Or maybe we should give it a try... - page 2

Open an account and login with an invest password to the masses.
A couple of months will pass and there will be results.

Yeah, I've already reviewed the forum. Someone's been doing well and someone hasn't. I'd be interested in watching someone else's trading. I'm not offering to buy something or signals for money.
Open a demo account, trade, post your results here. Target? To the maximum. Or automate the system and report at least from a tester to start with.
Open an account and login with an invest password to the masses.
A couple of months will pass and there will be results.

It doesn't have to be a month. I think if I trade for a week with a lot of trades. The forum will be able to assess my trading.

To open a PAMM you need normal money to attract investors. At least 5k. I don't have that kind of money.

Well you say you have a system. How many pips does it give per year and at what maximum drawdown?

Investors, they are not fools either, you know, and they have no intention of just losing money, strange as it may seem.


To open a PAMM you need normal money to attract investors. At least 5k. And I don't have that kind of money.
200 dollars is enough. Show a steady, stable income and you'll be appreciated.

Good afternoon, forum. I would like to offer you, although it seems ridiculous. I have been trading for 2 and a half years now. I have developed my own system and in my system I am not using any of the methods written in the guru-books. The system I have developed in my own system, I don't use any of the methods that are written in the guru-books. I have no money for trade, a poor student! And I want to turn to you who are willing to give money to manage? At least 1k. Account opening in your name, I will trade on your account. Profitability will be distributed 50%-50%.

P.S Before you start scolding and laughing at me, let's have a better look at my results. I propose to all of the forum to set me a goal (by choice) if I do come to the target, you evaluate my TS and only then can begin to work with the capital. Good luck

Here you try it, it's 1000 quid.

Login - 2751016

Main password: rm2okzz

Investor password: 3jlrpbt



Profit you can keep.

"The forum will be able to appreciate your trade."


...At least 1k.

wow! 1k and piss off, if I'm not mistaken, the richest nation in the world, the Americans, are already willing to do a lot for $100, i.e. even they have $100

I understand perfectly well that the media, with its portrayal of the insanely rich russians, has completely atrophied the concept of money among non-wealthy citizens,

no one thinks of 1k as money anymore - just... like, for pocket money.

Mr. the author, how are you in your head?


Well you say you have a system. How many pips does it give per year and at what maximum drawdown?

Investors, you know, they are not fools either and have no intention of just losing money, strange as it may seem.

Yes, I have a system that I made up myself. No specific number of pips. I can trade for a long period of time, I can sit for days trading both up and down, intraday to put it simply.

Yes, I have a system that I made up myself. No specific number of pips. I can trade long term, I can sit for days trading both up and down, intraday to put it simply.

Come on, start to trade, do not waste time!

Try it, here's 1000 quid.

Login - 2751016

Main password: rm2okzz

Investor password: 3jlrpbt



You can keep the profits.

"The forum will be able to appreciate your trade."

wow! 1k and piss off, if I'm not mistaken, the richest nation in the world, the Americans, are already willing to do a lot for $100, i.e. even they have $100

I understand perfectly well that the media, with its portrayal of the insanely rich russians, has completely atrophied the concept of money among non-wealthy citizens,

no one thinks of 1k as money anymore - just... like, for pocket money.

Mr. the author, how are you in your head?

Uncle, don't be rude, I'm not asking you to give them to me for free. Read my post carefully.