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Chart Notes the Multi line text on chart

Chart Notes = MULTI LINE TEXT INPUT ON CHART FOR MT5 is finally here! # sticky notes

This indicator is a powerful text editor for placing notes on chart, similarly like the feature on Tradingview.
There are 2 types of messages: anchored (on screen ) and free (on chart). 

1. Anchored = stays on the same place on screen (x point, y point)
-this text can be EDITED on click (first line is for dragging the message around- this line is edited via right clicking- >properties)
-move the messages by dragging the first line
-then resizing the box of the message is done via right clicking- >properties with changing first line width, rest of the lines are adjusted after dragging the msg.

2. Unanchored/free = is attached to point on chart (time and price), and is moving as the chart changes
-text cannot be changed after placing
-size is changing with the chart timeframe and scale 
(there is a input option  "auto resize" that will try to keep the messages the same width as when they were created after changing chart scale, line height spacing is recalculated after dragging )

-box (the background) can be dragged to move and resize ("auto resize" input option must be false in order to keep desired size)

-input font for all messages
-for EACH message: font size, text color, background color, bg on/off, anchored on/off
-all notes can be moved by dragging 1. top-left point for anchored or 2. middle point for unanchored
-double-clicking on these points shows/hides the points (so note is locked in place)
-anchored notes are all created in the middle of the chart
-free notes are created on the left bar bottom or on the right bar (setting in input parameter)
-each note can be deleted and edited via properties -settings for size/border/color
-panel can be minimized and then moved
-color picker on chart for both text color and background color (after opening color palette it can be closed by clicking on 'free space' on main panel (no text or buttons))
-2 separate "delete all" buttons for both types of messages with 3-click confirmation safety, deletes all messages of selected type for current chart.
-saving panel settings to file = so changing TF or removing and adding this indicator again will keep the same input text for each line
(save is done on indicator's de-init or with save button)
(EACH symbol has its own save file for each account, so adding this indicator to second chart of the same symbol will load the same panel and text)
-minimizing panel resets lines to last saved state
(so you can clear or edit all text and then go back to last saved by minimizing panel)
-Notes are saved when exiting Metatrader and keep on chart upon starting the app again, closing the chart will delete all messages)

Input parameters:

-count of lines = number of input boxes (for editing each line, maximum count is limited to 20 )
-font for all notes
-"auto resize" -when active , indicator keeps the messages the same size (only WIDTH) after changing chart scale, TF...
(*NOTE that fonts in MT5 have different pixel spacing so its impossible to automatically scale the box to fit the text length for every case and font)
(message HEIGHT = vertical spacing between lines is auto-adjusting after dragging the messages))
-Place note on first visible bar LEFT= if true new unanchored note is added to bottom-left, if false this message is added to middle-right end of the chart (LATEST BAR), anchored messages are always added in middle
-and 4 color settings for panel, buttons, default note background, default note text


-minimalize: hides the panel and enables moving it on chart. Maximizing panel will load the last saved settings and text input

-chart notes: for dragging the panel on chart

-SAVE Settings :  saves panel data for current symbol= all input text, panel position, panel visibility, note fontsize-color-bg color, use background, anchored status, 'char notes' button selected state
(SAVE is done automatically when changing TF or removing the indicator, LOAD is done on changing TF or maximizing panel)

-Clear all inputs: deletes all text from edit boxes

-2 Delete buttons =deletes all messages of selected type (click 3 times to confirm)

-NEW NOTE = places a new note with current text (takes all input lines that contains text) on chart

(anchored is put in the middle, unanchored are on left bar bottom  or right bar middle (left bar is the first visible bar on chart, and right bar is the newest bar added on chart )
(width is auto calculated to maximum length of all lines, height is auto calculated based on font size and current chart scale)

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这款专为MetaTrader 5设计的EA(Expert Advisor),能够在加载后自动关闭所有图表,并立即从当前图表中自行移除。它适合那些希望快速清理所有图表,并避免手动关闭每个图表的用户。 功能特点: 一次性清理: 加载后立即关闭所有打开的图表。 自动移除: 执行完毕后,EA自动从当前图表中移除,无需手动操作。 快速高效: 适用于快速清理交易环境,特别适合在需要快速重置或结束交易日的情境。 使用说明: 只需将此EA添加到任何一个图表上,它将自动执行关闭所有图表的操作并自行移除。使用前,请确保已保存所有重要的图表数据和设置。 风险提示: 请谨慎使用此EA,以防不小心关闭重要图表。 适用于MetaTrader 5平台。 技术支持: 如有任何技术问题或需求,请联系我以获得帮助。
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The script shows statistics of trades for the specified period. For example, if you want to know the details of trades of the ATC2010 Winner ( bobsley ): Login with his account using the investor (read-only) password (MetaTrader5); Open the chart of his trading symbol (EURUSD); Run this script on the chart; Specify 2010.10.1 in "date from", and the diagram will be shown.
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3.93 (29)
Handelskopierer für MT5 ist ein  Handel   Kopierer für die Plattform МetaТrader 5  . Es kopiert Devisengeschäfte  zwischen   alle Konten   MT5  - MT5, MT4  - MT5 für die COPYLOT MT5 Version (oder MT4  - MT4 MT5  - MT4 für die COPYLOT MT4 - Version) Zuverlässiger Kopierer! MT4-Version Gesamte Beschreibung   +DEMO +PDF Wie kauft man Wie installiert man     So erhalten Sie Protokolldateien     So testen und optimieren Sie     Alle Produkte von Expforex Sie können kopieren Trades auch im МТ4 Term
-25% discount ($149 -> $111) Everything for chart Technical Analysis indicator mt5 in one tool Draw your supply demand zone with rectangle and support resistance with trendline and get alerts to mobile phone or email alert -  Risk reward indicator mt5 Video tutorials, manuals, DEMO download   here .   Find contacts on my   profile . 1.   Extended rectangles and trendlines Object will be extended to the right edge of the chart when price will draw new candles on chart. This is rectangle extende
2025 happy new year -25% discount ($199 -> $149) Advanced trading tool: One click smart orders that execute under your conditions Developed by trader for trading community:  position size calculator (lot size), open position after price action, strategy builder, set and forget trading, mobile notifications... Risk Management -  Risk percentage position size calculator, gain percentage, target risk reward ratio, spread and commissions are included in calculations 7 Advanced order types  - Set a
HINN Lazy Trader
5 (2)
B e sure to watch this video before using A community for users, product discussion, update news, and first line of support  Use Webmoney For payments in cryptocurrencies. How I use this algo tool   Lazy Trader is NOT SUITABLE FOR SCALPING EVERY MINUTE MOVEMENT, ESPECIALLY IN CRYPTO. WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING WHAT IS HAPPENING ON THE CHART, THERE IS NO POINT IN BLINDLY HOPING FOR PROFITS! Lazy Trader does NOT USE openAI chat-gpt-4 technologies, which are added to descriptions for product promotion
Sehen Sie sich sofort Ihren Verlauf geschlossener Trades nach Tag und Woche, Ihre aktuell offenen Trades und Ihr Forex-Engagement auf einem Diagramm an! Verwenden Sie die Heatmap, um profitable Trades zu identifizieren und wo Ihr aktueller Drawdown innerhalb Ihres Handelsportfolios liegt. Schaltflächen zum schnellen Schließen Verwenden Sie die Schaltflächen zum schnellen Schließen, um jeden Trade mit einem einzelnen Symbol zu schließen, einzelne Trades vollständig zu schließen oder teilweise G
1 (1)
ShSH: an Automated Trading Tool Discover the future of trading with our ShSH an Automated Trading Tool , meticulously designed to harness the unique characteristics of the daily market's volatility . This cutting-edge system leverages the price breakout method , Analizing on market movements during the low-liquidity hours to deliver consistent and reliable results. Core Features: 1. Intraday Market Volatility Mastery: The robot is fine-tuned to detect subtle price patterns and movements unique
Vyacheslav Izvarin
5 (2)
ADAM EA Special Version for FTMO Please use ShowInfo= false for backtesting ! Our 1st EA created using ChatGPT technology Trade only GOOD and checked PROP FIRMS  Default parameters for Challenge $100,000 Tested on EURUSD and GBPUSD only  Use 15MIN Time Frame Close all deals and Auto-trading  before Weekend at 12:00 GMT+3  Friday For Prop Firms MUST use special Protector  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/94362 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
VirtualTradePad One Click Trading Panel
Vladislav Andruschenko
4.55 (67)
Trading Panel für den Handel mit 1 Klick. Arbeiten mit Positionen und Aufträgen! Handeln vom Chart oder von der Tastatur. Mit unserem Trading-Panel können Sie Trades mit einem einzigen Klick direkt aus dem Chart ausführen und Handelsoperationen 30-mal schneller durchführen als mit der Standard-MetaTrader-Steuerung. Automatische Berechnungen von Parametern und Funktionen machen den Handel für Händler schneller und komfortabler. Grafische Tipps, Infoetiketten und vollständige Informationen zu Hand
Discord To MT5 Receiver
Levi Dane Benjamin
5 (1)
Kopieren Sie Signale aus jedem Kanal, dem Sie als Mitglied angehören ( ohne die Notwendigkeit eines Bot-Tokens oder Administratorberechtigungen  direkt auf Ihren MT5. Es wurde mit dem Benutzer im Sinn entworfen und bietet viele Funktionen, die Sie benötigen Dieses Produkt wird in einer benutzerfreundlichen und visuell ansprechenden grafischen Benutzeroberfläche präsentiert. Passen Sie Ihre Einstellungen an und beginnen Sie innerhalb von Minuten mit der Nutzung des Produkts! Benutzerhandbuch +
Yury Kulikov
4.93 (41)
Attention: You can view the program operation in the free version  YuClusters DEMO .  YuClusters is a professional market analysis system. The trader has unique opportunities to analyze the flow of orders, trade volumes, price movements using various charts, profiles, indicators, and graphical objects. YuClusters operates on data based on Time&Sales or ticks information, depending on what is available in the quotes of a financial instrument. YuClusters allows you to build graphs by combining da
Trader Evolution
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (5)
" Trader Evolution " - A utility designed for traders who use wave and technical analysis in their work. One tab of the utility is capable of money management and opening orders, and the other can help in making Elliott wave and technical analysis. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) | Version for MT4 Advantages 1. Trading in a few clicks. Immediate and pending orders are available in the panel 2. Money management. The program automatically selects the appropriate lot size 3. Simplifies
Risk Manager Pro MT5
Roman Zhitnik
5 (3)
The Expert Advisor is a risk manager helping users to control their trading. In the settings, it is possible to specify the parameters at which the risk manager force closes the opened trades and closes the terminal as well, if it is needed to prevent opening trades on emotions, which do not correspond to the trading strategy. Risk Manager settings Check limit to close   - check the equity limit Limit to close   - minimum account equity triggering loss prevention measures Check day limit to cl
Kopierer->Bequeme und schnelle Schnittstelleninteraktion, Benutzer können es sofort verwenden       ->>>> Empfohlen zur Verwendung auf Windows-Computern oder VPS Windows Merkmale: Diversifizierte und personalisierte Copy-Trading-Einstellungen: 1. Für unterschiedliche Signalquellen können unterschiedliche Lot-Modi eingestellt werden. 2. Für Forward- und Reverse-Copy-Trading können unterschiedliche Signalquellen eingestellt werden. 3. Signale können mit Kommentaren eingestellt werden. 4. Ob das L
RSI Divergence Scanner is a multi-timeframe and multi-symbol dashboard and alert that checks all timeframes and symbols to find regular and hidden divergences between price chart and RSI indicator. This divergence scanner is integrated with support and resistance zones so you can check the RSI divergences in the most important areas of the chart to find trend reversals in price chart. Download demo version   (works on M4,M5,M6,M12,H3,H8 timeframes) Full description of scanner parameters ->   cli
Der MT5 to Discord Signal Provider ist ein benutzerfreundliches, vollständig anpassbares Werkzeug, das speziell dafür entwickelt wurde, Handelssignale direkt an Discord zu senden. Dieses Tool verwandelt Ihr Handelskonto in einen effizienten Signalanbieter. Passen Sie die Nachrichtenformate Ihrem Stil an! Wählen Sie für eine einfache Verwendung aus vorgefertigten Vorlagen und entscheiden Sie, welche Nachrichtenelemente einbezogen oder ausgeschlossen werden sollen. [ Demo ] [ Handbuch ] [ MT4-Vers
Comprehensive on chart trade panel with the unique ability to be controllable from mobile as well. Plus has a library of downloadable configuration, e.g. exit rules, extra panel buttons, pending order setup and more. Please see our product video. Works with all symbols not just currency pairs. Features On chart panel plus controllable from free app for Windows, iPhone and Android Built-in script engine with library of downloadable configuration, e.g. add 'Close All Trades in Profit' button, exit
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Trend Meter MT5
Filip Valkovic
5 (1)
Very powerful indicator! converted from TradingView with upgraded alerts and added notifications.  Ideal use in EAs. Use as a supplementary Indicator to confirm your entries, but it is as good on it's own. The indicator consists of 3 different Trend Meters and a  2 Trend Bars which are used to confirm trend How to Use: The more Trend meters are lit up the better =>>   -more GREEN COLOR at one bar means more confirmation to open buy  trade, - more RED COLOR signals for one bar = more confirmat
EXPER ADIVSOR that gets economic news calendar from forexfacotry.com and calculates time until next news happen or since last news happened. It shows exactly same output as ffcal for MT4 by Derk Wehler, original version may be available at forexfacotry This version is clean, done  WITHOUT ANY DLL IMPORTS !!!  Additionally it creates excel file  with latest news  in your datafolder-> ".../MQL5/Files" , (* so this data can be used if  you want to use news in EA , just load data from this file, I
this is DEMO VERISON (for demo acc.) of  TRADING OVERLAY with PARTIAL take profit    ("virtual TP")   and % risk lot size   --- full version available   on my 'seller page' as well as version for MT4 Take better control of your trades with ease ! Easy lot size calculation with easy SL/TP setting. Your trading will be much more comfortable with this tool!   Main goal with this tool is very SIMPLE and FAST operation!    Works like any EA, add it to selected chart and trade ! Features: start tra
The Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE) indicator is derived from Wilder’s famous Relative Strength Index (RSI). In essence, the QQE is a heavily smoothed RSI. Modification of this version: ( converted from tradingview script by Mihkell00, original from Glaz) So there are Two QQEs. One that is shown on the chart as columns, and the other "hidden" in the background which also has a 50 MA   bollinger band   acting as a zero line. When both of them agree - you get a blue or a red bar.
This Fibonacci Indicator is showing fibo retracement lines on chart for EA trading same as the default tool from Metatrader's menu, except this one is fully automatic and changes along with the chart (with modes B and C, then mode A is always fixed by set levels) AND it also offers the line levels for the Expert Advisors to read (buffers) , so you can set your trades based on crossover\crossunder on those fibo lines. You can choose from 3 modes for selecting the max HIGH and min LOW limit, and
AUTOMATIC TRADE COPIER for local *   use . (copy trades between several metatrader terminals on the local computer/ *or GLOBALLY after setting your network /server !) Can copy trades from one or   several main MT5 accounts   to several MT5 and MT4 accounts   (no limit). For MT5 to MT4 copy you have to also get version for Metatrader 4 here : https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/80842 - very fast execution (theoretically up to 5ms delay, depends on computer speed) - user can set speed of copy
CUSTOM Currency strength indicator -CHOOSE ANY CURENCIES that you want to calculate strength for, indicator will automatically compare all symbols /pairs from 8 selected currencies based on KU-chart calculations. -8 major currencies are used by default -add indicator to any chart -made for 15min timeframe= last 1 day change calculated, 30min = last 2 days and so on -clear currency distinguish  by color and name on chart  -if you chose non-standard currency, make sure all of inputted values hav
TRADING PANEL - CHART OVERLAY with:   PARTIAL TAKE PROFIT  ("virtual TP")   % RISK LOT SIZE  TRAILING STOP LOSS  Fast and simple control of your trades this is DEM0 VERISON (for DEM0 acc.)   of    TRADING OVERLAY with PARTIAL take profit    ("virtual TP")   and % risk lot size   --- full version available   on my 'seller page' as well as version for MT5 Easy lot size calculation with easy SL/TP setting. Your trading will be much more comfortable with this tool ! Works like any EA, add it
Virtual Assistant MINI   VIRTUALL ASSISTANT = MAKE YOUR TP AND SL VIRTUAL!   Tool meant to control your stop loss and take profit by converting them to virtual SL/TP (with support for TRAILING) Convert all SL and TP to virtual so your exits on trades are hidden from your broker! Run this EA on any graph, choose 1MIN timeframe (VA is autosaving data only on new bar detected, so graph TF equals to VA autosave period) !!! When using virtual trade exits, stable connection is needed for order executi
Tool converted from tradingview. A simple indicator that plots difference between 2 moving averages and depicts convergance/divergance in color coded format. Anything <= 0 is   red   and shows a   bearish   trend whereas > 0 is   green   and shows   bullish   trend. Adjust the input parameters as following for your preferred time frame : 4-Hr: Exponential, 15, 30 Daily: Exponential, 10, 20 Weekly: Exponential, 5, 10
Simple Stats is utility for history management. Allowing you to clearly see trading performance for each symbol separately , and so it helps you to find the most and the worst profitable type of trades based on past results. History period depends on settings of your terminal, so if you want to get report for each month, you have to use custom period and run SIMPLE STATS for each. SS will  distinguish reports with filename - each history report is named with account number and date of the oldest
AGS Scalping 2
Filip Valkovic
AGS Scalper 2  is a powerful and versatile trading robot with very customizable risk/profit Trading strategy : identification of overbought and oversold conditions of the market, and checking for trend reverse Just look at the first screenshot .  I’ve made 264% profit per month!  First month u sing this EA, I achieved  win   ratio 100% with maximal DD 18%.  It was just from one pair, this EA can run on more pairs, maximizing profit and minimalizing risk .   It was just the first version of AGS,
VIRTUALL ASSISTANT = MAKE YOUR TP AND SL VIRTUAL!   Tool meant to control your stop loss and take profit. Main idea of this program is to convert all SL and TP to virtual so your exits on trades are hidden from your broker. Run this EA on any graph, choose 1MIN timeframe (VA is autosaving data only on new bar detected, so graph TF equals to VA autosave period) !!! When using virtual trade exits, stable connection is needed for order execution! Best works with VPS! Developed with ECN accounts. 
AUTOMATIC TRADE COPIER for local * use . (copy trades between several metatrader terminals on the local computer/ *or GLOBALLY after setting your network /server !) Can copy trades from one or several main MT4 accounts to several MT4 and MT5 accounts (no limit). For MT4 to MT5 copy you have to also get version for Metatrader 5 here:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/80843 - very fast execution (theoretically up to 5ms delay, depends on computer speed) - user can set speed of copying (re
HEIKEN PLUS is the only indicator you really need to be a successful trader , without in depth knowledge of the forex trading or any tools.  Also there is automatically trading  MT5  EA available   now:   https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/89517?   with superb SL/TP management!  and sky high profit targets !    MT5 ONLY ! For Metatrader5 version visit:  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/83761?source=Site Very suitable tool for new traders or advanced traders too. HEIKEN+ is a combin
RISK CALCULATOR - TRADING PANEL - CHART OVERLAY with:   PARTIAL TAKE PROFIT  ("virtual TP")   % RISK LOT SIZE  TRAILING STOP LOSS  Fast and simple control of your trades Easy lot size calculation with easy SL/TP setting. Your trading will be much more comfortable with this tool!   Works like any EA, add it to selected chart and trade ! Features: start trade with   calculated lot   based on   % of account balance * that you want to risk/ or based on   how much money you want to risk  *r
Chart Notes = MULTI LINE TEXT INPUT ON CHART FOR MT4   is finally here! # sticky notes This indicator is a powerful text editor for placing notes on chart, similarly like the feature on Tradingview.  There are 2 types of messages: anchored (on screen ) and free (on chart).  1. Anchored = stays on the same place on screen (x point, y point) -this text can be   EDITED on click   (first line is for dragging the message around- this line is edited via right clicking- >properties) -move the message
Smart Manager Dashboard
Filip Valkovic
5 (1)
Smart Manager Dashboard - with auto virtual TP and auto virtual SL for all trades. -this EA is a powerful trade manager that can manage all symbols and all trades at once , all from one chart so it is a must have tool for every trader who keeps more trades at once. -it mainly does 2 things : INFO ABOUT TRADES and CLOSING TRADES   (grouped by their symbol, so with this tool it is very easy and fast to manage even hundreds of trades ) -add to any chart, any timeframe and you are all set -this to
Classic Fractals indicator for MT4, with additional Trendlines connecting the latest couples of fractals ( fractals are showing highest high, and lowest low on each period) Rules for trendlines: -if new top fractal is below the last one = new resistance line -if new bot fractal is above the last one = new support line -Trendlines can be hidden -Fractals can be hidden Fractal Period = can be both even or uneven number, as it is setting for half (one side) of the bars sequence for findin
finally coming to MT5 too: AGS Scalper 2  is a powerful and versatile trading robot with very customizable risk/gain ratio Trading strategy :   identification of overbought and oversold conditions of the market, and checking for trend reverse Just look at the first screenshot .  I’ve made 264% profit per month!  First month u sing this EA, I achieved  win   ratio 100% with maximal DD 18%.  It was just from one pair, this EA can run on more pairs, maximizing profit and minimalizing risk .   It w
Tool converted from tradingview indicator. Modified version with pivot points calculated in a more intuitive way. This tool displays relative   volatility   and directional trend. Excellent way to pickup diversions and reversals. Length can be lowered to 11 or 13 in settings to show price range. Can be used to identify patterns such as parallel channels and likely direction of price action.
HEIKEN PLUS is the only indicator you really need to be a successful trader , without in depth knowledge of the forex trading or any tools. Also there is automatically trading EA available now: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/89517? with superb SL/TP management! and sky high profit targets !!! Very suitable tool for new traders or advanced traders too. This is MT5 version. For MT4 version visit :  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/85235?source=Site HEIKEN+ is a combination of 2 i
RISK TO REWARD TOOL for MT5 with UI on chart: (creates similar RR boxes like on tradingview)  -creates and deletes draggable boxes on chart, ANY SYMBOL, ANY TF. Menu buttons: NEW BUY,       NEW SELL,     DELETE ALL,   ( and minimize) -draggable target TP level -draggable SL limit level -text labels with pips SL TP, RR ratio-there is  no limit of boxes -but program remembers first 100 boxes after changing input. there is parameter "delete_on_init" so false = every created box stays as it is, true
I automated trading strategy based on my HEIKEN+ Indicator which is included in this EA, and it worked out very well !   "HEIKEN PLUS is the only indicator you really need to be a successful trader , without in depth knowledge of the forex trading or any tools." Very suitable tool for new traders or advanced traders too. Check my seller page to see info about the indicator.  HEIKEN+ is a combination of 2 indicators : normal Heiken Ashi and Heiken Ashi smoothed. It sends signal when these two
RISK CALCULATOR - TRADING PANEL - CHART OVERLAY with:   PARTIAL TAKE PROFIT  ("virtual TP")   % RISK LOT SIZE  TRAILING STOP LOSS  Fast and simple control of your trades Easy lot size calculation with easy SL/TP setting. Your trading will be much more comfortable with this tool!   Works like any EA, add it to selected chart and trade ! (this version is converted from MT4) Features: start trade with   calculated lot   based on   % of account balance * that you want to risk/ or based on
Smart Manager Dashboard - with auto virtual TP and auto virtual SL for all trades. [Converted from MT4 version - All screenshots are from MT4] -this EA is a powerful trade manager that can   manage all symbols and all trades at once , all from one chart so it is a   must have tool for every trader   who keeps more trades at once. -it mainly does 2 things :   INFO ABOUT TRADES   and   CLOSING TRADES   (grouped by their symbol, so with this tool it is   very easy and fast to manage even hundreds
Simple Stats is utility for trades history management. (works as Expert Advisor) Allowing you to:   see trading performance for each symbol separately , and so it     helps you to find the most and the worst profitable type of trades  based on past results. filters: see only manual trades see only EA trades see only EA trades from one specific Magic Number select time period for history SS will  distinguish reports with filename - each history report is named with account number an
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Version 1.16 2023.08.23
-added icon and info updated