Machine learning in trading: theory, models, practice and algo-trading - page 2867

Yes Gpt3 is the next step in building a strong AI.
Of course, those in the know realise that it's just a huge classifier without intelligence, but it can build speech perfectly...

It's got eyes - convolutional networks.
Speech is there - gpt3.
What's left?

We are still at the beginning of our journey, but the growth is exponential.

Aleksey Nikolayev #:
GPT won't run anything. How will it be able to test and compare something? Or is it still possible to build something through its api?

If they make their own api for add-ons on the topic, maybe it will be.



Looking for an idea for creating an AI in the Bible.....

Alexander Ivanov #:


Looking for an idea for creating an AI in the Bible.....

Old Testament or New Testament?

Aleksey Nikolayev #:

In the Old Testament or in the New Testament?

there's something here...

In the beginning, visionless chaos?

But God ordered...


Sure you judge some people and praise others...

but to create an AI is to create God....

Who can create God in software form, even though they are God's creature???

A creature is created by someone. But here we mean created by God or a programmer.

The creation of"grail" or AI or GNN (deep neural network) is the creation of "God" - who could point and earn billions of dollars.

Suppose Maxim can create a "God" on the net??? I guess not. And I can't either. But I try and work hard.

Alexander Ivanov "grail" or AI or GNN (deep neural network) is the creation of "God" - who could point and earn billions of dollars.

Suppose Maxim can create a "God" on the net?? I guess not. And I can't either. But I try and work hard.

What kind of God are you creating? Brahman.
For example, if you don't create anything, you still get Brahman. It's a win-win

Don't exaggerate!
Any AI is a database with fast access and combining a group of data into one cell, i.e. generalisation (e.g. a leaf in a tree).

Even self-learning systems are also databases, but instead of a teacher, they model the interaction with the learning environment and take the response of the environment as a teacher. And then it is the same database.

Maxim Dmitrievsky #:
Which god are you creating? I am Brahman
For example, if you don't create anything, you still get Brahman. It's a win-win.

create a "god" for traders... but you yourself are a creature of God.

Have you surpassed God?

I haven't yet. I think it's unattainable.

elibrarius group of data into a single cell, i.e. generalisation (e.g. a leaf in a tree).

Even self-learning systems are also databases, but instead of a teacher, they model the interaction with the learning environment and take the response of the environment as a teacher. And then it is the same database.

Is still an attempt to create "your own god".....
