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Alle Forex Debugging eines Roboters/Indikators Optimierung von Strategien Statistik und Mathematik C++ Module von Strategien
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30 - 99 USD
Benötige Hilfe einen EA zu Verbessern bzw. etwas umzubauen ! Mir selber fehlt die Erfahrung. Die entrys passieren Anhand von Indikatoren ( Stoch Level) . Es handelt sich um ein Gridsystem welches ich verwende .Habe nur die ex4 davon und bräuchte bitte Hilfe . Bei Interesse gerne PM
4 Bewerbungen
MQL4 Experten Sonstiges Forex
Two cars on the lane (persönlicher Auftrag)
75+ USD
Based on the prev. job of the car on the lane please amend and enlarge the code to be able to: The original script (Script_Car_v1_2.mq5) should become an EA and the car of the EA is the focus 'on the right side of the lane' (= lower third, iLocation = 33) There should be additionally an indicator with a second car driving at a different speed, that means the second car drives on the left side of the lane (= upper
1 Bewerbung
(1) MQL5 Sonstiges
50 - 200 USD
Dear all, I am seeking for a solution that is able to convert the MT5 report to specific format that can be used to generate an income statement/balance sheet in GNU CASH (open source)
5 Bewerbungen
MQL5 Skripte Sonstiges
1500 - 10000 USD
Ich möchte meine eigene Copy-Trading-Plattform erstellen. Auf meiner Plattform können sich gute Trader anmelden und ihre Trades veröffentlichen und Investoren können den Tradern mit ihren eigenen Konten per Copy Trading automatisch folgen. Alles soll ohne EA laufen, da dies immer einen VPS und ähnliche Dinge auf der Kundenseite erfordert. Ich möchte es genau oder ähnlich haben, wie bei SignalStart. Dort müssen Kunden
0 Bewerbungen
Other Sonstiges
30+ USD
Dear all, i have an expert advisor for MT4. I need the source code of this EA. Therefore i am looking for an mql or c++ expert which could help me to generate the source code of the EA. Thanks in advance and Best regards )
0 Bewerbungen
MQL5 Experten Sonstiges
50 - 100 USD
I need these two little gems on Tradingview. Clean code, should be an easy task, a day's work max. Just a conversion to PineScript, must look the same like on MT4. We can talk about some alert improvements later on and increase the budget
0 Bewerbungen
(1) MQL4 Indikatoren Sonstiges
100 - 150 USD
**Please only respond if the following explanations make sense to you and you would know how to do this and perhaps have some own ideas to enhance it. **It can be for MT4 or MT5. Whatever is more convenient for you and leads to better results. I can provide a drawing of how the output stats could be displayed, but I am counting on you to enhance it and provide the best result in the end. I HAVE MANY MORE PROJECTS IF
2 Bewerbungen
(1) MQL4 Sonstiges
30+ USD
Hello, I'm from Germany and this may not be the right portal to find someone, but if you don't try, you can't know. I'm looking for a programmer who comes from India,china etc.... and who can help me with various websites and portals can program for my business i need a facebook channel a youtube channel then i need two websites with link to whatsapp entries in twitter, linkedin, instagram and so on please contact me
0 Bewerbungen
Other Sonstiges
50+ USD
Hallo ich möchte einen Automatischen Handelsroborter Programieren der an einer Range nach meinen Vorgaben automatisch kauft und verkauft. eines erachtens ein kleines Programm mit 4 Parametern. Wer kann mir sowas für den MT5 Programmieren. Details per Anfrage
5 Bewerbungen
MQL5 Experten Sonstiges
30+ USD
Ich bin auf der Suche nach einem Trader, welcher auf einem der Konten gegen prozentuale Gewinnbeteiligung mit der Einhaltung relativ strengen Regeln tradet. Die Regeln sind mind. 10% Profit in Monat und max. 5% Drawdown/Rückgang im Monat
2 Bewerbungen
MQL4 Sonstiges Beratung Forex
500 - 1500 USD
I am looking for a programmer to design a social trading website like fxjunction and zulutrade. The website platform should be able to connect to and extract data from traders Mt4/5 platform (e.g. myfxbook), and allow investors to copy trades onto there MT4/5 platform via the platform. Programmer should have knowledge on how MT4/5 works etc
1 Bewerbung
(1) MQL5 Sonstiges PHP SQL HTML
30 - 100 USD
I need an API that allows the transfer of the data history from the MT4/MT5 and then displays it on the website in graphic and numerical format. further more that API must be integrated into the website, sothat the user can import directly form the website his/her Account. Domain name Webserver usw. are available
47+ USD
I need help installing MT5 on a Raspberry Pi 4B +. The Raspi has an arm64 architecture, which makes it difficult to get MT5 to work with Wine and Box64. The TwisterOS 32-bit has Wine and Box86 already preinstalled, so MT5 can in principle be installed, but during the installation an error similar to "A debugger was found in the memory ..." appears and MT5 does not start. I was not able to get MT5 running with one of
0 Bewerbungen
Other Sonstiges Linux
30 - 1000 USD
Hallo Zusammen, suche jemanden der bereits die "Erfahrungen" mit diesem Signal hatte: Kopieren von Trades des Signals For quiet life für den MetaTrader 4 ( Benötige verlässliche Kontaktdaten, Adressen und co. Grüsse Andreas Passoter
0 Bewerbungen
Other Sonstiges
30+ USD
hi, i want move 2 mt4 experts inklusive *.set data from my desktop to a server where is also running mt4 (auto trading) thx nice greets Andi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- more words needed, more words needed, more words needed more words needed more words needed, more words needed, more words needed
1 Bewerbung
MQL4 Sonstiges
30+ USD
Hallo Thorsten Knöbber hier 3.2.1977 ich komme nicht mehr in mein Konto was soll ich jetzt machen. Auch meine Finanzberater in ist nicht erreichbar es wäre schön wenn sich jemand meldet
30+ USD
not related to metatrader. probably with python? the history for EPIC5000 cant be downloaded from their website, neither any other website is using this EPIC5000. so it has to permanently save it with a script and their API. has to be RELIABLE, chart runs 24/7. creating new file every X hours(?). every second new price. saving to csv or txt. you will also have set it up by teamviewer on my vps
1 Bewerbung
(1) MQL4 Sonstiges
30 - 31 USD
Hello everyone, I'm looking for a programmer to create an EA for me, which opens and closes trades on certain calendar days. For an experienced programmer the effort should be very small. Here is a small example using the month of January (or any other month). A month has basically 30/31 days. I would like to be able to set up 5 trade series at EA. For example: Long in US30 on the 3rd day of each month when the
3 Bewerbungen
MQL5 Sonstiges
50 - 150 USD
Dear community, basic idea: I'm looking for a developer who can program an EA that places signals from public and private telegram groups 24/7 as trade in the MT5. details: The signals contain an entry price (Market/Limit/Stop) as well as an SL and TP and the currency pair which is traded. This information is to be placed in real time as a trade in the MT5. Additionally I need settings regarding money/risk
2 Bewerbungen
MQL5 Experten Sonstiges