

how can a person see or get the ticks.raw file in usable format?? I assume it contains the ticks and time, both of which I need.. just them

external program control

I have an external program that uses dde to obtain data from mt4... however in order to send data back to mt4 I have to have an ea running a loop to get the data back, even when there is no tick coming into that ea... my question is, is there a way for the terminal to receive dde commands? or is

run an external program from within an ea

I thought i saw a command to run an external program in the metaeditor... was i mistaken or just can't find it

array functions

I know you just came out with a new version, but in the next one, would you consider the array push and pop as a function

adjusting window sizes

for the life of me i cannot find how to adjust the size of each column in the trade or account history.. I adjust them and they pop back to where they were as soon as the mouse leaves the adj line... is there some kind of option that i am missing? for instance , to prevent misunderstanding, if you

Processor interupt and ea's

I was thinking that my ea (which depends on ms time) running with 200 others might not trigger correctly, because 200 ea's on the server and each one taking at least 20ms would cycle each ea every 4 seconds, which would kill my ea, but got to thinking, the system uses an interupt during each cycle

lot numbers in championship contest

I see a lot of "lots" on the trades made so far that far exceed 5 but the profit does not match.. is there a glitch in the machine somewhere where five lots is now 50 lots? how did one buy 300 lots? (according to the trade log) I see more lots more than 5 also.. what's up? looks like the deciman

objects on chart and price level

I have found that there is no way I can interact with the chart itself, so I thought I might use objectset(an arrow possibly) to set an object on the chart, and read the price at the object using objectget(OBJPROP_PRICE1) etc.. (some coding is missing for clarity) but I get "0"... is there anyway to

price on trade and chart different.

hey, what? the chart on eurusd is showing ask of 1.2784 and the sell trade i have on is showing price of 1.2794. are my eyes deceiving me

purchasing eurusd with dollars

my expert was : Your checking is incorrect. Note that your deposit figured in dollars, but EURUSD lot is in euro where in usa I thought if you deposit was in usd, then your purchases would be in usd.. however I must be wrong... so should I multiply my 1000*Point*Lots to calculate the cost of each