einem Paar eine vollständige Übereinstimmung gibt, wird eine Warnung angezeigt, die auf einen solchen Fall hinweist. Listendaten umfassen Symbol, M5-M
This indicator shows the crossing between two moving averages, a slower and faster moving average. Signal show alert pop-up, when MA1 crosses above the MA2. Signal show alert pop-up, when MA1 crosses below the MA2. Inputs Value Fast MA Setup Period = 5 - period of Faster Moving Average (value 5). Mode = SMA - type of Moving Average (SMA, EMA, SMMA, LWMA). Price = Close - type of price (Close, Open, Low, High, Median, Typical, Weighted). Slow MA Setup Period = 10 - period of Slower MA (value 10)
This EA is based on the classical trend-following system of opening the positions. The EA is based on DYJ TwoMACrossAlarm and ATR and CCI indicator. It uses two moving averages. The EA uses dynamic allocation MA period. The MA1 and MA2 period is the Fibonacci sequence, such as 5.8 or 13.21 or 21.34 or...; EA Entry Rules: Go long when fast MA1 crosses above the slow MA2 and CCI crosses above the zero line; Go short when fast MA1 crosses below the slow MA2 and CCI crosses below the zero line; the
DYJ News Developers sind die grundlegenden Marktanalyseindikatoren für Kalendertransaktions-Tools und makroökonomische Ereignisse. Hier finden Sie die Finanznachrichten und-indikatoren der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt – von den USA und der Europäischen Union bis zu Australien und Japan – in neun Wirtschaftsnationen mit mehr als 60 Währungspaaren. Erfassung von über 800 makroökonomischen Indikatoren und Ereignissen aus öffentlichen Quellen in Echtzeit. Jeder Indikator weist historische, akt
The Expert Advisor is based on three Moving Average indicators. ThreeMACross is based on the following idea: crossing of three Moving Average lines (Fast, Middle and slow ones) is used as a signal for opening and closing a position together. Go Long when Fast MA (MA1) crosses above Middle MA (MA2), and Middle MA (MA2) crosses above Slow MA (MA3). Go Short when Fast MA (MA1) crosses below Middle MA (MA2), and Middle MA (MA2) crosses below Slow MA (MA3). Signals to close buy positions are generate
The RiseTrading is a unique High quality and easy to use and affordable trading tool because we have incorporated a number of proprietary features and PowerSignal and MACD and Stochastic indicators. The main advantages of the trend trading strategy used by the Expert Advisor are opening positions only in the direction of a trend, ability for the long-term retention of profitable positions allowing users to achieve good combinations of profit/loss distributions. That can work on a real account at
DYJ-Aktien-Controller ist ein monetäres Transaktionssystem Es kann für jedes Währungspaar von M1 bis MN einen zufälligen Wert anzeigen. Wenn der Wert für Stoch in einem Zeitraum den Supermarkt und den Supermarkt erreicht, werden farbige Hinweise angezeigt. Sie können den richtigen Deal anhand dieser Informationen machen. Erstellen Sie eine Vorlage für den Bestandsindikator DYJ Inventory Controller, und speichern Sie diese. Wenn Sie mit der Maus auf einen Supermarkt oder einen Supermarkt klicke
The DYJ SoarTrading is based on SoarSignal indicator. It can be used for any currency pair and timeframe. Signals to buy are generated when SoarSignal has crossed oversold downwards, reached oversold and then crossed back up through oversold. Signals to sell are generated when SoarSignal has crossed overbought upwards, reached overbought, and then crossed back down through overbought. Close a trade when SoarSignal reaches the opposite side ( overbought for long order, oversold for short order).
The  DYJ WPR - SignalSource is based on  WPR  indicator. It can be used for any currency pair and timeframe. The  WPR  recommends  Indicator values ranging between 80 and 100% indicate that the market is oversold. Indicator values ranging between 0 and 20% indicate that the market is overbought. The entry signal of this indicator is a turning point in the trend. The indicator uses analog trading technology, Provide you with indicators to evaluate the overall profit of the opening signal and clo
DYJ Sharp advanced algorithm that detects new trends and current trend continuations for use as an entry and exit strategy. The strategy display the SHARP trend demarcation area. This SHARP area has high HighLine and low LowLine. Falling of high below HighLine of SHARP and then falling of close below LowLine of SHARP can be interpreted as a signal to sell. Rising of close above HighLine of SHARP and then rising of low above LowLine of SHARP can be interpreted as a signal to buy. The signal for e
DYJ TRENDWAVE features an advanced algorithm that detects new trends and current trend continuations for use as an entry strategy. DYJ TRENDWAVE's volatility is based on the power of buyers and sellers, it grabs total body size of candles and identifies the battle between buyers and sellers as a percentage of the total volume, like Sellers: (-)100% and Buyers: (+)100%. This information can be used for any entry and exit strategy. For bullish/Long Pin bar it is below the price line, for bearish/S
DYJTRENDWAVE features an advanced algorithm that detects new trends and current trend continuations for use as an entry strategy. DYJTRENDWAVE's volatility is based on the power of buyers and sellers, it grabs total body size of candles and identifies the battle between buyers and sellers as a percentage of the total volume, like Sellers: (-)100% and Buyers: (+)100%. This information can be used for any entry and exit strategy. For bullish/Long Pin bar it is below the price line, for bearish/Sho
DYJ Scalping ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor. Für Einträge wird der Stochastische Indikatorfilter verwendet. Der Berater benötigt einen Hedging- und ECN-Kontotyp. Der Auftragsverlust wird durch das Spiel gerettet und wird zum Gewinn. Wenn die Bestellrichtung falsch ist. Sie können die Spielstrategie jederzeit deaktivieren. Allgemeine Empfehlungen Empfehlen Sie ECN-Konten, xauusd Spreads zwischen 8 und 11 oder niedriger, EUR/USD Spreads 1 Die Mindesteinzahlung beträgt 200€. Please downl
Daying Cao
2 (1)
Der DYJ T3ModeMA basiert auf dem T3-Algorithmus. Der T3-Algorithmus wurde im Artikel „Better Moving Average“ des US-Magazins TASC in der technischen Analyse eingeführt. T3 kann Preisserien glätten und gleichzeitig die Verzögerung des Trendverfolgungssystems reduzieren. Die Spaltengröße des Indikators bestimmt das Eintrittsignal und wenn die Spaltengröße nahe bei 0 liegt, ist dies der Trendwendepunkt. Der Indikator verwendet die Simulation der Handelstechnologie, Bietet Indikatoren, um die Gesamt
DYJ Langfristige Strategie EA ist ein langfristiges Handelssystem Wir beginnen mit der Suche nach dem niedrigsten Preis in der Kerze als Long-Trend, und beginnen mit der Suche nach dem höchsten Preis als Short-Trend. Wir werden die Position für die längste Zeit halten und den maximalen Gewinn erzielen. Wenn der Auftrag in die falsche Richtung geht, kann die Strategie Verluste in Gewinne verwandeln. EA wird nur für eine Währung pro Periode im Diagramm ausgeführt. Signal URL INPUT InpMagicNumber
The DYJBands opens and closes positions using Bollinger Bands signals: It performs trades after a price rebound from the borderlines of the indicator. It has the option to close positions by an opposite signal, by take profit and stop loss, move a trade to breakeven upon reaching the central Bollinger band or after a certain price movement. By default, the EA is configured for trading the GBPUSD currency pair on the H1 timeframe. Also, settings for the EURUSD, USDJPY, USDCAD and XAUUSD currency
The DYJ MacdSto is a unique High quality and easy to use and affordable trading tool because we have incorporated a number of proprietary features and MACD and Stochastic and RSI and ADX indicators. The main advantages of the trend trading strategy used by the Expert Advisor are opening positions only in the direction of a trend, ability for the long-term retention of profitable positions allowing users to achieve good combinations of profit/loss distributions. DYJ MacdSto EA uses MACD and Stoch
This StrongCurrency is a complete trading system based on a variety of technical indicators, moving averages and pivots. Each of those elements can be assessed in defined rules and coefficients (depending on the indicator) providing limitless optimization scenarios for the StrongCurrency. In order to work the StrongCurrency creates a trend strength and entry point signal list display by evaluating these data, that takes data from all symbols. It extrapolates all the information in order to get t
The DYJ TrendPending EA tracks the new change of price of the currency pair and opens trades in case of a price low and high from the main movement in the direction of the trend. So EA uses the least risky grid and Add lots. And can attach a positive and reverse pending order. The PositivePending orders can reduce the number of grids and Add lots,  while ReversePending orders reduce the loss of orders . For more convenient search, the working timeframe has been added to inputs (Work timeframe).
This is a multi-currency and multi-strategy EA. This EA is to create one or more polling trading strategies in a transaction. In the polling mode, the strategies filter a trend-free range market environment and trades are placed in the opposite direction at the edges of the range. With an additional main trend filter in the trend-following mode, the DYJ's ArtOfForexWar can also trade pull-backs during trends in the trend of loss. The winning rate is more than 95% within three orders or three cl
DYJ ScalpingBurg EA ist ein vollautomatischer Expert Advisor. Der Burg Algorithmus Filter wird für Einträge verwendet. Der Berater benötigt einen Hedging- und ECN-Kontotyp. Der Auftragsverlust wird durch das Spiel gerettet und wird zum Gewinn. Wenn die Bestellrichtung falsch ist. Sie können die Spielstrategie jederzeit deaktivieren. Allgemeine Empfehlungen Empfehlen Sie ECN-Konten, xauusd Spreads zwischen 8 und 11 oder niedriger, EUR/USD Spreads 1 Die Mindesteinzahlung beträgt 200€. Bitte laden
DYJ ArtOfMakingMoney attempts to gauge bullish and bearish forces in the market by using two separate measures, one for each type of directional pressure. The  EA's BearsIndex  attempts to measure the market's appetite for lower prices The EA's BullsIndex attempts to measure the market's appetite for higher prices Features Monitors all pairs at the same time. The EA monitors the top 35 pairs by default, but you can select less pairs if you wish. It is a multi-currency EA that can be run from a s
Unser Ziel ist es, einen zugänglichen und qualitativ hochwertigen Service zu bieten und Marktteilnehmern, Händlern und Analysten gleichermaßen die dringend benötigten Werkzeuge für fundierte, zeitnahe Handelsentscheidungen zu ermöglichen. Der optimierteste, äußerst robuste und benutzerfreundlichste DYJ-Trend-Analyst-Indikator. Der DYJ Trend-Analyst versucht, bullische und bärische Kräfte auf dem Markt zu messen, indem er zwei separate Messgrößen verwendet, eine für jede Art von Richtungsdruck
The DYJ Trend Analyser EA is based on  DYJ Trend Analyst  indicator. The most optimized, highly robust and easy to use DYJ Trend Analyser EA. DYJ Trend Analyser EA attempts to gauge bullish and bearish forces in the market by using two separate measures, one for each type of directional pressure. The  EA's BearsIndex  attempts to measure the market's appetite for lower prices. The EA's BullsIndex attempts to measure the market's appetite for higher prices. Pivot Point Extra Indicator for DYJ Tre
This is an expert adviser that is intended to trade where sudden sharp movements occur on charts.  This EA is the trend breakout trading. However it makes only one trade per bar. Low risk EA with no too many positions, and there are predefined TP, SL and TS for each position. Features Monitors all pairs at the same time. The EA monitors the top 15 pairs by default, but you can select less pairs if you wish. It is a multi-currency EA that can be run from a single chart (M5 to D1,recommended timef
The  DYJ Hedging  is based on the following idea:crossing of two Moving Average lines (Fast and slow ) is used as a signal for opening positions. We will now apply game theory strategy on the future of per currency instead of a price chart of history. This is one level higher. Dynamic Market game theory is a special feature of Advanced Currency Health Bars indicator and you cannot find in any other Currency Meter! This is a very unique function. Dynamic Market game theory strategy Health Bars ar
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Version 1.27 2024.08.25
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Version 1.26 2024.08.23
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Version 1.17 2024.07.08
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Version 1.16 2024.07.08
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Version 1.14 2024.06.25
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Version 1.13 2024.06.24
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Version 1.12 2024.06.21
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Version 1.11 2024.06.20
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Version 1.9 2024.06.20
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Version 1.8 2024.06.20
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Version 1.5 2024.06.19
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Version 1.4 2024.06.14
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Version 1.3 2024.06.11
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Version 1.2 2024.06.11
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Version 1.1 2024.06.11
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