Displaying average zigzag-leg-distance in points and bars // seperate for up- and downtrends

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Ausführungszeit 2 Tage
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Very thanks for order! Please let me know if you need programmer!


Hi, i need a lightweight indicator, that can be used on around 30+ fx pairs at the same time. The indicator should be addible multiple times on the same chart calculating different timeframes.

My idea is inspired from ATR Value Indicator: https://www.mql5.com/en/code/21175. But instead of displaying a multiplied ATR value, i would like to display average zIgzag leg-lengths in points AND number of bars, to find the right stoploss.

So the indicator should count distances and bars for every ZigZag leg from the past n bars (input parameters). The output should be seperated in uptrending and downtrending leg-distance points and bars and merged together at the end of the list (see below). 

Lets say that the indicator counts 15 up- and 15- downtrending legs, so it should count these seperate leg-distance points and bars and divide these with 15 to get the average leg-length.

Example for displaying in M15 Chart (GBPNZD) with setting ZZ_ExtDepth = 40: 

Avg. uptrending bars (20000) : 50 Bars  | description: avg. number of BARS in uptrending zz-legs for 20000 past bars

Avg. uptrending points (20000) : 1000 Points | description: avg. number of POINTS in uptrending zz-legs for 20000 past bars


Avg. downtrending bars (20000) : 60 Bars  | description: same as above for downtrending zz-legs

Avg. downtrending points (20000) : 1500 Points | description: same as above for downtrending zz-legs


Avg. merged bars (20000) : 55 Bars | description: (uptrending bars + downtrending bars) / 2

Avg. merged points (20000) : 1250 Points | description: (uptrending points + downtrending points) / 2


StopLoss (3) : 417 Points | description: (merged points / 3)

Values with example input parameters (inputs should be free to choose):

General settings

Timeframe = current, M1, M3, M5 .... so on

BarsBack = 20000

ZZ_ExtDepth = 40

ZZ_ExtDeviation = 5

ZZ_Backstep = 3

SL_Divider = 3

Display settings

Font_size = 15

TextColor = colorpicker

TextCorner = Left Lower

Offset_x = 150

Offset_y = 150



Entwickler 1
57% / 10%
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Entwickler 2
0% / 100%
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