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Skynet Trend AI

 Skynet Trend AI shows trend on the price chart with a colored line. Usually, all traders are looking for a clue where to buy and where to sell using classic or downloaded indicators. But often it gets more and more confusing and every time you find it difficult and confusing to create a hint for yourself where to open a position. Self-reliance does not always justify the result. Therefore, it is better to use a simple and intuitive tool to solve your problem!  Skynet Trend AI gives visual information about where to buy and where to sell, and where to wait out. It will support you and give you confidence in your abilities in the forex and stock market. If you are trading manually right now, and there are doubts where the price can go, then you can turn on the indicator and see a hint. It is often better to open a position immediately in the right place and not guess, not wait for the wrong result. Time for the correct entry point may be limited, it is important not to miss this moment, and not to open a position where it can be dangerous. Imagine how good it would be to use a useful tool in trading, relying on self-confidence more and more every time.

The indicator uses AI methods (Machine Learning) to mark up the chart into zones of Buy zones of Sell zones, and consolidations.

Color lines show directions and suggest where you can open positions with a small take profit for pips, as well as general trends. When you have a hint where to open a position and which one, then you focus more on successful trading and enjoy trading, rather than wasting your nerves and time.


  • simple and clear definition of the trend. 
  • visual image with colored lines hints where to buy and where to sell. 
  • text hints.
  • indicator works on any timeframes and any financial instruments. 


  • Beta - setting up a trend change. The higher the value, the less price influences on indicator line. 
  • Smooth - the smoothing line near which trades should be opened.

Empfohlene Produkte
Andriy Sydoruk
This trend indicator shows successful signals. It can be used with an optimal risk/reward ratio. The efficiency rate of the trend is 80%. The product shows the best opportunity to enter the market using the arrows. The indicator can be used for pipsing on small periods, as well as for the long-term trade. The indicator uses two parameters for the settings. The indicator does not redraw and lag. Take profit exceeds stop loss by 6-8 times on average! The product works on all currency pairs and all
Добрый День уважаемые трейдеры!  Вашему вниманию индикатор созданный и работающий на базе трендовика ADX,  для торговли на смене направления движения который учитывает коррекцию и даёт возможность на ней заработать.  Применяю этот индикатор для скальпинга. Рекомендую таймфреймы от 15 ти минутного(М15) до часового (Н1) периодов.  Красный кружок сигнал на продажу- Sell) Зелёный кружок  сигнал на покупку Buy) Чем меньше ваш таймфрейм тем меньше пунктов вы зарабатываете.   Важно выставлять стопы! !В
Der Crypto_Forex-Indikator „Auto FIBO Pro“ ist ein großartiges Hilfsmittel beim Handel! - Der Indikator berechnet automatisch Fibo-Level und lokale Trendlinien (rote Farbe) und platziert sie im Diagramm. - Fibonacci-Level zeigen Schlüsselbereiche an, in denen der Preis umkehren kann. - Die wichtigsten Level sind 23,6 %, 38,2 %, 50 % und 61,8 %. - Sie können ihn für Reversal Scalping oder für Zone Grid Trading verwenden. - Es gibt auch viele Möglichkeiten, Ihr aktuelles System mit dem Auto FIBO
Alpha Trend Zeichen ist seit langem ein sehr beliebtes Handelstool in unserem Unternehmen. Es kann unser Handelssystem überprüfen und Handelssignale klar anzeigen, und die Signale werden nicht driften. Hauptfunktionen: Anhand der Marktanzeige aktiver Bereiche können Indikatoren intuitiv bestimmen, ob der aktuelle Markttrend zu einem Trendmarkt oder zu einem volatilen Markt gehört. Und betreten Sie den Markt gemäß den Indikatorpfeilen, mit grünen Pfeilen für Kauf und roten Pfeilen für Verkauf
Gold Phoenix
Yaroslav Varankin
The perfect tool for Scalng in the Forex markets You can trade both from signal to signal and using take profit  The algorithm does not use Zigzag!  No redrawing!  This is a channel instrument that uses a moving average as a filter. Moving Average  There are 2 parameters for the settings Ma Period = 5 period Moving Average  Channel 1.0 distance of channel lines from the chart Price Signal Filter - calculation of signal opening and filter There is a complete set of Alert There is a multi-timefram
Insider Scalper Binary This tool is designed to trade binary options. for short temporary spends. to make a deal is worth the moment of receiving the signal and only 1 candle if it is m1 then only for a minute and so in accordance with the timeframe. for better results, you need to select well-volatile charts.... recommended currency pairs eur | usd, usd | jpy .... the indicator is already configured, you just have to add it to the chart and trade .... The indicator signals the next candle.
Automated Trendlines
Georgios Kalomoiropoulos
5 (16)
Trendlinien sind das wichtigste Werkzeug der technischen Analyse im Devisenhandel. Leider zeichnen die meisten Händler sie nicht richtig. Der automatische Trendlinien-Indikator ist ein professionelles Tool für ernsthafte Trader, das Ihnen hilft, die Trendbewegung der Märkte zu visualisieren. Es gibt zwei Arten von Trendlinien Bullische Trendlinien und Bärische Trendlinien. Im Aufwärtstrend wird die Forex-Trendlinie durch die niedrigsten Swing-Punkte der Preisbewegung gezogen. Wenn man mindest
Daily Candle Predictor ist ein Indikator, der den Schlusskurs einer Kerze vorhersagt. Der Indikator ist in erster Linie für die Verwendung in D1-Charts gedacht. Dieser Indikator eignet sich sowohl für den traditionellen Devisenhandel als auch für den Handel mit binären Optionen. Der Indikator kann als eigenständiges Handelssystem oder als Ergänzung zu Ihrem bestehenden Handelssystem verwendet werden. Dieser Indikator analysiert die aktuelle Kerze und berechnet bestimmte Stärkefaktoren innerhalb
There are 8 types of this indicator. Consisted of 1. Bullish and Bearish Engulfing 2. Morning and Evening Star 3. Three Green Soldiers and Three Red Crows 4. Three Inside Up and Down 5. Three Outside Up and Down 6. Bullish and Bearish Harami 7. Tweezers Top and Bottom 8. Piercing and Dark cloud cover Signal Filter :: 1. The appearance of the candle stick 2. SMA 3. 2EMA :: EMA Fast and EMA Slow 4. RSI N otification :: 1. Via screen 2. Email 2. Phone For trading 1. Scaling 2. Binary options 3.
Atomic Analyst
Issam Kassas
5 (2)
Zunächst einmal ist es erwähnenswert, dass dieser Handelsindikator nicht neu malt, nicht neu zeichnet und keine Verzögerung aufweist, was ihn sowohl für manuellen als auch für Roboterhandel ideal macht. Benutzerhandbuch: Einstellungen, Eingaben und Strategie. Der Atom-Analyst ist ein PA-Preisaktionsindikator, der die Stärke und das Momentum des Preises nutzt, um einen besseren Vorteil auf dem Markt zu finden. Ausgestattet mit fortschrittlichen Filtern, die helfen, Rauschen und falsche Signale z
Binary Options Support Resistance Indicator This indicator is designed for binary options trading and effectively shows retracements from support and resistance levels. Signals appear on the current candle. A red arrow pointing downwards indicates a potential selling opportunity, while a blue arrow pointing upwards suggests buying opportunities. All that needs adjustment is the color of the signal arrows. It is recommended to use it on the M1-M5 timeframes as signals are frequent on these timef
It will be the best tool for you to make a profit! Through unique algorithms You're going to see an amazing amount of right trading signals Make huge profits every day and realize more possibilities!   Like the car no money to buy it, the love of the girls dare not to pursue?Or the credit card bill is not paid, the rent does not have the extra money to settle?Or are you fed up with being bossed around by your boss and Hope to get more people's respect?Can't afford to buy the things you want ? wa
VR Cub
Vladimir Pastushak
VR Cub ist ein Indikator für den Erhalt hochwertiger Einstiegspunkte. Der Indikator wurde entwickelt, um mathematische Berechnungen zu erleichtern und die Suche nach Einstiegspunkten in eine Position zu vereinfachen. Die Handelsstrategie, für die der Indikator geschrieben wurde, hat sich seit vielen Jahren bewährt. Ihr großer Vorteil liegt in der Einfachheit der Handelsstrategie, die es auch unerfahrenen Händlern ermöglicht, erfolgreich damit zu handeln. VR Cub berechnet Positionseröffnungspunkt
Pattern 123
Pavel Verveyko
"Pattern 123" is an indicator-a trading system built on a popular pattern, pattern 123. This is the moment when we expect a reversal on the older trend and enter the continuation of the small trend, its 3rd impulse. The indicator displays signals and markings on an open chart. You can enable/disable graphical constructions in the settings. The indicator has a built-in notification system (email, mobile terminal, standard terminal alert). "Pattern 123" has a table that displays signals from sele
Trend Divergence Finder – индикатор, позволяющий выявлять дивергенции цены и графика выбранного индикатора. С помощью Trend Divergence Finder вы сможете подобрать тот индикатор, который наиболее эффективен для Вас, и использовать его с наглядным отображением на графике. В индикатор включены 9 базовых индикаторов : 1.        RSI 2.        MACD 3.        MOMENTUM 4.        RVI 5.        STOCHASTIC 6.        CCI 7.        Standard Deviation 8.        Derivative 9.        William Blau Присутствую
BoxChart MT4
Evgeny Shevtsov
4.5 (6)
The market is unfair if only because 10% of participants manage 90% of funds. An ordinary trader has slim changes to stand against these "vultures". This problem can be solved. You just need to be among these 10%, learn to predict their intentions and move with them. Volume is the only preemptive factor that faultlessly works on any timeframe and symbol. First, the volume appears and is accumulated, and only then the price moves. The price moves from one volume to another. Areas of volume accumu
This is an arrow indicator without a future function,developed based on the most advanced profit trading algorithms.It has the most innovative and advanced dual trend analysis module, as well as the latest and highly effective market trend prediction algorithm.Trends are your friends, and following larger trends can earn the maximum profit in foreign exchange. This indicator helps traders identify current trends and track them. Someone once made a profit of 10 times in a week by relying on it.No
Crypto_Forex-Indikator „3 Black Crows-Muster“ für MT4. - Der Indikator „3 Black Crows-Muster“ ist sehr leistungsstark für den Price Action-Handel: Kein Neuanstrich, keine Verzögerung. - Der Indikator erkennt bärische „3 Black Crows“-Muster auf dem Diagramm: Rotes Pfeilsignal auf dem Diagramm (siehe Bilder). - Mit PC-, Handy- und E-Mail-Benachrichtigungen. - Auch sein Bruder, der bullische „3 White Soldiers-Muster“-Indikator, ist verfügbar (folgen Sie dem Link unten). - Der Indikator „3 Black C
Simple to read and powerful, no fancy lines and drawings to clutter your chart or distract you. The trend probability oscillator estimates how likely a trend will continue in a certain period. The cummulator period controls how many bars in the past to use and is a proxy for the timescale the trend probability should hold. The use of a Max Line improves this further by indicating when a trend is likely to reverse. In most cases a trend must lose momentum before reversing. Hence, a trend probabil
Crypto_Forex-Indikator „Hammer- und Shooting-Star-Muster“ für MT4. - Der Indikator „Hammer- und Shooting-Star-Muster“ ist ein sehr leistungsstarker Indikator für den Price-Action-Handel: Kein Neuanstrich, keine Verzögerung. - Der Indikator erkennt bullische Hammer- und bärische Shooting-Star-Muster auf dem Chart: - Bullischer Hammer – Blaues Pfeilsignal auf dem Chart (siehe Bilder). - Bärischer Shooting Star – Rotes Pfeilsignal auf dem Chart (siehe Bilder). - Mit PC-, Handy- und E-Mail-Benachr
The   True Magic Oscillator   indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change.         Features and Recommendations Works wit
Indicator with an innovative algorithm for determining the direction of the trend. Shows the best results for determining the trend on any currency pairs, stocks, cryptocurrency without redrawing the result. It will help you immediately determine the profitability of the current pair and timeframe. Uses Price action patterns in conjunction with the author's unique algorithm. Suitable for both beginners and professionals for all types of trading. How to choose a profitable timeframe and optimize
Trend Ray
Andriy Sydoruk
The indicator shows the potential trend direction by cyclical-wave dependence. Thus, all the rays of the intersection will be optimal rays, in the direction of which the price is expected to move, taking into account the indicator period. Rays can be used as a direction for potential market movement. But we must not forget that the approach must be comprehensive, the indicator signals require additional information to enter the market.
Trend Scanner
Vladimir Kalendzhyan
4.33 (6)
By purchasing this indicator, you have the right to receive a free copy of one of   my other indicator's or advisor’s!  (All future updates are included. No limits) . To get it , please contact me by  mql5 message ! The Trend Scanner trend line indicator displays the trend direction and its changes. The indicator works on all currency pairs and  timeframes. The indicator simultaneously displays multiple readings on the price chart: the support and resistance lines of the currency pair, the exist
The indicator detects and displays 3 Drives harmonic pattern (see the screenshot). The pattern is plotted by the extreme values of the ZigZag indicator (included in the resources, no need to install). After detecting the pattern, the indicator notifies of that by a pop-up window, a mobile notification and an email. The indicator highlights the process of the pattern formation and not just the complete pattern. In the former case, it is displayed in the contour triangles. After the pattern is com
FX Flow
Eva Stella Conti
FX Flow   indicator can be used as an anticipator of the next trend, preferably confirmed by Price Action or another oscillator (RSi, Stochastic ..). It takes the money flows of the major currencies USD EUR GBP AUD NZD CAD CHF JPY into account, and processes them. Excellent tool for indices, but also for correlations between currencies. Works on each timeframes.  Blue line: Bull market Yellow line: Bear market Note : if the indicator opens the window, but does not draw lines, load the historie
This Special Strong Arrows indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals. It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate signals from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators. The indicator is never repainted. The point at which the signal is given does not change. When the signal comes the arrows are put back one ca
Line Magnit
Aleksey Trenin
The LineMagnit Indicator for MT4 is a highly precise tool that builds support and resistance levels which magnetically attract prices. This feature allows traders to easily determine the most probable entry and exit points in the market, as well as identify the market's directional forces, as levels are based on capital inflows into the instrument. Equipped with an intuitively understandable graphical interface, the LineMagnit Indicator enables users to quickly locate and analyze support and res
Fx Perfect Signal indicator is designed for signal trading. This indicator generates trend signals.  It uses many algorithms and indicators to generate this signal. It tries to generate a signal from the points with the highest trend potential. This indicator is a complete trading product. This indicator does not need any additional indicators.  The indicator certainly does not repaint. The point at which the signal is given does not change.  Thanks to the alert features you can get the signals
Easy Trade indicator
Felipe Carvalho De Queiroz
Easy Trade Indicator – Your Path to Profitable Trades! Work any Time Frame! Maximize your profits with precise and assertive trades! ️ Trade with comfort – the indicator does the analysis and you only open the order in the direction in which the indicator shows you!  Exclusive panel with past trade counter and accuracy tracking! Simplify your analysis, boost your performance, and trade with confidence! Get it now and take your trading to the next level
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ENIGMERA: Der Kern des Marktes Wichtig: Die MQL5.com-Demo wird im Strategy Tester ausgeführt und spiegelt möglicherweise nicht vollständig die Funktionalität von Enigmera wider. Überprüfen Sie die Beschreibung, Screenshots und das Video für Details. Zögern Sie nicht, mir bei Fragen eine Nachricht zu senden! Der Code des Indikators wurde vollständig neu geschrieben. Version 3.0 fügt neue Funktionen hinzu und behebt Fehler, die seit der Einführung des Indikators aufgetreten sind. Einführung Dies
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 5 Version Read the product description carefully before purchasing the product.  Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and anc
Derzeit 20% Rabatt! Die beste Lösung für jeden Neueinsteiger oder Expert Händler! Dieses Dashboard arbeitet mit 28 Währungspaaren. Es basiert auf 2 unserer Hauptindikatoren (Advanced Currency Strength 28 und Advanced Currency Impulse). Es bietet einen hervorragenden Überblick über den gesamten Forex-Markt. Es zeigt die Werte der Advanced Currency Strength, die Veränderungsrate der Währungen und die Signale für 28 Devisenpaare in allen (9) Zeitrahmen. Stellen Sie sich vor, wie sich Ihr Handel
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Blahtech Limited
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Was: $299  Now: $149   Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
KT Asian Breakout Indicator
Der KT Asian Breakout Indikator analysiert einen wichtigen Teil der asiatischen Handelssitzung, um in beide Richtungen Kauf- und Verkaufssignale basierend auf dem Preis-Ausbruch zu generieren. Ein Kaufsignal wird ausgelöst, wenn der Preis das Sitzungs-Hoch durchbricht, und ein Verkaufssignal tritt auf, wenn der Preis das Sitzungs-Tief durchbricht. Wichtige Hinweise Wenn die Sitzungsbox vertikal zu breit ist, sollte ein neuer Trade vermieden werden, da die meisten Kursbewegungen bereits innerhal
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Roman Podpora
4.85 (26)
ANWEISUNGEN    Russland -    ENG    Die Empfehlung basiert auf dem Indikator -   TPSpro   TREND PRO -   Version MT5 Die wichtigsten Elemente in der Branche sind entweder in Zonen oder in der Fabrik enthalten, oder sie führen zu einer Lösung bei einem Kauf oder dem Verkauf eines anderen Instruments. Wenn viele Menschen ihre Rechte nicht auf dem Händlerkonto verschlüsseln, werden die Folgen nicht schnell genug sein. Ich habe es damit abgeschlossen, dass ich diese Folgen nun noch interpretieren un
System Trend Pro
Aleksandr Makarov
5 (2)
System Trend Pro - This is the best trend trading indicator!!! You can get this indicator for free -  Quantum Entry PRO The indicator no repaint!!!  The indicator has   MTF   mode, which adds confidence to trading on the trend (   no repaint   ). How to trade? Everything is very simple, we wait for the first signal (big arrow), then wait for the second signal (small arrow) and enter the market in the direction of the arrow. (See screens 1 and 2.) Exit on the opposite signal or take 20-30 pips
Bonus: when you buy or rent the indicator, you get Gold Pro Scalper   and  System Trend Pro absolutely free.(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it use
Currency Strength Exotics
Bernhard Schweigert
4.87 (31)
Stärke von 8 Währungen plus EIN EXOTISCHES Paar oder Rohstoffe oder Indexe! Jedes Produkt kann als 9. Linie hinzugefügt werden. Fügen Sie Rohstoffe, Indexes oder exotische Währungen hinzu (Gold, Silber, Öl, DAX, US30, MXN, TRY, CNH ...). Eine neue noch nie dagewesene TRADING STRATEGIE  !!! Dieser Indikator ist einzigartig, weil wir eine Reihe von proprietäre Funktionen und neue Formeln eingebaut haben. Es funktioniert für alle Zeitrahmen. Basierend auf neuen zugrunde liegenden Algorithmen ist e
Supply and Demand Dashboard PRO
Bernhard Schweigert
4.8 (20)
Derzeit 20% reduziert! Dieses Dashboard ist eine sehr leistungsfähige Software, die mit mehreren Symbolen und bis zu 9 Zeitrahmen arbeitet. Es basiert auf unserem Hauptindikator (Beste Bewertungen: Advanced Supply Demand ).   Das Dashboard gibt einen guten Überblick. Es zeigt: Gefilterte Angebots- und Nachfragewerte einschließlich der Zonenstärkebewertung, Pips-Abstände zu/und innerhalb von Zonen, Es hebt verschachtelte Zonen hervor, Es gibt 4 Arten von Alarmen für die gewählten Symbole in al
No Repaint Bext ist ein vollständiges Handelssystem. Es zeigt an, wann eine Position geöffnet oder geschlossen werden soll und in welche Richtung gehandelt werden muss. Jedes Mal, wenn ein grüner Pfeil erscheint, sollte eine Kaufposition eröffnet werden. Alle Kaufpositionen werden geschlossen, sobald ein roter Pfeil erscheint. Umgekehrt wird bei einem roten Pfeil eine Verkaufsposition eröffnet, die geschlossen wird, sobald ein grüner Pfeil erscheint. Der Handel erfolgt auf dem M5-Zeitrahmen und
GOLD Impulse with Alert
Bernhard Schweigert
4.6 (10)
Dieser Indikator ist eine hervorragende Kombination aus unseren 2 Produkten Advanced Currency IMPULSE with ALERT  +   Currency Strength Exotics . Es funktioniert für alle Zeitrahmen und zeigt grafisch Impulse der Stärke oder Schwäche für die 8 wichtigsten Währungen plus ein Symbol! Dieser Indikator ist darauf spezialisiert, die Beschleunigung der Währungsstärke für beliebige Symbole wie Gold, Exotische Paare, Rohstoffe, Indizes oder Futures anzuzeigen. Als erster seiner Art kann jedes Symbol
Gold Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific timing algorithm for the XAUUSD pair, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the theory of the channel is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel it is a tradi
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
Bombenbanksignal: Ihr Vertrauensindikator in MetaTrader 4 Bomb Bank Signal ist ein leistungsstarker Indikator für MetaTrader 4, der entwickelt wurde, um die relevantesten Trends auf dem Finanzmarkt zu identifizieren. Wenn Sie nach einem Tool suchen, das Bewegungen genau vorhersieht, ist die Bomb Bank der Verbündete, den Sie brauchen. So funktioniert es: Dieser Indikator kombiniert drei unterschiedliche Methoden – Volumenanalyse, Kerzenschließungen und symmetrischer Trend –, um Kauf- und Verk
Best Currency Strength Indicator
Tumelo Patrick Rakotsoane
4.5 (46)
Advanced Currency Strength Indicator The Advanced Divergence Currency Strength Indicator. Not only it breaks down all 28 forex currency pairs and calculates the strength of individual currencies across all timeframes , but, You'll be analyzing the WHOLE forex market in 1 window (In just 1 minute) . This indicator is very powerful because it reveals the true movements of the market.  It is highly recommended to  analyze charts knowing the performance of individual currencies or the countries eco
PZ Harmonacci Patterns
3.17 (6)
Dies ist wahrscheinlich der vollständigste Indikator für die automatische Erkennung der harmonischen Preisbildung, den Sie für die MetaTrader-Plattform finden können. Es erkennt 19 verschiedene Muster, nimmt Fibonacci-Projektionen genauso ernst wie Sie, zeigt die potenzielle Umkehrzone (PRZ) an und findet geeignete Stop-Loss- und Take-Profit-Werte. [ Installationsanleitung | Update-Anleitung | Fehlerbehebung | FAQ | Alle Produkte ] Es erkennt 19 verschiedene harmonische Preisbildungen Darges
Cycle Sniper
Elmira Memish
4.39 (36)
NEW YEAR SALE PRICE FOR LIMITED TIME!!! Please contact us after your purchase and we will send you the complimentary indicators to complete the system Cycle Sniper is not a holy grail but when you use it in a system which is explained in the videos, you will feel the difference. If you are not willing to focus on the charts designed with Cycle Sniper and other free tools we provide, we recommend not buying this indicator. We recommend watching the videos about the indiactor and system before pu
Ivan Stefanov
Der Indikator analysiert das Volumen von jedem Punkt aus und berechnet die Erschöpfungsniveaus des Marktes für dieses Volumen. Er besteht aus drei Linien: Bullische Volumenerschöpfungslinie Bearische Volumenerschöpfungslinie Eine Linie, die die Marktrichtung anzeigt. Diese Linie ändert ihre Farbe, um anzuzeigen, ob der Markt bärisch oder bullisch ist. Sie können den Markt von jedem beliebigen Startpunkt aus analysieren. Sobald eine Volumenerschöpfungslinie erreicht ist, identifizieren Sie einen
The indicator is the advanced form of the MetaTrader 4 standard Fibonacci tool. It is unique and very reasonable for serious Fibonacci traders. Key Features Drawing of Fibonacci retracement and expansion levels in a few seconds by using hotkeys. Auto adjusting of retracement levels once the market makes new highs/lows. Ability to edit/remove any retracement & expansion levels on chart. Auto snap to exact high and low of bars while plotting on chart. Getting very clear charts even though many ret
Binary FX Ideal
Yaroslav Varankin
5 (1)
great tool for any trader for both Forex and binary options suitable for any trader no need to configure anything, everything has been perfected by time and experience The tool combines 5 indicators and 3 proprietary strategies works great during flats and trends It indicates a trend reversal at its very beginning, it works well with the trend Trading Recommendations The signal is formulated on the current candle You should enter the trade at the next Possible recount (rare)
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
Der PTS Divergence Finder Sell Indicator von Roger Medcalf - Precision Trading Systems. Dieser Indikator gibt nur bärische - Verkaufssignale. Zuallererst wurde ich oft gefragt, warum ich über viele Jahre hinweg einen Kaufsignal-Divergenzfinder zur Verfügung stellte, aber keinen Verkaufsdifferenz-Indikator anbot. Ich antwortete, dass Verkaufsdifferenzen weniger zuverlässig sind als Kaufdifferenzen, was immer noch zutrifft. Es wurden einige Lösungen gefunden, nicht indem ich dem Gruppendruck nachg
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Roman Yablonskiy
All Days Scalper   is created to give a constant profit from the moment of launch and bring profitable transactions every day. It is automatic trading advisor with a built-in double strategy module, which are used depending on market conditions. The EA has fully customizable parameters for working in different market conditions. As inputs, indicators Rsi and Long Parabolic is used. When the profit from open basket of orders is greater than used parameter, they are automatically closed with a p
Roman Yablonskiy
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MacdScapler   is an automatic expert advisor with two section of martingale strateges with automation takeprofit. The MACD indicator with adjustable parameters is used as inputs. If parameters of the entry points goes wrong, the EA changes them automaticly. General recommendation The minimum recommended deposit is 1000 cents for 0.01 lot. Spread is recommended less then 2 points. The martingale parameter can be set from 0.1 to any value in two steps - the first for the four trades and the second
Macd Martin
Roman Yablonskiy
2.5 (2)
Double Breakout   is an automatic expert advisor with two separate strateges that uses martingale. The MACD indicator with adjustable parameters is used as inputs for each flow of orders. The specified takeprofit and stoploss levels are used to exit the position.  General recommendation The minimum recommended deposit is 1000 cents. Spread is recommended not more than 3 points. It is better to use trend currency pairs. The martingale parameter can be set from 0.1 to any value. When martingale i
This indicator displays the trend direction, the averaged price value and flat areas. It is used to determine the averaged price value with little or no delay. During a flat, its line is often smooth, and it follows the trend during a descending or an ascending movement. The best charts for the indicator are the range\renko charts, which do not have rounded borders of price changes. Various types of moving averages and certain types of digital filters were used as a prototype. Compared to variou
This indicator displays the short-term trend direction and flat areas in the same way as the classic Heiken Ashi indicator, but it is not plotted using candles or a moving average, but rather the Skynet Moving Average indicator. Advantages no delay, or a slight delay when using the 'smooth' parameter. customizable parameters for any price data and timeframes. visualization of the flat and the short-term trend. unlike the classic Heiken Ashi indicator, the frequency of candles changing from bull
This indicator displays the entry points for buying and selling, with additional push notifications. It is based on the classic Parabolic SAR indicator, price smoothing model and certain mathematical methods for a greater variability in finding market entry points. Advantages Fewer wrong entries compared to the use of classic breakout and trend confirmation indicators. Signals are not redrawn. A large number of customizable parameters. Visualization of the bullish and bearish trend. Used for id
This indicator displays an equidistant price channel, identifies short-term trends and automatically finds the best levels for the upper and lower borders of the channel. It is optimized for major timeframes and currency pairs. Advantages visualization of short-term trends automatic setting of upper and lower channel borders suitable for scalping strategies based on a rebound from the channel borders Parameters smooth - border smoothing coefficient. The default value is 1; pricetype - use Open
Skynet Trend Zones is based on classical indicators and some mathematical calculations and works in different market conditions for showing the trend. The principle of operation is as follows: if the price moves in a range, then a flat line is shown below or above the price depending on the previous trend; if the price moves down or up without a rollback, a line is shown at an angle to the price, and when a small rollback occurs, the indicator line is built again horizontally. Thus, you can work
Macd Martingale
Roman Yablonskiy
Macd Martingale is an automatic expert advisor that uses a fully adjustable martingale. The MACD indicator with adjustable parameters is used as inputs. The specified takeprofit and stoploss levels are used to exit the position.  General recommendation The minimum recommended deposit is 1000 cents or other currency depending on the parameters of your account. Spread is recommended not more than 3 points. It is better to use those currency pairs where there are a lot of trend movements in any dir
Roman Yablonskiy
Prometheus  is created to give a constant profit from the moment of launch and bring profitable transactions every day. It is automatic trading advisor with a built-in double strategy module, which are used depending on market conditions. The EA has fully customizable parameters for working in different market conditions. As inputs, indicators Rsi and Long Parabolic is used. When the profit from open basket of orders is greater than used parameter, they are automatically closed with a profit. If
Skynet Lasso
Roman Yablonskiy
This indicator displays entry and exit points in the market. The indicator is based on Parabolic and various mathematical and statistical methods to increase profitability and reduce the number of losing trades. The indicator helps in many cases to skip false inputs, the support and resistance lines go around the price in a certain mode, reducing losses. The dashboard shows the results of the indicator so that you can adjust it more accurately and see how the parameters affect the result. The n
Skynet MACD
Roman Yablonskiy
This indicator displays a histogram of the crossover of two analogs of the moving average, in appearance it is the same as the classic MACD indicator, but with almost no delay. The first value of the indicator after going through zero is calculated using the difference between the upper and lower Bollinger bands. Advantages there is practically no delay with an increase in the averaging periods, since analogs of the average are used, where there is no such negative effect as delay. much less ze
Entry Points
Roman Yablonskiy
This indicator displays entry points in the market where to open your positions. The indicator is based on Parabolic, SuperTrend and Bollinger Bands to increase profitability and reduce the number of losing trades. It helps to find breakout of the support or resistance line and shows where to enter the market. The dashboard shows the results of the indicator (total pips win, loss, % of win and so on). The notification of entry points comes to the phone. It uses closed bars, no tick data. When yo
This indicator displays entry points to the market using Bollinger tapes and exit points, which are determined by the specified distance in points from the entry point. If indicator line is above the price - it is "sell" zone for traders, and if indicator line is lower than the price - it is bullish trend. The information panel shows the results of the indicator so that you can configure it more precisely and see how the parameters affect the result. Alert about the points of entry and exit come
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