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Die besten Expert Advisors für den MetaTrader 4 nach dem Kundenranking - 29

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Use trailing stop point with MT4

This EA demonstrates placing orders, modify orders and then closing orders after a fixed interval.

This is an EA based on Moving average crossover.

This code places only one order every second ( not every tick )

This code can be used to read csv files and separate string based on a separator token.

This code is used to create static object on MT4 charts which will not move along with the chart when you scroll the chart.

This EA will tell you the Depth Per Inch of your screen.

The code is used to demonstrate how one can create a button on the chart and assign a function to it. The code is used to delete all orders after clicking on the button. The deletion takes care of various scenarios and shows error messages.

This code base is a simple function to check if current time lies within two specified times.

This code help you get the time of an object created on a chart.

This code can be used to find out whether the symbol is a binary option symbol or not.

This code base is a simple function to check if current time lies within two specified times. Many times it is required by the Ea to enter trades between two specific time of the day only. This code takes two inputs, one is the start time and second is the end time. The code will check if the current time is in between start time and end time and will return accordingly.

Dieser Advisor basiert auf Kanälen.

Advise Graal-003. Verwendet den iFractals Indikator.

Advisor Fractured Fractals. Verwendet den iFractals Indikator.

In this field give a brief description of your script (1-2 sentences).

Die Strategie zeigt an dass eine schnelle grosse Bewegung in eine bestimmte Richtung eine Bedeutung am Markt angibt und die weitere kurzfristige Kursentwicklung in diese Richtung erwartet wird.

Läuft seit 1.1.2019 auf dem Echtgeldkonto. Ja, das Konto ist noch nicht im Minus und wird es auch nicht werden :-) EA läut stabil und nur im Dax.

simple EA with a volume indicator and an EMA

EA für den DAX

EA needs with no indicator, but smart strategy
