Left feedback to developer for job Change the MACD to be like other trading platform and show the remaining time of all periods of my indicators and get the results of some economic data
Added topic A question on MACD
It's the same trading species but the MACD is quite different. Why they are different? The calculation of the MACD is different? How to make the MACD of MT5 the same with the other trading platform ? Thanks
Added topic Access violation... Strange error
The EA runs well these days but suddenly gives this error today: Access violation... I just did some small changes and compiled well.  Because the code can be compiled well, I don't know what the problem is. And I can't understand the error
Left feedback to developer for job My indicators often report errors and I need to optimize them. Also I want to add some functions.
Left feedback to developer for job I need a EA with about 30 different periods offering MACD datas and one self defined indicator datas.
Added topic Help How to create a new period?
Hi I wanna create a 15 seconds period and get the value of the MACD . How can I do this? Please give me the way or train of thought, thanks
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