Eduardo Gonzatti
Eduardo Gonzatti
Eduardo Gonzatti
Added topic Simple calculations not right in MQL5 LOG or when writing into a CSV file
Hello all, I have a script here that calculates a moving average of the last N mid prices (N = 5, mid price = bid+ask/2) at every book event, (10++ per second). My issue is about the simple calculation. I dont know if there is some kind of delay
Eduardo Gonzatti
Added topic Calling a OnTick block COMMENT inside the OnBookEvent block
Hello all, I've been coding a EA of mine that calls both events that happen OnTick and OnBookEvent. Id like to plot both of them on the chart, but i cant seem to do so without one "flashing" the other. Everytime a BookEvent happens, the BookEvent
Eduardo Gonzatti
Added topic Creating a TickCounter using MqlTick and CopyTicks [suggestions plz]
Hi there, I'm still new to OOP and MQL5 in general, and I'm trying to find out a way to use arrays and comparing their different "i" values . The idea is to create a "tickcounter", and for every "last tick" compare it to the "previous tick" and see
Eduardo Gonzatti
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