Aufträge für Integration - Python - archiv

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Alle Forex Debugging eines Roboters/Indikators Optimierung von Strategien Statistik und Mathematik C++ Module von Strategien Python
281 Aufträge in allen Sprachen im Archiv
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100 - 400 USD
I would like to trade with different Expert Advisor on the MT5. Because my broker xtb does not offer a MT, but only a self-developed trading platform called xstation, this is unfortunately not possible. But fortunately there is the possibility to connect the xstation with the MT5 and copy the trades via API --> Therefore I need the following: I want to
3 Bewerbungen
30 - 5000 USD
Hi, we are currently running 2 algorithms. Currently we are in the process that we want to improve our product portfolio. In the future we want to be not only in 2 markets but in 25 markets. The core strategy of our codes remains the same. Two main tasks arise: 1) Adaptation of the codes / strategy to the 23 additional markets. 2) Rewrite the codes out of MQL into Python We are currently already working on it. The
3 Bewerbungen
Python Experten Integration Python